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The Rp
Posted by Cain on August 4, 2014 at 11:03 amThe journey begins a new
Silver replied 10 years, 7 months ago 5 Members · 48 Replies -
48 Replies
-Tanakami sits on her dinghy, she is floating out of her old home. She has grown since the last few times she visited and seems to only ever be able to find her way back there before traveling out elsewhere. She thought it would be a great time to dock and take a walk around. She noted there was new buildings but one thing stayed the same, the pub. She walked on in and waved to the greyed bartender who swiftly gave her a hug. “Tanakami, it has been years!” The bartender spoke.
Tanakami smiled, revealing her very sharp teeth that she had inherited. She wanted to laugh but it tended to freak people out. “Meri, I try to visit at least once a year, you know that~!” She spoke with a firm and slightly high tone.
The bartender smiled and said, “How about I get you something? What do you drink now?”
“Whiskey but I can take something cheap so I don’t ruin your business,” Tanakami was being kind to her but ended up letting out a small laugh, “ki shi shi…”
“You still laugh like him,” The bartender was quick and hid what she gave to Tanakami, actually pouring her something rather expensive.
“I wish I’d of met him and isn’t the cheap stuff in the other space?” Tanakami had caught her from knowing the bar so well. She brushed some of her purple hair back out of her face then placed her hand beneath her chin.
The bartender tried to make a quick lie, “We switched the place around.”
“That’s what you said last time,” Tanakami was amused by her antics.
“Alright, fine, why can’t I bring this out because you came home?” The bartender questioned, still holding the bottle until she heard an answer.
“Because,” Tanakami said, “I was born and raised here and I don’t want you to lose money. So suck it up and give me the crappiest low priced shit drink you got!”
The bartender giggled and put the expensive stuff away, taking out her lowest priced alcohol and pouring a glass for her. She handed it to her and said, “Better drink it all.”
“I always do,” Tanakami smirked and let out a quiet laugh, some of the older patrons in the bar getting a chill from it.-
-Raphael walked onto an island in the east blue that once housed the legend Luffy who was once the King of the pirates. The island was Dawn island which was now highly guarded by the marines hoping to prevent people from flocking to the grave of the King that was suppose to be hidden but Raphael found out about it in Prison. He went into the woods that had been planet and found an unmarked grave that had a straw hat placed on it that somehow never blew away even though storm in this area of the sea was strong. Raphael spoke”ill be the next king and prove even someone with my Lineage can reach the same greatest of Monkey D. Luffy and Gol D. Rogers. He tunred and headed back to town when he saw a robber trying to steal from a local bar that was famous because it was the last place on the island Luffy stood before he left to become the king.
Raphael ran over and closed line leaving the man on his back and he smirked down at the man”Please I dare you to move so that I can pound you back into the dirt”. A marine force ran over took the stolen items and took them back to the bar before thanking Raphael. Raphael walked into the bar and ordered a beer before he sat around hearing people speaking about the legends of the king of when he and ace were children.
Raphael was given a bed to sleep in and when he wakes the next morning and see’s a man getting ready to head out on a month trip to another island so Raphael decided to tag along as a strong arm to pull the lines and sail the ship if a storm begins. He is looking at the island of the King and he smiles as he pulls a rope with his fellow workers and the sails catch the wind and the journey of another rookie pirate begins.-
-Tanakami allowed the cheap liquor to edge down her throat with a simple sip. She tingled a bit and sighed in satisfaction. She enjoyed the taste of the cheap end not just because it was helpful to her home town. She enjoyed the soft burn of alcohol as it went through her throat and sometimes into her nose. She smiled and ran her finger on the glass as she set it down. She’d drank a forth of the glass in her first sip and seemed still rock steady.
Her dark eyes blinked as she looked over the soft shine of the glass, it now marked with her greasy prints from her fingers and lips. She then looked up to the silver-haired woman that served her the brew, she’d been there for years and knew her all too well. Most of the typical patrons knew her as well, but there were new faces. Some were pirates, some were explorers, but usually there was a fisherman or two. Seemed most this time were people exploring. She sighed and looked at the bartender, “What happened to the fun around here?”
She looked at Tanakami and said, “Oh, well, it is too calm for pirates anymore and the marines have been starting to base around here and regulate the fishing. We have to sell our fish and buy from others now.”
