Activity Forums Group Forums Highschool Character Description

  • Character Description

    Posted by Twelve Year-Old Girl. Her Father Found This Account on February 7, 2015 at 1:32 pm

    Name: Sky

    Age: 16

    Description: Long dirty blonde hair, teal eyes, and  5’10.


    Extras: Parents got divorced at the age of 11.

    Extras: Also have a galaxy colored backpack hanging off my right shoulder

    Extra: Schedule: 1st period- Language Arts

    2nd period- P.E

    3rd period-  History

    4th period- Study Hall

    5th period- Math

    6th period- Science


    Bakura Darkwing replied 9 years, 8 months ago 18 Members · 17 Replies
  • 17 Replies
  • firesmashman

    February 7, 2015 at 2:23 pm



    Description:Dark brown shoulder length hair, hazel eyes,6’2″, has a sarcastic and social personality.

    Wearing: Black hoodie with red stripes down the sleeves with matching sweatpants. Also wearing great hightops with red laces.

    Extra: New at school and hasn’t made any friends yet.

    Schedule: 1st:L.A.

    2nd: Gym

    3rd: History

    4th: Study Hall

    5th: Math

    6th: Science

  • Ethan Grimm

    February 7, 2015 at 7:05 pm

    <div class=”bbp-reply-content”>
    <div id=”d4p-bbp-quote-25734″>Name: Ethan 

    Age: 14

    Description: Short, dark black hair, brown eyes, pale

    Wearing: A grey hoodie, blue jeans & what seems to be a pin on one of the strings of the hoodie

    Extras: Suffered mental & physical trauma from being abused as a child.

    Extras: Has scars on my arms from reaching in to a fire & saving my sister.(she’s dead now)

    Schedule: 1st period- Theatre Arts

    2nd period- Music

    3rd period-  Art

    4th period- Study Hall

    5th period- Band

    6th period- Science


  • Vaermina

    February 7, 2015 at 8:11 pm

    Name: Vanessa or Nessa
    Age: 16
    Description: Pale, long brown hair, brown eyes, 5’3″
    Wearing: Oversized blue hoodie, black skinny jeans, all blue Vans.
    – Usually quiet
    – Draws, writes, and reads a lot
    – Carries a brown leather messenger bag
    1st Language
    2nd History
    3rd Art
    4th Study hall
    5th Science
    6th Gym

  • Goji Ishiro

    February 8, 2015 at 12:46 am

    Name: Goji Ishiro

    Age: 60 in human years, 18 in Gojira years.

    Description: 6’9″, color changing eyes, black hair, large spiny fins along my back and a 3 foot long tail.

    Wearing: Specially made jacket and jeans, sneakers.


    -Is more Gojira than Human in mind.

    -Learns through mimicry

    -Is able to turn into a true form, a 355 foot tall Gojira ( Godzilla humans call it, if you don’t know ^^ )

    -Is extremely shy, tend to stay away from the group. Humans also make me nervous and sometimes scared because of past experiences.

    -If someone he cares about gets attacked, I can usually become feral. I have no common sense in this state, and usually will stop when the person I care about holds me back or when the attacker is severely injured or dead.

    -Has the ability to use his atomic breath, nuclear pulse, etc attacks


    ” What does ‘ske-doo-lee’ mean?” * Tilts head*

  • HeartonLockdown

    February 8, 2015 at 1:50 am

    Name: Mitchel Voss

    Age: 18

    Description: blonde hair in a Faux hawk three steel studs in one ear and a bar in the other blue-green eyes and 6foot 2inches

    Wearing: black tee shirt blue jeans with a chain on one side black leather bracelet on left arm two thick silver rings on right hand a silver woven chain round his neck with dog tags of a cross on it and grey high-top sneakers

    Extra* wears a gray military back pack with a lot of straps on it

    Extras: both parents and school gave up on him since 3rd grade

    schedule: no one expects him to follow it or even be at school



  • Etherin Ven Scastroto

    February 8, 2015 at 2:25 pm

    Name: Dakota Nomach

    Age: 16

    Discription: Black short hair, Brown eyes, Pale, 6’3.

    Wearing: Blue plaid over-shirt, white t-shirt (under), gray cargo pants, Handmade necklace with a crystal hanging from it.

    Extra: Plays Acoustic Guitar.

    Extra: Navy blue sling backpack

    Schedule: 1st Period – Language arts

    2nd Period – Science

    3rd Period – History

    4th Period – Study Hall

    5th Period – Math

    6th Period – Gym


  • Randomness On 2 Legs

    February 9, 2015 at 9:46 pm

    Name: Thomas McFall

    Age: 14

    Description: Ginger shoulder length hair, deep blue eyes, 5’2″

    Wearing: Long sleeve white dress shirt and grey pants. Wears black and white converse. He wears two necklaces at all times. One with an owl’s face and one with a shield and a cross in the middle with a small sword in the middle of the cross.

