Activity Forums Group Forums The Fall of Order {[A Naruto RP]} Abilities Minimum Requirement List

  • Abilities Minimum Requirement List

    Posted by Lord English on November 7, 2014 at 2:55 pm

    Here is a list of all of the different abilities available regarding the different stat areas and where their major points lay.

    Rank Requirements

    Academy Student – Minimum requirement is max stat of 0

    Genin – Minimum requirement is max stat of 100

    Chūnin – Minimum requirement is max stat of 200

    Jōnin – Minimum requirement is max stat of 400

    Kage – Minimum requirement is max stat of 600

    Sanin – Minimum requirement is max stat of 700

    Anbu – Minimum requirement is max stat of unknown

    Strength Techniques

    Lifting – How much you can lift and how hard you can punch or how much you can take. 1 stat point = 5 pounds.

    Basic Hand to Hand Knowledge – Knowledge of hand to hand, not being able to perform it. (E Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 1 Strength

    Basic Hand to Hand Performance – Knowledge of how to perform basic hand to hand combat. (E Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 5 Strength

    Hand to Hand Knowledge – Knowledge of a more efficient hand to hand, not being able to perform it. (D Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 10 Strength

    Hand to Hand Performance – Knowledge to perform an efficient hand to hand combat. (D Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 15 Strength

    Basic Weaponry Knowledge/Performance – Knowledge of how to use basic weapons. (E Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 15 Strength

    Advanced Hand to Hand Knowledge – Knowledge on a more advanced way to perform hand to hand. (C Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 20 Strength

    Advanced Hand to Hand Performance – Knowledge to perform advanced hand to hand combat. (C Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 30 Strength

    Weaponry Knowledge/Performance – Knowledge of how to use weapons. (D Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 30 Strength

    Expert Hand to Hand Knowledge – Knowledge on an expert way of performing hand to hand. (B Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 40 Strength

    Expert Hand to Hand Performance – Knowledge to perform expert hand to hand. (B Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 50 Strength

    Advanced Weaponry Knowledge/Performance – Knowledge of how to use advanced weapons. (C Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 50 Strength

    Heroic Hand to Hand Knowledge – Knowledge on a heroic level way to use hand to hand. (A Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 60 Strength

    Heroic Hand to Hand Performance – Knowledge to perform a heroic level of hand to hand. (A Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 70 Strength

    Expert Weaponry Knowledge/Performance – Knowledge of how to use expert weapons. (B Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 70 Strength

    Legendary Hand to Hand Knowledge – Knowledge on a legendary level way to use hand to hand. (S Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 80 Strength

    Legendary Hand to Hand Performance – Knowledge on how to perform hand to hand on a legendary level. (S Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 90 Strength

    Heroic Weaponry Knowledge/Performance – Knowledge of how to use Heroic level weapons. (A Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 90 Strength

    Legendary Weaponry Knowledge/Performance – Knowledge of how to use Legendary level weapons. (S Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 100 Strength

    Dexterity Techniques

    Flexible as a Rock – You are flexible as a rock. Congrats. (D Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 1 Dexterity

    Flexible as a Steel – You are flexible as steel. Congrats. (D Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 10 Dexterity

    Flexible as a Copper – You are flexible as copper. Congrats. (C Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 20 Dexterity

    Flexible as a thick Rubber – You are flexible as thick Rubber. Congrats. (C Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 30 Dexterity

    Flexible as a medium Rubber – You are flexible as medium Rubber. Congrats. (B Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 40 Dexterity

    Flexible as a Rubber – You are flexible as Rubber. Congrats. (B Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 50 Dexterity

    Flexible as a thin Rubber – You are flexible as thin Rubber. Congrats. (A Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 60 Dexterity

    Flexible as a sliver Rubber – You are flexible as a sliver of Rubber. Congrats. (A Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 70 Dexterity.

    Flexible – You are flexible. Congrats. (S Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 80 Dexterity

    Flexible as Orochimaru – You are flexible as Orochimaru. Are you him? (S Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 90 Dexterity

    Flexible more than Orochimaru – You are more flexible than Orochimaru. Are you human? (S Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 100 Dexterity

    Speed Techniques

    Speed – Increases by 5mph per every 1 stat.

    Signing – Speed of signing increases by 5 mph per every 1 stat starting at 5.

    Combat Speed – Speed of throwing a kick or punch increases by 5 mph per every 1 stat.

    Weapon Speed – Speed of using a hand held weapon increases by 3 mph per every 1 stat.

    Thrown Speed – Speed of thrown items or weapons upon leaving the hand increases by 5 mph per every 1 stat.

    Basic signing – You know the hand signs for basic attacks. Minimum stat requirement: 5 Speed.

    Signing – You know how to do some average signing for attacks. Minimum stat requirement: 10 Speed.

    Advanced Signing – You are now able to do advanced attacks with required signing. Minimum stat required: 20 Speed.

    More to be added.


    hand sign knowledge – You know the all the hand signs but not how to use them. Minimum stat requirement: 5 Intelligence stats.

    Knowledge of basic tactics – You know about basic tactics but not how to apply them. Minimum stat requirement: 1 Intelligence stats.

    Knowledge of basic application – You know how to apply basic tactics. Minimum stat requirement: 5 Intelligence stats.

    Knowledge of tactics – You know about tactics but not how to apply them. Minimum stat requirement: 10 Intelligence stats.

    Knowledge of application – You know how to apply tactics. Minimum stat requirement: 15 Intelligence stats.

    Knowledge of Advanced tactics – You know about advanced tactics but not how to apply them. Minimum stat requirement: 20 Intelligence stats.

    More to come.


    Chakra Reserve – Your chakra reserve is 1 max per one stat.

    Chakra Usage – Minimum Chakra usage goes from 100% down to 1% per 1 stat.

    All Stats from here on out start at 10 stat points


    One Thousand Years of Death – Hand seals: Tiger; A very simple technique with an overly dramatic name, One Thousand Years of Death is little more than inserting one’s index and middle fingers (similar to the Tiger hand seal) into the opponent’s bottom, causing constipation, pain and/or embarrassment. It has no effect on unconscious targets. (E Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 10 Taijutsu

    Dynamic Entry – Hand seals: None; The technique is basically the user performing a jump kick into their opponent’s face. (D Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 15 Taijutsu

    100 Metre Punch – Hand seals: None; A shorter version of the 1000 Metre Punch, the user concentrates their chakra into their fist and lands a devastating blow on the opponent, flying to at least 100 metres away from where the user is.(D Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 20 Taijutsu, 20 Strength

    Leaf Gale – Hand seals: None; The attack is a simple rear spinning low kick, but a strong user can send the victim spinning away. The goal is to throw the enemy off balance, and deal damage to the lower half of their body, slowing them down and giving the user time for any other taijutsu finisher. (D Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 20 Taijutsu

    16 Hit Combo – Hand seals: None; A very effective move, Ino uses this as a quick knock-out move on a opponent. She slaps and kicks with flower petals trailing from her hands and feet around her body. (D Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 20 Taijutsu, 10 Strength, 10 Speed.