“Sounds like bullshit to me,” Tanakami said and drank another sip, leaving her with half a glass. She was rather pissed by this news. “The marines should back the fuck off and let towns run themselves how they want.”
The bartender smiled a bit and said, “Just be careful~! If a marine hears you talking like that, they might mistake you for a pirate.”
Tanakami smirked and said, “That isn’t half a bad idea but until I got people willing to sail with me, I will pass.”-
On the marine sloop-of-war, Indefatigable, the drill sergeant in charge of training and establishing discipline within the newest batch of recruits this side of the East Blue quickly scanned down the list of scribbled black names on his clipboard. He scowled briefly, the rim of his hat shadowing his eyes as the man attempted to match their names with their faces. The recruits were in their uniforms: white caps, a white sleeveless shirt with navy blue trousers and a matching color kerchief tied the collar. They were currently practicing routine drills with the marine standard issue firearm. The older recruits looked as though they may have actually used a rifle before, two young men were gleefully swinging the wooden stock around with reckless abandon and one young woman was dutifully going through the motions slowly and carefully. He made sure to keep an eye on that one: young enough to be trainable but mature enough to be a reliable marine. The sixth recruit; however, made his large bushy eyebrows twitch with irritation.
The young girl, just around the age of recruitment fumbled about with her rifle. Her hands slipped on the trigger causing the firearm to jump out of her hands. She gave a few desperate attempts to catch the rifle, but ultimately dropped it onto the deck of the ship with a raucous clatter. She blushed a bit, clearly trying to quell her growing embarrassment and picked the rifle up to try the drill again.
/Thank goodness we didn’t give them real bullets./ The drill sergeant looked at his clipboard to find the name of the clutz assigned to his ship: Carina Skylark. In the margins next to her name and crude sketch was a note scrawled in the loopy cursive of his superior: “Devil Fruit User”. The rest of the day’s drills and training went about as expected until it was time to test the rookies’ marksmanship. Target dummies made of sacks of old cloth were positioned on a nearby rock while the ship remained relatively motionless There were a few misses and near-hits from the recruits as to be expected with their first time using a gun. He took special notice when it became Carina’ turn to fire, wary of any mishaps or wild shots. Looking rather nervous, the young woman shouldered the rifle and set her sights on the heaps of old, wet cloth on the rocks in front of her. Taking a deep breath, Carina squeezed the trigger. Immediately, the gun’s recoil sent her flying a good foot and knocked the Devil Fruit user flat on her back with a sickening crunch. The drill sergeant shook his head with a sigh. /Completely useless./ To his surprise; however, the target she was aiming at had a neat bullet hole right through where the neck would have been.
Anxious murmurs were spilling forth from the rookie mass, so the drill sergeant announced, “Skylark! Sit these next drills out and stay afterwards. Everyone else, I’m going to teach you how to PROPERLY aim! In a real combat situation, you do not have 20 minutes to adjust your aim if pirates are attacking!”Carina pulled herself off of the deck, wincing as she gingerly touched her shoulder and felt what would become an enormous bruise the next day. She straightened her short purple hair a bit, trying to recover before stalking off to watch her fellow recruits drill. A few of the old hands on the boat were openly laughing at her, and not for the first time did she start to wonder if she really had what it took to be a Marine.
Once the trainees were dismissed for a meal, the drill sergeant approached Carina and commanded her to follow him down into the ship’s hold. A bit nervous, Carina agreed and was led through the damp, swaying depths to a room containing most of the supplies for the ship including a handful of spare or confiscated weapons. She looked up at her superior with curiosity written all over her face. In a gruff voice he announced, “I really shouldn’t be giving you one of these. You’re a private, and you should be using the standard cutlass and rifle.” Taking a breath, the marine continued, “But let’s face it. You’re never going to truly fit in with a Devil Fruit, and you’re a danger to the whole crew with those weapons. Might as well pick something that isn’t going to rip your arm off every time you fire it.”
“Roger that!! Thank you sir!” The adoring, grateful, puppy-like grin on the girl’s face as she saluted him before sifting through all of the weapons took the older marine off-guard. He smirked, pulling the hat down low over his eyes. Despite her incompetence, she might just turn out to be a good kid, after-all.
