Activity Forums Group Forums Dc Universe Rp |Gotham Rp|

  • Peridot

    May 23, 2014 at 5:35 pm

    Kraken let out a soft hiss of relief as the shark monstrosity released him after offering a threat. The delinquent waited until Dur-El was already dashing through the hall before muttering resentfully to himself, “Next time you see me, huh? Maybe I should just blind you then.” That shark guy was going to be bad news, and he was quite sure they would meet again, eventually. The high-pitched shattering of glass signaled Dur-El’s departure from the hospital. “Ha!” Kraken exclaimed, pumping a fist in the air, “I’m getting away with it, heck yeah!” It rankled just a little bit to be deemed as less important than some fire, but if that meant he didn’t have to get arrested or fry up some humanoid shark then who was he to complain?

    Speaking of the warehouse fire, the ambulances of the hospital were really becoming active as they tore out of the parking lots towards all of the fires caused by Arishav, their sirens squealing and blaring much too loudly for Kraken’s sensitive ears. Patients and corpses were starting to arrive as well, hosting everything from burns to gunshots. “Hey,” the electricity manipulator turned to the concerned brawler woman in the room. It seemed she had finished grieving just before Dur-El left “So…you still want this Venom? Or should I just sell it on e-Bay or something?” The Venom junkie claimed to be going straight, but he wanted to make sure before he pocketed the drug canisters and left the hospital. The lights of the city were back on, and with all of the emergencies going on about the hospital, it was becoming an uncomfortably loud place to hang out with too many sirens and too many people. He’d come back for delicious power flow of the generator a little later, once things had quieted down.

  • Silver

    May 23, 2014 at 10:32 pm

    Sandra sat there reviewing what was going on in the town and sighed. “alright the town is going to hell and I’m stuck here in this damn chair tell my back calms down…” she slammed her hands down on the console. Several files started to pop up on the screen and one popped up asking for a identification code. She stared at it. “I was left with access to everything in the bat cave why is this file….” She leaned back in the chair and groaned. Staring at the screen for awhile she then typed in Talia access was denied then she tried Salena it was denied then tried catwoman once again denied. “Bruce what are you hiding Your son is dead I’m alone and dieing and your hiding shit from me.” She then tried Al Ghul because he was angry at him. The file then popped open and a signal was silently sent out into space and across the planet. What she saw and the information she got made her eyes go wide. She reached up and pulled her mask off and set it down as she went over the file. “Holy shit…” She then copied the file off onto a closed circuit system.

    Continuing through the file she came across a name several times and then cross referenced it across the system and another file came up that was also locked. She forced opened it with the cryptic system and her jaw dropped. “You son of a bitch… I don’t have to..” she then started cross referencing the two files and soon was looking at the information. “Oh my god.. no wonder you locked these away and didn’t tell me…” she kept searching through the files. “Bruce I’m sorry but I want to live into old age or die defending this city not sitting here wasting away.” She then set to work on working with the compound information she had and started to learn how to modify what she had found.

  • Lord English

    May 23, 2014 at 10:57 pm

    -Banna just kept a solemn glance, hearing the words of Kraken but needing a moment to register it. She looked at him and said, “keep it… Get rid of it… I don’t care…”

    She then walked down the hall and found a locked room where some of the nurses were hiding with Nicholas. She knocked and when a nurse came out Banna spoke to her, “Put the boy in the Wayne Organization… Please…”

    The Nurse nodded and then closed the door again. Banna went to the stairs and walked up them and ended up out on the roof after pushing the door open through some dead plant matter. She stood on the top edge of the hospital and took off her heels. She left them there so that they wouldn’t hurt anyone. She made sure the coast was clear before she stepped off the top of the hospital and went tumbling down. She enjoyed the wind on her way down and her last breath was taken before her matter crashed into the pavement, her speed allowing her corpse to bounce as the trauma had her awake and choking on blood but the second hit on the ground snapped the vertibrea in her neck. Her body did one final tiny bounce then layed in peace, the blood pouring out of the carapace.

  • Cain

    May 24, 2014 at 12:34 am

    -Dur-EL finished putting out the fires around the city using his extreme speed to hurricane up the fire so that no oxygen could reach it before he used his mass strength to begin to rebuild all of what had been destroyed. He finnaly reached the hospital finding banna and he sighed and shook his head as he picked up the bloody mess and ran at top speed into the artic where he found a flat area of pure white ice. He places down the woman and reaches down and breaks off all the spikes comming out of his body and threw them into the ice and he could hear them shatter as the House of El dna took hold and out of the ice came a huge crystal platform and around behind it a huge crystal.

