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  • Cain

    July 28, 2014 at 9:03 pm

    She sat there and started to type as screens flashed and she kept working and watching what was going on. As the compounds mixed and meshed in the simulations waiting to see if it would hold and work as the adjustments were made. “Alright one problem down several more to go.” She stood up and reached over and grabbed one of Bruce’s old canes and walked across the cave over to a table and tapped several keys. “Alright let’s do this.” She said and set to work on an old file one Bruce had made many years ago but never completed. It was designs for a new bat suit similar to the one she had but with a better foundation she worked off of something else altogether. “I see okay maybe if I..” she started to make changes to the design she kept working and soon she walked back over to the main computer leaving the holo image if the suit with the edits for her body in it and the mask she wore. Sitting down and seeing the compounds didn’t work she started on a new set. “Hum maybe if we… and a little of..” she pulled up the notes and started to read over the data and understood now it wouldn’t matter if the compounds didn’t hold they would constantly hold. “I see this will make things a bit easier.” She then picked up the phone when it Rang “This is Muse” she said and heard fox on the other end as the discussion was already starting out bad.

    -Dur-El wandered around the batcave while he waited for her to work on the computer which was mostly boring to him. He wandered over to where all the past uniforms were and it made him raise a brow as he turned back to muse not really speaking to her but more to himself”Hey could you make me look human”. He knew if he ever wanted to live a normal life he needed a new look much like these costumes, he needed to hide his true self from those he helps. He wandered back over to muse and picked up a book next to the desk while he waited to see what muse might come up with.

    He then thought of something”by the way you may want to start watching the artic for irruglarties from now on, im regrowing the fortress from the ground up”. He was looking around and saw that all of the doors were open but that one. He questioned it but shrugged as he waited for her to get off the phone with whoever was now working with muse.-

    Sat there oblivious to Dur-El she hadn’t even realized she had started to work around him. His words brought her back to reality though and out of her project she looked up at him and then tilted her head. “Hummm. I think I can find a way to take care of that but it will take some time. Part of that would be to stay out of the water. Since the water is what caused this in the first place.” She explained and continued to work now then heard his next statement and nodded. “I see well we will have to hope no one goes looking or pays attention down there while its growing?” she then leaned back and disgusting cracks where heard her back was degenerating faster than expected even by the doctors who put her back in the suit to help prolong the problem. Her face became contorted in pain but she said nothing tell the pain wore off. “Well lets hope Wayne Bio-Tech hurries up and lets hope fox is even faster. She glanced to her phone and sighed she hadn’t liked the conversation they had but it needed to be done.

    -Dur-El nodded as he began to clean up the batcave finding any rocks that had fallen over the years and as he picked up a rather large one he found what looked like the batmobile and he yelled out his discovery”Hey I think I found his car, though its seen better days”. He picked it up and placed it back on the round platform it belonged on as he looked it over trying to see what it would need and once he got a list of parts he began to use his mass speed to go out in gotham to tons of junkyards and through a few high end sport garages leaving a suit case of money on the desk so once he came back with an arm full of parts he sat back to start repairing the car. He wasent exactly sure how he knew how to repair it but it must have been included in the files at lexcorp atleast the basics of the batmobile so he could get it running atleast but most likly not the special features those would need repaired by someone that really knew what they were doing.

    Dur-El kept walked past Muse looking at her screen as he kept picking up tools having broken the first set of them not able to hanel his strength on the fragile things but after about an hour of breaking things then getting repairs he had mastered the ability to control himself atleast around metal. He repaired the frame out of an old stingray car body that he had found in the junkyard but luckly the engine was not damage so he repaired the undercarige and most of the other odds and ends since nothing was really saveable but afterwards he placed on new tireds with bulletproof tread. He reached in and delitcly turned the key and heard it roar to life and with a smile turned it off as he picked the entire car up and examine underneith seeing there was an oil leak so he simply placed his thumb on the metal around the hole and began to rub it gently until the metal heated up enough to weld togeather fixing the hole. He then placed it back down and found a paint blasted and began working on paiting the car black instead of the bright red it currently was.

    He finished the car in about four hours useing his mass speed to get everything wasnt the hard part, it was not breaking the car when he would get frustrated at it not working. He kept having to step back and growl for a few minutes until he calmed down and could work again.-

    She looked over to the rock that was moved and saw the batmobile it was in bad shape indeed and figured she would work on it some day. She got back to her work. her eyes shifted to watch him move the car. She started to think of how to make him look more human, putting her how research on hold she pulled up the doomsday file and another called the fall of a hero.She started reading over these she pulled up another document on a separate screen. taking notes and what notes she understood and what observations that had been made about doomsday she started to tap a finger as she worked out the new problem and request. “Well I could always kill him and force him to re adapt to a new situation..” She said under her breath but wasn’t so sure that it would work quite right. She continued over the file and stopped at a section and started to tap her finger again reading over it several times while she thought. “Took the original 15 years of living with Kara to retake a more human form and fit in with the rest of society. How can i accelerate this process. Him living with me would help with that so long as he stayed out of the water.” Sandra went back to typing notes again.

    Stopping hearing him growl she blinked she watched her tools getting destroyed and sighed. She figured it was best to not fight with the man at this point. Sandra turned back to her notes and then it clicked. and she typed something out and highlighted it and brought up a simulation program and input the perimeters she wanted then set up the test simulation. Letting it run she then went back to her task as a lab section of the cave lit up and took a second to come back to life but soon it started working with the chemicals and started to make various compounds.

    She went to stand and nearly fell then grabbed the cane. She looked so much older then she was being hunched over. Making he way over to him she took her free hand and placed it on his shoulder. “I think I may have found a way but it has possible draw backs. It created one of Batmans stronger foes. I’m running simulations right now. Your only other option is time. The real doomsday took 15 years to take on a human form and he lived with kara the whole time. They worked together. In fact I think they had a child.” She left that alone and didn’t go any further than that. Her hand slipped off his shoulder the suit’s glove was scored from his rough skin and she turned and started to walk towards the stairs the lead to the elevator that would take her up into the manor. “If you want you can stay with me I’m just going up to get something to eat. unless you want to try your hand at cooking. I’m sure there are cookbooks in the kitchen that can help you.”

