Activity Forums Group Forums SBURB and SGRUB Strike Back Alternia (Second Timeline)

  • Lord English

    April 27, 2014 at 11:05 pm

    -Zembra took hold of the Faygo and smiled at Stuttle as she looked at the Faygo that was everywhere. She giggled a bit and said, “No problem. I wwill just clean up later. Enjoy yourself.” She opened it and took a sip. She didn’t like how it fizzed in her nose and the taste seemed below par but she enjoyed it. It was different than meat, kelp, and water, that was for sure. She took herself over to her 3-D printer and looked at the progress of things she had been making. She noticed that the block was done and she put all the extra scrap into the door of her melter. She then placed a fresh block into the machine and said, “Anyone else want some durable items?” She noticed messages on her computer and was sure to respond quickly.

    <nightWolf has begun trolling arcaneMemory>
    NW: hello
    AM: Get your glubbin’ butt ovver here!

    <deathSurvival has begun trolling arcaneMemory>
    DS: hello anyone Who is Out there.
    AM: Hello and get your glubbin’ butt to my place! There is a party going on!


    A male sporting a white jacket paces frivolously in his room, contemplating the complexity of the busted computer that was in his room. He knew it was his sister’s doing as everything was sticky. The keyboard was nearly beyond repair, the monitor was fried and she only put her computer on his side of the room in order to annoy him. She had a habit of doing so. Or, this though struck his mind, she knew he could fix it. He took apart the monitor, cleaning all of it to find it was mostly the outside that took the damage. That was a good sign. He put it back together flawlessly, putting a sealant around the edges just in case. He heard his computer blip as a message arrived. He ignored it for merely a moment and took apart the keyboard. He set the bottom of the keyboard close to his own as he looked over the mass message. He began cleaning the bottom of the keyboard and the insides as he poked out a message with one hand in return.

    <nightWolf has begun jeering toxicRefelction>
    NW: hello
    TR: Greetings and salutations my exceptional gentleman.
    TR: How are we this momentous twilight?


    A girl stands in her room, she had been obviously munching on chocolate as it was smeared all over her lips. She saw her computer blink as a message came across. She smiled at the fact anyone would want to talk to her. As she spun around to type on the keyboard she knocked a bottle of Faygo onto it. She sat it upright very quickly and looked at the message. She decided her hands were enough to pick up the sticky mess so she replied.

    <deathSurvival has begun cheering crackedGlass>
    DS: hello anyone Who is Out there.
    CG: hey there duddette
    CG: sup?

  • Peridot

    April 29, 2014 at 1:47 am

    A soft chime from her husktop alerted Skvaada to a series of incoming messages from Trollian. Pulling her HUSKTOP out from one of her captchalogue cards, the high blood sat the machine on her lap and squinted curiously at the texts. One was from nightwolf, and the other from a troll she had ‘t met before.

    She paused a moment, delicately chewing on the tip of her fingernail before deciding to be social. A quick clatter of yellow fingernails against the chitinous keyboard and her short reply was sent:

    <deathSurvival has begun trolling steadfastStitches>
    DS: hello anyone Who is Out there.
    SS: Hell0 there, I d0 n0t believe we haave c0nversed bef0re. I aam currently aattending aa paarty but perhaaps we c0uld te%t laater

    With that message sent, the indigo blood gently closed the husktop case, taking care not to warp the exoskeleton. Once that was finished, Skvaada turned her attention back on the present party-goers only to see that Kolarabi had finished her sketch of the current trolls and was beginning the sketch of an unfamiliar troll.

    “These drawings are quite good. Whom is this troll going to be?” She asked, hovering overhead slightly.

  • Cain

    April 30, 2014 at 6:52 pm

    -Lupus saw the messages from a few trolls so he sent a message back asking for directions while he hit a few keys on his tablot waiting for an answer. He got another message from toxicRefelction which made him raise a brow that this person was talking as if they knew Lupus as Lupus did speak in the same custom as this creature always showing respect to those who deserved such.

    <nightWolf has begun jeering toxicRefelction>
    NW: hello
    TR: Greetings and salutations my exceptional gentleman.
    TR: How are we this momentous twilight?
    Nw:╘Im fine Good Sir, how can I be of Service this evening╘

  • Kolarabi Vantas

    May 4, 2014 at 2:04 am

    “Oh, that’s Lupus. I’m guessing you haven’t met him?”
    She responded to Skvaada. Kolarabi drank more Faygo. She noticed her caps lock key had fallen off. No wonder why she couldn’t type in caps.

  • ♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒

    May 5, 2014 at 12:34 am

    Stutle chugged down another then grabbed a sopor pie from his modus, they typically weren’t made for troll consumption but it helps him deal with the world. He had no idea he had it and re-captchalogued it best to save it for later he then returned to zembra, “sorry bout that so where do i sit for the hair dying.” He soon had started to honk randomly, though lightly and innocent at first it started to grow in volume sorta creepily but it soon subsided and turned normal.

