Activity Forums Group Forums Arena Of of the Lost Ground Zero

  • Lord English

    October 24, 2014 at 1:05 am

    Ryuu felt the rocks begin to crumble beneath her from him striking the main spire of which held her chunk of land up. She silently applied her gravitational spell to herself of which to lower her gravity to half, speeding not quite at full speed as she ran off the chunks and onto the wall, grasping with her claws into the stone. She witnessed the beast charge and pushed herself off the wall, decreasing her gravity once more as to make her travel a decent distance to a pier not attached to the wall. This rendered most of the main platforms frozen and useless. She crouched down a bit and looked at the being as she thought about what she had just seen and decided to speak to it, “Do you English?” She stayed on alert in case he fired once more.

  • Whatsyourface

    October 25, 2014 at 12:35 am

    “Hey look. Damn thing knows English.” Bold exhaling a puff of smoke from his Cigar as he watched.

    From Fenris’ tail swayed back and forth as it switched through various visions looking the demonic thing over as she watched it with it’s appearantly blank dull black eyes. Mist trailed from it’s opens maws but it didn’t have a tongue, nor did it move it’s mouth when it spoke. “Yes. I know a multitude of primarily human languages and a smaller variety of non-human based languages…..” Fenris replied loudly so that it could be heard for some distance.

  • Silver

    October 26, 2014 at 4:16 pm

    Syn smiled at the man they had traveled before and with that he closed his eyes and started to speak in his ancient tongue chanting a spell but this was one that stepped outside the laws that broke the laws the price was great. If Syn was casting this then much had changed and the rules of the world accept those that had been set down in the arena for the two of them mattered. “Domains d’ulorithol vost ulu tlu faer doer fotus lu’drewst dosstan dal ussta ml’aen. Xuz jal yorn lu’kus udossa fotus ulu nathak’lar vel’klar flasmix nau velendev vlorithen.” When the words ended a blackness surrounded them and they left all planes of existence the Drow would feel his power train but so would the demons and dagon feel all his power removed they where now nothing more then the physical embodiment of what they originally had started as. He was a simple Drow and Dagon was now nothing more then a human. Syn then sighed and dropped to one knee not used to having his power gone it had sent his body into a loop and he felt weak initially. “Now we shall see who the dominant species is.”

  • Cain

    October 26, 2014 at 8:54 pm


  • Silver

    October 26, 2014 at 9:11 pm

    Syn was breathing and went to push up but not expecting or seeing the blades he pushed up into them feeling the blades rip through his flesh and coughed blood and looked up to Dagon before the blades finish cleaving him and it was at that point that Dagon would realize that his old ally had always been blind and didn’t even know that the attack was coming he had been to weak to hear or feel it from the spell he had cast. A smile escaped his lips like that of a child that had just been rewarded for doing something right. As the last breath escaped his lung from the cuts that where made in them the pocket dimension they where in started to flicker and fade soon they where standing in the arena again and syn was in two pieces lifeless and truly gone. Dagon could feel the rejoicing of the entirety of the world tell the artifacts where put into one vessel again. as the souls sang to the dead Drow they seemed to mourn his passing. Even for as evil as he was no one held his transgressions against him at this time. The Phoenix that Dagon had drawn in was actually fighting against him wanting free he could feel its strength and it actually rivaled even his own. Dagon would start to understand why syn never pulled it into himself and contained it in such a fashion.

  • Lord English

    October 26, 2014 at 11:42 pm

    Ryuu was about to speak back to the robotic monstrosity when the frozen wall began to crumble to reveal, something she couldn’t quite read. She then recognized some of the features as being one of the demonic entities that had entered the other side with the other greater. Her voice spoke first to him out of pure respect as she flattened her body as low as she could against her platform before speaking in her demonic tongue, “Tu dalk! Qwos wohhyfyk? (My lord! What happened?)” She then flicked her eyes over to the robotic thing as she spoke in plain English, “Bow in respect, unliving monster.” She had a slight growl in her voice, pupils piercing like a cat’s for a moment before she gazed back into the direction of the higher man, she sensed something wrong and gently twisted her legs to prepare to dodge anything if need be.

  • Whatsyourface

    October 27, 2014 at 3:56 am

    Bold made a sort of gesture to Fenris. A fist. Conveying a command to it. Fenris then speaks loudly in the general area. “I will not willingly bow, creature. For I bow to no one but my own masters, and creators. upon their commander. I do not fear you, this entity, this arena or the inevitable fate of Oblivion itself that awaits me. I was not made to fear.” Fenris stated. Stating that it had no fear of the non-existence itself that awaits it upon destruction. Even if it defeated the man. It still may not be able to leave. No matter…

    Fenris spread it’s legs as it was prepared to move and engage either one of them, once more, as from it’s vision it’s target reticules were over both of them waiting to see their next moves, ready to jump at a moments notice paying keen attention to what has demonstrated itself a larger threat, but noting the other smaller, fairly potent wolf-demon.