    -Dur-El looked back on his work of the car and headed up stairs as he wondered what she meant by a to make him which made him more curious then before. He followed her up stairs ducking to dodge the low landing as he climbed up the elevator shaft instead of riding it as he hated the small area. He reached the top before her so he headed to the kitchen and began to search through books and in no time he was running out to gotham and even to other cities to find the items he would need for there dinner. He kept coming back and then leaving again for about an hour before he returned with an arm full of bags. He had used his super speed to shop and then put it on the belt, by the time they realized no one was standing there to pick up the bags they were gone and money left behind.

    He cracked his knuckels and picked up a huge knife as he cut the huge fish in half before boning it and removing anything that was needed for the meal. He then cooked up some fresh mashed pototes and once the fish was fully cooked placed the fish on top of the potatoes then covered it all in lemon juice. He brought two plates to the table before gathering silverware for them both but he fouth his webbed hands were unable to hold a fork correctly so he used the huge knife from before to cut and then stab his meal before placing it in his mouth. He ate while watching her trying to wait out hoping she would give him her idea’s on a possibility of being human as he didnt want to be a beast no one could trust-

    As she reached the manor she saw he was already moving about and she watched him. Moving to a chair she sat down and started going through the mail granted it didn’t matter as far as records showed she had died under mysterious causes. She sighed and took a breath. “I’m heading upstairs” she said and started to head up using the cane to get there. Once she was in her room she took a risk the doctors had told her not to but she was already screwed. Slowly she took the suite off and nearly feel once she was out of it. She fought back to her feet and started to get dressed. Once she was dressed in a pants suite she worked her way back down and she was further hunched over and more relying on the cane then her own legs. Taking a seat and seeing him finish cooking. She took and started to eat once the food was set in front of her. “There was a man I forget his real name off the top of my head but Gotham knows him as clayface. I have access to the chimicals that made him that way with proper doses it might even help you but I can make no promises.”

    -Dur-El had information on the creature she was speaking of as it was one of the few creatures that could change like doomsday but this creatures form shifting was way more advance. He began to eat his fish enjoying the taste of his first creation. Dur-El watched her closly wondering how he could fix her but he was not a scientist not yet but he could become one in time since he was immortal, he could begin to learn all of the medical procedures.

    He turned to her”is there any thing I can do to quicken the process that those scientenist are working on”. He tapped his ears” I inherited there hearing but I’m not sure how to turn it off so I hear everything around me, I could go scare them into working faster”. This brought a smirk to his face as he walked over and found a book on an old dusty bookshelf that contained music and the arts for five hundred years.-

    Sandra laughed at his comments and just smiled. “you want to know what you can do for me?” she asked and then put a piece of fish in her mouth. “You can become the best hero this world has seen in a long time. Show the world you are better than your father.” She fell silent and let that sink in and then continued to eat the food for several moments before she set her fork down and looked to him. With a sigh she stared for several moments. “If my suit is right then I have a week to complete my research and have them complete their jobs. I think i’m going to do something unorthodox and have them splice what I made at Lex Corp directly into my body for 5 of those days and the last two work on finishing my work. If I fail I die. I will leave instructions on what to do with my body at the computer I was working at. ” She then grabbed her cane and stood up a bit shaken. “Until then we will work on your problem as well my.. friend.” A word she had not used since her lover had died the former owner of this hows and Wayne Tech.

    -Dur-El thought on her statement”that’s a lot to live up to but I will try my best”. He finished his food as he walked up towards the window and took a sip from his drink thinking over what he would do if she were to pass in a months time which made him sigh”I will need to set up thinks encase this happens so that ill have something to turn towards”. He decided he would need to create an identity for himself outside of this fish like form so that the information he has can be shared but not his origins. He heard the ringing in his ear from the crystals forming that had a drawing feeling to them but he will be able to ignore it until its fully formed so he cracked his neck which sent a shock wave all the way down his spine as the formation of his skeleton was both that of the man but with the formation of the shark meaning the bones were more cartilage then solid bone. He followed after her while he felt some of his scales form together but at this rate it would take another twenty years until it looked like skin, and his bone structure wouldn’t change meaning he could get a job as a freak maybe.-

    She looks over to him and grabs her cane and pushes up to her feet. Taking her plate to the kitchen she sets it down. “We will need a name for you one the public can know. Much like superman was Clark Kent.” She said and walked over to him looking out the window and sighed. “I will put in the call to get the materials needed to get the compound made for you. Just know I have no idea how it will react with your body.” She then turned and headed back down to the bat cave and to the massive computer and lowered herself into the chair and set to work placing orders and pulling up various things to help Dur-El set up a human life if this worked she then called fox and asked him to arrange for two trusted doctors to come to the bat cave she had work for them. and stated what their specialties needed to be. After that was done she started to check out what was going on around Gotham through the street cameras.

    -Dur-El nodded when she said she would get the chemicals and became curious of the scientists she asked to come here wondering if they were going to work on him or her. He wasn’t going to ask trusting her judgement for now though he would keep an eye out for these two when they appear. Dur-El followed her down into the bat cave by crawling down the wall and landing on the flat surface below. He had been thinking on a human name that he could go by but wasn’t sure which one would suit him so he threw out a average name”Johnathon”. He knew this was the name of the adopted father that took into Cal-EL which was Dur-EL cousin. He walked to the edge of the bat cave and noticed a bridge had fallen away from what looked like a wall gear.

    Dur-El jumped across the gap while doing so he analyzed the difference in space making sure both sides were solid so that he could place a new bridge across. He found a rather smooth rock that would do the trick. He picked it up carried it across and set it down before he put pressure on both edges enough to heat it up so that it would cool as one solid rock. He then went under the new rock with a boulder in one hand and after breaking off a few places on the huge rock he was able to fit it under the flat stone and repeated the heating process over and over again till it was solid. He keep doing this until the new bridges structure was stable at the ground below making sure this wouldn’t collapse like the one before it.

    He then climbed back up to examine the gear, some of it was stuff batman must have taken from his foes others look like brand new gear never used before. He threw his voice over to Sandra knowing she would be able to hear him, and she could speak in a whisper and he would hear her”what is all this stuff, looks like Bruce was stalk piling stuff for a war over here, some of this stuff reminds me from when we were in LexCorp”.