-Raphael black shirt off and his rippling muscles made the other men ashamed to be standing next to him which brought a smile to his face. He had the ship going so fast by controlling all five lines by himself that the boat was mostly skipping on the water more then floating in it. Raphael tied up the lines so they could slow down for a time. He went to the ship doctor as he wanted to know how I could do what it is a I do so he took a needle and stabbed my skin but the needle bent and broke. He decided to tell the man”I’m part fishman that’s how im able to move the ship so easy I share there strength but luckily I got my mothers looks. The doctor looked shocked to see a halfbreed on there ship but the man seemed to be a good hearted soul.
Raphael saw another ship coming up and he realized they were all wearing marine uniforms so the moment the two boats lined up he ran from where he was standing grabbing his black shirt throwing it over his shoulders leaving it unbuttoned and his chest bare as he stepped on the edge of the boat and dove into the sea and swam at fifty miles per hour reaching the other ship in seconds. He yelled up to the Marines hey id like to join your squad mind if I come aboard. The captain of the ship was a bit shocked but the to the captain the man seemed a bit more reliable then most of these recruits so threw a line out to help him up onto the boat.
Raphael climbed aboard and after being checked out he was given a Marine jacket which he took but when they handed him the hat”I’m not sure that is going to fit me”. The captain sighed and walked away mumbling something about uniform and protocol. They handed him a rifle and had him fire at there target he raise it up to his shoulder and aimed down the site and when he pulled the trigger the bullet missed completely”sorry im better with hand to hand or with a sword arm the a rifle”. The captain beat his head on the wall wondering if he will ever find a good crew.
Raphael began to walk around talking to the different members before helping the men pull up the anchor most of them falling over when he gave it a tug making them all look at him in shock”yeah yeah super strong, ive heard it before can we skip this and move please”. The men turned red face and went about there work as he went to his bunk and placed down is black shirt. He planned to wear the Marine jacket open for now. He had no plans of staying a marine just a means of getting closer to the grand line and to the one piece.
-Tanakami took another drink and ended up just finishing it off. She smiled at the taste then tapped her glass for another. The bartender poured her another and she just downed it. the bartender gave a concerned look as she set the bottle aside until Tanakami tapped for another. She poured it and placed it down then said, “Watch yourself, you don’t want to get drunk.”
Tanakami giggled at her “ki shi..” then said, “I am not that pipsqueak anymore that nearly dropped dead from a shot glass. I can probably out drink anyone on the island by now. Except when pirates visit, no way can I out drink them.”
The bar got silent as a few marines came in. They seemed to be inspecting and looking for something. One of the men called out, “Does anyone own a dinghy that has the name ‘Keel Ju Ded’?”
The bartender gave Tanakami eyes to tell her not to say anything but Tanakami turned on her seat, wrapping a leg around the bar-stool’s backing and spoke to the marines openly, “Yeah, that’s my boat. What about it?”
The marines looked at one another and then the one came forward to her and said, “We must ask you to remove yourself or we will be forced to kill you.”
Tanakami’s interest peaked. She smiled and slowly laughed at the marines, “ki shi… ki shi shi… Ki Shi Shi Shi~!” She even threw her head back a little, she found this funny. The marines, not old enough to fully know her lineage, still got chills from her laugh. She gave them a look that gave them chills, her toothy grin with her purple hair falling over her face in strands as she righted her head. Her eyes locked on the marines as she spoke to them in an excited yet irritated tone, “Under what right do you have to tell me to leave from my home town? I have been returning here nearly every year.”
“Your ship has a name that makes us think you are a pirate,” One of them said, “So leave now or face death.”
Tanakami sighed and glared at the marines. “You think… I am a fuckin pirate?”
They stepped back a little and said, “um… yeah.”
Tanakami looked back and the bartender and said, “I will take them outside so I don’t get blood on your bar, okay?”
The bartender nodded and said, “Um… Thank you.”
Tanakami brought her leg over the stool backing again and stood herself up on the floor. She walked past the marines and noted that they weren’t coming outside. She smirked and as she walked past their shadows, hers grabbed two of theirs and sucked them in. She stepped out into the main road and looked at the marines and said, “Come on? Are you not going to fight the supposed pirate?”
