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Posted by Cain on August 4, 2014 at 10:25 amPlace your Bio here for this rp.
Whatsyourface replied 10 years, 7 months ago 5 Members · 6 Replies -
6 Replies
Devil Fruit:
Crews abilities:
Marine Rank:{if your your a marine}
Name: Gekko Tanakami
Age: 25
Devil Fruit: Kage Kage No Mi
Haki: N/A
Abilities: Minor fighting ability, use of the Kage Kage no Mi
Ship: Keel Ju Ded II(it’s a marine ship now)
First Mate – Seth
Cook – Silver
Other – Seven zombie Marines.Crews abilities: For Seth and Silver, see their bios. The zombie Marines have the capabilities of standard marines with the added benefit of having both the soul’s and the body’s memories and know how.
Lineage: Gekko Moriah
Marine Rank: N/A
She was conceived of a one night stand. Within the womb, her mother had tried to make a miscarriage in order to save her own life but other than beating her baby bump, it would not prevail. In the end, the birth killed the mother and Tanakami survived. The doctor present knew the hair color to belong to only one other person, Gekko Moriah. The child was raised alone and taught survival skills but soon, the doctor was dead and she would move out to the streets to survive. During her time, she found a pirate crew in at the local bar. They were carrying a strange fruit. She decided to go in and make herself look as pathetic as possible and begged. The town knew this trick but the pirates were not and had a open heart, luckily. They didn’t know of the fruit they had would contain and figured the little girl would be a perfect test to see what it was. She ended up eating the entire thing. The pirates were sad with no results but offered her a place on their crew. She rejected but they left her a dinghy behind with a small paint can. She looked at it when she saw them and immediately named it off the phonetic pronunciation since she could not spell correctly. She waited for it to dry then got supplies and since then had rowed around on her dinghy to other places, practicing shadow manipulation in her spare time in search of her father’s ship, Thriller Bark.
Name: Silver
Age: 16
Devil Fruit: none
Haki: none
Abilities: Expert fisherman, master in fishing pole martial arts.
Crews abilities:none
History: to come -
Name: Carina Skylark
Age: 16 years old
Appearance: (Currently in Marine uniform)
Devil Fruit: Doku Doku no Mi (Venom-Venom Fruit)
Haki: N/A
Lineage: Granddaughter of Don Krieg
Abilities: Powers and disadvantages of the Doku Doku no Mi Fruit.
(Ingesting poison gives her severe nausea)
Excellent knowledge of anatomy and medicine
Good hand-eye coordination and strong for her size.Ship: Brig “The Sea Devil”
Crew: Raphael (First Mate + Chef)
Rank: Marine Deserter + Novice Pirate Captain
History: Carina lived with her mother in a peaceful island in East Blue. Her father was a merchant trader hoping to make his fortune trading odd, unusual items from the Grand Line and subsequently disappeared around her 8th birthday, while her mother ran a general store. On her 10th birthday, Carina left her family to apprentice and study under the island’s resident doctor, learning the craft of healing wounds and mending injuries of all sorts. Her mother always wanted a secure job for her, and gaining specialized knowledge was a clear way to improve one’s lot in life. When she was 14 and a common fixture at the clinic, Doctor Alphonse managed to get his hands (by taking out ridiculous loans which would hound him for life) on an unknown Devil Fruit. Worried about the type of fruit it might be or whether it might in fact be a fake, he made Carina eat a small sliver of the fruit to test it out first. If the fruit’s power turned out to be one he wanted, the doctor would then eat the rest of the fruit. Unfortunately, the fruit only bestows its abilities and curses to the first person to eat the fruit, Carina. Enraged at being “cheated” of his Devil Fruit powers, the doctor proceeded to take out his frustration on the apprentice, making her life miserable for the next 2 years. As soon as she was old enough, Carina signed up to join the Marines as a Ship’s Doctor withe the added benefit of having a Devil Fruit’s powers, and sailed away.
Theme:Treasure Cove
Battling with Deadly Force: Treacherous Waters -
Name: Seth
Age: 24
Has a metal hand. Carries a mechanical shovel with himself. No scythe.
Devil fruit: None
Haki: None
Abilities: Trained for much of his life. Gained incredible physical prowess. Has a heavy metal prosthetic right hand that is a brass color. Has a mechanical shovel he calls the omni-shovel. Can be used for many different purposes and is made of a sturdy material. Can extend over 6 feet in length and has sharp edges. Seth is very skilled with his shovel, in using it as a tool and a weapon.
Crew: None
Crew abilities: None
Marine rank: N/A
History: Doesn’t talk much about it.
Theme: Main
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