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Character Creation
Posted by Randomness On 2 Legs on September 10, 2015 at 3:21 pmUse this template to create you’re character.
Sexuality: (optional)
Type of fighting/class (Mage, warrior, thief, nightblade, paladin, etc.):
EpicMrSheep replied 9 years, 5 months ago 7 Members · 7 Replies -
7 Replies
Name: Baqi
Race: Redguard
Gender: Male
Age: 54
Height: 6’1″
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Appearance: He might only be a little tall, but what makes him imposing is his stocky build and broad shoulders. He’s a Redguard through and through, sporting dark skin and near black eyes. His hair is typically covered by his headpiece, a maroon taglemust, but when not covered you can see it is composed of many thin, well kept dreads often tied in a pony tail that hangs thickly between his shoulder blades. He often dresses in heavy furs to protect himself from the horribly cold climate of Skyrim, something he doesn’t think he will ever be used to. At his waist, he carries two curved blades, another remnant of his home. His body is a map of scars showing a long life living by the blade.
Bio: It’s hard to get much out of him about his personal life. Despite being social and generally warm natured, he doesn’t talk much about himself other than anecdotes about his adventures as a freelance mercenary. The only solid things that people can glean about him is that he was born to the Nomads of the Alik’r and he has lived by the sword from a very young age. He seemed vaguely religious, adhering to the old Yokudan pantheon, but not devout enough to ever really be seen in prayer. He’s a quiet man but pleasant enough to speak with. Often, he’s blunt and straight forward but never seeks to be confrontational. He is honor bound as a Redguard swordsman, well versed in what is expected in fair combat but trained to handle those without decency in a fight. He doesn’t seek to be combative, but the only way he’s ever found to make a living was through his blades. Despite leaving the desert, he is still a nomad at heart and calls no place but the Alik’r his home. He wanders city to city, taking on odd contracts that suit him so he can earn enough coin to get by. If asked, he considers himself retired, trying to live his life the best that he can. The money he earns he normally spends on good food and drink, and he’s often seen embracing the company of others in the easy evening. He’ll laugh and banter into the late hours with strangers and be gone by morning, already blown out of town and onto the next. Despite his social nature in town, he does embrace solitude and is a very private man. He will quickly shut down and deflect personal questions, not liking people to pry into his business.
Type of fighting/class: Swordsman
Extra: He has lived a very colorful life and has many amazing stories to tell, some of which sound almost unbelievable. Many of these stories are marked by scars on his body. His favorite scar was earned through a particularly miraculous tale. He claims it was given to him by Trueflame after a brief and violent encounter with a dunmer claiming to be the Nerevarine.
Name: Dar’Tesh
Race: Khajiit
Gender: Male
Height: 5’10”
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: Dar’Tesh is slender, lanky but with strength lurking within. The Khajiit’s fur is predominantly grey, with four black stripes running from his brow down his back. A tail extends from his rear, mostly grey save for several black rings near the white tip. Dar’Tesh wears dark red, loose clothing with lots of hidden pockets, around his waist sits a flattened pouch for lock-picks and a steel dagger.
Bio: A somewhat gentle soul, Dar’tesh seems a little at odds with the frigid realm of Skyrim, The kind of Khajiit who might save your life, but might pick your pocket. He rarely stays anywhere long, a habit encouraged by the locals who continue to see him in a dim light. Still, the plucky young Khajiit tries to remain friendly to everyone, which makes him less of a suspect when thing inevitably go missing.
Type of fighting/class: Thief
Extra: Has the typical Khajiit traits of claws and nighteye.
Name: Skali-ak kevhe
Race :argonian
Height: 6″ 1
Sexuality: bisexual
Appearance: mid build, smooth, blue green scales which darken around her extremities, sharpened claws, a slight overbite, two spiked metal rings around her tail, light chainmail armour over her torso and legs, but no boots or gloves.
Fighting type: melee. She mainly uses two handed weapons, preferring the ax over any other.
Bio: unlike most argonians, skali didn’t grow up in black marsh, instead being born into a colony in morrowind. She moved to skyrim with a number of her species due to the belief that the war would allow her to find a job and make money. Throughout her past she has become an adept blacksmith and soldier, and has used this to help a number of people. She is a straight forward person who never hesitates to speak her mind,often leading to arguments, and on one occasion, a full scale bar instead. Despite this she can get along with most people, but distrusts bretons.
Name: Azalan Vedaoth
Race: Dunmer
Gender: MaleAge: 28
Height: 5’7″
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: He has rather dark skin, blood red eyes, and pitch black hair. He wears the ancient Dark Brotherhood Armour and has a ring with a small sapphire on it. When he is not wearing his cowl, he puts his hair in a ponytail that goes down to the middle of his back.
Bio: As a young child he was sold into slavery. As he was stripped from his mother she slipped the ring he now wears into his pocket. And that was all he had to remember her by. This of course of course led him down a very dark path. Constantly being punished by the slavers and being tortured had fed his rage. Once he had the courage, he conjured up whatever fight he had left in him, and killed every slaver he was near. But he could not defeat the ring leader. Fortunately he was much faster than the brute who had captured him. And so, he wandered the roads of Tamriel, and wandered towards Skyrim where the Dark Brotherhood took him in and honed his skills as an assassin. He is now one of the most respected members of the family.Type of fighting/class: Nightblade. He uses an ebony dagger in close combat and when sneaking. If he needs it he uses a mix of illusion, destruction, and conjuration for moments of crises.