The three marines walked out and as two of them hit the sunlight, they turned to dust. The other marine leaped back into the bar, terrified. Tanakami looked at him and smirked, she was giggling to herself. The marine stared at her and said, “You… You have a…”
“What’s the matter? You a chicken?” Tanakami smiled and laughed at him. The marine took out his gun and shot at her, one of the shadows forming a solid wall in front of her. She then formed it into bats that flew at the marine. The marine tried to run from them but he tripped and they grabbed his arms and legs. “What do you not understand about fighting outside? Are marines not taught any manners?” She chided him and then once he was out the bats let him go and she held herself wide open as she said, “I dare you to take another shot… This is your last chance to leave alive. If you do choose to leave, tell them that Gekko Tanakami protects this town from scum like you.” The marine looked at her and pulled out his pistol again. “Wrong answer,” She spoke as her shadow came out in the form of a wolf then leaped at the Marine’s throat, his screams silenced as blood trickled into his throat. Tanakami pet the shadow wolf as she walked back into the bar and sat down. Everyone was staring at her, some in fear, some in respect. She waited to return the shadows to her until she heard the gurgled screams stop. “I will clean that up when I leave.”-
Carina sifted through the pile of weapons picking up each one and studying it for a moment before returning the weapon to the pile. A dagger was light enough, but didn’t have enough range for her to get anywhere near a grown man in melee combat. A spear would make her too easy to crowd. Carina also didn’t trust her arm strength to wield a blunt weapon such as a spiked club or a mace. /Maybe a sword would be the better option?/
Then, she came across something heavy, shiny and large buried under a large amount of rubble. It took a while to dislodge all of the flintlock rifles and pistols trapping the shiny bit of metal, but one great tug and heave pulled the unique weapon free. It was a shiny round, brassy shield with a small cavity in the cener and a constellation of smaller slits around the cavity. The young marine puzzled with the piece of armor, turning it over and finding a sharp blade attached to the underside of the shield along with a set of leather bands forming a gauntlet, allowing the shield to be worn. Trying the device on, she strapped her right arm into the gauntlet. It was heavy, but felt durable and sturdy. Furthermore, there was no chance of her accidentally dropping the blade.
With a grin, Carina turned back towards the Marine training instructor who was busy massaging his temples with two enormous thumbs. “Are you really sure you want that weapon? It’ll be difficult to learn how to use, and I can’t give you any training for that.”
Carina paused, thinking for a moment before nodding. “Roger that, but…this just seems right for some reason, sir!” She paused for a moment, “Umn.. what exactly is this?”
Sighing as it seemed like the girl’s mind was made up and feeling a premonition that this particular recruit would give him a heart-attack or two on this tour answered her, “It’s called a lantern shield. You can add a lit lantern,” here the older marine pointed towards the crevice set in the middle of the shield, “to light up dark areas or distract your enemy. But,” and here his voice grew more gruff and stiff, “I expect you to be able to fight without relying on cheap tricks which means your free time should be spent in additional combat training.”
“Aye, aye sir!” He nodded, sensing her enthusiasm and then shouted, “Dismissed!”
Carina saluted back, and then headed up a ladder into the more populated rooms of the ship to get a hot meal, the lantern shield still strapped to her arm.
Seth was walking through town, coming from work. He grew stronger and stronger each day. He had been honing his body for years. He never let anything stop him. Not the teasing, not him losing his hand, none of it. He hated boredom and most any moment he didn’t spend relaxing, he would spend training. He wanted to become like Roronoa Zoro or Mihawk. Not to emulate them, but to become his own legend. He wanted to make his body strong, fast and to not tire. He has achieved great strength and good speed. And run for give or take 10 miles at his peak at full speed. But it was not enough, if he were to get stronger, nothing can ever be enough.
In the bar, Seth walks in with his shovel resting on his shoulder. Having just came from a hard day’s work. Though it was difficult to tell as Seth had just worked because he didn’t show his fatigue. He walks over to the two and overhears the woman as she says “That isn’t half a bad idea but until I got people willing to sail with me, I will pass.”
There a glint in Seth’s and as he is about to approach he sees a few marines inside, and he turns and looks at them. They approach the woman and he giggles at them creeping them out. Then she giggled ominously and took them outside. Seth ordered a drink and went outside for a second to watch as she played with the marines a bit before she killed them, sipping his beer. Watching with a look of respect. Then she walks back in and then sits down calmly. She showed him she could be a competent captain and his footsteps were one of the only things one could hear in that dead silent room as he sat next to her smirking.
