Activity Forums Group Forums The Keepers Chapter Five: Retribution

  • Odysseus626

    April 10, 2015 at 12:10 am

    Calypsa looks at Katherine, and then the others. “We need to give these people enough cover to evacuates. Yes, this is one ship against 42 OGA Gauntlets and countless fighters and drones. However… Well this is not going to be easy. Geralt, Andaluza. You man the turrets. Apollo, help Rose on the hull. Faye, you come and be my co-pilot. Good luck everyone. And remember, it’s about saving as many as we can, to fight another day.”

  • GoldPhoenix9

    April 10, 2015 at 12:10 am

    *Pandora unsheathed her sword*”How can I help? Are we in space or in an atmosphere?”, she asked hEr wings twitching.

  • Odysseus626

    April 10, 2015 at 12:12 am

    “We are about to take off. We are in a sub-orbital high-altitude docking tower. We will be taking off in three minutes, and hopefully get support from the local Space Force.” Calypsa winks at Pandora. “Hopefully.”

  • Malice

    April 10, 2015 at 12:13 am

    Malice looked at Calypsa “how can Malice help out?”

  • HalfMe-HalfWho

    April 10, 2015 at 12:14 am

    Rose fought with electricity surrounding her blades, bringing down drones easily by cutting off their power, as she fought Rose looked for a way to enter the ship, if not, she’ll make one.

  • GoldPhoenix9

    April 10, 2015 at 12:18 am

    “Can I go out their and kill the ships?”, she asked.

  • Odysseus626

    April 10, 2015 at 12:19 am

    “Do what you do best… Whatever that happens to be.” Calypsa proceeds to the cockpit, and puts on her seatstraps.

  • Apollo V.

    April 10, 2015 at 12:19 am

    Apollo joined Rose in the sky, roasting drones with immense amounts of fire. ‘Chiron’s highly flammable atmosphere.’ “There’s a door on the top, we can slide right in!” Apollo led Rose to the top of the vessel and tore the hatch off, setting it on fire and throwing it at another vessel before hopping down the hatch.

  • HalfMe-HalfWho

    April 10, 2015 at 12:23 am

    Rose joined Apollo and entered the ship easily, ramming through the soldiers/drones as she flew through the ship, trying to get to the controls.

  • Odysseus626

    April 10, 2015 at 12:24 am

    ((Where are you guys going? There are no OGA ships here yet, and it’s not really about going in them. We’re defending people who are escaping. We haven’t even taken off yet.))

  • Apollo V.

    April 10, 2015 at 12:25 am

    ((Well we already went and it turns out it’s easy to forget Ascendii can fly at 200 miles an hour in a descending pattern))

  • Odysseus626

    April 10, 2015 at 12:31 am

    “Well, it seems that Apollo and Rose won’t be much use to helping the refugees… Kids.” Calypsa proceeds into the fray, ramming through drones as she takes off.

  • Apollo V.

    April 10, 2015 at 1:18 am

    Apollo tears out the control panel of the OGA ship and leads Rose back to the Fury. “I guess that’s all we need!”

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    April 10, 2015 at 1:59 am

    Jack spotted an OGA ship firing at the Fury as the large ship began to escape. He tried to fire, realizing there were no weapons. He gritted his teeth, launching into the OGA cruiser and slamming into it, bouncing off it’s hull as the opposite ship span uncontrollably into another, the two exploding as Jack skidded across the side of the Fury, missing the blast.

    “This is Jack! Holy fuck, that was awesome!” He shouted, exhilarated.

  • Apollo V.

    April 10, 2015 at 10:44 pm

    Apollo jumps out of the Fury’s boarding ramp and yanks Jack into the cruiser. 

    “This is Apollo! We got your back!”

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