    Leaf Whirlwind – Hand seals: None; A taijutsu where one launches a succession of high kicks and low kicks. Firstly, the opponent’s evasion margin is restrained upon seeing the high kick, thus augmenting the chances for the low kick to hit the mark. So originally the high kick is little more than a feint. (D Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 20 Taijutsu

    Arhat Fist – Hand seals: None; This style of combat focuses on simple physical attacks such as palm strikes, shoulder thrusts, knee strikes, and punches. (C Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 25 Taijutsu, 30 Strength

    Drunken Fist – Hand seals: Drink Alcohol; Drunken Fist is a unique style of combat where, according to Might Guy, “the more you drink, the drunker you get, and the stronger you become”. It can not be learned, taught, nor refined through training and practice. Drunken Fist fighters are not simply drunk: they become human powerhouses who’ll strike unpredictably with an explosive fury and without any second thoughts about their actions. Once drunk, the user will lose their ability to know friend from foe and attack whomever is in their vicinity. The user’s ability to dodge enemy attacks is also seemingly enhanced. The Drunken Fist is not a reliable option because the ‘drunken frenzy’ that alcohol induces does not hold for prolonged periods of time; Lee is easily awakened from Drunken Fist with a simple scratch from anything which draws blood, sobering him up almost immediately. If he has not overcome his adversary by that time, Lee may be left at their mercy, as shown in his fight against Kimimaro. Lee also seems to have no memory of what happened while he was drunk. (C Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 25 Taijutsu, 30 Strength, 20 Durability

    Lion Combo – Hand seals: None; It is an ultra-fast combo attack that requires an advanced physical condition and a certain knack for it. The opponent is first kicked into the air and shadowed with the Shadow of the Dancing Leaf. Upon inflicting a blow, one takes advantage of said opponent’s counterattack to spin around and rise again for further assaults. Since the fall is increased in velocity with each blow, the damage when one is eventually struck to the ground is inconceivable. All variations end with the opponent being thrown to the ground and kicked in the stomach. However, like with the Front Lotus, there is a drawback in which the user gets fatigued right after the technique is performed. Though, this drawback isn’t as severe as with the Front Lotus. Also, it holds an advantage against Front Lotus as it does not require the user to perform the Eight Gates.(C Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 25 Taijutsu, 20 Strength, 20 Durability

    Chakra Enhanced Strength – Hand seals: None; The user focuses chakra into fists or feet to enhance their strength. (C Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 25 Taijutsu, 10 chakra, 5 Strength.

    Heavenly Foot of Pain – Hand seals: None; The user leaps up into the air and focuses their chakra into their heel as they come back down upon their opponent. (C Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 25 Taijutsu, 10 Chakra, 15 Strength

    Cherry Blossom Impact – Hand seals: None; While some may see it as “superhuman strength”, this technique is actually an application of medical ninjutsu, that demands the ability to concentrate, along with minute chakra control. An immense amount of chakra is kneaded inside the body, and a moment later all of it it is gathered into the fist. That chakra is then released into the target, which does a great amount of damage. With the damage done dependent on the amount of chakra used, it is also possible for a skilled shinobi to amass it in their fingertip. When the ground is hit it is pulverised into minute pieces by the excess shock, which are then scattered like flower petals, giving rise to the name “Cherry Blossom Impact”. (C Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 30 Taijutsu, 10 Strength, 10 Chakra.

    Leaf Great Whirlwind – Hand seals: None; This technique is a series of kicking attacks, starting from a low kick and linking into a middle kick and high kick then finishing off with a heel drop. As the rotation speed picks up the user gains buoyancy, which they use to shift into gradually higher attacks. (C Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 30 Taijutsu, 15 Strength.

    Destorying Axe Fist – Hand seals: Sage Mode; This makes a user’s arm a weapon strong enough to block steel. (C Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 35 Taijutsu, 20 Strength.

    Leaf Rising Wind – Hand seals: None; This technique uses the entire body as a spring, by amassing power through taking a posture where the back of the body falls down. With this powerful taijutsu, the user kicks just above the head. Because the power of the kick from the ground is instantly converted into a blow, the enemy hit with this attack will be launched high into the sky. This technique can also be initiated while mid-air. (C Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 30 Taijutsu, 20 Durability.

    Shadow of the Dancing Leaf – Hand seals: None; A technique where a shinobi follows the opponent, closely matching his or her body’s movement, just like a leaf that dances in the air is followed by its shadow. The technique is usually preceded by a swift upper kick that will launch the target into the air. It is mainly used to position an opponent into a vulnerable aerial position. This move by itself is harmless, but it is usable as a stepping stone for a great many powerful techniques like Front Lotus and the Lion Combo. That being said, it also has a rather high degree of difficulty.(C Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 30 Taijutsu, 20 Speed, 20 Intelligence.

    Flying Swallow – Hand seals: None; An addition-line ninjutsu that augments the killing power of a blade — like a kunai or sword — by flowing chakra into it. The materialised chakra is shaped like a blade, cutting up everything it touches. It is also possible to alter the attack range of the weapon by adjusting the amount of chakra put into the blade. Seeing through the movements is said to be very difficult. The density of the chakra is so high it becomes visible. It not only raises the power of the weapon, but simultaneously turns oneself into a blade as well. The chakra-enhanced blades are strong and sharp enough to cut through solid rock and iron. The technique works best with elemental chakra, especially with wind-natured chakra which greatly increases the offensive cutting power. (B Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 40 Taijutsu, 50 Chakra

    Leaf Strong Whirlwind – Hand seals: None; A taijutsu using a combination of speed and power. The essence of this technique is concentrated in a spinning back kick, with such speed that not a single person can follow the user’s movement, smashing his enemy with overwhelming strength. In the anime, it also creates a powerful whirlwind around the user which can be used to attack multiple opponents. (B Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 45 Taijutsu, 30 Strength, 30 Speed

    1000 Metre Punch – Hand seals: None; The user focuses a large amount of chakra into their fist and punches the opponent, sending them at least one kilometre (1000 metres) away.(B Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 45 Taijutsu, 30 strength, 30 chakra.

    Leaf Coiling Whirlwind – Hand seals: None; A variant of the Leaf Whirlwind where Guy and Lee attack a single target with a roundhouse kick.(B Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 45 Taijutsu, 30 Strength, 30 speed, 30 intelligence.

    Leaf Rock-Destroying Rise – Hand seals: None; A taijutsu technique where the user smashes their elbow into their opponent using the other arm as support. It deals a powerful blow to the target and as the name suggests, is even strong enough to destroy coral. (B Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 45 Taijutsu, 40 Strength, 20 speed

    Front Lotus – Hand seals: First Gate Released; The Front Lotus requires the opening of the first of the Eight Chakra Gates, giving the user five times their normal strength. The user kicks their opponent into the air and then uses Shadow of the Dancing Leaf. Once behind their opponent, the user restrains them and pile-drives them into the ground head first while rotating at a ferocious speed. Due to the use of one of the Eight Gates, the user is left extremely fatigued, making this technique a “double-edged sword”. It may also be used on multiple people at once. (B Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 50 Taijutsu, 20 Strength

    Clone Body Blow – Hand seals: Clone jutsu; A powerful combination technique invented by Naruto Uzumaki during his battle against Gaara. Using the Shadow Clone Technique, Naruto creates four clones. The five bodies then confuse the enemy using a variety of moves and combinations and while the enemy is preoccupied with the clones, leaving them open for Naruto to strike the enemy’s weak point. By using clones, this technique’s offensive power is much higher than a normal body blow. This technique is very showy and makes full use of Naruto’s characteristic unpredictability. (A Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 60 Taijutsu

    100% Single Punch – Hand seals: None; Tsunade gathers large amounts of chakra in her hand and releases it as she punches the opponent.(A Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 65 Taijutsu, 20 strength, 50 chakra.