“Trying to start a pirate crew are you?” The man impressed actually as some people thought he was insane and suicidal. His boisterous voice almost overpowering every’s in the room not with it’s volume, but with it’s confidence and hardiness. He sounded almost jolly. He leaned to the side on the bar table and sipped his beer. “Well lady! I would like to join.” He says sounding humble but eager. He grinned showing his teeth in a sort of maniacal way. “If you’ll have me.” He says giving her a toothy smirk. “I’ll even start by cleaning up the bodies for you and digging their graves. Free of charge.” Seth’s belief was that most any person deserved a to be buried at least and have some type of grave. Seth wasn’t exactly sure how he would die or if he would have a grave. But he would more prefer a grave then actually require it. What mattered to him was more dying the man he wanted to become. He holds his arms outstretched as he then says.
“Whattaya say, yay or nay? It’s you call lady.”
-Raphael strapped on the cutlass and one of the older men decided to test him by thrusting his own blade towards Raphael’s mid section. He jumped back to dodge the attack while he drew out his own weapon and prepared to fight. The man tried to thrust the blade once more so he spun the blade down to parry the blade so that his arm was out to the side leaving him open so Raphael finished through with the strike using his blade to cut the mans hat in half but none of the skin. The mans hat fell to the ground and the mean was sweating bullets before falling down and crawled backwards away from Raphael.
He placed the blade back into its sheath before he turned to the captain who told him to get out of his sight. He didn’t think that this life was going to fit him for long as he was getting tired of this guys attitude. He decided to get some food so he went and got lunch deciding to button up the jacket but can only get the bottom three done as the jacket was under size. He looked down at the slop on his plate and he sighed knowing this could not last. He flopped down on the other side of the table of a woman with a weird shield and purple hair. He looks at her with a raised brow”I have been reading up on the history of the kings enemies and I swear you remind me of someone but I can’t put my finger on it”. He begins to pick at the food eating the biscuit and salted meat but leaving the rest that he gave to a guy next to him that must have no taste buds because he dug in quickly. He looked to the woman again and whispered to her when the man leaves the table”Hey would you like to join a pirate crew instead of this crappy crew of misfits”.
He didn’t wait for an answer as he saw one of the captains men walk into the room and seemed to be trying to keep an eye on Raphael. So he walked past the man and headed for the engine room finding it empty so he started to screw with the ships rudder so that they would have to dock at the closest Marine base to get repairs. He then walked back on deck as he felt the ship begin to ship way so one of the men go and check and they sea there is a crack in the rudder so they think they may have hit an under water rock to cause it. The man let the captain know and he told them to make way for the 16th branch base to get the boat repaired and to hopefully get some able men that may actually get him promoted in the future.-
-Tanakami’s gaze shifted to the boisterous man. She smiled that he was willing to talk to her after that display. She heard about the grave thing and debated since there were two piles of ashes and a body. She really wanted to try something. She had second thoughts as she brushed her hair out of her face then said, “Well, then you are my first member. If you want to spread the ashes, sure. As for the bloody body, I am thinking of sewing up the throat and trying something before we put it at rest. Hope you don’t mind.” She giggled a little bit, “ki shi shi~!”
She tapped her glass to have another from the bartender and this time, she sneaked her the expensive stuff very slyly. Mostly, she had a second bottle prepared while Tanakami was out that looked bottom shelf which was empty and poured some top shelf into it. Tanakami took a drink of it and noticed the taste difference. She smirked and said, “I love that sly bitch.”
The bartender chuckled and looked at the man as she said, “When you finish your beer, how about you get some top shelf too, on the house?”
Tanakami smiled and looked at him and said, “Yeah, why not? You are part of my crew now, we’re celebrating. What do you say to that?” She took another sip of the top shelf and did a little shimmy from enjoying the taste. She even closed her eyes as she smiled. “This crap is great!”-
“As long as I may bury him. I don’t mind. I’m sure he himself will not oppose either!” The man says laughing referring to the dead corpse. Her ominousness didn’t seem to bother him or creep him out. “Why thank you!” He said to the bartender. “I appreciate your kindness.” He then looks to the girl as she speaks, drinking his beer. He puts the mug down and smiles. “What do I say? Simple. I SAY WE DRINK!” He says now actually yelling his voice booming. He swaps out his mug for a glass as he requests to the bartender. “I qould like your finest rum please.” He said his smile not leaving his face. As she pours him a glass he calms down a bit as he raises it to his lips, closes his eyes and sips. “Ah” He says taking a moment to enjoy the rum tingling down his throat and turns around leaning against the bar as he takes another sip.
