Activity Forums Group Forums Dc Universe Rp |Gotham Rp|

  • Raven

    June 27, 2014 at 3:51 am

    She focused as she felt her body levitate and descend as she tried to get herself to be stable in her levitation. She lost focus for a second and fell on her butt. She rubbed it as she stood up and sighed. She crossed her legs and started focusing again, levitating worse than before. She tried to focus more and chanted in order, the name of her home, her Azarathian name, then the closing word. She felt it become stable once more and she took deep breaths, trying to say them quieter. She kept herself stable and tried to stop speaking and just repeat it in her mind. She felt the instability and began speaking it gently again. This made her even out once more. She mouthed the words then, thinking them and maintaining her height. She then slowly stopped mouthing her words to levitate just merely on her thought.

  • Whatsyourface

    June 28, 2014 at 9:13 am

    Nemaz lies there in a pool of own blood. His regeneration was good if everything was contained but with all internals strewn out, it was over. In the end Nemaz found this was fitting for him. This was ultimately what he did feel what a hero was bound to be like. He smirked and awaited the snap kick and he flew into the wall of the building and dented against it.

    *Clank clank clank* A 9 bang clanks against the floor *BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG* Delay *BANG BANG BANGBANG* In that 10 second time frame Nemaz’s body is long gone. Away from the area. Nobody bothers trying to blow the building or shoot at the assailants. All they here is the ambiance of Gotham.

  • Peridot

    July 3, 2014 at 6:18 pm

    The chaos and pandemonium caused by the “Iceberg Lounge” incident had taken Kraken by complete surprise, and that was not even counting the invisible jet. He hadn’t seen it, hadn’t even heard it or felt any electric field from it and when it appeared all hell had broken loose. The grenades and explosions were bad enough and he was lucky to have been covered by rubble before the helicopters began to open fire. Debris from the explosions had blown him backwards and caused a number of injuries despite shielding himself with his mechanical tentacles. The wounds ranged from just scrapes to a leg severely bent out of shape, and a large gash in his side leaking a lot of blood.

    Once his life was no longer in imminent danger, Kraken had taken a moment to focus his wers in order to speed up the healing process of his body. Normally, some of those wounds would have taken days to close up. Instead, Kraken had spent a good amount of electrical power to hasten the process. Platelets quickly aggregated at the wound, preventing any more blood loss as the injuries scabbed over. The areas of skin became red and inflamed as his immune system worked to purge bacteria and dead tissues cells from the site. Unfortunately, while this was going on, his nerve activity was increased too. Even small wounds when healed through such a rush job cause an agonizing amount of pain as his neurons repeatedly fired signals of pain throughout his body. Eventually, all of the cuts were healed enough to no longer be worrisome. Instead of taking weeks, the wounds would begin to fade away after two days.

    More worrisome was his twisted leg, which refused to leave the inflammation stage. It was still tender to walk on, and would probably take a week or so to fully recover. While waiting for all of his wounds to heal, Kraken had been lying low and spending more time as a civilian. Too much was happening, and it was good to get a read on the events in Gotham. More Batman sightings confirmed that Batman had indeed returned for all intents and purposes, if slightly different. For the most part, Kraken had managed to avoid getting entangled with any of the metahuman or alien-involved fights until he decided to take a trip to the heart of Gotham and found the roads completely frozen.

    Now, he was beginning to feel well again and decided to take the time to familiarize himself with the back -alleys and streets again. Still in civilian garb, Kraken had started heading over to a nearby drug store which would likely be poorly guarded when he heard a strange noise. Intrigued, the electricity manipulator paused for a moment and listened to the strange chanting noise. It resounded on several different frequencies, much unlike anything he had heard before. Then, the noise got quieter and quieter and then even with his super-hearing abilities, he was unable to pick out the sound. Had it been coming from above?

    Frowning, Kraken quickly changed into his super-villain outfit and then began using his tentacles to gingerly climb up the wall of a building, carefully testing the limits of his recovering foot.

  • Cain

    July 6, 2014 at 3:03 pm

    -John removed his helmet and sighed deeply as he sat it on a table before bending down and his eyes glowed as he turned the remains into ash. He stood up turned placed back on his helmet and walked down without a word. He left that day heading to Australia to find someone that would be useful to him.