  • Cain

    October 29, 2014 at 3:40 am


  • Whatsyourface

    October 29, 2014 at 7:41 pm

    Fenris stood idly by, as the man teleported the wolf-creature away and spoke to it. Explaining that he wasn’t a demon, angel or a sort of “Elderitch abomination” taking human guise. No, he was actual man. Fenris tilts it’s head, slightly to the, side, as the man bows to it.

    Bold chats with Varsas. “Huh. I thought he was demon…” Bold says to Varsas. Whom only watches the arena from all angles and doesn’t respond.  Varsas smiles. As chains shoot up from the arena, and Bold’s eyes narrow as he drops the cigar. His flesh boils seemingly and veins about his bulge and give off a volcanic, neon like glow. His skin seems to fall off, to reveal his black skin underneath.  As his fists glow. “Calm yourself.” Varsas says manifesting from seemingly thin air next to him. “He’s a snarky little shit…I can’t see a damn thing in there….” Bold’s angered expression turns into a sly smirk. As steam trails from his flesh. The skin around his fist all but gone. Revealing the transparent artificial skin and black muscle underneath.

    Bold cracks his knuckles. “You think he’s duking it out with Fido? Can’t hear anything either.” He asks to Varsas. “Perhaps…” Varsas turns into seemingly thin air. Appearing to the naked to simply phase out of thin air in a manner similar to a ghost. Varsas did not truly believe Dagon was fighting Fenris at the moment. Because he drew his own conclusions.

    Fenris watched as the man flash stepped over to him, it’s guns tracking him but not firing down on him. It looks down at the smaller being who shifted the rain, and prevented it from falling upon it’s outer ceramic based armor. Though Fenris dwarfs his physical size, it knew of the man’s power already. Usually, the most powerful beings tend to be the most powerful. Even in another completely different universe, this was true it seemed. Though it was very ready to attack, it did not. It listened to the entity, who revealed himself to be a human man.

    It replied to him with a complete lack of any remorse or sadness in saying. “I simply do not have what humans call “a soul.”  Fenris raises it’s tail with it’s blade above it. And extends it. However, it does not seem to be to attack. More to “point” using the 10 ft blade as one would with a finger at the sword the man is holding. It holding the blade a good 20 feet from the man in front of it. As it then abruptly retracts behind it and re-assumes it’s former position. “Such weapons as that have no effect on me.” Fenris was not going to tell him it’s entire life’s story. However, it would say this. “Indeed. The existence of weapons and powers such as the very one you hold is the reason I and other entities without “souls” are made to and used in warfare, to fight along humans, machines, artificial life forms and others, against “Gods”, “demons” and other such entities who wiped out much of humanity and sought to reclaim the earth once more. There such things, that allow creatures to kill men with their gaze, who drive men who look upon them mad, who drain their life and whom may corrupt and trick humans out of their souls. I possess observable evidence of what you call “a soul.” Fenris leans forward slightly.

    “It is viewed as a weakness. A vulnerability. Something which require shielding and protection against. Your blade only seems to support this general view. And has lead to the conception of other such beings, as myself.”

    as though it did have forseeable ways to remove the ring. It did not know if they would work. It’s tail seemed powerful but simply to slow to hit him. It was installed primarily for cleaving into Titans and Kaiju, rather than tagging small supersonic targets. That was what it’s miniguns were created to do. And even though Fenris was accurate enough to blow his hands off, and simply shoot through the hole of the ring to remove his bullets., he could transmute it’s bullets and negate their momentum. It was capable of bathing the ground in fire some 7000 degrees Fahrenheit. More 3x hotter than regular lava and 2.4x hotter than even the world’s hottest magma…but the man could likely simply transmute it into pillows… Not only this. He could shift the fire elsewhere. Fenris did not heal and eventually the man would likely whittle away at Fenris’ armor. It is unlikely for Fenris to win.

    To answer his actual question, Fenris stars to draw it’s miniguns back into the it’s shoulders. Retracting them away as they take their aim off the man. Fenris’ tail swayed back and fourth in a manner similar to a dog’s, when focused intently on something, which is in this case the man.  “I no longer wish to engage you. I see little point. I was not constructed with the intention to contend with an upper level class 4, potential class 5 entity with matter warping powers such as yours. And you are not a demon.” It decides to simply lower it’s head down seemingly out respect for the man. The man did not attempt to command it. Or tried to force it to show formality.

    Then, the war machine raises it’s head to look down at the man with it’s blank red eyes. It’s tail continuing to sway to and fro, as it waited for this man’s answer.

  • Cain

    October 29, 2014 at 9:58 pm


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