    He knew this would take time to finish but for now he only needed one crystal, he stepped onto the platform and instantly heard an elder voice in his head of an ancestor long past” Hello Child of my blood, you have come to begin your journey and reach the point where you become a man in the eyes of EL”. Dur-EL felt odd but did not reply as he finished his work cracking the huge crystal and placing the womans body inside which fixed all wounds but did not give her life just made her look perfect one more to be frozed in time.

    He turned and walked back on to the platform”it is time we speek elder, i know not of my lineage other then Kal-El my cousin, maybe you can shine some light on my past”. The voice scanned him to see if what he says is true as it expected someone of Kal-EL to find the fortress and not one of Kara. It took a moment before it spoke”I see your words speak true and your also part of the creature but as are blood we can not slate you for that but we must train you in are ways”.

    Dur-El nodded not to anything really as a beam of light went through him and he learned of his home planet and the things that had happened through Kal-EL life that lead up to Dur-EL’s birth. With this new knowledge he stepped off the platform at more crystals grew and with his calculations within three months time the fortress would be finished so he ran once again at top speed landing back in gotham before he looked down at his chest to see that the mark of Hope was now burnt into his chest where the light had showed him his past. He felt diffrent also looking to himself his skin didnt exactly have the fish feel to it as much as before but the shark features were still there so he leaped into the water still able to breath in such and could smell his mentor so he swam in that direction coming up out of the water in the dimly lit cave but it only took him a few moment of scanning the room before he found her. He walked up behind the Muse placing his hands on the desk on either side of her so he could lean down and read what she was working on as he doughted she would mind since he wasnt social with anyone else, who could he tell now that the wrestler was dead which actually made a tear of salt water fall from his eye and crystallize into a pearl of the condenced pressure that dur-el mode places on it as it fell.

    He turns to another computed and looks up a word that he couldent understand on the computer before he turned back to her”this is dangerous to be playing with, I hope you understand what your doing”. He didnt want to lose another person that he was close to as he was starting to understand what it meant to lose someone, even if he hadent spoken to Banna more then once, she was the first one to help him and now she was gone.-

  • Whatsyourface

    May 24, 2014 at 1:41 am

    Several hours later. During the day. Nemaz is outside, walking through the streets. He is now in simple civilian clothes. Grey Cargo pants. A thick blue jacket. An orange fiery designed shirt. Nemaz has dark skin, brown eyes and dreads, tied into a pony tail neatly. With a cap on his head. Nemaz no longer goes by his code name. Not under this identity. While Dur-El ran to the North pole at amazing speeds, Garret had decided after some rest to go grocery shopping.

    Genetically and Surgically enhanced super soldier or not. Garret needed food eventually. He walked through the city with a rather straight calm facial expression. He walked with his hands in his pockets. “Spare some change man?” A homeless man said laying on the side to Garret. Garret stopped and looked at the man. He took out a bill and let it float to the bottom of the man’s hat he had laying in front of his feet. “Thank ya sir. Bless your soul.” He says. Garret walks away. To the man’s astonishment it is a $100 dollar bill.

    Garret walks through the supermarket doors. He gets a cart and rolls by. Scooping up cans mostly non perishable foods. And more luxurious things. A cake and milk. He rolls up to the line as soon as he has all of his food. He waits in line. And looks forward. THere is a little girl sitting in the cart in front of him. As her mom unpacks her things. The girl smiles at Garret. Who looks at her blankly. She frowns and sticks her tongue out at Garret. Who again, returns a blank stare. She looks angrily at Garret. And he smirks. She at him weirdly. “Come Lucy time to go.” The woman says wheeling the cart off with the girl who looks at Garret, as he loads his things into the carting line.

    The cashier looks away for a moment and Garret silently and swiftly loads his things onto the belt for her to scan his hands a blur. Everything is there after a few moments.Around 20 or so cans. The woman looks at the belt with disbelief and stares at Garret. Garret looks at her neutrally. He raises an eyebrow. “Something wrong?” “…..Oh! What? Oh. Um. No.” She starts scanning her things. Nemaz looks away for a second smirking as he looks on his phone.

