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Character creation
Posted by Whatsyourface on May 28, 2014 at 9:55 pmHere, you will create your character.
1. Name
2. Race (Prototype, other infected, or human)
3. Role (Military, blackwatch, civilian or infected)
4. Appearance, gender and weight
5, Abilities, equipment and skills: Here you will list your abilities and powers. Maybe your infected character is more agile or faster because of his or her lower weight. Perhaps he has most of the same abilities of Mercer or Heller. Maybe your human character knows Parkour or is good with guns or was previously in the military. List things like that.
6. Bio (optional)
7: Morality/Alignment: This is subject to change. Options are neutral if he is in it for him/Herself, military, or infected.
Whatsyourface replied 10 years, 8 months ago 4 Members · 5 Replies -
5 Replies
Name: Jericho Watkins
Race: Prototype
Role: Infected
Appearance: Jericho is 6’3 in height, with dark brown colored skin, and very short curly hair. His figure is imposing, by shaping his body as efficiently as he could with wide shoulders, longer arms, and larger muscles to allow him to move faster and lift more. He has sharp facial features and coal black eyes. At the beginning of this RP he weighs in at 750 pounds.
Abilities and skills: At the beginning of this RP, his abilities are the standard, endurance, stamina, agility and strength that come with his version of the virus. Shape shifting abilities include consuming and disguise. Combat abilities are Tendrils and low level muscle augmentation to carry and throw cars.
Bio: Will be revealed as story goes on.
Alignment: Neutral Evil. Leans towards simply using the infected and other involved to accomplish his own goals rather than a nihilistic sense of destroying the world or infecting the planet.
Name: Eric Bradshaw
Race: Human
Role: Marine
Appearance: 5 ft 11. Male. Full body armor. Gas mask. Hood. Weaponry.
Abilities, equippment and skills: Carries XM-29 OICW assault rifle with air burst grenades built in. Carries sharpened taser electric knife to override muscle input and stun or kill foes by electrifying them from the inside out. Electric current heats knife. Carries Panzerfaust-3 Anti tank Launcher capable of killing hunters in one or two hits. Has ceramic “dragon-scale” armor made to be difficult to cut and pierce. Type-IV ballistic protection. Carries M1911 pistol. Incendiary grenades. Arsenal increases as the story progresses.
Highly trained. Honed reflexes. Overall very fit and well rounded. Very accurate shot. Clever and Savvy.
Morality: Believes the infection should be contained and that it should be destroyed. By whatever means.
Name: Suzi Blackwaters
Race: Human
Role: Blackwatch
Appearance: Famele, 4 ft 90, light body armor
Abilities, skills: High flexibility and agility mostly due to her training as a martial artist, she specializes in Kendo, Jiu Jitsu and Wushu she is also no stranger to the military close combat training
She is also a good marksman and as regular strategist she is good at getting people in and out of places without being seen as well as in and out of combat without much loses, she is cool headed and can thing of good strategy even when the odds are against herEquipment: She specializes in close combat and for such she uses a katana, a clock.308 and a combat knife for long range encounters she carries a M4A1 with laser sights she also carries a belt with incendiary and moral effect granades, uses a light but resistant kind of bullet proof vest under her shirt
Bio: Daughter of a mercenary she was taught all the ways to kill a man since she was little, her father had a small company of mercenaries who was assimilate by blackwatch since the first outbreak, now is finally the time for Suzi to show her skills in battle
Morality: Chaotic neutral, works for blackwatch but don’t believe in everything they say, thinks like a mercenary fighting only for her own family standing, and the pay checks
1. Name: Kaiser
2. Race: Prototype
3. Role: Infected
4. Appearance, gender and weight: Simply camoed pants, military boots, no shirt. Grown armored plates in the torso. All armor is an obsideian black, including most armor and thick flesh over his head. Weighes 1200 lbs at the start
5, Abilities, equipment and skills: Standard prototype abilities, including consuming and shapeshifting. Very strong for his weight. Spider silk enforced muscles. Can produce webs. Claws. Tendrils and spikes from many parts of the body. Abilities progress with story. Agile. Fairly heat tolerant. Has naturally grown thick armor plates growing on body. They are black in color. Echolocation. Sonar. Thermal vision. Extremely enhanced hearing.
6. Bio: Revealed through story, or reading his file.
7: Morality/Alignment: Kaiser wishes to save himself and those he believes should be saved. And those he believes, should be killed, killed.
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