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*I turn on my mobile light and place my phone next to Chael’s* and sit down beside him.*
I sit opposite chael and rico and gesture for Jillian to sit next to me.
I walk inside and I see a light so I walk over there. I turn on my light and look around behind me multiple times.
“i don’t get it”, Jillian said quietly before scooting up next to Nayr.
“Okay well, every has heard the rumors by now right?” “That this school is of course haunted and built on an old Indian burial ground.”
“Well I did some reading into it today at the library and discovered some things.” “Firstly natives believed their burial sites to be special doorways into the realm of the dead.”
“it is? well that explains things”, Jillian said quietly, she was a little freaked out though at how the corridor was so dark and that they were all huddled near one light source that cast shadows that also freaked her out.
“Furthermore,” I continue. “Anyone who desecrated these sites would be subject to a terrible curse.”
*scoots closer to Chael placing a hand on his hand* i never knew that much
“Some say that in the final hours of the night, it’s possible for those who have violated these sites to become absolved into them, and the horrors within. Theoretically we are sitting in one of those sites right now.”
“dude but we cant find ghosts if we want to find them i don’t think thats how it works… Or we make a specter angry then it try to kill use i think”, she said quietly fulling her hat down a bit.
“we are what!”, Jillian said not quietly. “i don’t wanna get involve with voodoo shoot, crap apples!”, she said wanting to leave but was to scared to go alone. she didn’t want to move along the halls with out the group it was a definant no no under the circumstances.
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