Activity › Forums › Group Forums › SBURB and SGRUB Strike Back › Earth (Second timeline)
-Eridan went over to Casi and sat next to her. “He wwill be alright… He wwouldn’t leave us like this,” He said and offered her a smile, he was worried too but wanted to be strong. Jane checked Cunneris and said, “Holy crap… He’s…” She saw him start moving and he pushed himself up and held his head. He looked at her and said, “Oh good… I’m alive.” He took that Syringe and sterilized the tip and first injected each of the trolls in the room, them having a similar reaction to the syrum. He then went to the other room and brought the sterilizer with him. He injected Equius, then Nepeta then Vriska. He looked at Eridan and Casi and said, “I am so sorry… I moved too slow.” He injected Eridan then looked at Casi. “You know you don’t need this… and the chemicals might not agree with you so it’s best you just wait it out. Alright?” He gazed at her, worried. Jane came back over and checked each one that passed out. Finding they were being healed from it. She was astonished and said, “You are a genious.” Cunneris shook his head, “Nah, just a heavy reader.”-
Casi nodded,”I’ll be okay.” She gave him a small smile. The girl coughed in her hand lightly,”It’s winding down, I haven’t coughed up blood in a while.” The girl said with a happy tone.
-Cunneris smiled and took his mask off, revealing the blood inside of it. He looked perfectly fine though and said, “You better be. I went as fast as I could but if it wasn’t for your help… I might not have found it.” He held his head though and said, “I might have.. bumped my head on the way down.” His voice had jumped to the lower pitch for a second and he growled a bit but he seemed to still be in his right mind. Eridan woke up and smiled at them, he was happy to see them alive and happy.-
Casi reached a hand out to touch Cunner, then retreated it. “You might want to wash the blood off.” She said quietly and ran a hand through her hair. The girl gave Cunneris a grin and fixed her shades.
-Cunneris smiled and said, “It’s alright. The containate already ate through my blood that left my body. It can’t infect anyone else. Which means it was made to mostly eliminate large groupings of trolls. I want to study the samples I have left and find out the precise compounds that make up this thing. Since we now know what counters it. Perhaps we can make a similar compound but an anti-version of it!” He smiled and his voice kept dropping into growls. Jane giggled a bit and said, “I think he’s going through puberty…” Cunneris would have blushed but instead he hid under his wings. Eridan smirked and pet one of the wings. Karkat finally came back, sporting his God Teir outfit but placed his old cloak over the new one. Tavros greeted him and they smiled at each other.-
Casi grinned,”I think it’s cute.” She stopped coughing a while ago, the illness was gone from her system. The girl stood up and walked over to Jane,”Can you check ne over? I think it’s gone now.”
-Jane checked her out and said, “Yeah, all gone.” Cunneris stayed in his wings and refused to come out. Eridan kept petting his wing. Feferi went over to Eridan and said, “What in the world are you doing?” Eridan said, “He’s my moirail.” Feferi smiled a bit and said, “Then your sentance is over. You are free from being a prisoner of Alternia.” Eridan smiled and said, “Thank you.” He hugged the wings and tried to peek in. Equius got himself limbered up a little and siad, “Hey Cunneris, instead of sitting there hiding, let’s go train?” Cunneris came out of his wings for that only to be tackled by Eridan. Feferi giggled.-
Casi laughed and walked over to the two, the girl grinned. “It seems that everything is back to order.” The girl said and ran a hand through her hair. Silver came bounding in,and leaped onto Casi. The girl fell over,”Silver!” The dragon chirped and mimicked Eridan, hugging her.
-Cunneris smiled and said, “Eridan, why not train with me?” Eridan perked up and said, “Wwell, sure!” They got up and started heading out but Cunneris turned and in the deeper voice he said, “Casi, you coming?” Equius headed outside and he was high fived by Dirk on the way out. Tavros and Karkat headed out to join in on the fun.-
Silver somehow got Casi’s back of the shirt and was carrinng the girl out side. “Ya, um, I don’t think I have a choice.” The girl said with mirth and Silver dumped her outside. She stood up and dusted herself off,”Thank you for that Silver.” The dragon just rumbled happily.
-Cunneris actually worked on the bots made for him, having learned what he could and was getting the whole robot thing down. He set them up to work at a specified capacity and even tweaked the AI. “Hey guys,” Cunneris said and continued, “I am setting these up for what I know my future strength will be and the approximates of the strengths of the trolls protecting the future me. I tweaked the AI, sorry Dirk, to make them how they seem to think. This way, there will be an accuracy in training against the future of possible evil. You all up for it? If not, I can tweak them back.” Dirk stared at him and said, “You did that? Cool.” Karkat drew his sickles, “Bring it!” Tavros pulled out his lance and said in the name of his love, “Just, uh, motherfuckin bring it on!” Eridan drew out his white science wand and got ready to go, “Can do.” Dirk pulled out his katana and prepared to fight and said, “Bring it on.” Cunneris looked at Casi and her little Silver.-
Casi nodded,”Seems cool,” she nodded,”I need to work out on how to fight with Silver anyways.” The said dragon chirped and spread his wings, flapping them a bit. The girl grinned at the dragon and rubbed his head.
-Cunneris stepped back from the army after taking the wings off the ones that were representative of trolls and then said, “Be prepared… I have them at the full capacity just to see where we stand. We need to be super careful.” He went to them and said, “Cunbots, activate, realisim mode.” He stood firm as the bots activated. They got into a formation with the one being his older version taking point. Cunneris freaked a little and said, “I think… I miscalculated…” He went straight for the one that was of his older self. The one representative of Eriess took out a sniper and took aim at Cunneris. Eridan fired his wand at Eriess bot. Antige bot and Termes bot took out bows and arrows, Equius taking out a heavily modified bow so he couldn’t break it and fired arrows at them. He smirked at that. Karkat and Kroman bot took sickles at each other and went at it. Tavros and Gemern bot fought lance to lance. Dirk fought versus Helmoj bot with his katana. Temahn bot went for Silver with a sickle. Armane bot went for Casi with a scythe out, it was programmed that way because of what he was told had happened. Wencho bot went Chainsaw mode and tried to slice Karkat from behind and he blocked. Fenrie tried to do the same to Tavros but he caught it with his bare hand. Cunneris interlocked with his bot and was outmuscled severely.-
Silver gleefully attacked the Temahn bot while Casi slid into a defensive position. Since her sword was currently broken, she decided to do hand to hand. She ducked under the sickle and jabbed at the bot’s stomach. Casi was also severely outmuscled because danger the bot was big and Casi is small. The girl swept the bot’s legs from under him and spun back, the sickle almost slicing her. She nimbly kicked up, Armane bot flying away from her.
-Cunneris tried to use speed as an advantage and got batted away like a fly. He ended up skidding through her house again but he wasn’t about to give up. He growled and flew back at the bot in his first time reaching Dirk speed and went right through the chest like it was nothing. He skidded to a stop then and turned around. “I.. I can fight myself…” He was astonished. Eridan and the Eriess bot were firing back and forth and Eridan was doing well until the bot shot his wand right out of his hand. He then drew out his old rifel and fired back that way, landing a clean shot and smirked contently. Karkat ended the Kroman bot quickly and turned to deal with the Wenchobot. Tavros did the same with the Gemernbot and turned to fight the Fenriebot. Dirk sliced through Helmojbot quickly and then turned and watched the others. Equius fought bow versus bow with the two but took down the Antigebot but the Termesbot shot his bow in half so he ran up dodgeing arrows to fight hand to hand.-
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