    Reverse Lotus – Hand seals: Third Chakra gate; This technique is an advanced and more destructive version of the Front Lotus, which requires that at least three chakra gates be opened. Once enough gates are opened, the user kicks the target into the air and continues to strike them at inhuman speeds before hitting them with a final, powerful open-handed strike and kick at the same time, sending the target crashing into the ground which is usually fatal due to the speed and power behind the attack. Because so many chakra gates are opened at once, this technique can only be used once, since the user will likely be unable to stand afterwards. This is proven when Lee is left barely able to stand after using it on Gaara, and the latter’s powerful defences and long-distance attacks allowed him to win the match. (A Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 70 Taijutsu, 30 Strength, 30 Speed

    Morning Peacock – Hand seals: Sixth Chakra gate; The technique is started by kicking the enemy into the air, which for most would be an instant kill. The user then jumps into the air in a distinctive stance and begins punching the enemy repeatedly. The punches are so fast, they are set ablaze by sheer speed and friction which in turn creates a peacock-like fan of flames around the opponent. Once the attack is finished, the enemy will be sent crashing back to the ground, covered with the attack’s aura. The technique is also strong enough to briefly stun a tailed beast as strong as Saiken. (A Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 80 Taijutsu, 50 Strength, 50 Speed

    Daytime Tiger – Hand Seals: Seventh chakra gate; After opening the seventh of the Eight Gates, the user places a palm facing forward in front of their face with one hand and then taps it with his other hand, formed into a fist, which creates a massive amount of air pressure. Next, the user forms a unique hand seal resembling a tiger. This launches the air pressure at the opponent in the shape of one by leaving a gigantic tiger-shaped impression into the initially built-up air pressure with the hand seal. The air pressure will condense as it’s moving and be focused into a single point. The technique then explodes on command, releasing the built up air pressure in an instant. A massive explosion — one that dwarfs Island Turtle — is created which can be felt a significant distance away. (S Rank) Minimum stat Requirement: 90 Taijutsu, 50 Strength, 50 Speed


    Basic Clone Jutsu – Hand seals: Ram, Snake, Tiger. This is a jutsu that allows you to create 3 clones of your respective element. (E Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 10 Genjutsu.

    Clone Jutsu – Hand seals: Ram, Snake, Tiger. This is a jutsu that allows you to create 3 clones per each point of chakra you use. (D Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 15 Genjutsu.

    Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique – Hand seals: Snake, Rat. This is a genjutsu that reveals the fears that dwell inside people’s hearts. Everyone has an image of the one thing they wouldn’t want to ever see. This genjutsu is a technique that draws forth such an image from within the heart and has one mistake it for reality. First, an imaginary circle of leaves will spin around and envelop the target, falling away shortly after. After a short period, the illusion will begin. This is to make the illusion more convincing, since the user will likely have moved before the illusion sets in. If the mental image is a gruesome one, the shock will be accordingly great. (D Rank)  Minimum stat requirement: 20 Genjutsu.

    More coming


    Body replacement Technique – Hand Seals: Tiger, Boar, Ox, Dog, Snake. With this technique, users replace their own body with some other object, generally with a block of wood, the moment an attack lands. This creates an optical illusion, making the enemy think the attack was successful. (E Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 10 Ninjutsu.

    Cloak of Invisibility Technique – Hand Seals: None. This technique allows a ninja to take a cloak or a piece of cloth to blend into an object, making them invisible. (E Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 10 Ninjutsu.

    Basic Clone Jutsu – Hand seals: Ram, Snake, Tiger. This is a jutsu that allows you to create 3 clones of your respective element. (E Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 10 Ninjutsu.

    Rope Escape Technique – Hand seals: None. You escape being tied up. (E Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 10 Ninjutsu.

    Sexy Technique – Hand seals: Ram. A variant of the Transformation Technique, the Sexy Technique transforms the user into a naked woman usually surrounded by clouds of mist at private areas, or in a bikini, typically with seductive posture. (E Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 10 Ninjutsu. MUST KNOW TRANSFORMATION JUTSU FIRST!

    Transformation Technique – Hand seals: Dog, Boar, Ram. It is typically used to change into people other than oneself, but one also has the ability to change into animals, plants, and even inanimate objects like weapons. (E Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 10 Ninjutsu.

    Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique – Hand seals: None. This technique conceals the user underground and drags the object of their attack down into the earth, robbing them of their freedom. Leaving them completely unable to move after they’re underground. In addition, they can start another attack. (D Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 15 Ninjutsu.

    Body Flicker Technique – Hand seals: Ram. The Body Flicker Technique is a high-speed movement technique, allowing a ninja to move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed.  To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. A puff of smoke is occasionally used to disguise the user’s movements. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily vitalise the body and move at extreme speeds. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance and elevation between the user and the intended destination. (D Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 10 Chakra, 20 Ninjutsu.

    Manipulated Shuriken Technique – Hand seals: None. With this technique a translucent string, both elastic and highly durable, is attached to a shuriken, making it possible to alter its path after having thrown it. An expert will have the ability to freely glide the shuriken in any direction with just a single movement of their fingertip. The first attack, challenging the enemy, is avoided and after a time-lag of several seconds, it will come from behind. Depending on the performance, the possible tactics can be infinite. (D Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 10 Intelligence, 15 Strength, 10 Speed, 20 Ninjutsu.

    Shadow Shuriken Technique – Hand seals: None. It’s a simple technique where two shuriken, like the Fūma Shuriken, are piled one onto another and thrown simultaneously. However, depending on the way it’s used, it can prove its absolute efficiency. The trick is to somehow draw the enemy’s attention towards the upper shuriken. Then, they have to deal with the path of the lower, unnoticed shuriken. However, if the enemy notices both shuriken, the technique ends up losing all of its efficiency. (D Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 10 Intelligence, 15 Strength, 20 Ninjutsu.

    Armour of Sand – Hand Seals: None; Using this technique, Gaara can cover himself in a compacted layer of sand, providing an additional defence should his Shield of Sand fail; combined, these two are known as Gaara’s “Absolute Defence” (絶対防御, <i>Zettai Bōgyo</i>). Though quite effective, maintaining the armour requires a large amount of chakra and stamina. Furthermore, it is nowhere as resilient as the Shield of Sand, since it easily breaks away upon impact, indicating that the sole purpose of the armour is to absorb impact channeled unto Gaara’s body during battle. Another weakness is the additional weight of the sand which leads to decreased levels of speed and mobility.(C Rank) Minimum Stat Requirement: 30 Ninjutsu, 30 chakra, 10 Intelligence.

    Armour of Sticky Gold – Hand Seals: None; By excreting his Sticky Gold from his pores, Kidōmaru can quickly create a temporary armour that is capable of blocking chakra once exposed to oxygen and even blocks the Hyūga clan’s Gentle Fist. (C Rank) Minimum Stat Requirement: 35 Ninjutsu, 35 Chakra, 10 Intelligence, Must be learned from a scroll.

    Amplification Summoning Technique – Hand Seals: None; This is a summoning technique that in which the summoned creature is given a special condition and when that condition is met it gains a certain ability. Pain applied this technique to his dog summon. Upon being struck by a direct attack, the canine could divide into another identical beast and increase its power. The beast can then recombine if needed, with one body carrying the heads of however many additional beasts were created. (B Rank) Minimum Stat Requirement: 50 Ninjutsu, 40 Chakra, 30 Intelligence.

    Barrier: Canopy Method Formation – Hand Seals: Hands flat together; This technique creates a spherical detection barrier with the user at the centre. At the user’s command, the detection barrier can expand, grasping everything in the room. The user is able to detect anything that moves inside the barrier space with their own “sense”. The user may also move, the barrier will follow them as they move.(B Class) Minimum Stat Requirement: 55 Ninjutsu, 30 Chakra, 30 Intelligence.