    He didn’t know what was going on with Muse and for the time being he didn’t want to be around her, she had killed for no reason and he needed to think on this. He walked onto the army base now in a business suit as he explained that he wanted to get to his location without being followed. He showed the general his id and passport and he nearly fell over as the new richest man on earth was standing on his run way.

    He gave john a uniform to wear and stored away the large black suit case full gear that no one but himself would be able to open the case because if they tried it would explode. He was sitting and speaking to a couple of the soldiers and they began to teach him martial arts and different forms of take downs. He studied college level text books as he wanted to learn law,chemistry,biology, psychology, and finally sociology.

    John was in Australia and he was wearing his gear but now it was diffrent colored, now he has desert camo pants and his armor was also colored to match his pants. He was using a machete to cut down weeds and plants as he hunted for someone. He found himself in a jungle that he had been walking through for hours, he wanted to use his abilities but he had noticed there were camera’s tracking his movements through the jungle. so he knew he was in the right place now.

    He sliced through a huge vine and behind it he finally found a black door that looked like it had a rams skull carved into and he spoke in a deep voice”the fangs that guard the hand”. The door slowly swung open and he walked inside smelling the dry and musky air as he entered the door closed behind him. The lens covering his eyes glowed red so that he could sense heat signatures but as of right now he couldn’t so he kept making his way down the large steps.

    He reached the bottom of the steps and instantly his helmet was removed and his armor removed and he never moved allowing it to happen not even trying to change his face because he knew this woman would be able to see through it. He smiled”Hello Nyssa Raatko the daughter of Ra’s al Ghul, you look really good for a dead woman”. She was missing three fingers on her right hand and a lot of her skin was burnt but she could have fixed that easily if she could have reached the pit on the other side of the continent but because of people hunting her she couldn’t allow herself to be seen.

    She walked around him a few times before trying to stab him with a sword and it didn’t even create a pin prick on his skin and she smiled as he ran her left hand that was fine across his skin and laughed”I knew you were not the one as you look like him but your more thick headed because you do not know fear because nothing on or from this planet could ever hope to hurt you and I doubt our toxins would work enough to cause you fear because you must know fear for it to work.

    He waited for her to finish examine him before he used his heat vision to light the candelas around the room and now he saw an army of ninja’s around him along with the other sister”Talia, must be painful to see this face as the man you tried to kill, yes tried to kill, he still lives out there with superman but within a week he will be back on earth and you’ll never see him because I could seal you both in a lead coffin, I know it would take centuries for either of you to die but dont worry id made sure it was filled with the pits liquid so that you could never die and you would live in horrible agony forever, Or you could take orders and be good children and follow my instructions”.

    They looked at with fear at his threat and Talia made a motion for the warriors to attack and he never moved as they sliced his body and the blades broke easily around his flesh some of the broken pieces were now pierced into some of the other warriors. He had raised his hand to stop a blade from going inside one of Nyssa’s right eye. He quickly removed the pieces of metal before they could cause any real damage and he radiated his hand to a level to sped up the healing factor of each person hurt before he turned and placed his hand on Nyssa’s head the skin healed before her fingers grew back”I know if my boss finds out I can do this and I haven’t taught her how she might get annoyed with me”.

    He then found a chair and sat down leaning back before he clicked his fingers and the top fell off every person in the room male or female”oh did I mention how fast I am, I thought since you ripped my shirt off it was only fair if I did the same to all of you”. The women were pissed and some of the guys tried to cope a feel but john was quick on the draw and threw a rock that broke one of there hands and all of them stopped the attempt “didn’t your mothers ever teach you the difference between look and touch”. He had learned on his trip around the world what it meant for human mating so he smiled at this fact.

    John waited for her to make a decision which took a damn week and they chained him to a wall before covering him in melted metal and then cement thinking it might hold him but he easily wiggled his fingers showing he could break it easily which annoyed the fuck out of them but by weeks end they agreed to follow him and he sighed as he ran at top speed and bought a bunch of clothes for the assassins so that they could blend in as they hire a private jet big enough to fit them all.

