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Alternia (Second Timeline)
Posted by Lord English on January 17, 2014 at 1:53 am((This is the time of the A2 session. If you are meant for session A1, you are an adult. If you are meant for session A2, you are a kid. This is general rp until the game session starts.))
Cain replied 10 years, 7 months ago 9 Members · 160 Replies -
160 Replies
-Zembra tapped at her computer keys, her just running scans even if she had the time to super program her computers. She had recently installed a glass portion to the floor so her lusus could watch her. She heard him tap the glass, her smiling and letting the scans continue as she walked away from the keyboard and went to her drying room. She closed the door behind her and tapped the hatch below her with her feet. It opened, allowing her to fall into the water and swim out to hunt with her lusus. She rode on top, gripping the fin as it swam swiftly to the designated target. He bit at a large fish but missed as it tried to swim around and over, giving Zembra a clear shot with her scythe. She cut the head clear off the fish then let her lusus pick up the parts. Zembra got off of the fin and swam the whole way home, swimming up to the open hatch and hanging onto a bar inside that activated the closing. It was high enough that her feet wouldn’t get caught when it closed nor her dress. She then felt the dryers wipe away the water from her flesh, her opening the door when it was done and checking on her computers. The scan was done and below she saw her lusus placing meat into a special cooker she made that was water proof. She decided it was best to log onto Trollian and pester the first person she could think of.
“AM: Hello?
AM: Are you there?
AM: I wwanted to know if you wwould like to talk?
AM: I just finished running scans on my computer and thought it wwould 8e cool to talk.”She sat back and awaited response.-
In the depths of a large hive resembling a manor home situated on an alpine mountain top, a young female troll sat hunched over a steel worktable. The only movement which could be seen was the minute twitching of strong biceps and triceps as Skvaada delicately manipulated a pair of impossibly fine forceps She sat up for a moment, using a hand to knead out the knot nestling within her shoulder muscles.
The troll took the brief respite to glance down at her latest project. A live squeakbeast lay unmoving and sedated along with a pair ofhalf-attached featherbeast wings on its front paws. Assorted around the respiteblock were a variety of stuffed and carefully preserved creatures, a small pen for live creatures, training weights, a desk and the worktable covered with all of the necessary tools for an aspiring medicarver. Not, that the indigo blood actually needed to take up a civil service job, but engrossing herself in work helped to distract herself from more destructive impulses.
Returning to her work, the troll finished aligning the fragile muscles and tendons before sewing up the wings.She then left it in the pen to recover, taking care not to bruise the beast too much. Finally finished for the day, the blue-blood deliberated between lifting some weights or playing ficuspawn when her husktop began playing the Troll Indiana Jones theme music.
Logging onto Trollian, Skvaada noticed someone was trolling her.
<arcaneMemory has begun trolling steadfastStitches>
“AM: Hello?
AM: Are you there?
AM: I wwanted to know if you wwould like to talk?
AM: I just finished running scans on my computer and thought it wwould 8e cool to talk.Skvaada paused before typing a response carefully to avoid damaging anymore keys.
SS: -> Hell0, seaadweller
SS: -> I c0nfess, y0u haave caaught me aat aa m0st f0rtuit0us time f0r c0nversing aas my lusus will thaankfully be aabsent f0r a few m0ments m0re
SS: -> S0, haave y0u c0me up with aa new tiraade c0ncerning the faaults 0f us laandwellers?
0r is there s0mething else y0u wish t0 discuss? -
-Zembra smiled as she saw messages begin to appear on her screen. She read and then thought for a moment. She just wanted to talk, did something she say make it seem urgent? It didn’t matter, at least not right now. She began briskly typing back,
“AM: No, no faults.
AM: I am just completely fed up wwith sitting alone wwith no one to talk to 8ut my lusus.
AM: He only lets me out to let him hunt anymore and it is vvery 8oring.
AM: Also I just 8uilt a 3D printer yesterday and oh my cod its precision!”She sat back away, knowing full and well that should get a response. She didn’t care who she talked to anymore, despite hating the land dwellers. She turned away from the computer now that she mentioned the 3D printer and decided to make random things while waiting for the response. She typed up a quick blueprint using coding and placed a block of plastic in. She set it to the appropriate setting for plastic then turned back around, letting it continue printing as she checked for messages.-
Skvaada raised an eyebrow at the last message before typing a response.
SS: -> I see.
SS: -> I t00 understaand the need t0 aav0id aan 0verpr0tective lusus.
SS: -> The pr0ductive p0ssibilities 0f such aa device aare quite limitless. I aam sure y0u c0uld find aa c0nstructive use, if 0nly t0 evaade y0ur lusus.The blue-blood troll paused to listen for her lusus, but hearing nothing continued to type.