    As everything is bagged Garret carries it all in a two large grocery bags. “Do you…need some help sir?” “No. I am fine.” Garret says leaving the market his bag full of food. He walks through Gotham’s streets like any other person.

  • Peridot

    May 29, 2014 at 2:05 am

    “Alright then. Catch you later,” Kraken responded, flinging himself out of the window as Banna left the room and began to walk down the hallway. The woman was nice, even if she did send him out on a seemingly pointless errand. The ground was rapidly approaching, so he flailed out each tentacle to catch himself before falling. The radios were filled with police and ambulance chatter about the various crimes, arrests and emergencies going on throughout the city. Everything was so noisy, and by now power had been fully restored to the city.

    The alerts for the few muggings and thefts Kraken had performed were put on hold as police officers dealt with the warehouse incident and looked for survivors as well as any sign of the responsible arsonist. It seemed that for the moment, he would be allowed to get away with his crime. The young man quickly recovered the stash of credit cards and jewelry he obtained from behind the hospital, and was just about to leave when that blasted shark man reappeared. Kraken promptly flattened himself against one side of the hospital to avoid being seen.

    It would be way too soon for another encounter, especially after Dur-El had essentially told him to get lost. Kraken’s eyes widened as Dur-El left again at top speed with what looked like a mangled, bloody body in his arms. The body vaugely resembled the wrestler chick and wasn’t moving. She looked dead, and he wasn’t sure whether the woman had been killed by Dur-El or something/someone else. Either way, he had lost what might have been his first super-powered friend. The young man wasn’t prepared for this much death, especially on his first day as a super-villain and was beginning to feel a bit of a damper on his usual manic energy and enthusiasm.

    Kraken decided to take this opportunity to disguise himself back into civilian garb, before he got into any more trouble for today. Sneaking back throug the back-alleys of Gotham, the metahuman eventually reached the dumpster where he had dumped his civilian clothes. The green woolen sweater and jeans fit easily over his villain clothes. His new backpack proved an excellent way to both carry the fistfuls of hundred dollar bills he stole from the ravaged ATM machine. Once all of the bills were safely stuffed into one of the outside pockets, he shouldered the backpack. Each tentacle stabbed a hole into the main compartment of the backpack and hid inside, concealing the metallic appendages from any prying eyes. Lastly, Kraken took off the blue mask and shoved it into a different backpack pocket. His transformation to average young adult was complete. Strolling along down the street, Kraken decided to head over to Monarch Theater and buy a movie ticket to kill some time until night-fall.

  • Whatsyourface

    May 31, 2014 at 2:57 am

    Garret walks in the street and wonders. “Why am I carrying these things?” Garret pulls out his phone for his map app. He searches for the nearest car dealership.

    An hour later. *VROOM* Garret comes to stop at a red light. He is driving a Jaguar C-X16. He gets a call on his phone and picks up. The light turns green and he continues to drive. He listens to the call. “Alright.” Garret drives over to china town.

    Garret is standing on a street corner. Near the iceberg lounge. He is seemingly consumed by his phone as he walks around a street corner and bumps past a large man and into the leader of the Gotham branch of the golden dragon street gang in chinatown. He is an old man. as Garret puts his hands up defensively upon seeing him, making a slight flicking of his wrist gesture when he bumps into him. A slight click being heard. A tatooed Asian man shuns Garret back, causing him to take a few steps back. The man punches Garret, and then a man tackles him and gets off him. “This guy needs to lern some respect eh boys?” A person says stomping on Garret’s chest as he struggles. Gritting his teeth. “Get. Off…me” Garret says struggling. “Nah man” He says “You learn respect. This is Wui-Jang.” He cracks his knuckles.

    “You respect.” He stomps on Garret’s face. Pinning his face to the concrete. The rest start kicking and stomping Garret violently as he grunts and struggles. After about 10 seconds the man holds up his hand. “I think he has had enough.” He says as he walks by. Leaving Garret as he staggers to his feet and one guy kicks him over again.

    Garret is helped up by a random middle aged passerby, who saw the entire scene of the men jumping Garret. “I’m fine.” “You sure pal, they were goin’ on you pretty hard…” “It’s alright.” “You have to watch out. You can’t be on your phone all day…you sure your alright man?” “Yeah…Yeah.” Garret replies. He dusts himself off. Then gets in his car. He takes out his phone. And looks at his phone. He smirks a bit to himself as he drives off.

