Activity › Forums › Group Forums › Highschool › Actual RP
She grabs the bottom of the board and skates down the side of the bowl. As soon as she’s making her way down she stands up and goes where the board takes her.
*going into the pipe and going fully around inside*
*skates right beside Vanessa* so isn’t this better than school?
lets try speeding it up faster you go more fun you’ll have *pats her on her rump and speeds up towards the next ramp*
Vanessa squeals as her face turns red. She speeds up, passing Mitch.
Thomas leisurely skated around in the same skate park as Mitchell and Vanessa. ((I didn’t know where else to jump in so tell me if I shouldn’t jump in here.))
*goes even faster till he’s neck and neck with Vanessa*
She comes to a stop, noticing someone else was there. “Hey.. Don’t we go o school with him?”
“Does everyone just leave this school?” She thought to herself.
Thomas ollied onto a rail and did a tre flip off of it.
The door opened to first period, Language Arts, and the Asian girl walked in quickly yet delicately to the teacher who looked like they were dosing asleep with their feet propped up on the desk. Sakura smiled a bit. She loved America. Moving over to pick up the stapler from his desk she stapled her late note onto his tie before turning to walk to her seat. “Don’t want to wake him up,” She murmured quietly though loud enough for the class to hear her slight accent. She sat down in the free seat next to the boy who had his face flat on the desk before pulling out her sketch pad and some art pencils.
-I look up from the desk and put headphones in that are hidden by my shirt going up my sleeve-
Taking the pencil she drew lightly trying to keep her focus on the image she was creating. When the guy to the right of her shoved his head-phones in she could practically hear the words of his music. Leaning over a bit, she tapped him on the shoulder. “The whole class can hear your music. You might want to turn it down.”
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