SS: -> If y0u aare suffering fr0m b0red0m, aas y0u saay, might I maake aa request?
SS: -> I tend t0 run l0w 0n supplies aas perf0rming even the m0st baasic of taasks requires aa frustraating aam0unt 0f restraaint. Just h0w duraable aare the maateriaals used f0r y0ur printer? -
-Zembra was about to type when her responder had paused but saw the next few messages pop up. She looked over at her printer for a moment, hearing her lusus bash his head on the glass at her feet. She went over to the printer and saw that the plastic was done. She examined the skull it had carved out of the plastic and smiled. It wasn’t an accurate one but she’d never really seen a skull. She turned to the computer controlling the printer and popped up its settings. She then turned to the one with Trollian up and typed back to her pen pal.
“AM: Its highest setting says ‘rare metal’ but is not vvery specific.
AM: For all I knoww, it can cut nearly anything.”She looked over her response and shook her head before typing more.
“AM: I would just sum it up to heavy metals.
AM: Wwhat sort of idea did you have?”- -
-Lupus came up and out of a pond of red water that was well heated by the many beasts that swam within its waters. His grey muscled form quickly dried within the burning lands dry air that cracked his skin with its heat. He slowly made his way to his large black nest that took on the form of a black castle with demons and dragons within. Lupus past the door and a woman in leather came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his mid section before making a noise meaning she didnt like me venturing out into the wilds but my strength made me just as dangerous as anything else out in those burning fields. He put on his red sunglasses to cover his eyes that had four pupils in both eyes. Lupus would then wave his hand calling something out of nothing and a soda would land within his hand before he tips it back and drinks deeply until its contents are empty. He walked over to his pc and tapped a few keys before trollian popped up and still standing found that a couple people were online and he sent a message to both of them.
-Zembra noticed that her Trollian was flashing, someone else was trolling her now. She flipped over and read the chat.
“<nightWolf has begun trolling arcaneMemory>
NW: ╘Hello╘”
Zembra smiled as more land dwellers were opening up to her. She typed back to him, leaving her messages from Skvaada open. She typed back to Lupus quickly.
“AM: Hello land dwweller.
AM: Wwhat might you 8e looking for?”She continued to check back and forth through the logs. She also turned back to her 3D printer, taking the extra plastic and placing it into a melting furnace that would recycle it for her. She would place in a new block but this time of black dyed metal. She set the instructions to the nanometers using encrypted code. Since she thought she might need her plastic skull later, she cataloged it into her Encryption Modus. She loved how it kept her in practice but the encryption for the skull wasn’t very difficult. She spun back to her computer before further placing in of instructions and looked at the screen.-
-Lupus watched as his lusus gave him an evil smile as she walked into the bathroom dropping her leather clothing outside of the door to temp Lupus but he didn’t find her alluring in the slightest as she couldn’t put him in his place so he turned back to his pc screen seeing it was blinking before smirking and reading.
NW: ╘Hello╘”
“AM: Hello land dwweller.
AM: Wwhat might you 8e looking for?”He sighed and looked around before he began to type again making sure not to let his Lusus see him talking to another female or she would try and temp Lupus even greater as he began.
“NW: ╘Nothing Much Just Wish I Had Some Fun Since I Cant Find Anyone To Have Fun with Other Then my clingy Lusus╘”
-Zembra chuckled out loud. Seemed they were all having lusus problems. She heard one big thump on the glass and quickly typed to him.
“AM: 8r8…”
She went to her door, closing it behind her and falling down the hatch into the water where she confronted her lusus by yelling, “The hell you wwant?!”
The shark gave what sounded like a growl before taking off out of its hole. Zembra just gave a frustrated sigh and climb back up into the hatch, hanging on as she yet again got dried off. She opened the door and went back into her computer room. Her eyes looked at the 3D printers screen, programming in a little more before pressing the start so the lazer could work the metal. She turned back to the computer where Trollian was still left up. She typed once more to Lupus.
“AM: 8ack.
AM: Very sorry, my lusus wwas acting up.”- -
Taking a brief respite from Trollian, Skvaada got up to go fetch a glass of strawberry musclebeast milk, which according to an ancient text she once read was the secret to becoming STRONG. Unfortunately, it was rather difficult to come acquire since it involved wrestling a musclebeast into submission in single combat. Coming back, she realized that several new messages had popped up on Trollian. She promptly began reading and responding to them while taking a few sips from her glass.
SS: -> Hell0, nightw0lf
SS: -> AaM aand I were discussing the 3D printer she recently built.
