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  • Character(s)

    Posted by Jazzy on August 10, 2015 at 11:03 am


    Name: Hiro Yuu

    Nickname (?): Star

    Age: 18

    Gender: Male

    Appearance:  Black sort of spiky hair it’s more of a bed head hair due, with green eyes. Around 6’11, wears a lot of rings, piercings, necklaces, etc.

    Backstory: Hiro grew up with really abusive parents, he was taught to live and fight for what he needed and wanted. When the rebellion came, his parents kindly left him, they thought he wouldn’t survive due to lots of gangs where he lived. Hiro left his house, he knew someone was going to take it over. He nows roams to town, stealing, hiding and fighting off people, he travels alone and tries to find out why this happened to the world and why everyone just said “SCREW IT!” and went crazy.

    Weapons: A few hand guns and a bunch of bullets, has more knives and can use whatever as a weapon.

    Personality: Hiro is really quite and doesn’t talk much, but he is very generous. He will also put up a fight if he feels like and is stronger than he looks.

    Wearing: Black skinny jeans with a blood red hoodie to fit in. Wears a lot of necklaces and rings etc. His shirt is usually a white tank top but is a black long sleeve shirt when the winter comes.

    Extra: If you are in trouble and you see Hiro, run to him and he’ll save you!

    Chris the wise replied 9 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Chris the wise

    August 12, 2015 at 3:26 pm

    Name: Freddy

    Nickname: Gremlin

    Age: 20’s

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Shiny Black hair hangs loose about and over part of his face, his dark eyes shining through. He is rather short and constantly crouched.

    Backstory: Before is all began Freddy fiddled with machines, whether professionally or not he doesn’t say. When the world changed he began to wander, fixing things and making new items with various degrees of success, sometimes failing deliberately, and spectacularly.

    Weapons: A rifle he made himself, a small hatchet and a hammer

    Personality: Helpful to a fault, he wears a constant but unnerving smile. He is the kind of person who might save your life or might steal your car depending on who he guesses you to be.

    Wearing: A greyed boiler suit beneath a hooded cape of black. Around his waist is a belt full of tools and odd-bits while across his back is a sack full of spare parts.

    Extra: He moves with a scurry and enjoys climbing to vantage points. He usually talks to himself and is constantly fiddling with something.

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