    Sandra sat there and heard the name and thought for a second and started to fill in the name information as Johnathan Muse created birth records and what not needed listing him as her brother and beneficiary of her estates which meant he now owned Wyane manor and everything there in. This also meant he had money as all her bank accounts went to him. As she finished setting this up she then smiled and heard what he asked. “There are things about this place even I don’t know about. If you can make it work without breaking it go ahead.”

    She looked at the compounds she had being made and saw a few where already done. With a smile she stood with a groan and moved grabbing them off the lab table and slowly made her way to the false wall and put her hand print in and the door opened she looked at what was inside and dumped the compounds in a bright flash of light occurred and then faded she sighed and looked to the rest that were still being made by the automated system. “Tomorrow they get here and then the true work begins.”

    -Dur-El found death strokes old uniform which had a lot of rips and tears inside it which made him think that he would need a disguise once hes human so that he can move around without the cops knowing his new identity. He then found a cyber version of the batman uniform that had about four inch thick plates around the torso and fabric woven with steel wires form the rest of the body. It would have been to heavy for Bruce but for him would make for a nice uniform but needed improvements.

    He grabbed a sander and removed the bat symbol on the chest before he grabbed a chisel and formed the symbol of hope in kryptonian. He then painted it all black before he began to place red lines coming down from it like blood before he found a pair of red and black camo which he hoped would be his size when he was human as it was made with the same steel fabric as the rest of the suit. He then grabbed the helmet from death stroke and forced his thumb through the side without an eye hole before he sanded it down making it match the other side. He painted it all black before grabbing a brush and dragging red lines down it like blood but before he was done found two of the ears that went on old batman uniform and welded it to the top of his helm before drilling it out and added a com so he could speak to Muse. He then walked over to muses work bench and found one of batman old cowls and found the optic eye systems that allowed him to examine and analyze people,weapons, and even forms of tech that he never saw.

    He then walked over to the wall where batman kept all of his past uniforms and hung up this new one so that it could dry along with being see able by muse. He then walked over to her and pointed at it”time to get some rest so will be ready for tomorrow”. He walked up the stairs and laid flat on his back in the living room floor resting his head on a couch cushion and he was out in seconds.-

  • Cain

    July 28, 2014 at 9:04 pm

    Listening to Dur-El work she said nothing an started to look over data setting things up for when the techs arrived tomorrow she was going to be in pain this was not going to be easy but first they would fix her friend upstairs she stayed down in the batcave all night working over things eventually she feel asleep in her chair and only awoke to the sound of her phone going off the next day. Looking down at the phone seeing it was fox she looked at a clock and blinked. “Shit I’m late” she got up as quick as her body would allow and headed up stairs answering the door she nodded and let the men in. “Alright well we have work to do so let me take you somewhere we can work you speak of this to anyone well my friend we are helping will be the least of your problems.” She looked towards where Dur-El was and smirked.

    -Dur-El heard the men walking up from a car and kept laying down but once they reached the house he decided to not answer it because he figured as he looked now would scare them. He waited about an hour before she came up and opened the door so at this point he got on his feet and waited for her to mention him which didn’t take long. When she made her threat he walked out so they could see his massive form. He made sure that the crest of superman was easily seen on his chest so they would get an easy idea of his strength”oh don’t scare them, i don’t kill id just leave them up in the arctic twenty miles from anything living”. He then turned and followed muse while he watched these two closely enough they could feel his breath on the back of there necks.-

    Smiling as Dur-El came through the doorway and issued his promise she couldn’t help but laugh. Looking over his body she nodded to the crest and lead them towards the entrance to the bat cave. “Be nice Dur-El” she said teasing but the effect she needed was taken care of.

    The Scientist and Technician shrank back towards Fox who stood there almost like it was normal. The two techs spoke quickly. “What the Hell is that?” and the pulled back even further at his words. Fox flinched a bit from the monstrosity that was before them and the fact the techs where acting so scared.

    “…yes Ma’am” they both stammered out and looked at each other then saw the crest of El on his chest and blinked. “Superman’s gone isn’t he?” they said together the two where twins. You could see the fear dripping off them.

    Fox was holding two metal cases in his hands and took to following his employer who he had help since Bruce left taking up his father mantel to help the defender of Gotham. Though as he saw her in this state. He felt bad for her she had pushed herself to her limits and now was left much as Batman had been after his meeting with Bane. Though unlike Batman she would not be able to recover he knew of the disease that was destroying her back. “How bad are things?” He asked her as they walked towards the entrance he knew all to well.

    The two that where scared and ready to run saw that he had gotten behind them as they quickly followed after the man that had recruited them and brought them here. “What do you mean how bad we are just here for some genetics work and to help someone with a chemical that destroyed someone already we could lose our jobs if we get caught.”

    Sandra stopped at the door and turned around and looked at fox looking haggered and worn out just from the little she had done. “1 week is all I have” She told him and then she looked to the two that where complaining. “And I’m not going to fire you. By the way you tell anyone I’m alive they will never find your bodies okay” She said this deadpan serious. “Also you now work directly for me you will be paid in full at the beginning of the year tax free in cash. All you have to do is stay quite about what you see.” Turning back around she pulled down a wall plat and pressed her hand against the scanner and the wall slid open revealing a service elevator that would accommodate them all. She looked to Dur-El “See you down there?” she asked him knowing he didn’t like the elevators.

    Fox walked in with her and set the cases down and sighed not saying anything further on the issue of her back. The two where friends and they had a way of talking. The two scientists entered having Dur-El on there ass breathing down there necks. Once everyone that is going to ride the elevator enters fox pushed the only button on the panel and they descended once the door opened the scientist and tech walked out in awe of where they where at.

    “Is this the..” once said as the other just stood slack jaw staring at the bat suits that had been used through out the years. Fox then cleared his throat. “yes this is the fabled bat cave. now you understand the need for secrecy.” He then walked over to a blank table and set the two cases on the table. “I brought the mobile lab.. Are we working on you first?” Fox asked her.