    Inside the lounge the current golden dragons leader is walking with a young woman laughing, a drink in his hand. He takes a sip. He is followed by his entourage. Suddenly he clenches his chest. And falls on his knees. The woman gasps and looks fearfully on him. The man’s eyes roll into his head and he falls to floor paralyzed. He twitches his eyes darting about as he drools from the mouth having a seizure. The woman screams and runs. His men surrounds him shaking him others looking back in fear., as his eyes go still “Boss?! BOSS!!!” He loses control of his bowels as he relieves himself on the ground..

    Garret looks at a small needle gn. A very small wound. Hidden up his sleeve. Mounted on his wrist. Loaded with tiny ice needles.Each filled with 200 nanograms of botulinum poison. Launched when he bumped into the man. His target. He pulls out his phone and calls someone. “It’s done.” After about 10 seconds he hangs up. And continues to drive. “Pretty soon, I’ll be able to able to finish that jet. At this rate. All it took was to roll with a few punches…” He thinks. “This power vacuum can prove very profitable.” Garret thinks as he continues to cruise through Gotham’s streets.

  • MooMooTree

    June 10, 2014 at 3:57 am

    Amelia had set to wondering around the Wayne manor since she felt oddly safe as compared to where she had previously been. She found a bathroom and slid out her make up kit. She gave a sigh, reviewing what happened in the last couple minutes. She couldn’t believe where she was and the fact that she was not home anymore. She mindlessly combed through her hair with her fingers, ridding it of the knots that had been formed from the wind that fought against the trio as Dur-El ran them here. She splashed her face with some water and wiped it dry with her sleeves. Opening the make-up kit she looked at her face. How long, she wondered, had it been since she actually wore her make-up? Would she remember how to do it? Surely enough her body remembered the motions necessary for this action. She watched her face transform into what she was used to as she painted her face. She let a smile leave her lips. She felt like herself again, not an animal trying to hide and survive. Now since she was away from Brainiac, she could thrive and grow stronger.

  • Peridot

    June 10, 2014 at 5:15 am

    The movie theater Kraken chose to enter featured a re-done version of some incredibly cheesy romantic comedy. The villain took a seat in the back corner where he would be well-hidden by dim shadows and remain undisturbed by any other movie-goers. Once the feature film started and people stopped entering the theater, he cautiously pulled out the money and began to count it carefully. The total amount was quite a lot, but it would have to be allocated carefully.

    First thing on his list was to get better protection from cops, any so-called heroes and possibly fire. Kraken flipped out his phone and began typing notes for his future spending. A bullet and stab-resistant vest, gas mask and some sort of fire-retardant clothing would rank high on his list for supplies. As after-thought, the villain made sure to remind himself to obtain some blue-prints of the city’s inner workings and sewer tunnels for easier transportation. Now all that was left to do was fence some of his stolen jewelry and then find some supplies in the black market.

    Kraken carefully tucked the last fat wad of dollar bills into his backpack and then leaned against the back of his cheaply cushioned chair to watch out the rest of the movie. Eventually, some ridiculous orchestrated music sprung up and predictably the main character finally managed to have a happy romantic ending with a hot “Prince Charming” type after learning some vaguely moral Aesop about selfishness and ambition vs. the merits of self-sacrifices and generosity. “Someone please gag me,” Kraken muttered to himself as he left the movie theater along with the other occupants. Were people really so satisfied by such a revolting ending? Was it too much to simply want it all? He wanted money, respect and happiness and he’d snatch it away with force if he had to.

    On the sidewalk outside of Monarch Theater, Kraken decided to head over to some of the notably more dodgy parts of the city in hopes of finding a fence and a way into Gotham’s underground black market. Hands in his pant pockets, the villain in disguise trudged several blocks and down a few suspiciously twisted and unkempt alleyways, eyes peeled for trouble.

  • Whatsyourface

    June 10, 2014 at 5:46 am

    (Optional song )

    Nemaz is out and about days later. Gang violence has been on the rise. Just like Nemaz thought. The war needed fuel, so Nemaz got into the arms trade. After “convincing” the others to leave the business, Nemaz monopolized it. He was making a huge profit from marketing his arms. With some 3D printers he himself and some raw materials. He can make the products cheaply and sell them to the market.

