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“Would cigars suffice? I keep some under the dashboard in the cockpit. Just try not to use my entire supply.” Calypsa walks to the front of the ship. “We should be arriving any minute now on Chiron. Everyone grab onto something!” The ship rapidly slows, navigating into a close orbit.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserApril 7, 2015 at 12:06 amJack grabbed the table as the ship bucked, waiting until it stopped.
“I’m not a cigar guy. The only time I’ve ever smoked one was when I was recruiting my team, and it was just for show. What’s a girl like you smoking cigars anyway? The only people I’ve ever seen smoke cigars are fat old men with horrible breath.” Jack said.
“I usually keep them for special occasions.” Calypsa straps herself into the pilot’s seat, pulls out a cigar from underneath the dash, and lights it while grabbing the wheel and thrusters. “Like Tuesday’s. Now, let’s try for a safe landing, shall we?”
Apollo, who didn’t grab onto anything, looked up at Calypsa from an upside down position. “Something tells me you told us to hold onto something so this wouldn’t occur.”
Unknown Member
Deleted UserApril 7, 2015 at 12:34 am“I don’t give a shit where we’re going, frankly.” Jack said.
“I’m leaving. I’m gonna find Ody and kill him. Then, I’m gonna get the kids he stole and bring them back. Got any spare cruisers?” Jack asked Calypsa.
*Pandora didn’t hold onto anything as well and ended up sprawled against the wall, she pushed off the wall and stood not knowing what to do for the time being*
“You are not killing Odysseus, I want to make that abundantly clear.” Calypsa jerks the ship to the side, causing Jack to stumble. “And there is one very particular reason why you are not. You don’t have the power.”
Apollo created a pocket of air around the ship as it entered the atmosphere. “Jack, we can’t just go on killing. He has real-time analysis and living beings tend to want to stay living. If you do decide to do so, at least let me come along so you don’t kill yourself.”
“Before you plan on going, you need to learn all the facts!” Calypsa lowers the landing gear as they approach a small, partially underground runway. “Perhaps once you know everything… Then you’ll decide that it’s best that we bide our time.”
Apollo deployed the boarding ramp and led everyone down. “I have no idea where we are but I’m still going to do that.”
Apollo shrugged and whacked the button again, locking the ramp in the down position. “Ask Calypsa.”
Unknown Member
Deleted UserApril 7, 2015 at 10:34 pm“Just like you don’t have the power to stop me.” Jack said shortly.
“I’m gonna find a cruiser, I’m gonna steal it, and then I’m gonna fly it to earth. Go ahead and try to stop me, good luck.” Jack laughed menacingly, walking away.
“Jack scares me sometimes”, Pandora thought watching jack go back into the ship to find a cruiser.
Apollo darted after Jack, tackled him into the wall, and held him there. “Stop it. You and I both know you can be cooked alive, and I will not hesitate to use that against you.” Apollo created a ring of flames around himself and Jack, but to muffle the sound from everyone outside hearing. “We can’t kill Odysseus now, we don’t even know what he has to say for himself.”
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