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“Sure!” Fallen lights up at the idea. She walks down the hall to the exit then looks back at Dakota “If you can keep up” she talks off running
oh nice… would you mind trying to help me find a guy
*phone dings with text i check it and see its from Chael* um sure i don’t know very many though
Fallen keeps running closer to the beach but she runs right into some guy on his phone and falls over. “Ooff” she sits up. “I’m so sorry.”
well how can they think that you are cute if they can’t see you *sees two people collide in the distance*
I have to stop right outside the building to find where way she went to the beach. “Crap, she is fast.” I look in both directions to see if I can see her.
Fallen stands up, and offers a hand to help the guy up. “Are you alright?”
I pull out my phone. I’ll be right out with you I am going to get something. I walk back into the building and I head past a few rooms until I stop at mime I open the door and I put somethings into cooler. I look around my room. “Maybe I should get a room transfer. Hmm I wonder if I will be put with a person I choose or some random person.”
bye *i hang up my phone and watch the two people in the distance wondering if they are ok*
I pull the cooler and I realize that it is hitting the wall making loud noises because sand got stuck in the wheel.
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