    Nemaz takes his scope and aims it at his target. Of course….Nemaz did not sell them the high end weapons. Not equipment like his. He sold snipers. But nothing as large as .50 caliber. Just enough to put neat little holes in people. Nemaz sees GCPD is having a hostage situation right in the middle of the street. A man is holding a woman at gunpoint. The man backs into an alley and Nemaz looks at him through the wall. There is a boom as fires. The bullet cuts through the wall and goes through the man’s head, it exploding. His grip loosens and he falls and hits the floor. The woman painted with blood and a little brainmatter is frozen as she stares at the heaadless man bleeding to the floor. She is too frozen to scream as police rush in.

    “A cleanup crew.” Nemaz thinks “Is that all GCPD is? I remember there was a time when emergency services were effective. At least moderately.” Nemaz takes out his phone. Watching crime among-st the street. “And these people. Punks. Huh. Mostly. A few of them seem capable.” Nemaz has narrowed down a list.

    Nemaz now would like to take Gotham’s underworld. For himself. Money was power, and who was he taking it from? Criminals? Killing or busting a common crook is like destroying a cell of a body. Killing a common crook when unnecessary wasn’t going to make the city better.

    Nemaz begin to ramble to himself about philosophy. The people are still going to rely on heros to come and save. To solve all their problems. To answer their cry for help. Nemaz couldn’t understand why no one. No one at all. Decided to kill all the big time criminals. Like the joker. How many lives was he worth? Did batman just put him in jail so that he could free him again? Deliberately. Nemaz paused as he saw something on the screen. “It all makes sense now.”

    Nemaz was beginning to connect everything….the affiliations. What Nemaz sees on Cameras, is a cop being paid off to look the other way. This cop just walked away from a meth lab. Nemaz goes to a search engine and finds through all the years, since Gotham’s beginning, most of GCPD has been corrupt. He searches…and searches. At this point sitting on the roof connecting his phone with helmet as he goes through web page after web page.

    The most who seemed to get anything done at all, was long dead. Commissioner Gordon…it all makes sense. Batman worked only with Gordon. This was known enough. Why? Because Gordon was not corrupt. He was noble. Straight. That is why batman worked with him. He must not have liked the rest of GCPD. Is that GCPD’s legacy? Years and years of corruption? It’s like if a crook was a cell, and Gotham was the body.

    That gotham had cancer. Nemaz got up. These revelations enforced a feeling of there being absolutely no hope for this city. If GCPD. People who could operate in ways that heros are not trained to. To track. To watch over where one man could not be. Then what was the point of being a hero? This seemed like Gotham was a body too sick to repair. Nemaz decides, he may as well, become a necessary evil of this city.

    He had a plan. He was going to become a murderer, an arms dealer, a drug lord and a gang boss. And what he will do may perhaps save more lives then most people have saved in years. It will also make him more rich, more powerful then he has ever been. Because there is no criminal at all in this city to challenge him.

    Nemaz walks away from the rooftop. He watches the 4 total gang shootouts going on at once. Bloods vs Crips. Dimitrov Crime Family vs Maroni crime family. The Hanoi ten vs both the Golden Dragons and Ghost Dragons. Penitente Cartel vs The Street Demonz biker gang.

    The games have begun and now it is time for Nemaz to pick his team, he wanted only the most elite, competent thugs. He knew of one mercenary on the market he sought to hire. He could use his intimidation. Nemaz began to hack into Arkham’s security system remotely.

    Later. Arkham asylum is on fire. Nemaz on a rooftop sees someone hovering down. The new firefly. Donning a higher tech armor and helmet. In high tech body armor. It is immune to conventional fire. Lined with a miracle substance dubbed starlite, it is capable of survive temperatures akin to the surface temperature of the sun, where as most conventional fires reach temperatures to only 500 F, or 1000F. Then sun being 10,000 F. Enough to melt any normal existing substance on earth. Padding is inside to dampen blows. A nanopolymered exterior in his mercenary like outfit worn over his flame proof suit capable of hardening on impact to protect from physical blows. Hi. His “triple threat” wrist mounted weapon, featuring a flamethrower, a Gamma ray Laser and plasma torch channeled along a ceramic blade with a coil in it, making it function like essentially a lightsaber, able to cut through most materials, all powered by nanobatteries stored in his textile within the padding of his lightweight suit.

    In his hands were an assault rifle with a mounted flamethrower, with a heat shield. His mask was bug eyed, and very high tech. It granted him 360 degree vision. On his back was a jetpack, much like the previous fireflies. His feet and hands are capable of sticking to walls. He had a parade of other deadly weapons. Explosives. A high frequency serrated knife capable of cutting anything…. The man who stood before Nemaz could destroy a city in as little as a hour. Maybe less. But there was money and that.