    Sandra shook her head. “No we fix Dur-El once that is fixed we will deal with me.” she said then walked over grabbing the last of the compounds as they had finished while she slept and had dealt with the issue upstairs. Walking off she disappeared into the cave and opened the fake wall. and applied the last of the chemicals to the pool and let it close again no light show this time just some brief bubbling. She came back around and the twins where working on the lab already and getting set up and then one pulled out a small sample of the chemical.

    -Dur-El nods his head as he watches them see his crest which made him smile as they already put it together”seems you have a couple of genius if they figured out my crest belongs to my cousin already”. He was letting information slip that really didn’t matter because if it became public knowledge he knew where to find them as they worked for him now just as muse as Sandra now but he was only the face of the operation for the public so that it couldn’t be under minded by another company. He watched them climb into the metal box which made him shiver just looking at it. He waited till it reached the bottom and he grabbed the rope and slid down jumping to solid stone before he reached the metal box. He walked over to the twins with a smirk”boo” making them jump before he jumped up the metal table laid down in front of him but his body was thick he made the table seem ready to crumble under him but the muse knew what she was doing when setting this up because the table never budged”if you two make me a bigger freak then I currently am then ill think of something fun to write on your papers when I drop you of in arkham with all those freaks. He The turned to muse as he looked at the pool and knew what she was planning after what he saw on the screen yesterday now he finally put it all together and he slitted his eyes with huff “better have that right sis or me and you are going to have a brother sister fight that im not sure will win for once”. It scared him but gave him a shock of excitement. He looked around the cave for the first time really since coming here”if this all works out in the end we may need to change locations”even with my strength were going to need a skilled team to keep this place from collapsing in the next ten years, that last fight with bane here left the structure weak, I noticed this when fixing the bridge”.

    Sandra looked to him and stayed silent. To be honest she wasn’t sure about any of this. It was her only chance. The two techs backed up at his threat and she shot a look at them and fox walked the cave inspecting it. “Well we could always build something in space as a publicity stunt to help grown the business further.” She just shook her head and took a seat at the main computer. “Make sure to take a blood sample” they tried various needles on him all of them broke tell she finally walked over and grabbed a large needle that would normally be used on an animal and rammed it into his arm and then looked to them. “Got the idea” She then walked off obviously she was getting irritable.

    Fox looked to her. “You should rest we can handle this.” He then looked around and sighed. “I will get the construction equipment needed to make repairs we have a contract with the original team that worked on this place they will be quite.” he then leaned against a near by table.

    The techs started to talk and mix samples watching what happened to the blood and this lasted days fox brought them food as dur-el was forced to stay put while they worked. she was sure Dur-El was not happy about then but they finally said they had it and looked to him. and walked over with a smile. They then injected him with it but only a small amount and stepped back hoping for the best.

    One of the techs walked over and pulled out a smaller needle and rolled up her sleeve and she didn’t fight she seemed paralyzed as she sat in the chair to the computer. Fox had been feeding her for the past couple of days. The tech put the needle in and injected it into her wrist and then pulled it out holding a cotton swab against her wrist. “Shes not got much time left. I hope whatever she has planned with this works. Though I must say Gene therapy takes months and years she may not last through the night”

    Fox sighed and nodded. There was a white folder with muses music note holding it shut sitting on the console she was sitting by.

    -Dur El was waiting for them to figure out the normal means wouldn’t work in injecting him which made him jump when muse did it instead. He laid there growing irritated as he watched muse slowly grow weaker as he waited on the table giving the twins dagger eyes until they figured it out. He heard that they figured it out which made him sigh and as they injected it he felt his body begin to heat up before he melted right there on the table forming a large table which to anyone not aware with his abilities would think he is dead. His adaptation kicked in and gave the chemical the DNA strain that it was missing and he slowly grew solid starting at his feet forming normal size thirteen feet and then his legs grew muscle but not majorly like he jogged everyday. His torso formed and he felt his organs grow before his arms grew out to a normal height to match his body. He was now a forming his head before his features changed making his eyes turned normal and his eyes were green. His body looked like a healthy tanned human with black hair with blue tints. He could easily be Sandra’s brother though he looked much younger especially now that she was stuck in that chair. He stood up on his new feet and flexed his form as he looked to the doctors”that almost didn’t work you know”. He then cough as the muscle and circular system grew in all at once which dropped him to a knee. He then looked down and realized he wasn’t wearing any clothes so he walked over to his armor and pulled on the red camo pants along with the pair of combat boots.

    He turned to muse”now that im fixed, we need to move quickly” what do you need from me”.-

    Sandra’s eyes moved to him and she opened her mouth and a breath escaped then her head lulled back and she laid still. Fox pushed off the console and grabbed the envelope that seemed like it would hold legal documents. He walked over to Dur-El not scared and handed it to him. “She said in the event she died these instructions where to be followed to the T and not deviated from” Inside was a single sheet of paper and it had instructions of how to get her into the pool that was in here and further instructions that if it was to fail and she came out insane to kill her before she had time to adjust.

    -Dur-El turned to the three others”Get out now or else” he no longer had his form to intimidate them but he still had the edge to his voice that made sure they obeyed. He knew fox would understand things as the only reason he would send them away was that they could be in danger. He picked up the paper and read over it picking her up gently making sure not to do any more damage then what already was done. He made sure they were gone before walking over and kneeling at the pool before letting her go with his fingers only centimeters from the water knowing from the paper that if his skin touched this water with her inside it. He would die instantly as she was the weaker being here, once she was submerged he went and put on his new gear just in case this carried out farther then inside the cave. He heard a noise behind him as he placed on his new helmet and smacked the side as the eyes glowed red and shined out for a second before it focused and he examined the pool waiting to see any form of life. He would destroy this entire place if he had to if it came down to stopping her onslaught, he made sure everything was in place as he slowly walked closer to the pool watching it begin to bubble and waves form.-

    The Pool bubbled and sloshed but never left its confines as hours passed. Soon the top of her head could be seen coming up from the pool and she seemed smaller than before once she was finally out she was naked and the fluid was dripping off her. She looked like a teenager. She shivered abit in the cold of the cave and walked under her own power until she realized she was naked then ran over and grabbed the female robins outfit and quickly put it on leaving the mask off and she sighed. “Well i guess i should go upstairs and get changed.” She said like nothing had just happened. She didn’t even realize she looked so young now. she had long flowing hair her body a lot slimmer and more trim. she looked like a perverts wet dream with how she was dressed and how she looked.