-Tanakami smiled with her sharp teeth showing. She was enjoying the new company, and the fact that she was making a name. She then chuckled, “ki shi shi” as she thought about the fact that her boat was only a dinghy. She downed the rest and said, “I might try it now.” She turned her head to the bartender and said, “Hey, you got a needle and thread?”
The bartender nodded and dug some out, handing it to her. Tanakami took it and said, “I will only use a little. Thanks.”
She walked over to the body and began sewing the gaping wound on the neck up, very horribly. It was clear that she had never sewn in her life. She made a good attempt though and tried to make sure the flesh at least stayed together. She then bit off the end of the thread after tying it off and took the needle and spool back, setting it on the bar. She went back over to the body and had one of the captured shadows attach to the body.
The corpse’s hand began to move as the eyes blinked. The marine set up, now the other’s soul in that body. He looked at her and screamed at her. She pressed her finger to his lips and smiled. When he was done screaming he said, “I died?! Didn’t I? I am in hell right?! GO AWAY!”
Tanakami smirked and said, “You aren’t in hell, but I can make it hell for you… ki shi shi…” She was being as calm and polite as possible.-
Carina sat down at one of the mess hall tables, eagerly digging into her food. She’d eat just about anything, even though she was well aware that the biscuits were stale. One whiff of the watery consistency of the gruel, revealed the presence of some lurking bacteria or fungus. With a frown, she also avoided the gruel but happily tore into the beef jerky. The dried strips of meat were tough and chewy, forcing the young woman to really work the sinewy hide with her teeth. Carina’s throat began to feel dry due to the salt preserved meat, so she made her way up to the cook and asked for a drink.
Most of her fellow crewman stopped and stared at the recruit when she requested something other than the standard issue grog. When her pleas for water met with deaf ears and a bumper full of grog, she sighed and headed back to her table ignoring the pointed stares and feelings of isolation from her fellow shipmates. Carina stared at the alcoholic beverage in front of her nervously. If this was the only beverage available, she’d have to drink it, but the idea was unsavory.
A loud thud alerted her to the arrival of a new recruit whom she hadn’t met before. He was noticeably fussy and picky with his food, ignoring the dubiously nutritious gruel in favor of the biscuit and meat like herself. As soon as one of the more experienced sailors entered the crowded and cramped mess-hall, he vanished before she could ask his name. Well, they would be on this boat for a while so she’d surely have a chance to learn his name. And what was all that about being a pirate? Sure, life on the marine boat was dreadful and near unbearable but to abandon all of it for a life of crime? The stranger mentioned that so casually too! She snorted, wondering if he was some sort of marine mole looking for dissenters before taking a sip of the bitter drink. The rum like drink burned a steady trickle down her throat as the alcohol worked its way into her system.
It only took a span of five minutes for the warm tipsy fire in her stomach to transform into an all-consuming, gut-wrenching lurch. Rising to her feet, Carina shoved her plate backwards and stumbled towards the exit aware of all of the eyes staring on her. Why were the stairs so far away? Every few seconds it felt as though something was clawing at her stomach trying to get out. Her head began to swim and her vision blurred and became filled with tiny shining spots. As Carina began to climb the wooden narrow rungs of the stairs to reach some fresh air, the sides of her vision began to cave in leaving her tunnel-visioned. Behind her she could hear some worried murmurs, “Hey lass…are you okay?”
Carina attempted to shake her head, but instead threw up on one of the stair rungs to the disgust of the same time. What did the crew think would happen if she was only allowed to drink beverages laced with ethanol?? The Devil Fruit user whimpered sadly, feeling both incredibly embarrassed and angry at the ethanol? Once all of the toxin was out of her system and thoroughly coating the stairs and hold, she pulled herself out onto the main deck to try and get some fresh air and recover, still feeling dizzy.