    This firefly was sadistic in a sense, he loved money, and to watch things burn. There is a phrase that goes “If you love what you do, you never work a day in your life.” If this is true, then this firefly does not grasp the meaning of the word, “work.” “I have a job for you…” Nemaz began.

    Discreet messages were sent about. He decided to invite any metahuman interested whom Nemaz knew of. He had found out the woman by the name of “Banna” was dead. Oh well. She might have gotten in the way anyway. That electric kid already had shown his face. Nemaz remembered it perfectly.

    (The music fades.)

    One by one they came. brawlers, hit men, hackers, ex special forces mercenaries, even a few small time crooks and metahumans. Nemaz sent the message. By note or phone. “You have been choosen. Come to the Iceberg lounge. And you’ll never have to stick up a bank or smash an ATM again.” And they were given a free pass for the longue. A meeting. At 1:00 am at night…as the rest of everyone else warred on this night.

    Nemaz was sitting at the Piano with his Barret XM109 rifle resint against the piano, while Nemaz plays Moonlight Sonata, by Beethoven. Enhanced Cognitive abilities had their benefits.

    He wanted to set a calm mood. Different people with different accents “…Why is this nigga wearin’ full fuckin’ body armor?” a thug says “I unno G.” he replies. Some people walk and simply stare not saying anything. “…Who the hell is this guy?” A thug comments. “I unno. But he packing some heat.” Another thug comments. “Is that an….anti tank rifle?” “I think so….” A thug confusingly replies.

    The club is filling up. More and more people taking a seat. People chatting among themselves. “You no who this guy is?” “Not a clue….” Some sit alone at their own table.

  • Cain

    June 10, 2014 at 6:31 am

    -Johnathon walked down to the bat cave and put on his armor as he geared up before he got on the old robins bike. He pushed a button and a door opened up so that he could drive out. He reached the center of gotham and people with guns and drugs were running around like mad until there eyes fell onto him and there jaws dropped which made him smirk under his mask.He picked up five grenades that contained high impact paintball that would drop anyone hit to there knees in need of hospitalization for the bruises. He threw them about fifty yards from himself in each direction and they could cover a hundred yard area each. He smirked as he looked at his wrist and pushed a button and all five went off taking out about seventy five people in seconds. He used his speed now that no one awake enough to notice as he hung them up painting a red batman crest on there chest using a stencil so that it was perfect. He then ran at top speed cleaning up every street thug around including the gang outside of the ice lounge without ever going inside or caring to. He made sure they were all hung up with his new crest. He then painted a huge batman symbol on GCPD building making sure there was no one who could miss this.

    He then found camera that was taping things for the news and he walked up to it so that he was sure they would see him”clean this shit up or im going to break this city and then rebuild it, it took me one hour, you have five days”. He then went back to the batcave and placed his helmet on the desk waiting to see the news bulletion and instalty it was aired that batman was back and overly pissed.-

  • Silver

    June 10, 2014 at 11:41 am

    She was upstairs and pulled out an old box and started to go through it and wondered if any of this stuff was even still current. She pulled on a pair of black leather pants that had ovals cut out of the inside and on the outside of her legs showing off her legs then started to look for a top to go with it. She found a black top she had but wondered how Bruce even let her out of the house in it. Slipping it on one shoulder and sleeve was missing there where diagonal slashes across the front thick enough to cover but barely she then pulled on her high heeled boots and zipped them up then came down stairs… “I am Sandra Muse. Named after my Aunt.” She stuck her tongue out. She still had her mind but her body had defiantly gotten younger. Noticing the news she shook her head and sighed. “Well at least being a pack rat paid off I have some cloths that fit.” She took a step then jolted up right lifting off the ground as a blue aura formed around her and she let out a soft moan and the aura shot off her in a 360 causing a calming effect to everyone it touched. She then lowered to her feet and crumbled to the ground leaning on her hip holding herself up with her arms her head bowed and her legs curled in. “What the hell just happened.” She felt drained and weak and disoriented.

  • MooMooTree

    June 10, 2014 at 10:14 pm

    Amelia exited the bathroom feeling more like herself that he had in years. She walked towards the main entrants way to find Sandra on the floor. She rushed over and knelt down to her side, afraid to touch her at first. “What happened?” the shock in her own voiced frightened herself. This is what happens, she thought to herself, when I decide to pamper myself. She offered a hand to Sandra, for this is all she knew she could be of use for. Assistance.

