**As you walk inside the old dojo/shrine in the ayakashi grounds of this remote area, that was remolded by me and here you will see a billboard in the center of the room that contains a list of guidelines to respectfully follow out while in your stay here.**
+Please do not disrespect any member of this group or bully anyone, that sort of low behavior is not welcomed here.
+Do not use automated “god/OP mode in any of your role play here, it is disgraceful and we do not like that sort of glory hounds here if you will.
+Give the other member you are role playing with time to respond to your post made and do NOT ever control someone else’s character.
+Do not copy anyone else’s style to role play in and consider where you are before you post. We have seen it before and we do not like it.
+Please be mindful that many will not be on at some times so do not assume things and wait for their respected response.
+Do not just jumps into any active role play going onm if you wish to join in just simply ask and someone will respond to you if they need another character to aid them or etc.
+Keep in mind that here you can only kill a dark ayakashi or demon if it attacks you but be mindful that all the ones here will not necessarily be violent so it is not needed to always be on guard.
+More than anything please watch your heated rp and take it to your respected inbox we do not need to or wish to see such acts you commit with your others, just saying.
~~Have fun here and this will hopefully be a place important to many in the future, Hokuto and Mato.~~
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