  • Silver

    May 6, 2014 at 10:05 pm

    Saw her screen light up as responses started to flood in she smiled and walked over and flopped down in her chair. “Lets see OOO a party this could be fun.”

    <arcaneMemory has begun trolling deathSurvival>
    AM: Hello and get your glubbin’ butt to my place! There is a party going on!
    DS: Alright let me get through my messages and I will be on my way over

    Looking through her messages she found one form someone she didn’t recognize but decided to be friendly anyways
    < crackedGlass has begun Cheering deathSurvival>
    CG: hey there duddette
    CG: sup?
    DS: Sup how you doing today. I’m about to head to a party
    DS: We should meet sometime don’t think I have ever meet you I love making new friends

    She then started to go through another message and grinned and sent a quick response to the last message from steadfastStitches and smirked. “will be to the party shortly just waiting on a quick response from someone then will be on my way and we can talk then.

  • Lord English

    May 6, 2014 at 10:28 pm

    -Zembra was no longer watching her messages as Stutle spoke to her. She smiled at the fact he was willing to get his hair dyed and ignored the honking. She knew it was just a normal thing for their blood. She pointed to a chair near one of her computers and said, “There will be fine. What colors do you want? I have all of them~!” She was excited in the party going so swimmingly. She arranged the colors out in front of him.-


    -The male tried to get back to cleaning the torn apart keyboard, not expecting to get a reply so fast. He smirked as he looked at the log and typed again with one hand.

    <nightWolf has begun jeering toxicRefelction>
    NW: hello
    TR: Greetings and salutations my exceptional gentleman.
    TR: How are we this momentous twilight?
    NW:╘Im fine Good Sir, how can I be of Service this evening╘
    TR: I am awestruck in the pellucid palpability that a one would even seek elucidation from my greetings.
    TR: I, sir, am simplistically imploring the capability of metamorphose into a friendship?

    The last words he typed repulsed him, as he couldn’t stand the thought of it. He placed the keyboard down and began piecing it back together. This was going to be a long process and couldn’t comprehend how his sister got her keyboard so messy.-


    -She started noticing that the keyboard was sticking to her hand. She sighed and pulled it off, making sure to erase anything she wrote. She then looked at the reply and smiled.

    <deathSurvival has begun cheering crackedGlass>
    DS: hello anyone Who is Out there.
    CG: hey there duddette
    CG: sup?
    DS: Sup how you doing today. I’m about to head to a party
    DS: We should meet sometime don’t think I have ever meet you I love making new friends
    CG: i would like to make new friends!
    CG: sadly we could never meet face to face
    CG: long story

    She went to take another sip of her drink, resulting in spilling more onto her keyboard. This time she picked up the keyboard swiftly and held it above her head while staring at the screen for a reply, perhaps she could bug more people but she contemplated issuing her brother’s help since her keyboard might not survive.-

  • Peridot

    May 7, 2014 at 2:16 am

    “Correct. We chatted briefly but I’ve never actually met him,” Skvaada responded to the troll sitting next to her. Another chime alerted Skvaada to a reply from Trollian. A careful flick of the screen revealed crackedGlass’s response. Apparently, whoever she had been trolling her earlier was now heading over to Zembra’s hive for the impromptu party.

    <deathSurvival has begun trolling steadfastStitches>
    DS: hello anyone Who is Out there.
    SS: Hell0 there, I d0 n0t believe we haave c0nversed bef0re. I aam currently aattending aa paarty but perhaaps we c0uld te%t laater
    DS: will be to the party shortly just waiting on a quick response from someone then will be on my way and we can talk then.
    SS: Aalright, I will see y0u there
    <steadfaststitches has ceased trolling deathSurvival>

    With that out of the way, she could now focus on whatever her fellow party-goers were up to at the moment. This included Stutle putting away a vile, disgusting sopor pie and honking. Such honking. It was more than a little eerie but the highblood soon stopped, and clearly deemed it unnecessary to unleash some sort of purple-blooded rage or chucklevoodoos on the group. Thank the Empress for small mercies. Skvaada let out a deep breath, blowing one part of her dyed bangs out of her face as she twisted about in the couch. Zembra had a lot of colors for hair-dying and she was curious about which ones Stutle would use. She almost opened her mouth to suggest one, but decided to take a “wait-and-see” approach.

  • Cain

    May 9, 2014 at 12:17 am

    -Lupus pulled up his tablet and began to wander off while he checked over his trollian and began to try and find the home of the water troll that the party was taking place at. His trollian has a message from the mystery person that wasn’t giving an image so he was suspicious of this creature so he turned off his tablet and slipped it into his back pocket while he made his way towards what he knew was the water troll district.

  • Ceaseless Voices

    May 9, 2014 at 11:59 pm

    Victor walked inside after and long day of talking to some old friends, and hunting with his lusus. Tired he took a shower and got dinner ready for himself, a rare steak and some red liquid, he sat at his husktop and started eating. He noticed his Trollian was flashing and checked it.