    -John took off his helmet and his armor keeping on his suit as he tried to remove the image he just saw thanking whatever could hear him that he didn’t have to kill her. He walked up stairs after about an hour and he began to search for an outfit that didn’t look like a solider. He found a pair of dress pants along with white button up shirt along with a black dress jacket. He walked back to the living room picking up a picture of Bruce and then using a mirror to fix his hair so it was the same. Other then being a bit younger it would be almost impossible to see a difference between him and the man he was meant to look like. He waited for his kid sister to come back down in a more decent wardrobe and once she is done he looked to her”i guess we should think of something as your defiantly not Sandra anymore”.-

    She was upstairs and pulled out an old box and started to go through it and wondered if any of this stuff was even still current. She pulled on a pair of black leather pants that had ovals cut out of the inside and on the outside of her legs showing off her legs then started to look for a top to go with it. She found a black top she had but wondered how Bruce even let her out of the house in it. Slipping it on one shoulder and sleeve was missing there where diagonal slashes across the front thick enough to cover but barely she then pulled on her high heeled boots and zipped them up then came down stairs… “I am Sandra Muse. Named after my Aunt.” She stuck her tongue out. She still had her mind but her body had defiantly gotten younger. Noticing the news she shook her head and sighed. “Well at least being a pack rat paid off I have some cloths that fit.” She took a step then jolted up right lifting off the ground as a blue aura formed around her and she let out a soft moan and the aura shot off her in a 360 causing a calming effect to everyone it touched. She then lowered to her feet and crumbled to the ground leaning on her hip holding herself up with her arms her head bowed and her legs curled in. “What the hell just happened.” She felt drained and weak and disoriented.

    -John took off his armor before walking back to the wall with the gear and placing it on what he deemed his work bench since it was on the other side of the cave from Sandra. He turned on a laptop that was beside him after a few minutes of tiring hacking cracked the coding and he began checking his new identity and his massive accounts and what went with them not really caring about the money other then making improvements to the city and to the mansion to prevent another doomsday assault or another form of attack that could come there way. He removed the body armor plating shirt he wore looking over it he sighed seeing it was covered in paint balls. He walked back over to the computer seeing that the new commissioner was stuttering through his interview on if they would take johns threat seriously thinking he is a new vigilante out to make a name for himself. He watched as a paper was handed to the man and he nearly fell over which made john smirk. The commissioner just found out one hundred crimnals were caught and being moved to the newly updated version of black gate prison.

    He turned hearing Sandra come down into the cave as he watcher her made him wonder what was going on but still curious what other effect that pool may have done to her in the long run. He walked over picking up another chair that he sat in so they could converse over what was going on currently. He waited for her to sit down before he started his questioning”so where do we go from here since your dead and I never existed”.-

    She breathed for several moments before finally pulling herself up into the chair and sitting there she stared at the ground for several more moments in contemplation of his question. “Well You do exist at least on paper and all the proper documents are in order and filed properly. Me on the other hand I have to build my identity. I will be your daughter born overseas this will explain why there are no records of me. As for what we do… Wayne tech I may have handed it to Fox but its still my company tell Bruce comes home. Guess it’s a surprise visit?”

    -John thought over what was said the night before as he woke up walking over to the closet pulling on a nice suit and a tie before walking out into the living room following Sandra to the car. He opened the passenger door for her because he wanted to drive the Lamborghini. He pushed a button and the gate opened and he hit the gas flying down the rode till he reached Wayne tower and once he stepped inside a woman fainted seeing his face which made him look at Sandra before he let her lead them up to the board room.

    He saw that this floor was empty for the time so he went to the bar and poured himself something to drink not that he could get drunk as his body was immune to all form of human poisons. He looked at her”this is going to be an interesting day but hey they need to know who is in control right”. He sipped his drink as he heard the elevator begin to raise up and he looked to her and nodded as the door opened”welcome please direct your question to the young lady as she is my assistant”. He stood up and offered his chair to fox as he went and closed the door so they could have a private meeting he made sure his back was to fox and Sandra as he snapped his fingers at a point they wouldn’t be able to hear and it knocked out there phones and computes on this floor all but foxes and Sandra’s since he made sure his body blocked the wave to theirs.

    He listened to the conversation while he leaned against the doors so no one could come in or leave until everything was taken care off knowing fox knew what was going on but the faces of the other board members ranged from angry to down right shocked to see who they believed to be Bruce Wayne.-

    Walking down in a pair of Trip pants and a Tank Top and her high heeled boots. She smiled as they walked out to the car and slipped into the passanger seat and enjoyed the ride to the office. This was going to be fun taking control of her own company. When they walked in she smiled at the woman as she fainted. “Well so far so good lets get this show on the road” The ride up the elevator was annoying and she stepped out and into the board room as protests came at a child being in the board room tell they heard him state that she was his assistant. She smiled and walked over and gave Fox a hug and took her seat beside him and turned the name tag out it had her name on it.

    “What the hell is he doing here he left this company in the hands of a woman who knows nothing about running a fortune 500 company.” Others protested but one of the board members looked over and refered to him by name. “Mr. Wayne is there anything I can do for you?”

    Sandra Chuckled. “That is my Father his name is Johnathon Muse. My Aunts brother. She transfered all her holdings to him which means he controls the controlling stock in this company. Now I have done my research into each and every one of you and this company even Mr. Fox here is on my portfolio.” She started to explain each of their jobs what they did there marks against them and generaly only things Sandra would know.

    Fox looked over and stood up and looked at the board since he was CEO at the time and smiled. “Well Then Johnathon would you like to take your sisters place as CEO?” He asked the man that was standing off and had directed everything to the real CEO of the company.

