Activity Forums Group Forums Militaire Sans Frontiers Chapter One – Assault on D.A.D. Force

  • Chapter One – Assault on D.A.D. Force

    Posted by Unknown Member on March 4, 2014 at 7:37 am

    The story thus far:

    Big Boss and Jericho travelled to the Loli Army Base to make a peace negotiation with their Commander Bell and Melody. The negotiations degraded when Bell suspected them of being spies, and attacked them in the conference room. Big Boss and Jericho escaped, only to be persued further by the girls and one other soldier named Max. After a long brutal confrontation with several of Big Boss’ soldiers dead, Jericho and Big Boss held them captive and convinced them to join their side.

    The next morning on the news, The D.A.D. Force bombed the Loli Army Base, killing thousands of young child soldiers that banded together to survive. Bell, Melody and Max reluctantly agreed to be hired by Big Boss to launch a retaliating strike on the DADs, lead by a man who defected from the MSF to the DAD Force, once a trusted comrade of Big Boss.

    Big Boss was still injured from the fight with Bell, Melody and Max so he decided to be a radio spotter in the control room at the Outer Heaven base for a special forces mission involving Deputy Commander Jericho, Max, Melody and Bell. They were going to the burned down Loli Army Base to see if there were survivors and sneak in the DAD Force base to take back any young women who were prisoners of war (POWs.)

    Along the way, an armed tank with 15 fully armed personnel with assault rifles were blocking the only path to get to the Loli Army Base.

    Jericho, Max, Melody and Bell now have no other choice but to face the armed men head on.


    Armageddon Island, a private island southeast of Costa Rica created by a mysterious aristocrat with tons of wealth. The island was formerly developed under the ocean and surfaced when it was completed far after the man’s death. The island’s history as well as its original creators is a subject of constant debate as the island is filled with warring factions that fight over its ownership and noone dares step foot near it.

    Current setting: 3 am, Day Three, (Day one was fight, Day two was Big Boss interrogating Bell and Melody in the prison cell)

    Please take one post at a time, roleplay your own actions only unless the other players give you permission. It’s turn based so we need a set order here. Basically you post about two short paragraphs but no more than three, we don’t want to write a novel in a single post.

    At some point we need to appoint a judge if the fighting gets too far out of hand. For example if you get stabbed and you just shrug it off that can be considered God moding. We’d need a judge to properly determine a realistic reaction if this kind of thing got too far out of hand.

    Other than that my suggested order is: Big Boss, Ghoul (Jericho), Renegade, Bell, Melody, and Max in the order that we all started the roleplay over a messenger. If you don’t want to post anything or aren’t taking an action maybe just write what your character is doing at the time or just say “Skip”

    Unknown Member replied 10 years, 12 months ago 6 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    March 4, 2014 at 1:54 pm

    “What is your situation? I need a STATUS REPORT NOW!” Big Boss slams his fists on the control panel. The screen goes to static and flickers images of a tank turning with what must have been a dozen men armed to the teeth, then it entirely goes to static.

    “DAMMIT!” He flings the headset off to the floor and kicks the rolling chair to the side and looks up at the ceiling, holding his hands to his face and sighs. “They must have jamming equipment of some kind,” he calms down and begins to ponder. He sits down in another chair in the corner and types at a computer impatiently. As he does a small orb in the mechanic bay outside the control room lights up red and a saucer-shaped aircraft about the size of a small coffee table flies out of the door, making its way towards the battlefield.

    The screen that was once staticy now comes back, showing the others on the screen now. “There.. if I can’t communicate now I can at the very least monitor them.”

  • Prilla "Mary" Ruiz

    March 4, 2014 at 11:07 pm

    Kim was working in other computer, She was reading important information about Salomon, aparently Salomon is nothing but a small town, was He was surrounded by mountains and bordering the sea, *it must be pretty peacefull* she thought.

    She heard Bigg Boss thoughts out loud, she smirked.
    “Of course you can!” she said in a funny tone. she rose from her seat and stop by the side of Big Boss to see the monitor, She had her arms crossed around her chest.
    “What do you see Boss?” of course it was obvious, but there were sometimes in that he sees more than her.

  • Ghoul

    March 5, 2014 at 12:25 am

    Jericho stood in the room quietly. The light glinting off of his mostly steel body. After Big Boss’s outburst he raised his head from looking at the ground. “Is there someone that needs support out there boss?” He said the lights on his mask lighting up and his HUD loading up in view, identifying Kim on the other side of the room and Big Boss next to him.

