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*Jillian put her hands behind her back as they neared the dorm, still blushing a little*
Josh spots Nayr waving at Jillian “hey, theres your friend” Nodding in his direction
“huh?”, Jillian murmured and looked over her shoulder and saw Nayr. She waved back at him.”Hi”, she said quietly.
*He looked at the smoldering cigarette solemnly after they passed and fumbled for his lighter in his pocket. As he lit the fresh cigarette he mumbled silently to himself for the second time that night.* “Merda,” he spoke softly under his breath.
“Thank you, Nayr…” Crystal said to him. She then said, “I’m sorry if I sound timid… I’m not too fond of crowded places, especially with people I don’t yet know…”
Crystal rubbed her arm nervously.
Seeing that he is about to start smoking, Josh goes to his dorm, not waiting for Jillian
“Oh, sorry I didn’t see you there.” *He nodded* “Don’t worry about it… Did you find your building?”
“um yep”, Jillian said taking a big in take of breath secretly and holding it.
“Ah, I see who’s your friend?” *he withdrew a pack of Marlboro Reds 100’s and held the open pack out to Jillian* “Do you smoke?”
“er, he’s my dorm mate”, She said still have plenty of breath left in her tank to not breath in the smoke.”Um no”, she said shaking her head.
*He put them away slightly embarrassed and tossed the cigarette on the ground expunging it with his shoe.*
“Sorry, didn’t mean to erhm….” *He trailed off in speech and waved the smoke away in front of him. “Anyway, I didn’t realize that these dorms were coed. Are you two dating then?”
“um, uh, i don’t think so”, she said blushing all a sudden, taken off guard by the question, she breathed normally now.
“Dating?” Crystal said as she raised an eyebrow.
*he looked at Jillian and blushed. “Aha, I see. That’s too bad. In all honesty I’ve developed a bit of a crush on you in the last couple hours.” * He glanced at Crystal slightly embarrassed.* “But I suppose your dorm mate beat me to it already.” *He smiled* “You have history though right? Maybe I’ll see you in class.”
“eh yeah”, Jillian siad embarrassed then fast walked into the dorm she stiffly got into her bed and faced the wall think about life.
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