SS: -> AaM, if I c0uld aacquire aa sufficiently STR0NG maateriaal, w0uld y0u be willing t0 cut it f0r me? I aam simply n0 l0nger aable t0 endure the indignity 0f laacking pr0per eaating utensils
SS: -> This is bec0ming aa seri0us pr0blem.Skvaada sent her messages and then leaned back a little, sighing. It was impossibly exasperating to behave in a manner befitting highbloods of her status while in possession of only two glasses, one spoon and a whole collection of bent silverware and shattered plates. The frustration of thinking about her situation caused the glass of strawberry milk shattered in her hand, spilling its pink contents to the floor. Make that one glass.
“Sweet honey iced-tea, why!?” In frustration, she slammed her head on the desk, causing a slight crack in the concrete block. Ignoring the beginnings of a pounding headache, Skvaada glanced back up at Trollian.
-Zembra read over the log with Skvaada and smiled. She would type in response as swiftly as possible.
“AM: I can make you any utensils you please. I just need to knoww wwhat kind of strong materials you wish for me to use.
AM: Name something and I will check if I have it.”She turned back to look at the metal in the printer. It was cutting a nice sharp blade for her sythekind as a sort of upgrade. She thought about maybe making parts for another printer but then she would need more materials. She heard movement below her and her entire floor seemed to suddenly jump up as her lusus smashed the glass beneath. She looked down at the glass and yelled, “Wwhat the hell?!?! Leave me alone!”
She went to her door, reaching to the side to pick up a waterproof earpiece computer with a single see through lens over her left eye. It had a microphone that would type for her as she spoke and she dropped through the floor then spoke to open trollian and watch for responses. She swam out of her hive and shut and locked the door from the outside to trap her lusus in. She heard him thumping and as she spoke on her way to the shore, her computer accidently typed into both of the trollian logs.
Skvaada raised an eyebrow at the…interesting messages coming in through Trollian, and chuckled a little under her breath.
SS: -> 0.0
SS: -> I taake it y0u’ve deaalt with y0ur lusus pr0blem?
SS: -> C0ngraatulaati0ns, aalth0ugh I d0 n0t envy y0u when the sun risesA loud screech suddenly rang throughout the hive, alerting the young troll to the impending arrival of her lusus. Gathering up her machine, making sure to bring connecting wires and chargers she relocated the device away from the window.
SS: -> Paard0n me. I need t0 rel0caate my huskt0p
Skvaada dragged the worktable, desk and training machines over to one corner of the respiteblock before ripping off some tapestry drapes and using them to build a small fort concealing herself from her lusus. Actually, who was she kidding? Even a wiggler could figure out where she was hiding, but the confusion might serve to buy her some time from her dreaded talonbeast lusus.
SS: -> 0kaay, baack n0w
SS: -> D0 y0u haave aany plaans f0r y0ur freed0m? -
-Zembra swam so fast to the shore her computer tried to type the bubbling.
“AM: bbubbubbubbbubbububbbbbbbubbbbbbububububbbbbbbb ffffffff”
Zembra got to the sand and walked up onto the shore and sighed contently. She then looked over the log and saw what was typed and shook her head before speaking to type.
“AM: Sorry, my headset told my computer to type the sounds of me swimming and leaving the wwater.
AM: Anywway, I think I wwill use it to go get materials or perhaps vvisit if my lusus doesn’t 8reak out. >^<
AM: He is going to 8e so furious!”She thought about the sun and knew there was a forest nearby. She began heading that way and talked to type once again.
“AM: Wwhere do you livve anywway?”-
SS: -> I live 0n aa m0untaain t0p by the f0rest, but y0u sh0uld be aable t0 sp0t it by–
A sudden screech, much louder than before sounded and shook part of the hive.
SS: -> 0h, heaavens t0 betsy. My lusus is here
SS: -> If y0u see aan en0rm0us tal0nbeaast neaarby, thaat is where I aam
SS: -> Perhaaps, if my lusus is n0t t00 enraaged, I caan meet y0uA thud sounded as Skvaada’s lusus landed on the ground, folding its wings and letting out another alerting screech. The enormous white eagle-like creature glanced around the food preparation block with beady eyes looking for its adoptive troll. Finding no indigo blood, but uneaten prey and eggs, the avian beast let out a screech of frustration, its crest feathers flaring up angrily as it stalked off to search for the troll. Skvaada could hear the clack of sharp talons scratching on the marble surface as it searched different blocks, all the while getting closer to the respite block.
SS: -> 0h n0. This is n0t g00d
SS: -> But I think I haave aa few minutes m0re
SS: -> H0w is the land? -
-Zembra trekked across the sand into the forest and smiled as she knew she’d be guarded now if the sun rose. She made her way towards the mountains near the forest and read her logs. She then typed as she went.
AM: The land is fine.
AM: I feel like a fish out of wwater.
AM: 8ut what is wrong with your lusus?
AM: I can hear the screeching from here.She weaved through the trees and made her way to the foot of the mountain. She looked up and sighed as she started trying to climb up.-
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