    He was now on his way to Gotham with a jet full of women as the men were sent to different parts of the world to let the leaders know that they were now under new management and if they needed funding to contact Johnathon Muse on his private line. He ended up back in Gotham about three weeks later as he headed for Muse tower to see her face and Bruce’s.-

  • Silver

    July 10, 2014 at 11:22 pm

    Sandra had returned home and stripped out of her uniform and cleaned it the blue was spreading and rapidly. She made it to about the middle of the bat cave before she dropped to her knees and started to cry. The weight of what she had just done setting in. Her body shook and her tears feel to the floor. Julia came down and kneeled by her rubbing her back softly. Slowly pulling the young woman to her feet she walked with her upstairs and just held her as the two sat on the couch. Julia was concerned with the emotional state of Sandra as well as her physical appearance. Watching her the two soon feel asleep.

    A week passed and she heard an alarm go off and looked over seeing a little red light flashing above a bookcase. Closing her eyes she sighed and stood up. “Well its one of two people either way time to face the music.” Standing leaving her sandwich behind she walked over and headed down into the bat cave and saw the man whom she had called father for so long standing there and he didn’t look to happy. “Hey dad how are you doing?” She asked not hinting that anything was wrong. She was dressed in dark blues it was a Dress suit it was obvious she was about to be heading to the office.

    Bruce crossed his arms and stared at her hard. “Sit young lady” was all he said to her then walked over and sat down at the mainframe and started to run his fingers across it accessing everything on it even her offsite secure drive. “So you found the Lazerus pit and from what I can gather from you current appearance you have used it.” He sounded angry almost upset at the fact she did. “There was once a man who used it to extend his life. I called him friend once.” He went over the story which she had read and heard before. This time though it seemed to sink in what he was trying to explain to her with it. The man had a dream to help the world and save it from itself make it a better place but as time went on the way it was done changed it became more about war and destruction then peaceful resolution and salvation but punishment. She sighed and realized she had used it for the same reasons to help save the city and she had already killed for no reason then the fact it seemed right to rid the world of such evil. “I understand now. I’m sorry. I was dying and I wanted to protect the city like you did I hadn’t finished training someone to pick up the mantel when I died.” She tried to explain and Bruce stopped her with a simple raise of his hand. “Maybe it’s time the city protects itself.” He grabbed a print out and stood up looking over it and turned to her. “You injected yourself with a modified DNA structure from lex corp with gene therapy compounds?” he put the print out in a shredder that dropped into an incinerator. The two sat and talked for hours the hours turned to days the days to weeks and soon he asked to see what she had done with the company in his absence.

    As the two entered Bruce got several funny looks but was greeted by a different name they all called him John or Mr. Muse. Once the two were on the elevator alone Bruce looked to her. “And who is John and did you remarry after my son’s death?” he asked curious now. Sandra sighed. “John is the one I told you about that I have been training after my insodent things had to be done we will talk more about this when we reach my office.” She then stepped off the elevator as it opened and walked down the hall fox was standing outside her office and looked shocked. “Bruce I thought you were?” was all he could say.

    Bruce smiled at the young man and shook his hand. “Your father was a great mind and from what I can tell yours is just as good Join us.” He said as the trio stepped into Sandra’s office she sat down behind her desk once the door was closed and whistled as shorts where heard from the various listening devices that had been put in her office. “They don’t like that I keep no security in here… Now as for John He is Dur-El the man I told you about. After my stent in the Lazarus pit I was to young to walk back in here and say I was who I am so He became my father and I became my own niece. I still run the company just as I always have accept I did pick up a couple of military contracts. No weapons mainly for defense and vehicles.” Bruce crossed his arms not looking pleased and fox shrugged. “It keeps me busy and she keeps an eye on all aspects of RND for those projects.” He then feel quite feeling like he had spoken out of turn.

  • Raven

    July 11, 2014 at 12:18 pm

    The woman would maintain her composure and try to maintain her levitation. She would continue to merely mouth the phrase as she said it in her mind. Soon, her levitation began to even out without her requiring too much thought on it. She relaxed enough to stop mouthing the words and still maintain the levitation. She opened her eyes and looked out, remaining calm as she tried to maintain levitating while she stood herself up. This only caused her to fall down the two inches she was levitating. She flapped her arms in rage, causing her feathers to catch a light breeze and float off the side of the building. She was getting so close she could taste it but there was something bothering her. Her animal side was picking up static feeling. She wanted to move away from whatever was approaching but instead forced herself into her human form.