    “I am always available for battle.” He said uncrossing his arms, and putting his hands on the blade at his waist.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    March 5, 2014 at 2:16 am

    Hearing his comrades, his face remained unchanged, and he ignored them for a moment in deep thought. Breaking the silence he said, “We have Max, Bell and Melody out there scouting the area in the experimental land rover that can also double as a mini-chopper. It’s silent at speeds all the way up to 60 mph / 90 kph except for the dust it kicks up, but there’s mountains it can’t go over without flying. If they fly over the mountains the tank will blast it out of the sky. If they try going straight through the path, the rover’s armor can’t take the punishment of 15 men and a tank.”

    The Boss pondered again a few moments in silence stroking his small beard. “They may need to dismount and somehow lure the men away from the vehicle and kill them off silently, then take out the driver. We also don’t have enough fuel to abort the mission and get them back. I sent a drone to monitor them, I could send more troops and resources but too many people could also trigger the DAD Force to send reinforcements or give them justification to launch an attack on our base…”

    “Jericho. Until I heal from these knee injuries I’m going to need to go in and assist them. But if things get too bad fall back and take them back with you if you can. Are you up for this?”

  • Ghoul

    March 5, 2014 at 2:28 am

    Jericho grimaced beneath the mask. “I have been in much worse battles than this. One tank is nothing. Can I have the coordinates?” He said the yellow lights on his mask turning red, and his HUD ready to receive information.

    His muscles were flexed, ready to sprint for the door at top speed for their location the moment Big Boss gave the order, but only when Big Boss gave the order.

  • Member
    March 5, 2014 at 7:12 am

    The humidity that clung to Wolf’s skin was uncomfortable, to say the least; but otherwise, she was perfectly at home. Alone, stationed in a personal nest on the outcroppings of one of the islands bluff’s; behind the sanctuary of a natural blind, of course– woven between the bare and twiggy vines that cascaded down the length of the rocks. The night-vision scope on her Barrett granted her insight to all the happenings below; which is just how she liked it. Observing her prey was something Sniper Wolf regularly liked to engage in; a favored past-time, that one might compare to a typical jock enjoying his fantasy football. She was completely taken with it– and all of these years of perfecting her predatory skill were evident to those that she showed off to.

    The tank was easy to pick out on the battle-scarred landscape below, and the men with it were just as easily identifiable. The whites of their eyes would have been visible to her if not for the helmets. She let an almost offended sigh pass through her lips– it was almost as if they didn’t care to ensure their livelihood. There was no wind tonight to blast against the bluff as it usually did, so the flicks of motion through the underbrush that remained undisturbed by the vehicle drew her attention rather quickly. It was obviously no animal; unless it was rabid or acquired a taste for human flesh– following after a commotion like that.

    It was only after a few more quick glimpses that the woman lifted a hand from her rifle to grab the earpiece from her pocket and stuff it back into its intended place; finger on the communications switch, she drew in a breath. “I’ve got eyes on an enemy tank; 15 escorts riding along on it. Looks like an ordinary nightly patrol.” She cast a glance back into her cubby, tilting her head away from the scope briefly “Why don’t we do that with our tanks?” The sarcastic quip drew the hint of a smile before she leaned back to peer down the scope once more. “Regardless, someone’s following it. Is it one of ours?” the question sank into a tone of almost disgust– hoping that none of their people would be stupid enough to keep that close to an enemy patrol while being so visible.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    March 5, 2014 at 2:00 pm

    (I’ll take a turn as the enemy team.)

    A voice on the tank loudspeaker booms through the dusty path going through the valley. “Keep an eye out for any survivors, and shoot them on sight!” The men all kneel down evenly spaced about five feet apart on the left and right sides, seeming to scan the area.

  • Max

    March 9, 2014 at 9:09 pm

    Max looked out the window, the night vision goggles helping. There was a tank in front of the vehicle that he sat in, with fifteen armed personnel. Softly opening the door he got out. Taking out three daggers, he creeped up slowly to get a better throwing range, while making sure he was not seen in the process. Getting in a throwing stance, he threw one dagger at a guard that was blocking the path.
    The guard searched in front of him to see if he could find any of the enemies. He thought he heard a rustle of movement right in front of him. Holding up his rifle, he could make out a figure, all in black, standing some feet from him. Then he heard it, hiss thunk, he dropped his rifle as the sharp object hit him in the arm. He cursed underneath his breath, reaching over to pull the dagger out of his arm. The metallic smell of blood reached his nostrils. The blood soaking his right arm. Then he heard it again, hiss this time he was kinda ready for it. The dagger narrowly missing his face, a scratch was visible on his left cheek. He fell down on his butt, his helmet rocking to the side exposing one side of his forehead. Then he fell on his back, as one more dagger sank in his forehead.
    Max watched the whole thing, more daggers then I wanted to use but that’s fine, he thought to himself, taking out three more daggers.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    March 11, 2014 at 3:49 am

    “What happened?!” the loudspeaker of the tank operator thundered. The thirteen other men gathered around the two downed guards. “You idiots, don’t cluster around here! A well placed RPG shot or grenade could take us all out if we’re bunched together! SPREAD OUT!”