    “Mr. Fox I can answer that as well. He actually brought me along because he would like to give it to me. If you don’t mind.” She smiled at him and the board got into an uproar that there couldn’t be a child running the company how could anyone run the company at such an age. She cleared her throat and it stopped everything. “If you would like I can provide all my degrees for business as i have my Doctorate in Business and finance.” She had been busy making the documents then provided her tablet to the board so they could check each one scrutinized it and sifted them. “Is everything in order.” Fox handed her the tablet after briefly looking over it all. “Well if that’s what he wants Ms. Muse then that is what he will have We will fill out the paper work over lunch”

    The board got up some went to storm out in anger of what just happened others stayed and fumed. the one that had been nice just smiled and sat there. “Your Aunt was a nice woman she actually has made this company prosper we have had a rise in profit by 182 billion since she took over.” She then stood up and looked to her. “May I be excused.” She looked at they got stopped by her father who was refusing to move and she smiled at him.

    Sandra nodded and then looked to Fox. “Everyone that just walked out I want them fired.” She said she didn’t believe in firing people but if they felt they could walk out during a board meeting then they can continue to walking out the door.

  • Cain

    July 28, 2014 at 9:06 pm

    -John smiled when he was called Wayne before shaking his head as the board all stormed out”he had been typing some things on a tablet he found in the bat cave and as foxed walked by handed it to him”I would like to discuss these improvements of the police force and you know what sometime this evening if your available if not your earliest moment you are so”. He then turned to Sandra and offered his arm to lead her to his office so they could have some privacy-

    Sandra hopped off her seat and took her tablet and walked over hooking arms with him and walked down to what would soon be her office and walked past Fox quickly and sat at her desk and quickly printed out the paper work then looked to John. “Close the door we will be safe in here it is sound proof and no security I like my privacy.” She said as she was reviewing the paper work so that her and fox could sign it over lunch but for now there where things they needed to talk about. Fox had gone down to his old office and started to look over the improvements that where suggested.

    -John closed the door and raised a finger to his lips as he took in a breath and whistled once again which made him smirk as he reached dragging his nail around a picture frame and he showed her it was a bug which he smashed it between his fingers walking around the room letting out a toon before he sighed”all clear, I think will need to be careful, there talking about blackmailing you already but for now lets get down to more pressing matters since now that we have the kingdom where do we use are pawns, which is where I fall I guess”. He smiled at his own joke knowing he would have been lost running this place”oh and you have about a month till he returns as I timed the signal that went out when I dropped you in the pool, he had that thing rigged majorly”. He checked a file sent to him by fox and showed it to Sandra”your new armor made of the same material as mine since your not invincible I added a layer of second plating so that even anti tank rounds wont penetrate it but that force could cripple if hit in the wrong location so I sent down a sample of my skin to see if it can be analyzed and made into a new form of armor but I could only get about a centimeter off my arm before the sword broke”my adaptation is getting quicker”.

    He jumped in front of muse as bullet hit him in the chest right before five more struck him”get down now!”. He wiped the rounds off his skin”guess they found out there fired and put a bounty on our head”.-

    Sandra became quite and looked to the bug and what he was saying she hadn’t heard anything. the sun beat in through the window though and she smiled feeling its warmth. watching the bug get crushed she narrowed her eyes then his movement as they shot into the room. Instinctively she dropped down and under the desk and slammed her hand against the side wall of it a door opened and she pulled out what looked like a set of three treble clef’s. Rolling out a lot faster then she expected she was actually at the other wall now her back against it and she paused in shock but it didn’t last but a second as she remembered gunfire right. She quickly tossed them with grace and ease taking the gun’s out of two of the gunmen’s hands.

    “Alright you want to play lets play no one shoots at me and gets away with it. She launched off the ground sailing through the air with a great force. Though she seemed calm and not angry she gripped the gun tightly and twisted the barrel as her knee slammed into the guys gut and he bent over it and she took him down. She looked at the gun that was now destroyed in her hand. “Um John I think we got problems?”

    -John stood there watching her seeing the dent she left in the ground already had him placing his hand over his face knowing what was coming and when she crushed the gun he knew it was confirmed”yeah we got problems”. John ran at top speed picking her up and they were in the artic away from anything living as he removed his jacket tie and shirt as he cracked his neck rolling his shoulders looking strait at her as his skin looked like it was shining as they were as close to the sun as possible so there powers were at 100% higher then anywhere else in the planet”alright we need to see how many of my abilities you have”{doesn’t know you have other abilities also from other hero’s}. He plans not to fight back since he didn’t want to kill her if shes not invincible.

    He took in a breath and decided to show her a few things for her to try as he picked up a boulder and threw it past her which made a five foot crack in the ground that split the ice around them so that she would need power to get to him now”i don’t plan to make this easy for you”. He watched her carefully waiting for her strike seeing if she would show something new so he could copy it.-

    Sandra stood there and looked at him and took off in a dash she seemed to disappear even to his eyes and she was behind him tapping him on the shoulder but before he could turn her fist was slamming into the small of his back at full force. the only notice he would have of her movement was a minor ripple on the water that could of been from a bubble. If he wanted to play she would play and figure out just what was going on. the interesting thing was if the hit landed and he turned around he would see a long trail of footprints past him and back granted she seemed to only blink out for a second or two.

    -John felt the hit in his back and he flew across the ice skipping creating a few cracks in his skin which made him crack his neck as he realized that he hadn’t seen her move”guess playing easy is no longer apart of this since you hitting me that hard didn’t break everyone bone in your body means your as indestructible as I am but let me show you something and see if you can copy this as well his eyes yellowed for a second as they adapted to watch her move. His body steamed even in this cold as his body seemed to turn to stone but his body now copied the effects of the chemical they put inside him so he returned to his human self quickly knowing now that if he is hurt bad enough he will resort to his stone skin for protection. He roared loud enough that all the ice around them shattered before he took in a huge breath of air blowing out a wall of ice that flew at her. He then jumped strait in the air bringing his hands down to make a hammer strike to her skull” which would sink her up to her neck in ice”need more then speed to keep me down and at your level you don’t have enough to even keep a scratch on my face, so pump up pudding cup or braniac will eat you alive”.-

    She looked up and shifted quickly but not fast enough her agility with her speed allowed her to almost avoid the hit it came down on her shoulder slamming her into the ice and she looked up at him. “Oh so this is how we are playing.” She grinned and closed her eyes then opened them as red beams of pure heat shot from them and melted the ice around her into a steaming puddle and without realizing it she lifted out of it and into the air above him then she stopped as she got confused. then dropped onto the ice onto her ass and looked at him. “Was I just?” She said not even thinking to attack him at this point though the damage he had done to her had already formed over into a clear crystal like substance that actually seemed to amplify the suns rays as they hit her the same had happened as her hand healed it was thin and very close to her skin. if you weren’t paying attention you would just think its make up.