    All Directions Shuriken – Hand Seals: Multiple clone Jutsu; A technique that perfectly besieges the enemy from all directions with one’s own “shadow”. Naruto and his shadow clones throw shuriken all at once. Avoiding all of the assailing rain of shuriken would prove difficult, even for the most agile of people. The enemy cannot help but focus their senses on the soaring shuriken. The next move is to attack the blind spot that is inevitably created. At first glance, it seems to be a desperate move, but it’s an intelligent attack with a hidden plot to drive the enemy into a predicament, giving a sense of Naruto’s mastery over the shadow clone killing method. (A Class) Minimum Stat Requirement: 60 Ninjutsu, 50 Chakra, 50 Intellegence

    Assimilate All Creation Technique – Hand Seals: Tiger;  With this technique, the user can take on the properties of a nearby object, material, or substance, and any of its special characteristics. For example, Nagare took on the properties of a rock and was then able to use his imitation of other techniques, like Assimilation: Rock Blizzard and Assimilation: Sand Waterfall Funeral. He was also able to turn his skin to rock, either entirely or partly, and could even survive being blown to bits by simply assembling himself. During the Fourth Shinobi World War, the White Zetsu Army is seen using this ability as well; allowing them to take on the property of the red soil around them. This gave them poisonous qualities, that made them into even more formidable soldiers. However, the adverse effects of this was that they also gained the soil’s high conductibility to lightning-type attacks. (A Rank) Minimum Stat Requirements: 70 Ninjutsu, 50 Chakra, 50 Intelligence.

    Adamantine Prison Wall – Hand Seals: Clone & Transformation Jutsu (Unless being used by a summon); After transforming himself into an adamantine staff, Enma clones himself then boxes the enemy into a lattice. The prison wall has incredible toughness, and is impossible to break. When used for defence the enemy has no way of attacking. (S Class) Minimum stat requirement: (human) 80 Ninjutsu, 40 Strength, 60 Chakra (Summon) 40 Summon

    Barrier Gate Five Seals Technique: Castle Closing Eight Gates – Hand seals: Ram → Hare → Snake → Dragon → Rat → Ox → Tiger → Hare → Snake → Dragon → Rat → Ox → Tiger → Snake → Tiger → Ox → Snake → Tiger → Hare → Horse → Dragon → Rat → Snake → Tiger → Snake → Rat → Ox → Tiger → Hare → Snake; This technique requires a scroll on which a blueprint of a particular area will be mapped. When activated, it causes four giant gates to emerge north, east, south, and west of the targeted area. Afterwards, the gates form a barrier around the area. This barrier has a very high durability, and anything that makes contact with it is immediately engulfed in flames. The only way to pass through the barrier unharmed is with a special seal.(S Class) Minimum Stat Requirement: 90 Ninjutsu, 80 Chakra.

    More coming soon.


    Activation – The ability to activate one’s Doujutsu. Minimum stat requirement: 10 Doujutsu.

    Puppet Based Jutsu

    Air Raid Shot – Hand Seals: None; Kankurō’s puppet, Karasu, soar into the air with the help of a special flight modification and release a series of bombs upon the enemy that explode on impact. An advanced version is that these bombs can be filled with poisonous gas to cause extra damage. (B Class) Minimum Stat Requirement: 60 Ninjutsu, 40 Intelligence.

    Clan Abilities


    Parasitic Destruction Insect Technique – Hand signs: None. Aburame are either born with this or will be introduced to it when chakra is 2-5 points. After that, the insects may not be introduced safely nor at 1. Without this, an Aburame may not learn the secret techniques. Minimum stat requirement: x

    Insect Clone Technique – Hand signs: Ram, Snake, Tiger. A secret technique exclusive to the Aburame clan, where thousands of kikaichū are gathered in one place to take on the appearance of the user or anyone else the user wishes. The technique is elaborate enough to be mistaken for the original, and therefore may be used as a decoy or as part of a diversionary tactic. Furthermore, since one can put the insects in standby somewhere beforehand and then have them assume the form of the clone, this technique is arguably even more effective than the Shadow Clone Technique, depending on the task. The clone falls apart into its component bugs when struck. Because it’s made of bugs, it can reform almost instantly. Minimum stat requirement: 10 Chakra, 10 Ninjutsu

    Secret Technique: Insect Cocoon – Hand signs: Ox, Dog, Bird, Ram. This unique technique allows the user to accelerate the growth of their insects. As the user’s body is already a hive of sorts for the insects, the user will encase themselves in an actual cocoon to further aid the insects. This is an extremely useful move for Aburame clan members, since their attacks mainly focus on the usage of insects. It leaves the user static and vulnerable. Minimum stat requirement: 20 Chakra, 20 Ninjutsu

    More coming soon


    Human Bullet Tank – Hand seals: Multi-sized Technique; A threatening taijutsu trick that converts the users large frame into a destructive weapon. The user first uses Multi-Size Technique to make themselves into a human-sized ball, then they tuck in their limbs and use chakra to propel themselves into a powerful roll. Its effective use of weight and the force of rotation make for an even greater lethality than appearances would let on, enough to pulverise someone’s hand with but a mere touch. It is difficult for the user to turn in this form. This technique has the added effect of plugging up the user’s ears. (C Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 35 Taijutsu, 20 Intelligence, 20 Chakra.

    Double Human Bullet Tank – Hand seals: Human bullet tank; Two Akimichi clan members attack from both sides of an opponent with the Human Bullet Tank, crushing, and grinding those caught in the middle. (C Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 40 Taijutsu, 30 Intelligence, 30 Chakra.

    Ballistic Waterwheel – Hand seals: None; After the user swallows a great amount of water to make themselves into a human-sized ball, they tuck their limbs inside their clothes and use chakra to propel themselves into a powerful roll. The added water gives the user extra weight, causing more damage to the opponent and area. This is an excellent technique to use against Water Release users as it not only nullifies their attack but also turns it against them. (C Rank) Minimum Stat Requirement: 40 Taijutsu, 35 Intelligence, 30 Chakra.

    Butterfly Bullet Bombing – Hand seals: Butterfly mode; This is a life threatening technique if used in combination with the red Akimichi food pill, which burns away all of a shinobi’s excess fat and converts it into chakra. Because the members of the Akimichi clan tend to be overweight to support their techniques, this pill can give them 100 times their normal chakra level. The intensely concentrated chakra that is gained leaks out from the backbone and becomes visible through friction with the shoulder blade, appearing like a butterfly wing. The user then concentrates the unique chakra into their fist, and then puts all their body weight behind the punch. The massive amount of chakra concentrated is enough to change the user’s body structure, and the user will die unless given medical attention as described in the medical encyclopaedia from the Nara clan soon thereafter. Should an Akimichi be able to use the Calorie Control and enter unique state, they can bypass the danger posed by the pills. (B Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 50 Taijutsu, 30 Chakra, 10 Strength


    Form of the Phoenix – Hand seals: Dragon, Hare, Ox, Dragon, Bird, Dog. The user’s eyes will turn to flames then their body is consumed into flames as their form takes that of their fire bird. Depending upon how much chakra the user has is how big the bird it. The tallest a bird can be is three stories. The smallest is the size of a pinecone. Minimum stat requirement: 5 Chakra, 10 Doujutsu.

    Breath of the Phoenix – Hand seals: Tiger, Dragon, Dog, Bird, Dog, Dragon (Modified). This is used in human or phoenix forms but it causes a risk in health if not learned properly. Chakra creates fire in the airways and by breathing out from their mouth or nose, they can expel the flames. Breathing in is highly hazardous. Minimum stat requirement: 5 Chakra, 15 Doujutsu.

    Eye of the Phoenix – Hand seals: Bird, Monkey, Ox, Tiger. This can be used in human or Phoenix form, causing the user’s eyes to turn a full red with a pupil shaped as a three pointed flame. This will allow the user to copy certain techniques being used against them. If they have the proper level, they may attempt to learn these techniques, but this eye is to allow them time to dodge or retaliate. Minimum stat requirement: 5 Chakra, 20 Doujutsu.

