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I crumple up the map knowing it’s useless and toss it into the trash can, I pull out a book and find my bookmark.
Sky leans up against Kai as she plays on her phone. She moans as she gets texts from a boy that likes her and she doesn’t like him back.
I sit there reading until my book ends and I get up and head to the library.
Sky looks at Kai and gives him a ‘Really?’ sarcastic look. “First of all, I dont love him. Second of all, he loves me. Then third of all, he always texts me weird things for example…” She looks at her phone and reads off of it. “Like… Your are as beautiful as a rose and Your eyes are as blue as a blue berry, when blueberries aren’t even blue on the inside.”
I drop off the book and roam the library for something interesting.
“well then you want me to get rid of him for you ive done it once.”
Sky shrugs “If you want to.” She gives Kai her phone and watches him.
-i start typing- ‘hello yeah this is sky’s boyfriend and you know i know shes beautiful but next time you text her im going to track you im going to punch so hard in the throat your going to shit and piss yourself and then as i walk away from your worthless body that lies on the ground puking im going to laugh and most likely kick you on the ground.’ -i hand the phone back to you- ”their you go this will make him stop.”
She giggles as she takes her phone and reads what he wrote. Once she reads ‘Sky’s boyfriend’ she blushes hard and looks up at Kai.
-i smile- “so what do you think of the message if you like it send its guaranteed that it will get him off you and along with the message can i ask you a question i was wondering if maybe youd like to i dont know go out with me.”
Sky blushes and giggles a bit. She nods and hugs Kai tightly. “Yes”
-i smile and hug back as i kiss your cheek softly- “your amazing already.”
Sky blushes more and smiles as she sits on Kai’s lap. She looks at him “You know, I never got your number.” She giggles.
-i laugh as i pull my phone out and i look at you- “whats your number and ill put mine in.” -i say handing you my phone and i grab yours putting my number in and i lay your phone in front of you-
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