Activity Forums Group Forums SBURB and SGRUB Strike Back Earth (Second timeline)

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    May 28, 2014 at 9:15 pm

    Casi looked back,”Oh I though she would of found us by now,” the girl stood up,”I’ll go get her, you still look for a movie.” Casi trotted out the room and almost ran into Fernrie,”Found you! Come on, we’re going to watch a movie! You want to join us?”

  • Lord English

    June 1, 2014 at 4:35 pm

    -Armane smiled and just relaxed while Casi was out and about. He ended up thinking about hearing wing beats and tried to keep himself calm. Fenrie jumped when Casi appeared out of nowhere and smiled. She said, “You said movie earlier and I took off to go find. Remember? Well looks like I can find now.” She waited for Casi to lead the way so that she may follow.-

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 1, 2014 at 7:42 pm

    Casi flashed a grin and led the troll to her room, politely holding the door open for her. She secreatly hoped that Armane would not choose another horror movie, by all means though she’ll still watch it. Though the girl would be slightly annoyed if the male troll did not notice her behavior during the last one.

  • Lord English

    June 3, 2014 at 12:49 am

    -Armane shuffled up to the movies and picked out something that looked pink and fluffy. He assumed it would cause much less jumping. He read the front of it and thought about the title ‘My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 1’. He questioned it but he figured it would be better for the girls than something more attractive like ‘Saw’ or ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre’. He sighed and placed it out before getting back onto the bed. Fenrie followed Casi and went into the room, blushing as the door was held open for her. “Thank you~!” Her voice fluttered as her eyes turned and saw the pink box Armane pulled out. She started hopping up and down while clapping while repeating, “Ohmygogohmygog…”-

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 3, 2014 at 12:56 am

    Casi had to duck under flaring arms to reach her bed,”Huh? What is it?” She spotted the box in Armane;s hands and blanched,”I forgot I owned that.” The girl raised an eye brow at her moirail,”Are you sure you want to watch that?” The short girl padded over to her bed and sat on the edge, watching the over excited female troll with a slightly confused face.

  • Lord English

    June 3, 2014 at 12:59 am

    -Fenrie nearly tackled an empty spot on the bed and looked at the box. “Oh my gog! Ponies!” She was still ecstatic. Armane forced a smile and said, “Well, it’s either this or guts and gore. I already had my time so why not let you girls have your time to be, well, girls?” He was layed back and began to smile naturally at the thoughts he just projected. Perhaps he will pretend the ponies are eating one another while they watch it.-

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 3, 2014 at 1:04 am

    Casi shrugged,”I rather this then a horror movie.” She gave Armane an sad look,”Sorry,” her voice was soft as she shrugged. The girl turned her attention to the box and slipped it out of Armane’s hand,”I’ll just put this in..” She stuck out her tongue slightly and she had to reach on her tip toes to each the VCR. The short girl slid the CD in and clicked play, the TV flared to life and started to play the theme song.

  • Lord English

    June 3, 2014 at 1:10 am

    -Fenrie screamed loud enough to wake the dead and bounced around to the theme song. Armane layed back and started thinking it wasn’t going to be so bad. He saw that there was ponies with wings. He thought it was cute. Then he let his mind wander as he thought about what the ponies could do.-

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 3, 2014 at 1:13 am

    Casi flinched at the volume of the terrible, off-key screeching. She scooted back on her bed and leaned slightly on Armane, but mostly rested her light weight on the head board of the bed. The girl turned her view back on the flashing screen giving a faint smile.

  • Lord English

    June 3, 2014 at 1:25 am

    -Fenrie kept inching closer to the screen. It got to a point if she got any closer, she’d block the screen and probably kiss it. Armane smiled and heard the wing beat of the one pegasus over his thoughts. He pushed himself against the head board before watching the pony and carefully lining up the beats with its flaps in his mind. He kept being paranoid though.-

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 3, 2014 at 1:28 am

    Casi shot Armane an worried look and reached over grasping his larger hand and gave it a faint squeeze, then shot Fenrie a slightly amused look,”Yo Fenrie, others trying to watch too.” She grinned with amusement, not really paying attention to the colourful show, but more to the antics of the female troll.

  • Lord English

    June 3, 2014 at 1:32 am

    -Fenrie heard Casi’s warning and backed off from the television. She got to see Fluttershy and her first reaction was to squeal loudly at the cuteness once more. Every time she met a new pony, she’d bounce and clap. Armane felt the light squeeze and looked at Casi a moment. He leaned over to her and whispered, “You felt that?”-

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 3, 2014 at 1:35 am

    Casi giggled slightly and squished his hand lightly,”That was me,” the girl whispered back, her shades reflecting colours back to the world. The smaller girl rested more of her weight on the lanky troll with a small grin. “Fenrie seems to be enjoying this.”

  • Lord English

    June 3, 2014 at 1:37 am

    -Fenrie ending up inching back towards the Television once more. Her bouncing and giggling getting more vivid as the story went on. Armane smiled and said, “I meant the headboard but… yeah, she is.” He didn’t mind her leaning more on him. He also didn’t mind her squeezing his hand. The wing beats came again and he pushed against the board once more.-

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    June 3, 2014 at 1:43 am

    Casi moved her grip to his arm and hugged it,”Hush man, it’s chill, I got you.” She papped his hand softly and pulled him slightly by accident, so now the troll leaned on her. The girl grunted slightly at the surprise weight but accepted it and patted his tight before going back to her arm hold.

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