  • Mei-Chan

    June 11, 2014 at 2:29 pm

    -.Arishav was in hiding. Or at least, she was trying to be. For the moment. After all, the city was clearly crazy enough without her influence, filled with fires, explosions, drugs, and fights. Between loud bangs, shattering glass, people yelling, children crying, doors being busted down, screams, and dogs barking wildly at groups of brawling men, there was plenty of noise. Ari had accidentally wandered into the crosshairs of two different gangs, and though she didn’t understand a word out of anyones’ mouths, she fuly understood that shit was about to hit the fan. She ran into an alley as men shouted after her, the stone walls of the buildings on either side suddenly seeming to explode with small holes. Then a shocking force against her back knocked her forward and she tumbled onto the filthy floor as pain filled her chest. Arishav used one of the dumpsters to pull herself to her feet and started running again, slipping her left hand under her right arm and around behind her back to feel a small wet hole just below her clavicle. Pulling her hand back in front of her, she found it covered in a warm red substance that ran down to her wrist and dripped onto the floor. The wet feeling began to slowly spread down her back as she continued through the alley, causing the material of her shirt to cling to her skin. Ari was in the middle of thinking that it was a most uncomfortable sensation as she slowed down, out of breath, when a door to her right suddenly came swinging open and the alley was flooded with a bright, harsh light. A worried female’s chattering filled her ears as she was suddenly grabbed and tugged up the stairs and into the building, where she had to blink her eyes as they adjusted to the change.

    She was sat down on the floor in a room while more humans (not unlike the ones she had burned shortly after waking up, or been attacked by mere moments ago) rushed about, chattering at one another. Arishav slowly began to grow irritated by the fact that she didn’t understand a word they were saying. She only spoke Basic, which was the only language she was really required (or allowed) to learn. Just enough to understand whatever low-caste task was laid before her back on her Homeworld. At least…until she torched the people who presumed to be above her and tried to destroy said planet. “And look how that worked out for me…” Ari muttered, glancing at the white-washed walls, the grey cloth couch against the wall to her left and the bookshelf that was being pushed over to cover what she presumed was a window. It was funny, the things she recognized…and, the things she didn’t. For instance, in the adjacent room there was a little white bed, currently empty. It was raised off the ground, standing on four long legs, and had white bars all the way around that made it almost resemble a cage. She rose to her feet and went into the room, seeing that it had a little mattress pad in it, covered by a pale pink blanket. A small, puffy rectangular pad-thingy (pillow) with a frilly little lace border sat on one side. Ari frowned and poked it, and her finger sank into the material. Weird stuff.

    She turned to wander out, and saw a lady standing behind her. She had a white coat, underneath being a green shirt with a white undershirt and matching green pants. The green shirt and pants were baggy and made weird noises. After a moment of staring, Ari recognized this person as a doctor. Horrified, she jumped to the farthest wall and shrieked, watching as the woman entered the room and approached her with a level of…caution? The alien woman backed further away, sliding along the wall to the corner of the room where she slowly slid down to the floor, shaking her head. The only time Ari had ever seen a doctor, it was either when someone was dying and needed help to ease their pain or when someone had angered the wrong person in the hierarchy and been written a shot. Doctors were bad news. At least, for people in her caste. And this one was now merely a yard away, pretending that she’s more distressed than Ari. The nerve of the woman! She took a step closer, and with a shriek of terror and rage Arishav kicked her left foot out, hitting the bitch square in the stomach. She doubled over, and Ari hopped to her feet, sidling around the Doctor like she was diseased before running for the door. A choked shout rang out from behind her, and Arishav was grabbed trying to run out the door into the other room. Of course.