    More coming soon


    Byakugan – Hand signs: Horse, Tiger, Boar, Hare, Rat, Dog, Horse, Dog, Hare, Rat, Horse, Snake (Modified). The activation of the Byakugan. Minimum stat requirement: 5 Chakra, 10 Doujutsu.

    Gentle Fist – Hand signs: None. A form of hand-to-hand combat used by members of the Hyūga clan. It inflicts internal damage through attacking the body’s Chakra Pathway System, subsequently injuring organs which are closely intertwined with the area of the network which has been struck. To do this, the user surgically injects a certain amount of their own chakra into the opponent’s chakra pathway system, causing damage to surrounding organs due to their proximity to the chakra circulatory system. Even the slightest tap can cause severe internal damage, hence the name “gentle” fist. Minimum stat requirement: 5 Strength, 5 Chakra, 5 Taijutsu, 10 Doujutsu.

    Eight Trigrams Thirty-Two Palms – Hand signs: None. The Eight Trigrams Thirty-Two Palms technique is a manoeuvre of the Gentle Fist fighting style. It is essentially a halved version of the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms, but seems to be no less effective. This technique is used to close off the flow of chakra through thirty-two chakra points of an opponent’s Chakra Pathway System. This eliminates their ability to use chakra for quite some time and makes it difficult for them to move. The strikes go as follows:

    • First, two consecutive strikes to make two.
    • Second, another two consecutive strikes to make four.
    • Third, four consecutive strikes to make eight.
    • Fourth, eight consecutive strikes to make sixteen.
    • Fifth, another sixteen consecutive strikes in succession to make a total of thirty two.

    Minimum stat requirement: 5 Strength, 5 Speed, 10 Taijutsu, 15 Doujutsu.

    Gentle Fist Art One Blow Body – Hand Seals: None; A technique born from their innate ability to expel chakra from every tenketsu on their body, a member of the Hyūga clan can hit their opponent with a blast of chakra that will send them flying away from the user. It was also shown that this technique can be used with pin-point accuracy to target the weak point of a technique exemplified when Neji Hyūga was trapped by Kisame Hoshigaki’s Water Prison Technique, and was able to dispel it. (C Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 25 Taijutsu, 25 Chakra

    Eight Trigram Vacuum Palm – Hand Seals: None; This technique is similar in practice to Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven, but has a specific target rather than a general area. To perform it, the user precisely pinpoints the enemy’s vital points with the Byakugan and releases a high-speed palm thrust. A “vacuum shell” compressed using the Gentle Fist is formed to attack the opponent’s vitals from a distance, blowing them off their feet with tremendous force before they even notice they were hit. (C Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 35 Taijutsu, 20 Doujutsu

    Eight Trigrams Sixty-four palms – Hand seals: None; It is a dangerous technique that is appropriately handed down from father to only a single child within the Hyūga clan. It is a manoeuvre of the Gentle Fist fighting style. With the Byakugan’s near 360° field of vision, the user envisions an Eight Trigrams circle. Then the enemy within this circle is hit with a series of violent blows. By striking sixty-four of the tenketsu throughout the opponent’s Chakra Pathway System, their chakra flow is stopped, making them unable to even stand. Once someone is within range of the user’s field of divination, the user assumes a Gentle Fist stance and begins to deliver the attack:

    • First, two consecutive strikes to make two.
    • Second, another two consecutive strikes to make four.
    • Third, four consecutive strikes to make eight.
    • Fourth, eight consecutive strikes to make sixteen.
    • Fifth, sixteen consecutive strikes to make thirty two.
    • Sixth, another thirty two consecutive strikes in succession to make a total of sixty four strikes. The sixth consecutive attack needs a strong step forward, because without it the technique will fail.

    Each set of strikes is done at an exponentially increasing pace and strength. The attack not only disables the enemy but also knocks them back with every set of strikes. (C Rank) Minimum stat Requirement: 35 Taijutsu, 25 Doujutsu, 20 Speed

    Eight Trigram Vacuum Wall Palm – Hand seals: None; This technique is a variation of the Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm where either two Gentle Fist users, or a single person using both hands, send a powerful wave of chakra from either palm simultaneously with great force towards an opponent. (B Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 40 Taijutsu, 25 Doujutsu, 20 Intelegence

    Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven – Hand seals: None; A secret taijutsu that is orally handed down only within the main house of the Hyūga, this technique utilises the chakra control gained through Gentle Fist training to release a huge amount of chakra from all the chakra points on the user’s body. It is also a defensive manoeuvre to compensate for the Byakugan’s blind spot as the released chakra blocks any possible attack on the user. After releasing chakra from every tenketsu in their body, the user then spins rapidly to parry the attack, both creating a rotating shield of chakra around themselves and tossing away any nearby attackers. The user can also actively control the size and power of the sphere to suit the situation. This technique is only effective when rotating, since the chakra itself is not enough to stop a physical attack thus if they cannot spin, the user becomes vulnerable. (A Rank)Minimum stat requirement: 60 Taijutsu, 40 Doujutsu, 40 Chakra, 40 Speed

    Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists – A high-level secret Gentle Fist technique taught only to the main branch of the Hyūga clan. The user changes the shape of chakra released from both hands into large lion-shaped shrouds. Doing so greatly increases range and destructive power. The lion heads drain the chakra network of those they touch. It is an extremely difficult ability to learn, as the slightest mistake in chakra control will lead to failure, meaning it is a feat requiring the Byakugan. (S Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 70 Taijutsu, 50 Doujutsu, 50 Chakra


    Dynamic Marking – Hand seals: None. This technique involves Akamaru urinating on a target, marking it with a strong odour that allows both him and Kiba to easily track it by scent. Akamaru is very skilled in this, being able to hit targets very accurately, and even multiple targets at once. This is a prerequisite for using the Fang Wolf Fang, as the speed of the technique makes it impossible for the user to track targets by sight while using it. The urine can also be useful for temporarily blinding the target if it hits their eyes. This technique can also be performed while Kiba and Akamaru have transformed using the Human Beast Combination Transformation: Double-Headed Wolf. (E Class) Minimum stat requirement: 10 Taijutsu, 10 speed.

    Beast Human Clone – Hand Seals: Tiger; It allows a canine-user to transform their animal companion into a perfect copy of themselves. When combined with the Four Legs Technique, the user and the animal become virtually impossible to tell apart, since both act equally feral. Like any transformation, the technique can be broken by identifying and attacking the animal, thus dispelling the transformation. This technique is often followed by the Fang Passing Fang.(D Rank) minimum Stat Requirement: 20 Ninjutsu, 10 Intelligence.

    Fang Passing Fang – Hand seals: None. The user and their ninken partner spin at a ferocious speed and deliver many powerful beast-like attacks when contact is made with the target. The force of this attack is strong enough to drill through stone. When this attack is done alone, it is called Passing Fang. (C Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 35 Taijutsu, 20 speed, 20 strength

    Fang Wolf Fang – Hand seals: None; Man and beast transform into a single two-headed, gigantic animal thanks to the Human Beast Combination Transformation: Double-Headed Wolf technique, and have their body spin in a violent assault against the enemy. The ultra-violent rotation creates a vacuum vortex in its surroundings, that tears the enemy apart even without touching them directly. The excessively high speed of the rotation strips the user of their field of vision, but marking the enemy beforehand makes it possible to tail them with the sense of smell. In the anime, if the user is skilled enough though this is unnecessary. The power is great enough to dent a Rashōmon gate. Such power is not without its drawbacks however, as it can quickly tire the user out. (B Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 40 Taijutsu, 50 Speed, 30 strength

    Absolute: Fang Passing Fang – Hand Seals: None. Kiba Inuzuka and Akamaru perform Fang Passing Fang and increase their final blow on the opponent, causing more than double the damage of the regular Fang Passing Fang. Kiba and Akamaru start with a Fang Passing Fang technique. If the move hits, the opponent is flipped into the air on the first strike, then the user returns to form the final move. If Kiba gets hit before he starts attacking, Akamaru will still attack using the Passing Fang. (B Rank) Minimum Stat Requirement: 40 Taijutsu, 25 speed, 25 Strength.