Glancing around, she found the drill sergeant who had been nice to her before and cautiously approached him. “Permission to speak, sir?” The marine whirled around and then raised an eyebrow, “Permission granted, private. Speak freely.” With the formalities out of the way, Carina confessed, ” I don’t think the marine life is really for me, sir. Can I leave the service at the next stop?” The sergeant frowned, noticing the young woman’s pallid complexion and unsteady gait and frowned, “I understand that even the best of us get sea-sick but you do have to pay back the money spent on your uniform and rations.”
At this point, the conversation was punctuated by the captain coming down into the mess-hall in order to track where Raphael had gone off to. Since the stairs were now covered in putrid purple goo mixed with bits of meat and biscuit, his boot slipped on the first rung. The captain slid down the stairs, crashing onto the ground with a sound like a thunderous herd of elephants. His pristine white and navy uniform was stained and thoroughly ruined. The captain immediately began swearing his head off, “Devil take whoever did this, when I find out who’s responsible, I’LL HAVE YOUR HEAD!”
Carina turned back to the sergeant, “I’m sure I could pay back the money, but I have to go sooner rather than later.” The older marine sighed, “I’m assuming you’re responsible for this mess?” He didn’t need to look to see her nod silently. “Fine, but it’s a fair amount of money for your uniform.” The recruit frowned for a moment thinking before her eyes lit up with an idea. “I have an idea, do you have any empty bottles?”
Since the older marine did, in fact have plenty of empty bottles Carina decided to pay her way by producing pure 100% ethanol in the empty bottles. “Doku Doku no… Ethanol!” The young marine shouted, temporarily forgetting that she was supposed to be hiding. Her arms began to drip with the colorless, clear toxin and rapidly filled the empty wine bottles, oil jars and every other empty container the marine had available.
“The marine commander won’t be happy to hear this, but it might be for the best if you leave. You’re more trouble than you’re worth.”
Carina grinned, “Thanks, sir! I really owe you one!” With that, she dashed off to get her few remaining supplies ready so she could leave at a moment’s notice.
-Raphael came up the back steps missing the commotion but he heard a man run by telling one of the men they were looking for the girl. Raphael sighed and guessed it was time to go so he walked over and kicked the anchor which feel down into the depths catching on coral and anchoring them to the sea. He turned and threw the man that tried to stop him over board before jumping down the stairs to the lower deck luckily missing the mess and headed past her where he grabbed his black shirt pulling it on and buttoning up before he ran back to her room and began tapping his foot”lets go lets go lets go, do you really need that stuff, if the captain finds you your dead and my time waiting on you was wasted”.
He waited for her to finish and as he ducked out of the room a sword took off one of his spikes of hair that fell to his floor which made Raphael turn to the man and punch him in the skull causing his brain to bounce around and detach from the brain stem leaving the men a vegetable for the few seconds till his heart no longer was told to pump and his lungs stopped taking in air. He pulled back his air and tied it in a not before running back up the stairs leaping over the mess she had caused and once he reached the deck he heard a shot go off and he was hit in the chest which bounced off”hey that might not kill me but that still stings damn it”. The captain and men were in horror that the man was still standing as they began to scream “devil devil devil”. He smirked running past them crashing through the men opening up a path for the girl to follow him as he leaped into a life boat grabbing the oars and screamed up to her”jump in or swim your choice devil user”.-
The mysterious and enormous man appeared again in the bunk, anxiously pressuring her to pack. “I’m not going to die that easily,” she huffed but obligingly packed faster. Compared to the other marines, her bag was noticeably larger and heavier but with good reason. As a doctor, her craft required a variety of surgical equipment in addition to the few medicines and ingredients she couldn’t synthesize herself and a few refresher textbooks on anatomy and known types of diseases. She had a few other books in her bags on different sea creatures and plants discovered in and around the Grand Line. Her personal possessions were few: a change of clothes, a few changes of undergarments and some basic hygiene products.
Once all of her equipment was packed away in a big rucksack, she fled after Raphael. The blunt, squishy sounds coming from one of the rooms nearby were terrifying. “Doku Doku No Venom Road!” In an instant, her belongings and body became covered with a viscous, violet-colored goo reeking of the sickly sweet smell of insecticide. She created a tunnel of venom following the path, the mysterious man had opened up and rushed through into the life boat. She landed in the boat near one of the wooden benches and shed the venom armor, and took a seat while watching her new companion warily. Her eyes stared at his chest where the bullet had seemingly bounced off. “Who are you?”
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