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Character Desc (Updated)
Posted by Apollo V. on May 12, 2015 at 1:06 amA new character desc, this time with statistical parts. (Is totally optional, use the old description if you want to)
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Skin Color:
*Strength Index (1-5, 5 can lift 2 tons):
*Speed Index (1-5, 5 is supersonic):
*Durability Index (1-5, 5 is virtually indestructible):
*Intelligence Index (1-5, 5 is omniscient):
*Morality Index (1-5, 5 won’t kill a fly):
*Reflex Index (1-5, 5 is instantaneous):
*Energy Projection Index (1-5, 5 is bio-radiant):
Unknown Member replied 9 years, 10 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies -
4 Replies
Name: Andaluza VanZile
Age: 800
Height: 7′ 3″ (still growing)
Weight: 132 lbs
Race: Ascendii
Personality: Rash, brutal, but good. Does what’s right, but has a short temper. Likes to show off his strength.
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Skin Color: Medium brown
Background: Andaluza VanZile was adopted by Midzog and was experimented slightly before he refused to do so. Midzog nodded and took him in as a son, before Andaluza left the OGA and killed Midzog. He then joined the Keepers, still troubled by his past, but a valid peacekeeper.
Strength Index: 4. Extremely strong, but can’t lift more than 800 pounds.
Speed Index: 3. Unusually slow for an Ascendii, but it comes with not training a lot.
Durability Index: 2. Recovers from shock normally, but due to his lower speed he can’t be very durable.
Intelligence Index: 2. Not a brain-type guy, but is able to think up with some strategy.
Morality Index: 1. Cares for innocents barely, will kill anyone OGA.
Reflex Index: 4. Heightened reflexes due to Ascendii.
Energy Projection Index: 5. Can melt things with his vision as well as create electric fields.
Alignment: Neutral Good.
Name: Pandora
Age: 300
Height: 5’5
weight: 120
Race: Acendaii
Personality: caring at times, murderous at times, loyal, try’s to make cheesy jokes some times, tramatized.
eye color: Purple
Hair color: white with red streaks (wings: Crimson)
Skin color: Tanish
Background: she had a pretty normal life before a evil spirit was locked inside her and she was fought by the OGA and experimented on for over half her life time, she escaped by melting the hole facility when they tampered with her too much. She also has a lot of her traits now because of all the chemicals they put in her, she has a swirly Tattoo on her right arm and leg that glows and gives her some power. The dark spirit in her came out and took over her body making her mass murder everyone within a 5 mile radio use for 5 years, roughly murdering 5 billion people. She is tramatized with needles and cage like scenarios when it involves getting trapped then she freaks out and may or may not start trying to kill people. Besides that she makes friends and stuff and joined the keepers to help people and kill OGA people as well. She is also very protective of her black sword, if you try and take it from her she’ll freak out with out it. Kinda.
Strength index: 2
speed index: 4
Durability index: 2
Intelligence index: 3
Morality index: 4 (0 when the dark spirit is out)
Reflect index: 4
Energy projection index: 3
alignment: meh she’s with the keepers
Name: Apollo
Age: 700
Height: 7’3″
Weight: 122 lbs
Race: Ascendii
Personality: Cares for all life and chooses the method which requires the least lives lost. Extremely competitive and too capable of destruction due to his abilities being in tune with his brain. Gives more control, but can cause trouble with emotions.
Eye Color: The same color as the atmosphere on the planet he’s on (biolocation), pale blue in space (natural color), silver under the influence of SL (Seclusion Lock), and turns blood red for unknown reasons at times.
Hair color: Black, wings are orange-red to yellow
Skin Color: Medium brown
Background: Apollo was born a normal Ascendii before being drafted into the Exansis Military at a very young age (about 20). He was kicked out after his sister was killed in a fight, and then he started following Jack around until he died. Apollo currently holds the leadership of The Keepers by default.
Strength Index: 3. Strong for an Ascendii, but not enhanced by anything
Speed Index: 5. Extremely fast, since it’s his thing.
Durability Index: 3. Harder to hit due to speed, so getting shot while flying/running is no problem.
Intelligence Index: 3. Only reason he’s intelligence is due to strategic thinking and reflexes, but useless for anything else.
Morality Index: 4. Tries to prevent as many deaths as possible and will break laws to stop a death, but isn’t afraid to take a life.
Reflex Index: 5. Heightened Ascendii reflexes, plus higher reaction time due to speed.
Energy Projection Index: 5. Can melt things with his vision and create shockwaves.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMay 14, 2015 at 12:07 am(*Required)
*Name: Jack Monroe*Age: Unknown (Old as nuts probably)
*Height: 5’7″
Weight: 200 pounds
*Race: Human
*Personality: Problems with authority. Bit of a rude asshole, hides behind cocky and arrogant demeanor to protect himself from any more mental trauma. Prefers the company of himself, likes to brood. Deep down kindhearted, but due to his mental state, rarely shows it. Chaotic good, has a personal set of morals and oaths to hide by and doesn’t have a problem with killing.
Eye Color: Red (Previously blue)
Hair Color: Brown
Skin Color: White
*Background: Born a regular human, Jack was kidnapped at a young age by the OGA looking to explore their new science division, experimenting on him to become a tank on the battlefield, altering his strength to be pretty much limitless and have a regeneration system. Can feel all pain inflicted on him, and it has driven him slightly mad in the process. Escaped, became a bandit, was caught by the Exansis, then went on a crusade with Apollo to fight the OGA.
*Strength Index (1-5, 5 can lift 2 tons): 6
*Speed Index (1-5, 5 is supersonic): 1 (Speed of a human in his physical peak. So like, an olympic runner. Pretty pathetic compared to Ascendii standards.)
*Durability Index (1-5, 5 is virtually indestructible): 4
*Intelligence Index (1-5, 5 is omniscient): 3
*Morality Index (1-5, 5 won’t kill a fly): 1
*Reflex Index (1-5, 5 is instantaneous): 1
*Energy Projection Index (1-5, 5 is bio-radiant): 1
*Alignment: Chaotic good, follows his own rules, doesn’t listen to anyone but himself. Could be a valuable ally or your worst enemy.
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