    <deathSurvival has begun trolling ceaselessVoices>
    DS: hello anyone Who is Out there.
    CS: Hello there.
    CS: What’s up man¿

    <nightWolf started trolling ceaselessVoices>
    NW: Hello.
    CS: Hello there.
    CS: What are you up to¿

  • Kolarabi Vantas

    May 10, 2014 at 9:43 pm

    Kolarabi was a little pissed off at the fact that there was a lot of trolls trolling her. Of course, pissing her off wasn’t a hard thing to do. She closed all windows, and saved the picture. It wasn’t late at night, but she felt terribly tired. She grabbed the nearest pillow and shoved her face into it. SO. MANY. TROLLS.

  • NikkiUncensored

    May 11, 2014 at 5:56 am

    After doing absolutely nothing for what felt like millions of days, Rayglz Captor decided to play with her many toys. Some idiots had told her that a highly functioning troll like herself with a good 6.4 sweeps on her head had grown out of toys. But Rayglz couldn’t bear the thought of doing much growing. She spent a good hour playing Little Fish Utopia with her many stuffed animal Koi fishes. She glanced at her husktop, and was surprised to see it had done no beeping, flashing, notifying, nothing. She rolled over to where it was, opened it, picked a random troll to start trolling, and let her fingers to the rest.

    <ubiquitousDemon has begun trolling deathSurvival>
    UD: 38* )(ey wut you up to?*
    UD: 38*iight man, you knowz i ain’t the waitin kind*
    UD: 38* : know wut, i’m going to go back to playin Little Fish Utopia with my fishies*
    <ubiquitousDemon has ceased trolling deathSurvival>

    Rayglz slammed her husktop shut, rolled back to her play area, and picked up a fish. The soft texture had calmed her, and taken her away from the edge. She then went into deep thought….

    What the hell is wrong with me, I get close to snapping really easily now a days, I need to meet other trolls more often, maybe that will help?

    Rayglz stared up at the ceiling and slowly drifted off to a point of boredom not even all the Koi fishes in the world could get her out of.

  • ♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒

    May 13, 2014 at 11:35 pm

    Stutle walked to the chair Zembra pointed to he turned back, “I’ll take em all sis,” he sat down and waited for the dying. he thought about trolling someone but he decided he’d wait

  • Silver

    May 14, 2014 at 9:26 pm

    Hummed as she read over the messages then smiled. “Well at least I can be their friend on here even if we cant meet.”

    <deathSurvival has begun cheering crackedGlass>
    DS: hello anyone Who is Out there.
    CG: hey there duddette
    CG: sup?
    DS: Sup how you doing today. I’m about to head to a party
    DS: We should meet sometime don’t think I have ever meet you I love making new friends
    CG: i would like to make new friends!
    CG: sadly we could never meet face to face
    CG: long story
    DS: Well at Least we can Be friends on Here Right?
    DS: It Would be Great fun we could Play games together

    She then saw the new message and blinked. “Man hummm why do people always assume everyones a man..” she closed that chat down and went back to the other one.

  • Lord English

    May 14, 2014 at 9:46 pm

    -Zembra clapped her hands together and placed on some gloves, grabbing all the colors and going at it. She then realized she forgot something and whispered to her computer eye piece to send out maps to everyone not in the immediate area. She made sure it was the map that had her place circled.

    She then proceeded to place the colors into Stutle’s hair. She smiled and said, “You are as crazy as us, aren’t you? Every color.” She had this big smile on her face seeing another dare to have all the colors despite the hemospectrum hierarchy. She thought it was impressive how many of them so far went for different colors.


    The male realized that he was no longer being responded to and growled at the computer, nearly chipping one of the keys in half. He quickly corrected himself and turned away from the computer only to hear it go off. He turned in hopes of seeing the intelligent male’s response but instead ended up with a map with a place circled. He hadn’t a clue what it was about and saved the file, figuring he would need it later. He then resumed quietly fixing and cleaning the keyboard, thoughts churning in his head.


    The female clapped her hands, them pulling at the skin of each other as she did so. She ended up knocking her drink again and she freaked. She picked it back up and then tried to type back swiftly. She tried to type in response to her new friend but it seemed that the keyboard was really messed up.

    <deathSurvival has begun cheering crackedGlass>
    DS: hello anyone Who is Out there.
    CG: hey there duddette
    CG: sup?
    DS: Sup how you doing today. I’m about to head to a party
    DS: We should meet sometime don’t think I have ever meet you I love making new friends
    CG: i would like to make new friends!
    CG: sadly we could never meet face to face
    CG: long story
    DS: Well at Least we can Be friends on Here Right?
    DS: It Would be Great fun we could Play games together
    CG: sr
    CG: i ned to go now
    CG: i need t slp an my kybad is atng p
    CG: TTYL
    <crackedGlass has ceased cheering deathSurvival>

    She signed out quickly and slammed her head onto her desk. This was a frustrating bout. She unplugged her keyboard from her computer and walked to the middle of the room. She set it down on a divider so her brother could take care of it. Her mind went into the thought of partying. She sighed and went to her fizzy drink and took a nice sip from it. She smiled and then proceeded to party for a little while before she needed to sleep.

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