    Fang Rotating Fang – Hand seals: None. The user and their ninken partner roll at a ferocious speed in a buzz-saw like shape, and deliver many powerful beast-like attacks when contact is made with the target. (B Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 45 Taijutsu, 30 speed, 30 strength


    Heikō – Hand seals: Horse, Tiger, Ox, Dragon, Snake, Dog, Horse, Dog, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Snake (Modified). This is a technique that makes it a shorter time to activate the overlap of Byakugan and Sharingan. This technique allows the user to close the blind spot of the Byakugan and allow the user to copy the chakra movements of the opponent, allowing them to copy Kekki Genkai. The downfall of this is a possible information overload. Minimum stat requirement: 5 Intelligence, 5 Genjutsu, 10 Doujutsu.

    Flaming fist – Hand seals: Tiger. This allows the user to engulf their hands in a fire that brings some outside damage when using things such as the gentle fist techniques. It also can help cause massive fires to start or to light the opponent on fire. Minimum stat requirement: 5 Taijutsu, 5 Strength, 20 Doujutsu.

    More coming soon.


    Basic bone manipulation – Hand signs: Ram. You can move around the bones in and out of your body, this will be of minimal as if you lose a bone, your fault. Go to the emergency room. Minimum stat requirement: 10 Chakra, 10 Intelligence.

    Bone spike palm – Hand signs: Snake, Tiger, Ram, Open Palm. You can force your bones into the form of a spike to force out of your palm. Your skin will be left open when doing this until you can heal it. Minimum stat requirement: 10 Chakra, 15 Intelligence.

    Minor bone healing – Hand signs: Dragon, Snake, Monkey, Hand on injury. You use chakra to heal the injury of bone loss or skin. Minimum stat requirement: 20 Chakra, 15 Intelligence.

    Ten-Finger Drilling Bullets – Hand signs: None; Hardened bones from the fingertips are shot at the enemy, with a spinning motion added to the skeletal bullets. A direct hit will excavate skin, flesh, and bone. Since the bones of the user can be regenerated, the rate of fire from the user’s arsenal is limitless. This technique is essential to Kimimaro for his long distance attacks. In the anime, these attacks were shown strong enough to easily pierce through the steel armour worn by the samurai. (C Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 40 Taijutsu, 20 Chakra

    Dance of the Willow – Hand signs: None; The first of Kimimaro’s five dances. To perform this dance, Kimimaro grows several long bone blades from his body for use as weapons. There isn’t any set form for the Dance of the Willow. Just like a willow that is shaken by the wind, the opponents attacks are simply parried and countered. Uncharacteristic of a willow, the hardened bones puncture and damage the opponents body. Though he primarily uses two blades grown from the palms of his hands, he also uses several secondary bones grown from his elbows, knees, and shoulders. This dance form is incredibly acrobatic, using spins, charges, and long sweeping slashes to make the strikes more effective and to evade opponents’ counter strikes. Kimimaro can also extend his bones to attack his opponents without having to adjust his own movement. (C Rank) Minimum stat requirements: 45 Taijutsu, 20 speed, 20 Chakra

    Dance of the Camellia – Hand signs: None; The second of Kimimaro’s five dances, which he performs by modifying one of his upper arm bones to create a short, bone-hilted bone sword. He then stabs chaotically and continuously which causes the opponents eyes to lag behind. The speed resembles afterimages, the hand with the sword is again and again visibly projected. And yet the movement is irregular which makes it difficult to predict. With each thrust the sword’s track is very capable of changing. The attack comes from unexpected angles, causing a person’s delicate defence reaction to come off guard. Though one can have great reflexes and moving ability, it is next to impossible to keep dodging the fierce attack until it stops. Thus if one showed an opening, a finishing blow will be dealt by one stab in an instant. (B Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 50 Taijutsu, 50 speed, 10 chakra

    Dance of the Larch – Hand signs: None. The third of Kimimaro’s five dances. From the body, several bones pop out all at once. The stronger the opponent’s physical attack, the more powerful the counter attack is, dealing severe damage. The sudden defence, combined with the needle-like bones high killing ability, makes way for a technique which potential his high for battle. The bones can be used to block or trap an opponent’s strikes. In addition to being an unwelcome surprise for opponents, it makes him basically untouchable at close range. If an opponent would start to get close to him, he would start to spin rapidly slashing the foe in multiple areas of their body. (B Rank) Minimum Stat requirement: 60 Taijutsu, 50 speed, 25 Chakra

    Dance of the Clematis: Vine – Hand signs: None. The first half of Kimimaro’s fourth dance. With the Shikotsumyaku, Kimimaro can modify and pull out his own spinal column, and regrow a new spine to replace it. Between the bones in the gaps there is cartilage that allows flexibility, which makes it possible to bend it as if it were a whip. With average estimation skills along with the impossible range it stretches, dodging is difficult. The protrusions on the vertebrae are modified to make them stronger and sharper. He would follow up with Dance of the Clematis: Flower to pierce the immobilised opponent. (A Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 65 Taijutsu, 50 Speed, 40 Chakra.

    Dance of the Clematis: Flower – Hand signs: None. This technique is the second half of Kimimaro’s fourth dance. To obtain the strongest-absolute hardest weapon a considerable amount of chakra is needed. Enhanced to the highest degree-maximum solidity due to the dense compression, the bone weapon is exceedingly large. Since its destructive power has no meaning if the blow does not connect with the opponent, Kimimaro first binds the opponent with a “vine”. (A Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 65 Taijutsu, 60 Speed, 20 Chakra.


    Sharingan – Hand signs: Tiger, Dragon, Tiger. Activation of the Sharingan. Minimum stat requirement: 5 Chakra, 10 Doujutsu.

    Fist of the Fire Cloud – Hand signs: None. This is a fighting style formed uniquely for one of their former members for respect of his fall. The fighting style is of movement when it only needs to occur and is used in conjunction with the sharingan for timing. The user will wait for the last possible second to dodge and then move to block or dodge, being a very close up technique and usually only using two fingers to attack with as it is more subtle. Minimum stat requirement: 5 Strength, 5 Speed, 10 Taijutsu, 10 Doujutsu.

    Flaming Snake –  Hand signs: Dragon, Tiger, Ox, Hare, Ox, Dog, Snake (Modified). This allows the user to create streams of fire from their finger tips that can be used as whips that are 1 foot per 5 chakra points. This was developed by an Uchiha generations ago for their name to be remembered. Minimum stat requirements: 5 chakra, 5 Speed, 5 Strength, 20 Taijutsu, 20 Ninjutsu.