    John watched the lasor vision knowing the was a kryptonian ability but he wasent of pure blood to obtain such been when she started floating he smirked trying to analize its effects hoping that maybe he could copy such an ability in the future but for now seeing the shine knowing she could copy his stone skin in a new way”so that proves that, you can adapt to my level”im going to press down on you till your able to push me back so adapt or im going to push you through the planet and out the other side”.-

    She looked at him. “Well this is all well and good but did I just fly for a second there?” She asked more directly now. Slowly she stood to her feet and waited for him to try crush her. Though her mind was wondering to other things like whats going on and what happened to her. Wondering what the hell the pit had done to her? Was she even human anymore? then she felt it and her eyes went wide as the realization came to her and she put her arms across her stomach. She hadn’t said anything but she was waiting this needed to happen. She whispered one word. “Thomas.”

    -John stopped when she crossed her arms instead of going to defend herself he realized this wasnt the time for this so he looked her in the eyes and nodded”do what you need ill be back home”. He ran at top speed back to Gotham checking the new for any reports to any crimes that may need taken care of. He wasn’t wearing a shirt as he picked up his cell seeing the message from fox realizing that he had been gone about five hours”hey fox ill check in on everything in the morning”. He closed the phone and went down into the cave as he worked on his suit wondering what could be bothering Sandra and who was Thomas which made him speak out loud and the computer next to him began to search showing him that Thomas was the late husband of Sandra which made him sigh wondering what she was hiding from him now-

    Hours passed and she was seen floating down and landed on the bridge almost in tears nearly coated entirely in the crystal substance save for her hair which it blended into her naturally so it didn’t look odd. She took and looked to the screen. “Yes he was my husband. I protect Gotham in his name. He was the last batman. When he died the song of the Muse rang through this city and crime had something worse to fear…” She said her voice dripping with love and hope she didn’t sound angry at all. “Also I’m pregnant” She said to him and just stood there. “Its his child.” She had only ever been with him in fact he was the first man she had ever been with. After a few moments she walked past him head bowed and started to walk up the stairs.

    -John turned and looked at the pit after she walked back upstairs before walking over sealing the door knowing it wouldn’t stop her but he needed to make sure no one else could use this pit. His eyes turned red as he welded the door shut before moving his hand over the door while he breathed out a thick layer of ice thick enough to repel even c4 and thermoite. John walked back upstairs”well this will need to be looked into since your not human now, your kryptonian as far as I can tell your not even that, your evolved like my father even more pure then I at this point”.

    He watched the news seeing that fox was revealing the new tech to the GCPD that would make it so small arms and even rifles would no longer be considered cop killers. He picked up the cell”I see this being a long partnership Mr.Fox and I would like to know if you need a hand in your shop as you know I can carry my weight pun intended”. He was to show up when he could to test the technology for the police and the future of the world.-

    Sandra glanced at the news and nodded. She then turned hearing the conversation as she walked away. Sitting at her desk she opened her laptop and started tapping away at it. Watching the screens fly by she stopped and tapped on a file marked I love you and what was brought up she put her hand against her and started to cry as tears ran down her cheeks reading over what was there she tried to speak tried to move. She almost stopped breathing. When she finished reading it her hand lowered to her heart and she merely whispered. “Dur-El” she then waited a few moments before speaking again. “We have work to do meet me down in the cave.” With that said if he looked to where she had been she was gone.

    Down in the cave she already had various systems running and had even activated some old ones it was like she was in a massive construction factory for building god knows what. She was swiftly bouncing between systems her fingers flying across the keys and screens almost hard enough to break them but she was being careful what he saw forming in front of her was something Bruce had only theorized about. She was constructing a hover craft that would link in with your neurological functions and allow for precision flying. It was coming together and she wasn’t going slow if anyone where watching the footage she just seemed to blink from place to place red lines formed out of thin air and moved quickly.

    Soon she stopped and took a breath and walked over grabbing a jug of water and started to chug it down. There were also 8 different suits laying on the table all of them scrapped. She was working on something. A suit was partially made and hanging there but it was done in the muse style long coat form fitting and slender. Standing there she had ripped her pants down to daisy dukes and torn her shirt into a tank top and was coated in sweat.

    -John saw the announcement made by this luthor woman in Metropolis interested in how she could have removed braniac so easily, he had a bad feeling about her. He could hear Sandra working so he put on a black hooded coat and a pair of black cargo pants and a pair of black boots taking out a corvet with it being at five o”clock in the afternoon people should be to busy to realize he was around but he didn’t expect that to work. He was heading towards the backdoor of the tower seeing a few people point and try and get his attention a few women asking him to marry them. John sighed as he pulled in locking the garage door behind him. He stepped out of the car seeing fox with a smile meaning he had the things done. He walked up as fox turned on lights that stretched on for miles showing off a group of new police cruisers that had reinforced armor and a new set of armor for the swat teams along with a rifle that can now see through walls”hey can you make this thing into a laser so that it can burn through a steel door”. Fox looked a little taken back but he held up an orange chemical that could be weaponized if condensed but would only have one shot each “alright start getting shipments on this, Sandra will make sure it seen to”. He finally got to what he wanted to look at the new tank version of the bat mobile and a tank version of a harley motorcycle. He pushed a button and the armor lifted up so he could get one and everything turned on once his finger print activated the bike he saw it connect right to the batcave”hey hope everything back there is good, will be back after we finish the tuning on the new gear”. He hit the gas on the bike and the armor sealed shut around him which made him smirk because of the shine of it looked like diamond but was made out of replicated version of his skin but it wasn’t able to be made into cloth for him to wear yet. He had told fox about trying micro chain mail out of it which was being tested right now with a shot gun which foxed enjoyed testing these new materials with the idea it could save lives. John got his new bike up to one hundred and fifty miles per hour on the test track under the building. He pulled it back into its place knowing it and the tank would need moved to the batcave in the middle of the knight. He checked his phone and someone had got his number and he has picture of naked women posted all through it with the words marry me written on there chest and his only thought was “why do humans find this attractive, these thin creatures are not warriors there worthless sacks of nothing, if your not a warrior your nothing”. He got back in his car and drove off having to swerve to not hit a woman who tried to stop the car by getting in the way thinking he may have clipped a fire hydrant in the accident and if so he would be on the news for it which annoyed him further.

