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Earth (Second timeline)
Posted by Lord English on January 17, 2014 at 1:50 am((This is the grouping meant for session B2. If you are meant for B1, you are an adult. If you are meant for B2, you are a kid. This is general rp until the game is started.))
Lord English replied 10 years, 7 months ago 3 Members · 2,422 Replies -
2 Replies
(Tell me if I started this wrong..This is the first time I’ve rped on something like this..030 I’m human in B2 by the way..)
Casi sat on her bed and typed furioushly on her laptop grumbling,the darn thing! She yawned widely and snaped it shut, the green of her text burning her eyes. The small human pushed the laptop away from her and snuggled into her bed sheets not bothering to slip her shades off. She ignored as her laptop kept buzzing and yawned again hugging her blanket around her. Casi slipped off to sleep her hand closing around a small pistol she kept under her pillow, a habit she formed when someone broke into her house years ago. -
-Through whatever dream the poor human may have been having, a being lurked in a dark corner, covered in a darkened cloak. On the front of the cloak lay the symbol of doom. From the top of the hood came four candy corn colored horns that were sharp and curved slightly to the center of his head. He tried to stay away from the human in his sights but that was nearly impossible seeing as his eyes glowed red and blue through his similarly tinted glasses. Despite such, he made sure his hood stayed low to shadow out his face and his cloak stayed closed tight to hide his grey skin.-
Casi woke up to a large room, it was filled with random junk, pile reaching to the ceiling. Casi adjusted her shades and reached down but only to frown as she didn’t feel the familiar weight of her pistol in her belt. She brushed off her uncertainty,gaining a low feeling in the pit of her stomach The human walked with careful moments jumpy, something was with her, and she didn’t like the feel of what ever was with her.
-The figure watched the human walk by, deciding it was alright to slowly come out behind them and simply follow. He wanted to watch the actions of the human and was careful not to get too close due to his own eyes. He also found that he was taller than the human, an odd fact to him. He decided to check through his own modus as he followed behind them and made sure it was empty. This resulted in a bottle of Faygo flying out, why was that even in there? He decided to try and hide himself again in case the flying bottle of fizzy fluid alerted them.-
Casi jumped and snapped out her hand smacking the soda bottle, the said thing exploded. Casi was now covered in Fago. She frowned and looked around her senses going hay wire, what ever was in here was near her. Casi shook her self spraying Fago everywhere but was still dripping wet, she took a few steps toward the direction the soda bottle came from seeing a flash of blue and red in the corner of her vision.
-He watched the human’s reaction to the Faygo and then noticed they were looking right into his eyes. He stepped forward and walked up to the human, even knelt down to near their height, keeping his hood hiding his face. He spoke in a voice that seemed like he was a strong individual but with a hint of malnourishment, “Hello, human. What’s your name?” He wanted to make sure they were the individual they were supposed to be watching. He should have done that first but oh well.-
Casi looked mistrustfully at the stranger, “Casi.” The girl replied and her fingers twitched for her guns. With silent intelligence, Casi took in the stranger, he was a lot taller then him, and he called her human. He was a he right? So he wasn’t human..? The bit in her stomach dissipated and she was left with a seance of wary, to be on her toes. With no weapon what could she defend her self with..
-The being smiled, revealing sharp teeth. He held out his hand as if to shake and said, “I can tell you are intimidated by me. No need. My name is Armane. It is a pleasure to meet you, Casi.” His fingers had sharp nails and his pale grey skin was visible now. His hand almost seemed skeletal and where veins could be seen through the skin were tinted yellow instead of the human red.-
Casi shrugged and grasped his hand in a firm but gentle hold, and smiled baring her sharp canines. “I guess it may be a pleasure to meet you Armane.” Casi dropped her hand when they finished the hand to hand contact and let her hands drop stiffly to the side. The man? Did imitate him, who wouldn’t when he’s grey, and sharp teeth? But either way Casi forced her self to relax ans swiping black hair away from her shades.
-Armane lost the hand contact and stood to his full height. He looked down at Casi and spoke, “When I was told humans are threatening, I was gravely mislead. You actually seem rather cool.” He wouldn’t remove his hood nor anything, he wanted to remain faceless for the time being to the human. He looked around and then said, “I need to warn you about something.”-
Casi shrunk a little back so she can look up to see his face so she wouldn’t have to crane her neck. “Don’t be fooled by my appearance..” “Though there are other humans who are not very good at all. I would warn you about them.” Casi said softly and shook her head,”What is it you wish to tell me?”
-Armane looked at Casi directly in the eyes with his eyes showing a bit more glow to them than before. “There will be others like me… Don’t trust them unless they are my age,” He spoke in a rickety and foreboding tone. “Those my age will wear robes like mine, each with their aspect on it. Mine is doom.” He had a big smile when speaking of his aspect.-
Casi met his eyes through her shades,”How do I even know to trust you.” Her tone was flat with a hint to malice to it. Though secretly she liked the tall man? Even if he was imitating, “Doom? Isn’t that a bad thing?” Casi lowered her her head and stepped back a few more steps her fingers clenching, knuckles turning white.
-Armane lost his smile and said, “Typically, the aspect of Doom sacrifices themselves for a better cause. I assure you, the information I give is good…” He thought about it and said, “Actually… Do the reverse… Unless you see hope, time, or life, don’t trust those my age. Please.” He seemed desperate this time, as if something was watching him and now wasn’t. He sounded more sincere than before even.-
Casi nodded slowly,”So on;y trust people your age when no hope and some stuff like that is not there..?” She shrugged,”You seem okay, I’ll trust for now,though you mentioned some of..What are you anyway..?” “But you mentioned that there are younger ones..Of your kind. So trust but no trust them?”
_’Wait how about this, I’ll trust them if they earned my trust.” She nodded to her self,”You earned my trust because you seem like a cool guy.”
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