    Amaterasu – Hand Seals: Intense Stare; The jet-black flames of the Amaterasu, said to be “the fires from hell” and as hot as the sun itself. By focusing their vision upon an object the user is able to ignite the flames, ignite at the focus of the user’s vision. Though the flames have been stated to be unavoidable, Amaterasu has been avoided a few times; Sasuke Uchiha managed to dodge the flames when Itachi tried focusing on him, though Itachi did not actually want to kill him and managed to hit Sasuke shortly after regardless, and A using his Lightning Release Chakra Mode enhanced Body Flicker Technique avoided a short-range Amaterasu launched at him by Sasuke in an instant. Obito managed to save himself from the flames by some unknown means when he was hit by Sasuke, though indirectly. After becoming the jinchūriki of the Ten-Tails, he was able to defend himself with the Truth-Seeking Balls. When he was actually set ablaze with the black flames through a combo-attack of Sasuke and Naruto, he recovered through the healing abilities of the Ten-Tails. The black flames of Amaterasu are stated to burn through mostly anything in their path, even smothering regular fire techniques with ease. Amaterasu is said to never stop burning; even when whatever is caught by Amaterasu is completely reduced to ash or destroyed, it can still continue burning for seven days and seven nights. It cannot be extinguished with water or any other normal methods. However, the flames cannot burn through chakra, as they failed to burn into or through is Gaara’s chakra-infused sand, while Naruto managed to prevent the flames from reaching his flesh with Kurama’s chakra cloak. Sasuke used this to his advantage by coating the ribcage of his Susanoo for a defensive layer without harming himself or his spiritual guardian. However, the flames burn fairly slowly compared to ordinary flames. This allows anyone struck by Amaterasu an opportunity to remove whatever clothing or body parts have been caught ablaze before the flames spread further. Nagato was able to deflect the flames from his body using Shinra Tensei. Jiraiya was also able to seal the flames with the Fire Sealing Method. Also, the Ten-Tails was able to remove the body parts from its body which set ablaze by Sasuke Uchiha. The flames can also be extinguished by the user that summoned them, albeit it puts great strain on their eyes. Users of this technique have shown the ability to manipulate these flames to some extent. Itachi was able to quell the flames during his battle with Sasuke, something as Zetsu noted was done to protect Sasuke’s eyes. Sasuke himself would later quell the flames during his battle with Killer B, after Karin had accidentally been caught in the flames. Furthermore, the Uchiha derived an ability known as Blaze Release: Kagutsuchi through which they could manipulate the flames to serve as not only an offensive ability but a defensive one as well. (S Class) Minimum Stat Requirement: 70 Ninjutsu, 65 Doujutsu, 55 Chakra, Mangekyō Sharingan, Blaze Release.

    Amaterasu: Entenka – Hand seals: None; The manipulated flames of Amaterasu are used to cover the ribs of Susanoo with the flames, surrounding the user with a shield of black fire. In addition to the damage it can inflict, this technique has the psychological effect of causing melee enemies to hesitate to attack the user. (S Class) Minimum Stat Requirement: 70 Ninjutsu, 70 Doujutsu, 60 Chakra, Mangekyō Sharingan, Blaze Release.

    More coming soon.


    Minimal water control – Hand Seals: Tiger; This allows them to control water at about room temperature. It isn’t highly lethal unless forced into a person. (E Class) Minimum Stat Requirement: 10 Chakra, 5 Int.

    Water control – Hand Seals: Tiger; This allows them to control water nearing the solid state. They can create sharp spikes out of it. (D Class) Minimum Stat Requirement: 15 Chakra, 10 Intelligence.

    Major Water control – Hand Seals: Tiger; This allows them to control all forms of water and shape it with their chakra. This is the first step to learning the Ice release. (C Rank) Minimum Stat Requirement: 20 Chakra, 15 Intelligence.

    Ice Release – Hand Seals: None; Ice Release (氷遁, Hyōton; Viz “Ice Style”) is the advanced nature kekkei genkai of the Yuki clan made up techniques that combine wind and water-based chakra to create and manipulate ice, forming it into various structures. When the user releases their chakra, the surrounding vicinity becomes cold enough to cause snow to fall. The ice Haku could create was also extremely resistant to fire-based attacks, only melting slightly when coming into contact with Sasuke’s flames. As shown by Haku, as a child, he could also manipulate the form of nearby water. Additionally, any nearby water is an advantage, as the user can simply freeze that water to create ice. Using his special ability, Haku developed the Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals, which allowed him to create any number of floating mirrors made of ice to use as a shield or trap an opponent. (C Rank) Minimum Stat Requirements: 25 Chakra, 20 Intelligence, 5 Speed.


    Blaze Release

    Earth Release

    Earth Release: Fist Rock Technique – Hand seals: Snake, Seal of Confrontation/Ram, Dog, Rat, Snake, Tiger; By encasing their arm in rock, the user can deal a powerful hardened punch against an opponent while being protected from direct contact with their target. If necessary, the weight of the rock can be increased to further increase the punch’s destructive power. (C Rank) Minimum Stat Requirement: 30 Ninjutsu, 30 Taijutsu

    Explosion Release

    Explosion Release: Landmine Fist – Hand seals: None; After establishing direct contact with their opponent through a simple punch, the user utilises Explosion Release to subsequently generate an enormous explosion from the initial point of physical contact. This explosion is powerful enough to completely obliterate an opponent far larger than the user. Due to the directionality of the blast, the user minimises any potential repercussions, such as being struck by resultant debris and even recoil appears to be completely negated. In the anime, Gari is able to use the technique on the ground to create a shockwave of upturned earth and debris to throw the enemy off balance. When used like this, the explosion is orange coloured instead of red. In the anime, he also uses a less-destructive version of this technique, creating a puff of smoke instead of an explosion. (A Rank) Minimum Stat Requirement: 60 Taijutsu, 50 Ninjutsu, 40 Chakra

    Fire Release

    Lightning Release

    10 Hit Combo – Hand Seals: None; Lars punches the foe before striking the enemy into the air with a lightning-infused uppercut. He would jump above with amazing speed and punch the foe, then strike a lightning-infused blow down to the stomach. (D Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 10 Taijutsu, 15 Strength, 15 speed.

    Guillotine Drop – Hand Seals: None; After covering himself in his Lightning Release Chakra Mode, A jumps into the air above his opponent and performs a downwards kick, using the momentum of the fall to increase the power behind the attack. (C Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 50 Taijutsu, 50 Strength, 20 Speed

    Lightning Release Chakra Mode – Hand seals: None; The user wraps their body in a layer of lightning chakra that, instead of being used offensively, is used to electrically stimulate the user’s nervous system. The technique speeds up neural synapses to react faster, and to push physical prowess to the absolute limit, allowing for tremendous raw speed. (B Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 50 Ninjutsu, 10 Strength, 10 Speed, 10 Intelligence

    Liger Bomb – Hand seals: None; After covering himself in his Lightning Release Chakra Mode, the Fourth Raikage grabs his opponent and lifts them high up into the air. Then, using his extreme strength, he smashes them head first onto the ground in what resembles a powerbomb manoeuvre. This is devastating enough to shatter a large area of the ground itself on impact. Darui noted that nobody has ever survived this attack before, and had Sasuke Uchiha not used his Susanoo, he would have been killed by it. The impact of this technique was strong enough to snap Sasuke Susanoo’s ribs. (B Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 60 Taijutsu, 50 strength, 20 speed.

    Lightning Oppression Horizontal – Hand seals: None; After covering himself in his Lightning Release Chakra Mode, A performs a simple backhanded horizontal chop against his opponent, which is powerful enough to snap even the bones of Sasuke Uchiha’s Susanoo’s ribcage. (A Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 65 Taijutsu, 40 Strength, 20 speed.

    Lightning Release: Lariat – Hand seals: None; The user charges at his opponent, striking them with a Lariat move, which can be coated in chakra. A successful strike can blow away a target’s entire chest with a direct hit. The attack is rather straightforward, but very quick, powerful and is easily capable of knocking down an opponent. (A Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 70 Taijutsu, 50 Strength, 25 speed.