    He got up to the house walking right down to the cave”so you know, police wise are under control and….well you have been busy.-

  • Cain

    July 28, 2014 at 9:07 pm

    Looking up as the message came in she just dug back into the engine she was working on didn’t say anything she was busy she had work to do and well what she had out classed and out matched every bit of tech that was out there to date. This stuff was only in prototype phase in most companies and or theory at best yet she had it sitting right there. With a smile she stepped back and the hood slid down and into place sealing shut. “Alright you’re done you’re done and you’re done.” She said pointing at various projects she had been working on. She turned to her suit and sat at a work bench and pulled out a mask and various other things and tools and set to work finishing up the last piece of her suit.

    There where Bikes and cars and various suits and she was actually bent over in the engine of the original batmobile. She lifted her head as grease was on her face and hands she then slide off the hood onto her feet and set the tools down and stretched out. “Yeah my late husband left us another gift new blueprints and such for vehicles suites and a new gadget he calls the claw. Haven’t tested that one out yet but from my understanding it will allow for climbing walls and act as a mace and grappling hook all in one so it will condense what you carry on you kind of like a Swiss army knife.” She said and grabbed a towel and wiped the grease off her it came right off the crystal like coating she had she then tossed the towel on a table and walked over to her new suit. She took her shorts and top off and stood there naked but she didn’t care he hadn’t shown any interest and she well wasn’t looking she slipped the pants on then the shirt as a belt flipped out of the waist line of the pants and clicked in place around her waist connecting the top with the pants she then grabbed the blue coat and twisted it around her. Her hands slipping out the arms and she wiggled her fingers. Reaching into the coat she pulled out a mask and slipped it on her face the eyes where empty and looked like an endless void when you looked into them the mask itself was a base black but had blue splotches on it and looked like she had been in a fight with it a few times. She removed her hand from it and it stayed in place and she started to do acrobatics about testing the suite and mask then turned and looked at him. When she spoke though her voice had even changed become more dominating and commanding. “What you think?”

    She them turned and reached up pulling the mask off and slid it back into the coat. “Also nice to see fox created a direct link to the batcave hope that isn’t for the police. Also what was that email I got about 50 million gallons of a chemical being purchased?” She knew what it was for but had other plans for it. “So Wayne tech is getting back into making weapons that aren’t for batman?”

    -John dropped his phone on her desk”fix this when you get a moment because im tired of women getting the number”. He hadn’t a clue how it happened but was curious of things to come when he saw her suit up in her new gear he shrugged”sorry to say but its not as nice as my gear”. He liked the solider gear of his uniform so he walked over and put on his gear as he looked around”we need to make some adjustments down here or were going to run out of room and we need to hide that pit better”. John walked over towards her before jumping clutching onto the roof as he looked around trying to scale out the interior as to what they could do, he didnt want the whole cave thing anymore, he would rather have a full base they could work out of and any other hero’s they found around the world.-

    Sandra looked at the phone and chuckled throwing the phone away and handed him a new one and smirked. “now only authorized numbers can get through.” She almost laughed about he gear comment being a woman she wan’ted to be fashionable. She walked over to a sheet that was covering something rather large and she gripped it smiling at him. “Well and I have something built for you” she jerked the cloth away and there sat a large craft designed like a bat but it seemed way more advanced almost like alien technology at this point. “This is yours keyed to your dna.” She then looked up to him and tilted her head at his thoughts. “Well I have an idea on that as i prefer the cave look there was a fortress design that i can readjust to our needs maybe we build it in space and just watch over the planet?” she offered as the question and solution to his concerns.

    She stretched and saw the mainframe light up and was tracking something that was still in deep space and realized what it was and sighed. “Seems hes moving a bit faster then expected.” she said it gave a 2 week time frame for arrival at current speeds. She shrugged it off the company was doing well the city was getting cleaned up as far as they could tell they where re outfitting the police and she had accepted a defense contract from the federal government. “Well i’m going to start working on a new project and what would you say to me adding some blue lighting in here instead of this yellow lighting?”

    -John dropped down beside her”whatever you think will be good, I need you to make something to limit my strength when I”m among humans so that I can shake someones hand without crushing there entire skeleton”. He walked over and poked a rock and it shattered turning to dust before he looked back at her as evidence”a fortress would be fun, not sure about space since I enclosed area’s that I cant get away from in a hurry”.

    He finally walked over and ran his hand over the new tech enjoying the feel of it under his fingers tips”and here I thought Im the one with the new toys to bring home, we now have a tank made of my skin synthesized to be armor plating. He took off one of his gloves before placing his hand on the scanner and the top slid back which made him smile as he jumped inside taking off his other glove as he grabbed onto the two flight controls as they slid into place around him. He placed his thumbs on each end at the same time and the place lite up around him as the top slid into place so now he was enclosed in darkness and thats when the screen in front of him showed him the batcave and quickly scanned over everything listing them in order so he can call out its name for more information on whatever he liked. He felt it fly up about fifty feet wanting to take it for a spin but know it was not the right time.

    He put it back down before releasing his thumbs which allowed the beast to power down and the roof shot open so he could jump out landing beside her. He walked around the room”blue would be nice yellow would kill yours eyes if your under it for to long but I was thinking of venting in sunlight also so that were powered up while were in here. It wouldn’t be noticeable at all to anyone but just slight slivers for the rays to pass through that would be pointed directly at this desk. He then saw a light go off on his phone indicating there was an attack in the city of some creature made of fire”well we got a new target to play with, why don’t you join me this time so that the world will know that the Red Lantern didn’t kill you like most people think”. He didn’t need the flight craft so he jumped on his bike putting back on his gloves before placed in the key starting up the bike hearing it roar made him place his feet up on the sides and take off for town.-

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