    The men nervously went all out in groups of two spread far out. It was now going to be more difficult to kill them all at once. The tank aims the cannon in the general direction it believes the thrown weapons came from. A locking noise is heard and everyone kneels down.

    A loud boom that rocked the entire area was heard and a crater was shot into the ground kicking dirt way into the air. It hit about 100 meters from where Max most likely was. (this would generate a huge shock that would be felt in the ground and make anyone near deaf for a few minutes without ear protection of some sort but not kill the person unless burning dirt or metal landed on their vital body areas from the air)

    The men all look around frantically.

    Big Boss comes in over the mental radio in Max’s head. “They’re trying to find you – make sure that they don’t.”

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    March 11, 2014 at 3:50 am

    (Just for reference this is the tank model used)

  • Bell

    March 12, 2014 at 12:41 am

    From a high vantage point Bell could view the whole field.
    Now this is just pathetic. So simple to pick off. Just as easy as when you clump together you little chickies.
    “Did you forget about me?” Bell whispers into her own headset. “Aww how insulting, Big Dek. Cant trust me to deal with a few men eh? I feel insulted. Just insulted.” Raising her crossbow she places her targets, two pairs of men jogging near each other, presumable to ‘watch each others backs *Smirk* Idiots, in her scope.
    Well would you look at that! Four sitting ducks. And I thought their stupid /safe/ commander sitting inside of that *Ugh* tank told them to spread out! Just pathetic.
    Four simple targets became four twitching corpses. Smirking Bell presses her intercom. “Four down on the east side, /sir/.” She tells him placing a sarcastic ‘Sir’ at the end.
    Oh great. I am down to eight toxic bolts. Grrrrrr got to restock. Speaking to Max she tells him, “What’s your current location? I can provide you with backup should you require it.”
    Which, you shouldnt. You are a big boy Maxie-poo. You must learn to deal with it when people dont stand still for you to shoot them.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    March 12, 2014 at 2:12 am

    (enemy count: 6 downed and 10 plus the tank driver.)

    “All of you, fall back! Get inside the back hatch!” the loudspeaker booms. The hatch ramp in the back drops down and they all run inside to get shelter. The heat vision sensor is then turned on now, and they all begin to see Big Boss’ loyal comrades. The vehicle they have however, is unable to be detected by heat vision because of its ability to operate without generating heat when going at speeds lower than 60 mph.

    “GET READY TO GET BLOWN AWAY!” a heated dart shaped projectile is fired in Max’s general direction.

  • Max

    March 12, 2014 at 9:21 pm

    ((I couldn’t help it duke, you practically made yourself make me to post. You tempted me into posting, and I did. It’s your fault for saying those things about projectiles and stuff coming my way. So here’s my post, hope ya like it~
    Max snorts, hearing Bell’s voice. Looking up he noticed his targets were going into the tank. Thinking already what was about to happen, he started over to some trees on the right side of the road. Jumping up into one, he started to leap from tree to tree. His black long overcoat flapping in the wind from leaping. There was a sudden jolt going through the ground as the projectile landed into the ground where Max once stood. His foot slipping on one of the branches, he started to fall to the ground. Bracing himself, he crashed. Getting up, he shook himself out, and found he was right behind the tank. Grinning, he jogged over and opened the hatch. “Hello,” He whispered into the first guard’s ear before stabbing him in the back. Launching into attack-mode, he grinned gleefully.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    March 13, 2014 at 3:06 am

    The guards all look at each other and hold their hands in the air and drop their weapons. “This is Big Boss,” the mental radio comes in silently in their minds. “You’ve all done a great job. I’ll send in a team to capture the personnel and we will take and repair the vehicle. In the meantime you can either come back and rest or continue on towards the destroyed Loli Army Base. I’ll leave the decision up to you.”

    A team of Big Boss’ men arrive in three trucks and they handcuff and put potato sacks over their heads and escort them into the backs of the trucks and take off.

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