    Lightning Release: Double Lariat – Hand Seals: Lightning Release: Lariat; Two users both perform the Lightning Release: Lariat from both behind and in front of the opponent, creating a scissor effect. Both users must use the exact same amount of opposing strength or the target will merely bend. When successfully done, the force of the technique will decapitate the target and send their head flying several metres into the air. (A Rank) Minimum stat requirement: 75 Taijutsu, 50 Strength, 30 speed

    Elbow – Hand seals: None; After covering himself in his Lightning Release Chakra Mode, A thrusts his elbow at his opponent with extreme force. This technique was strong enough to send Jūgo crashing into a wall, disabling him from fighting any further. (S Class) Minimum stat requirement: 80 Taijutsu, 60 Strength, 60 Chakra

    Magnet Release

    Arm of Shukaku – Gaara engulfs himself in a sand barrier as Shukaku’s arm bursts from an opening, striking the opponent. Beast Required, must be learned slowly.

    Water Release

    Acid Permeation – Hand Seals: None; Utakata blows acid bubbles at his opponent that can burn the opponent when popped. (S Class) Minimum stat requirement: 75 Ninjutsu, 75 intelligence, 70 chakra

    Wind Release

    Beast Tearing Palm – Hand Seals: None; A powerful technique of wind nature chakra that can cut and slash through any material. Sora activates it by summoning chakra in his right hand, and then swipes a slicing chakra wave which appears to be controlled by Sora’s will and thoughts. He is also able to use the technique in a rapid-fire, successive motion. This technique became stronger when Sora was in the influence of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox’s chakra and instead of the usual blue colour, it was red.(S Class) Minimum Stat Requirement: 80 Ninjutsu, 50 Chakra.

    Wood Release

    Adamantine Power: Acala – Hand Seals: None; Hashirama kicks the opponent away and raises some wood tendrils to strike the enemy down. With the opponent layed on the ground, Hashirama gathers a large amount of chakra into his right fist, jumps and drives it into his foe’s torso. The impact causes the ground to break apart and a small forest to erupt from it. (S Class) Minimum Stat Requirement: 75 Ninjutsu, 75 Taijutsu, 50 Chakra, 50 Strength

    Curse Seals

    Animal Cursed Seal – To obtain this particular cursed seal, the chosen person would be bitten by a snake to receive the instructions on how to form the potion that grants the user a seal, rather than to have one directly given through a bite from Orochimaru like the rest of his cursed seals. When the ingredients are formed into the potion and then ingested, the user will go into the first stage of the cursed seal and obtain enhanced abilities along with muscle growth and, in Mizuki’s case with his tiger-like stripes, traits of an animal. When the second level is reached, the user will gain specific characteristics of the animal, along with immense increases in their strength and abilities. However, if the potion for the seal is consumed earlier than it is intended, then the results will backfire and the person’s body will begin to destroy itself. In Mizuki’s case, when the potion effects dissipated, he shrivelled up into a malnourished and powerless old man, and would have died if not for Tsunade’s medical skills. Regardless, Mizuki lost all of his powers and could never be a ninja again.

    Forbidden Jutsu

    Living Corpse Reincarnation – Hand seals: None; If periodically repeated, it grants the user immortality as long as they can find new host bodies and keep them alive. Orochimaru can only perform this technique once every three years. It also seems that when the three years are almost over, he is forced to move into another host, as the previous one begins to weaken and reject him. Presumably, if he had a proper container, he could stay in the host for a full lifetime. The fact that he wanted to prepare Sasuke Uchiha and Kimimaro for the transfer before performing it reinforces this. To perform this technique, Orochimaru reveals his true form: a gigantic white snake composed of smaller white snakes, by abandoning his current host’s body. Orochimaru then swallows the new host and takes him or her to a separate, mental plane where he envelops the mind of his victim. The snake body then dies and falls apart, and Orochimaru’s soul dominates the body (though the Sharingan seems to be able to negate and reverse the process against Orochimaru). The souls of the hosts are kept alive within Orochimaru, leaving them “still alive”, in a sense (albeit suppressed), and when Orochimaru switches hosts, the souls leave with him. Apparently if the host of these souls’ chakra level falls enough it is possible for them to resurface in material form as seen with Orochimaru surfacing with his own body after Sasuke used up most of his chakra. After taking over another body, Orochimaru modifies it to suit his theme of snakes, in order to increase his survival capabilities, such as stretching and bending his body, reconnecting any severed parts, and shedding his skin to heal injuries. This ensures that if Orochimaru cannot transfer body within the three years’ time, he can allow it to greatly heal and evade attacks, rendering him virtually immortal; Sasuke refers this as the “Power of the White Snake” (白蛇の力, <i>Shirohebi no Chikara</i>). Orochimaru also alters the face of his host body to look like his original form. (S Class) Minimum Stat requirements: CAN ONLY BE LEARNED FROM OROCHIMARU.

    Contract Summons
    You may only choose ONE contract animal.
    Summoning Jutsu is a C Rank technique that may offer a Sage Mode and a Transcendence version.
    Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram
    In order to summon one of these, you must have some of the blood of someone contracted to them at first. Once you make your own contract, it will no longer be required to borrow blood from another.

    Dog (Earth/Yang) < Chupacabra (Explosion/Yang)
    Cat (Lightning/Yang) < Lion (Storm/Yang)
    Tiger (Lightning/Yang) < Sabertooth (Blaze/Yang)
    Snake (Fire/Yin) < Dragon (Blaze/Yin)
    Toad (Earth/Yang) < Salamander
    Japanese Giant Salamander <
    Slug (Water/Yang) < Snail (
    Raven (Wind/Yin) < Eagle
    Hawk (Wind/Yang)< Falcon
    Rat (Water/Yang) < Capybara
    Hornet (Wind/Yin)< Asian Giant Hornet
    Ox (Water/Yin) < Bull
    Shark (Water/Yin)< Megaladon
    Rabbit (Lightning/Yin) < Kangaroo
    Horse (Fire/Yang) < Unicorn
    Sheep (Fire/Yin) < Ram (Fire/Yin)
    Monkey (Earth/Yang) < Ape
    Rooster (Earth/Yin) < Phoenix
    Pig (Water/Yin) < Boar (Water/Yin)
    Spider (Lightning/Yin) < Scorpian
    Butterfly (Wind/Yang) < Fairy
    Moth (Dust/Yin) < Fallen
    Cheetah (Fire/Yang) < Neko
    Bat (Dust/Yin) < Vampire
    Worm (Earth/Yang) < Wyrm
    Koala (Dust/Yang) < Sloth
    Vulture (Wind/Yin) < Condor
    Wolf (Dust/Yang) < Werewolf
    Jackle (Fire/Yin) < Hellhound
    Bearded Dragon (Dust/Yin) < Komodo Dragon
    Mouse (Lightning/Yang) <
    Meretrix Lusoria

    Sage Mode
    Sage mode can only be achieved through the summon animal you have chosen. There is an imperfect mode where one’s chakra cannot balance their own and the natural around them, then the perfect mode where you can balance and enter a true sage mode. There are advantages and disadvantages to using/activating sage mode:


    1. The user’s physical strength, speed, stamina, reflexes, perception and durability are dramatically enhanced.
    2. The user’s ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu become substantially more powerful.
    3. The user can manipulate the natural energy that surrounds them in this mode, turning it into an extension of their body, which increases the reach of their attacks.
    4. The user gains the ability to sense chakra around them much like sensor types, except they also gain the ability to sense attacks without needing to see them.


    1. If the user draws in too much natural energy, they run the risk of transforming into their respective summon, and then into the summon’s element. If the transformation to the element is completed, it cannot be reversed.
    2. In order to gather enough natural energy to initiate the transformation into Sage Mode, the user must remain perfectly still. Because of that, the user can be an easy target for an opponent.
    3. Because the user needs to move during combat, the senjutsu chakra cannot be replenished, which means the user can’t stay within this state for extended periods of time.
    4. After Sage Mode has ended, the user appears to experience exhaustion.
    Lord English replied 10 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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