• Posted by StrixDesmodus on November 5, 2019 at 1:59 am

    Student Form




    Original species:

    Any changes?:

    How you got here:



    Allegiance: (Whether or not they’ve allied with other students, and who they allied with.)


    Fashion sense:



    Teacher Form






    Description of classroom:


    Fashion sense:



    Other Staff Form





    Job title:


    Fashion sense:



    Miscellaneous Character Form






    What they do:

    Fashion sense:




    My Students



    Name: Francis Sato

    Age: 14

    Gender: Cisgender Male

    Original species: Nopperabou

    Any changes?: I hope not

    How you got here: Kidnapped

    Classification: –

    Rank: Unranked

    Allegiance: –

    Motivation: To get by, possibly find friends, learn what I can, and maybe escape.

    Fashion sense: Mostly graphic tees, cargo pants, and whatever your average geek might wear.

    Appearance: Short, thin, with a slim jaw and black hair of moderate length, and black eyes that are narrow and monolid. Slightly curved brow, pronounced canines, flared nose. Often makes his face disappear, sometimes intentionally, sometimes as a tic.


    Name: Sam Chaney

    Age: 14

    Gender: Genderfluid, assigned female at birth

    Original species: Human

    Any changes?: I got turned into a vampire

    How you got here: Kidnpped

    Classification: –

    Rank: Unranked

    Allegiance: –

    Motivation: To survive however I can

    Fashion sense: Kind of goth, sometimes with a Victorian inspiration, and with stripes whenever xe can wear them

    Appearance: Short, heavy-set both of fat and muscle, with dark hair that just nearly reaches the shoulders when down, gray eyes, fair skin, and large feet. A wide face with a jaw that rounds to a pointed chin and a lot of space between the eyes and the eyebrows. Has a below-knee amputation on the left leg.


    Name: Fenris LaTour

    Age: 15

    Gender: Agender, Assigned female at birth

    Original species: Human

    Any changes?: Got bitten by a werewolf at the age of 13

    How you got here: Enrolled

    Classification: Extremist/Consumer

    Rank: Not yet

    Allegiance: Any werewolf

    Motivation: To recruit new werewolves, shun non-werewolves, and shame reluctant werewolves

    Fashion sense: Masculine leaning, semiformal style peppered with lupine accessories.

    Appearance: Tall and leanly muscular, with an hourglass build and cool medium-russet skin. Straightened, black hair that reaches their armpits, and is usually kept in two braids. Oval face, amber eyes, squared nose, and full lips.

    On the full moon, their fur is black and tawny in classic wolf markings


    Name: Vex Von Brandt

    Age: 15

    Gender: Cisgender male

    Original species: Genetically modified human-black vulture hybrid

    Any changes?: Before enrollment, he was cursed to be unable to eat and unable to starve to death

    How you got here: Enrolled

    Classification: Mad Scientist- general, Extremist

    Rank: Not yet

    Allegiance: Other proud GMOs, others with antimagical views

    Motivation: To find a way to permanently void magic without using magic to do it

    Fashion sense: He generally wears plain, black clothing

    Appearance: Olive skin, with a medium height and even build. Short, black hair, upturned nose, thin brow, and sky blue eyes. Large, difficult to conceal wings, clawlike fingernails and toenails.


    Name: Knott Lazarus

    Age: 17

    Gender: Neutrois, assigned male at birth

    Original species: Human

    Any changes?: Became a vampire at age 15

    How you got here: Arrived on their own

    Classification: Consumer, Bio Mad Scientist, Black Magician, Extremist

    Rank: Expendable

    Allegiance: Anybody at all

    Motivation: To become human again, or perish trying; To atone for their self-perceived wrongdoings.

    Fashion sense: Generally jeans and plain black tees.

    Appearance: Tall, gaunt, with a topheavy build and pale, grayish skin. Aquiline nose, sunken eyes, and thick eyebrows. Wild, black hair.