    For a moment, she considered igniting these people. How dare they interfere with her? “Release me, you miserable worm!!!” She shouted, slowly beginning to heat up in anger (though maintaining her human form). She was released, more because whoever grabbed her wasn’t expecting the heat than anything else. She stumbled forward and spun to see the doctor again, stabbing her in the neck with something long and pointy. Coolness flooded her from that point, and when she pulled her hand away, Ari saw the syringe held in the doctor’s hand. “Damn it…” She turned and tried to make her way to the next door, but became nauseated and then blacked out after ten steps. What kind of doctor goes around carrying tranquilizers that powerful?-

  • Peridot

    June 12, 2014 at 1:05 am

    With each passing day, Cody invested more funds, time and energy into his super-villain persona, “Kraken” and less and less into his civilian alter-ego. The boy began to become overshadowed by the monster as each petty crime and penny ‘earned’ went to improving his gear and the dank corner of the metro tunnels which Kraken called ‘home’. His clothing was still black and electric-blue, but instead of being made of spandex it was woven with several layers of carbon nanotubes. This made the outfit light, very conductive bullet resistant, and incredibly strong and durable. Even his metallic tentacles contained strands of the ultra-hard nanotubes within them. The magnetic appendages also sported a layer of sharp barb-like needles comprised of inky black ferrofluid along the underside of each tentacle.

    He still used a backpack, now also reinforced carbon nanotubes, to hold his supplies but also frequently used a small utility belt around his middle containing more vials of home-made black ferrofluid, some packets of salty peanuts, a small can of WD-40 and a multi-purpose pocket knife. His backpack had more conventional super-villain supplies and plenty of electrolyte containing snacks.

    Currently, the villain was inspecting the mysterious invitation for what must have been the thousandth time. It seemed to be but one of many invitations sent out to all of the big and small-time criminals in the city, gathering them all in notoriously dodgy Iceburg Lounge. It was near the designated meeting time, and lowlifes of all kinds began to crawl out of the woodwork.

    “Yo, Kraken. You comin’ or what?” A hoodlum asked as he noticed the super-villain lurking in a nearby alleyway and turning Nemaz’ note over in his hands. Although Kraken never worked for any particular gang, he was excellent at carjacking and often sold his gang newly stolen vehicles. The squid-themed villain blinked and then pocketed the note, turning to the source of the voice. “Hahah, nope! I don’t think I will…”

    The thug frowned. Word on the street was that Kraken had more than a few screws loose, most likely having to do with his electric powers. The person who had explained it to him used some big words to describe the problem, but the explanation had gone in one ear and out the other. But this was the opportunity of a lifetime! “What…are you scared or something??”

    Kraken flashed a toothy smile pulling his hands out of his pockets and quickly draped an arm around the thug’s back whispering conspiratorially. “That’s exactly it! You do know they serve calamari in the Iceberg Lounge right? I never trust any place that serves fried squid! Have fun though, okay?”

    Just like that he released the thug who gave him a strange look before meeting up with fellow gang members to head to the designated meeting point. Kraken promptly used his barbed tentacles to climb up the side of the alleyway onto the rooftops. From there, he found a nice roof with a bit of a vantage point and settled down. He casually snaked his tentacles around the building’s satellite and television cables and began draining electricity while he pulled a pair of binoculars and a small ear-piece out of his bag.

    Truth be told, he WAS afraid to enter the Iceberg Lounge. Invitations had been sent throughout the town gathering all criminals to that one place. An up and coming crime lord would try to recruit members discretely. This 1 AM meeting in a location known to be a criminal hang-out had the distinct odor of a trap. One tip off or observant cop and the entire building could be surrounded by the police aided by the military, superheroes and who know who else. So many people all crowded into one place: escape would be tricky even if the fuzz didn’t try to flood the building with chemical weapons or what-not.

    No, Kraken was much more content to remain a safe distance away and listen to the bug he planted on the thug. It only took a few minutes to fiddle with the earpiece until he began picking up the sounds of footsteps and friendly bravado among the gang. Kraken chuckled at some of the bawdy jokes and had just begun to settle in for the night when he heard the sounds of a fight through his ear-piece.

    “Well that’s an interesting development!” He pulled out the binoculars and began trying to get a look at what was going on when he spotted Batman’s crest in a bold color of red on the GCPD building. Batman was back. It didn’t take long to tune into a news station reporting on the capture of several thugs around the outside of Iceberg Lounge and the reappearance of Batman.

    Clapping his hands excitedly, Kraken pulled out a small carton of sea salt and began munching on the kernels like popcorn. “This is gonna be fun! But crap, I guess I lost my bug.” He retuned into the frequency of his planted surveillance device. There was a faint, gritty noise filled with static and … piano music? Hopefully, the now unconscious thug was hung up somewhere close enough to listen in on the meeting. He eagerly refocused the binoculars on the Iceberg Lounge to see if and when there would be any response to Batman.

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