  • Peridot

    July 11, 2014 at 7:35 pm

    Kraken clawed and scrabbled his way up the side of the building with his tentacles until he reached the roof. Once there, he took a brief moment of respite to catch his breath and gain his bearings. Nothing incredibly dastardly appeared to be going on in Gotham City at the moment. The villain glanced around to look for the source of the electrical disturbance. It seemed to be changing shape, which was pretty confusing and didn’t make much sense to the electricity user. He frowned, as curious as ever before his eyes alit on what appeared to be another human standing on a rooftop. The villain paused for a moment trying to decide whether to make an effort to conceal his metallic tentacles or not. It would have been too much of a pain, so he just decide to let them be in order to move faster.

    Moving at a brisk pace, Kraken maneuvered his way across the rooftops towards the woman with a toothy and slightly unnerving grin plastered on his face. “Hey there! My name’s Kraken, what’s yours?” He called out, trying to get her attention.

  • Cain

    July 11, 2014 at 9:55 pm

    -John pulled up in front of Muse Tower where his door was opened and the sisters stepped out followed by john. They took his arms with a annoyed look as the camera’s flashed and he smirked enjoying the fact that they weren’t enjoying this and neither of them knew Bruce had returned but his helmet had alerted him of his arrival so he smiled.

    The doors were opened and people were giving him odd looks which he ignored as he understood them knowing Bruce had already walked through. He lead them upstairs and into Sandra’s office and as he opened the door he stood face to face with Bruce but John smirked as his face took on the rocky qualities of doomsday. John then returned them to normal looking like the younger version of Bruce and the two women who shared a scared look seeing Bruce before they followed John in and stood on the other side of the room.

    John turned to Muse”im sure you have already filled him in on everything so he should understand everything up to this point, but as for Talia and Nyeesa im now the leader of the League of shadows and didn’t have to kill anyone to reach this point, and I never took the journey through the demons path”.

    He didn’t mean to insult he was just showing how he was taking control so problems couldn’t return to Gotham. He looked out the window wondering when something fun would begin so he could go and stop the villain and all that enjoyment.

  • Raven

    July 17, 2014 at 10:33 pm

    The young woman backed up a bit and called back, “Um… You have tentacles. That’s… pretty cool. My name is Alba… Alba Logan. I was just hanging up here on the roof. Would you like to join me?” She was trying to be kind despite the tentacles throwing her off a little bit. She brushed her hair back a little bit and hugged the center of the roof.

  • Peridot

    July 18, 2014 at 3:25 pm

    [color color=#800080]Kraken grinned at the obvious discomfort on the woman’s face. It would be only mildly inconvenient for him to hide his tentacles in his backpack, but why should he? The free intimidation factor which came from having tentacles was not to be underestimated. He barely had to do anything evil to scare helpless little civilians, just one glance at his electrified and now spikey tentacles and they knew he was a bad dude. Hell, even if he was one of those self proclaimed “heroes”, the civilians would probably still scream at his face.

    “Thank you very much. I’d love to, Alba.” Kraken was well aware, she had only invited him to be polite. He just didn’t care. Sidling over towards Alba he found a comfortable spot to relax on. “So… see anything interesting while you were up here?” He paused for a moment before exclaiming, “Oh! Wait a second, I have some snacks.” The young man used his two upper tentacles to unzip and dig around in his backpack to find small “fun”-sized packs of various salted nuts. “You’re not allergic to nuts or anything, right?”

  • Whatsyourface

    July 21, 2014 at 4:14 am

    The Doktor sat quietly in a room, sitting in a chair. A gas masked mercenary clad in full body armor next to him. They are in a safehouse, though not their own. The Doktor was reviewing footage on his phone, it was loading.

    Firefly was laying on the floor, passed out, with several beer cans laying around him. Bleeding from the head. His armor in a closet and him wearing civilian clothes. As he just lay there. Mumbling he was groaning and mumbling angrily to himself while he was unconscious. There was a large hole in the wall with blood trailing down it, followed by bullet holes everywhere. Old painting on the floor shot through. As well as a damaged AC unit.

    The Doktor watched the footage as it loaded. The footage was recorded from a corner of the room, one the ceiling. Adjust his glasses, as he looked down at the phone with his straight, still face. The mercenary just standing by. The footage played, and started with firefly downing another beer in his room. He drops the can as he breathes heavily and growls. Firefly kicks the door down and storms out. The footage is sped up to a significant part of when firefly walks back in.

