Alien Races
You want to be original with your fan-character? Why not start out with your own alien species?
Now, if you do end up making one, there are some simple rules to follow:1. When you have made your species, you have the right to make it free to others in the group or keep it for yourself. To make sure others will know if they can use it or not, bold whether or not it is open above the character sheet.
2. You do not have to be too thorough, but it would be nice enough to know very specific details about your species.
3. Do not make them too powerful. This one is basically a given, but just in case you go rebel on me.
Planet Name:
Government: (Are they a republic? Democracy? An empire?)
Ranks: (This is another part for government in case it is a hierarchy, but this could even go for other government types.)
Basic Appearance: (Something that’s shared between all of members of the species.)
Reputation: (Are they liked? Not liked? Are they rude?)
Strengths: (Their shared strong-points.)
Weaknesses: (Their shared weak-points.)
More Important/Extra Info on you Species?: (Wanna explain their reproduction? Or the way their time is measured? Do they have anything to do with earth or other known species in the show?)If there might be more sections to add to the sheet, go ahead and do so to your character sheet, then message me what you’ve decided to add to it.
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