    My Staff


    Name: Oak Bergman

    Age: 55

    Gender: Cisgender male

    Species: Troll

    Job title: Principal

    Reputation: Many rumors punctuate his reputation, many of which are likely. He is feared by most, but he does not care who fears him and who doesn’t- The way he treats each student is completely random.

    Fashion sense: Like your average school principal, only with a bajillion beads in his hair and a myriad of piercings. And fancy tail warmers.

    Appearance: He’s around ten feet tall with straight, blond hair so long it takes a levitation spell to keep it from dragging on the ground, a rounded face, a large and round-tipped nose, pale skin, and a four-foot-long tail with a long tuft.



    Name: Ebeneezer Scratchwick

    Age: 29

    Gender: Cisgender male

    Species: Magical Cat

    Curriculum: Lair Economics, Catching and Cooking Exotic Meats

    Description of classroom: The Cooking Classroom, adorned with hanging herbs, sausages strung in the window, and jars on shelves which clearly show various meats pickling. Diagrams of different traps, and diagrams of various evil recipes hang on the walls as well, and one one shelf is an activated bear trap. Counters with electric stove ranges that are easily covered to make a smooth surface are proportioned enough to accommodate sixteen to twenty students.

    Reputation: He’s known for being a snappy, snobby, sarcastic cat of brutality and condescension. He is a favorite of nobody, even the students he favors, and is openly indifferent to much of the class. He holds all expendables in utter contempt, and also hates a few higher ranking students.

    Fashion sense: Cats don’t wear much, but Scratchwick is never seen without a wolf collar.

    Appearance: A sand colored striped tabby with short fur and eyes the color of green bloodstone. Generally walks with a stiff, imperious posture



    Name: Crevan Priest

    Age: 41

    Gender: Cisgender Male

    Species: Cynocephalus

    Curriculum: Dastardly Debate, Dark Arts and Crafts, Potions Through The Ages

    Description of classroom: All manners of grimoire and scroll line the shelves in the back of his room, and at the front a trapdoor gives access to a vast underground room where various types of ink, blank scrolls, planks of wood, rocks, crystals, lengths of rope, and other seemingly random items are kept. In the main classroom, tall and narrow windows may be covered by heavy, black curtains, and a strange vine grows on the ceiling. Mr. Priest’s desk is painted dark purple and amongst the items atop it is a human skull.

    Reputation: He’s a peppy, optimistic sort who always has the classes play ice breaker games, assumes the students are favorably evil until proven otherwise, and tries to be a cool guy.

    Fashion sense: He wears your standard business attire…. Under his motorcycle jacket

    Appearance: Thick build with fair skin, large hands and the head of a red fox. His eyes are yellow, and his fur is orange throughout, save for the rims of his ears being black. When his sleeves are rolled up, you can see thick, black hair on his arms of the sort you’d expect to see only on armpits.



    Name: Dr. Rosemary Sullivan

    Age: 30

    Gender: Cisgender female

    Species: Witch

    Curriculum: Intro To Mad Science, Bioengineering and Vivisection, Notorious Neuroscience

    Description of classroom: Adjoined to the stable mews for easy access to larger lab animals, the biology lab manages to maintain formaldehyde as its only overlying scent despite a metaphorical manure factory being right next to it. Incubators, cages of rats, mounted skeletons, and various sorts of laboratory equipment are placed along the room’s perimeter. In one desolate corner is an emergency shower and eye wash station, and in the opposite corner is the same thing.

    Reputation: She is unpopular for being stern and no-nonsense, but while she runs a quiet and orderly lab, she is still obviously enthusiastic about evil and science and is never one to lose her temper, even if she is harsh when mad.

    Fashion sense: Mostly white or pastel blouses with boldly patterned skirts under the lab coats she perpetually wears.

    Appearance: Average height with tightly curled, black hair that is held in a high bun, generally under a hat. She has a mostly slim, even hypotonic build and olive sienna skin. Square nostrils, thin lips, and almond shaped eyes give her stoic appearance when at rest.

    • This discussion was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by  StrixDesmodus.
    • This discussion was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by  StrixDesmodus.
    • This discussion was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by  StrixDesmodus.
    StrixDesmodus replied 5 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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