Extra: He is always watching his back and is distrustful of everybody. Only does he trust his close friends (the few he has) and the other members of the Dark Brotherhood.
Extra: Really likes pie.
Extra: Has a love for the exotic Khajiit and Argonian. -
Name: Ja’Renle; Houou
Race: Khajiit
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Height: 5’4
Sexuality: Strait
Appearance: Athletic build, black fur, grey swirly stripes along back and sides of face, light purple eyes, long ears, black hair a bang semi covering one eye and pulled over to that side of bang hair length of bang and cut ruggedly, Thieves guild armor with regular trousers, (Those tight leather pants won’t do XD) and a cotton cloak.
Bio: Moved to Skyrim for a better life with her mom at age 8, Met Orion when she was getting attacked by wolves at age 10 while trying to hunt. She left her mom in search for more money and food at age 16 and joined the thieves guild briefly before disagreeing with their ways and contacts and only staying around for the sneak training and marksmen training. She left right when things were getting weird around the guild, after leaving she roamed skyrim for game to sell and save up so she could move her mom back to elsewheyre so her old bones could sit back in the cool jungle and sands and not in the snow and ridged rocks. She is still trying to gain enough money to pay for the trip for her, she sends money to her mom every month so she doesn’t have to work a lot besides work her job for finding herbs and selling them to the herbal woman in whiterun. (theirs a herb place in whiterun right? XD)
Fighting style/ class: Houou uses her Dwarves bow which she had gotten on her trip to Markarth to sell goods that were not skins and meat, orcish arrows, orcish dagger that she uses for close combat and other knife things.
Extra?: Red wolf companion named Orion, him and Houou are the bestest of pals.
(Yay! more detail then Houou’s last char sheet XD and she grew her hair out XD)
Name: Alice Goldenburge
Race: Considered a Nord (Her mother was a mix of dark elf and Nord, and her father was also a Nord. Hence the Elf ears and traits.)
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Height: 5’4 1/2
Sexuality: (optional) Unknown
Appearance: (See in Picture:) Alice has brown wavy hair past shoulders, tanned skin(mocha-ish), is about 5’4 in height, she has elf ears that are a bit longer tan the length of her pointer finger. Her build is mostly of lean muscles skilled for jumping roof to roof and a small boned structure to nimbly work her way around silently.
Bio: Briefly, Alice and her elder sister Eryniel became a secret orphans at the ages nine and twelve when Alice’s parents were killed, making the two girls run to Dawnstar–secluded and cold for anyone to care for them up there. Eryniel went missing one day, and Alice left after waiting weeks for her sister to return thinking the people who killed her parents were after them too. When Alice was thirteen she attempted to steal Asgeir’s ring and got caught, being let off the hook since she was young and female and was sent off to the Orphanage in Riften where she continued her thievery until the age of 16, where she got caught in Helgen with a stolen horse and put on the block before a dragon ruined the plans of the executioner, letting her escape to Riverwood. As for Eryniel, only 2 weeks after Alice had left Dawnstar had she escaped her captors–bandits strangely in cahoots with the dark brotherhood, and began looking for her sister for years. Finally, the two were reunited in the Sleeping Giant Inn after Eryniel came, attracted by the sayings of dragons attacking, and told her sister it was the dark brotherhood that killed Alice’s parents.
Alice and Eryniel have been “hunting” the dark brotherhood for 3 years afterwards–Eryniel staying by Alice’s side as she still feels like she has to protect her sister.
Type of fighting/class (Mage, warrior, thief, nightblade, paladin, etc.): Thief category most likely. Alice usually carries daggers with her normally along with a long sword on her back. However, she can use a bow she usually chooses not to carry one.
Extra: Loves her sister Eryniel, Mead, Stirring trouble, Meat, Food, Her long Sword, and valuable or shiny objects.
Quotes (From Previous RP happenings that may be recognizable): ‘Alice popped the top to some Nord mead. “The bond of a Kahjiit and her wolf. Wouldn’t that be a nice novel.”’
‘“I make myself happy.” She said cockily, grinning. “But nonetheless, invite me to the wedding when it comes.”’
‘“What? Really? Well that was disappointing.” She sighed, rubbing her temples. “Geegh. Of course I don’t know anything much about Argonians, Kahjiits, Imperials, Nords, elves…” The list went on. “Actually, I don’t know much about any of the races.” She realized aloud.’Image. Silver hair- Eryniel Brown hair- Alice
Name: Evaiine Safyr
Race: Breton
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Height: 5’4″
Sexuality: Pretty much open to anything.
Appearance: She wears Steel armor. She’s extremely pale skin, a scar running down her cheek, and long dark brown hair. She isn’t extremely muscular or is very fit.
Bio: She grew up in Highrock with her aunt and uncle after her mother died while giving birth to her and her father couldn’t cope with the depression and committed suicide. There, she learned how to expertly smith and she was taught about how to worship and obey the Divines. After she was old enough and new how to fight, she left for Skyrim to help shed some light about religion during the war.
Fighting type/class: Paladin, focusing mainly on restoration and one handed skills. She often acts as a tank to try to draw attention away from the rest of the group so they can rest. She normally uses any sort of Restoration spell in his left hand and a Dwarven Mace.
Extra: Despises the Daedric Princes and blames them for the death of her parents.
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