    “WHERE THE FUCK…ARE MY GOD DAMN NUKES?” Firefly yells in the footage. He picks up a chair and throws it at the window. It shatters it as is it bounces off window sill. “AND WHY IN THE FUCK. IS MY FUCKING LAB LOCKED??!!!” Firefly yells open in the air looking around his room. “I KNOW YOU HAVE SOMEONE IN HERE!!” WHERE ARE YOU?!” Fire fly should as he then pulled out a loaded MP7 and flashed it round the area. “SHOW YOUR FUCKING SELF.” Firefly points around the room. “LAAAAAAAAAAAST CHANCE!” Firefly says pointing the gun around.

    Firefly opens fire spraying about the room. Shooting through the walls. Missing the window. Hitting the AC Unit. Going in a full circle as he riddles a painting with holes. He breaks a lamp. Fills his bed with bullets. *Click…click click* Empty. Firefly throws the gun at a wall. “I’M NOT A FUCKING KID. THAT IS MY FUCKING SHIT! THAT YOU FUCKING PEOPLE, CAME IN HERE AND FUCKING TOOK!!” Firefly paces in a circle around the room looking around. “I made that myself….with my own goddamn money.” Firefly looks around his room. “You had no right. No fucking right. To sneak into my place and take my shit thinking I’m going to burn this fucking city to the ground…who do you think I am..? Huh….HUH?!” Firefly yells. Firefly grabs a beer.

    He downs it in a few seconds and this is his 16th beer in 2 and a half hours. And lays on the bed, staring into the ceiling. The Doktor speeds the footage up for a bit until he sees firefly get up. He leans against the wall, putting his arm on it and then leaning his head on his arm…then Firefly backs up putting both hands against the wall, rearing his head back, with gritted teeth. He repeatedly headbutts the wall. Again. And again. And again. And again….and again…and again….and again…and then the wall bursts.

    Firefly is bleeding from the head as he staggers back. Breathing. In. And out.”All her fucking….” He falls back and makes a *THUD* noise as he hits the ground. In the footage from the ceiling. The mercenary who is currently next to the doctor turns off his cloak. And drops to the ground. He checks Firefly’s pulse and then the Doktor turns the footage off. He holds the phone to his left towards the mercenary as the soldier takes it and puts it in his pocket. The Doktor shakes his head at the currently mostly unconscious but shifting and murmuring Firefly.

    “How much alcohol does it take to kill a man, Doc?” The mercenary asks “Firefly weighes approximately 175 pounds. He’s had about…” The Doctor scans the room “Sixteen beers. Over…Two and a half hours. So. I would say it takes about 19 to kill him. His blood alcohol level is about .338…Ah. He’s waking up.” Firefly starts to groggily and slowly get up. “oh….fuck me…” He grips the bed. He gets up to his feet wobbling. Then staggers and catches himself on a table.”

    “Welcome back to the land of the living!” The Doctor says cheerfully, glad to see firefly awake. Firefly slowly turns to the Doctor and the mercenary. “Who the fuck…..Doc?” “Yes!” “How…how fucking long have you been here?” “Give or take 20 minutes.” “…How long has he been here.” “The whole time.” The mercenary says. Firefly growls and then clenches his stomache out of pain. “…How long was I out..?” “Four hours.” The mercenary replies again.

    “Yes..” The Doktor “So! How are you feeling?” Firefly is pale and he leans over to vomit onto the floor. He stops after about 3 seconds. “Not so good hmm? Do you at least feel a little better now that you’ve thrown up?” Firefly vomits again. “I see…” Firefly collapses onto the bed. The Doctor stands up and walks to the side of the bed opposite of the throwup. He puts his fingers on Firefly’s forehead. “You are lucky. Somewhat.” He looks at Firefly’s head wound. The Doktor walks off. He comes back with a bucket of cold water and aims as he chugs the water across the room at Firefly’s face. He shoots up blowing water from from his mouth and nose. “AGH WHAT THE FUCK.” “I’m washing the blood off.” The Doctor walks over with also bandages made of Spider silk and says “Be still.” As he walks over and puts spider silk bandages on Firefly’s head. Firefly sighes heavily with an expression of contained anger.

    Firefly fly gets up and steps in his own vomit. “God dammit…” He steps out of it growling. “You can leave now.” The Doctor says to the mercenary. The mercenary nods and walks out as he cloaks and is gone from sight. “Come, Toby.” “Don’t call me that…”

    The Doctor grins warmly. “Let’s take a walk, Firefly…” He walks to the door and Firefly follows.

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