    Extra: Plays the cello and bass guitar.

    Schedule: 1st period-Biology

    2nd period-L.A.

    3rd period-Calculus



    6th-World History


  • Rosette Jones

    February 11, 2015 at 12:38 am

    Description: Dark brown hair in braids often tied back in a ponytail. Brown eyes, 5’4, dark skin.

    Age: 15

    Wearing: White undershirt with a scruffy brown jacket given to her by her grandfather, dark blue skinny jeans and black and white Converses.

    Extra: Plays violins and knows sign language since her parents divorced and openly call her a burden and the reason behind their divorce.

    Extra: A bit too analytical a thinker and tends to drive people off when they intellectually can’t keep up with her. Extremely intelligent.

    Extra: When it comes to boys, she often freezes up and regresses back to a third grade mind,( i.e when you like someone, you hit them and insult them severely)

    Schedule: 1. Honors English

    2. French II

    3. World History

    4. P.E.

    5. Chemistry

    6. Algebra II


  • MaraTwasHere

    February 16, 2015 at 6:12 am

    Name: Sakura Hea

    Age: 15

    Description: Long dark brown hair, dark eyes, and 5’2 in height.

    Wearing: Red ruffled high waist skirt, cream colored top, red ribbon choker with fake pearls on it, short black stiletto boots,

    Extras: Her first name means ‘Cherry Blossom’, last name means ‘Grace’

    Extras: Black shoulder purse

    Extra: Schedule:

    1st period- Language Arts

    2nd period- History

    3rd period- Art

    4th period- Study Hall

    5th period- Math

    6th period- Gym


  • Ash_Alchemist

    February 16, 2015 at 3:23 pm

    Name: Jaylyn Portman

    Age: 16

    Description: Jaylyn stands at 5’7 has black hair and brown eyes.

    Wearing: a ripped up Nirvana t-shirt, ripped blue jeans, black combat boots, and a blue bandanna.

    Extra: She’s in on a hockey scholarship

    Extra: She can play the guitar and can sing

    Extra: Schedule:

    First hour: Gym

    Second hour: English 10

    Third hour: Algebra 2

    Fourth hour: World history

    Fifth hour: Free period

    Sixth hour: Gym, again.

  • Sherlitary

    February 24, 2015 at 11:05 pm

    Name: Sandy

    Age: 16

    Description: Pale, short black hair, green eyes, 5’6″

    Wearing: Oversized black hoodie that is half unzipped to reveal a Doctor Who shirt, blue jeans, blue converse.


    – Very introverted

    – Writes & reads  a lot


    1st ELA

    2nd Math

    3rd History

    4th Science

    5th Study hall

    6th Gym

  • Kaito Shion

    February 26, 2015 at 4:48 am

    Name: Kaito
    Age: 18
    Description: Short blue hair, Blue eyes. Skinny lean build, stands at 5’10.
    Wearing: Black Hoodie with a blue T-shirt underneath, blue scarf, and white pants with Blue hightops
    Extras: His first Language is Japanese, and he is working to become a Musical artist
    Extras: Always seems to have a pair of headphones with him, no matter what.
    Schedule: 1st period- Drama
    2nd Period- Language arts
    3rd Period- History
    4th period- Art
    5th Period- Science
    6th Period- Calculus

  • Jace Coulson

    February 26, 2015 at 7:12 am

    Name: Makenna Jones


    Description: Makenna is 5’6″, about 120 pounds. She has medium length brown hair, dark green eyes that look almost brown, and a pale completion.

    Wearing: Wool tights under a pencil skirt with boots and a cable-knit sweater make up her typical attire. She also wears black rectangular glasses.

    Extras: She spends the majority of her money on concert tickets, computer equipment and coffee. All her clothes are second-hand.

    Extras: Despite her love of coffee, she wouldn’t be caught dead drinking Starbucks.


    1st: Spanish

    2nd: C++ Certification

    3rd: Marching Band

    4th: AP Trigonometry

    5th: Chemistry

    6th: Weight Training and Conditioning

  • Exportedfish55

    March 25, 2015 at 1:12 am




    extra: rich and not popular but has a lot of cars





    4th:algebra 2

    5th:language 3

    6th:gym again

  • Jazzy

    June 27, 2015 at 4:11 pm

    Name: Indominus

    Age: 16

    Description: White hair and very white plae skin with golden like eyes. He’s about 6’8. ((see profile picture))

    Wearing: A white t-shirt that says, “I don’t bite.” and a black hoodie. He has black jeans and black/white vans.

    Extra: Likes to be funny and can be mean. Likes to scare people quite a lot.


    Period 1: Gym

    Period 2: History

    Period 3: science

    Period 4: Study hall

    Period 5: Language arts

    Period 6: Math



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