• Posted by Lord English on January 16, 2014 at 11:01 pm

    About this RP
    There are some confusing portions of this rp and this is here to explain it. Please look through the headings and find what puzzles you. If it isn’t here, message me.
    There are two active universes in the rp, the one containing Earth and the other containing Alternia. Earth is home to humans and Alternia belongs to Trolls. Earth has Earthen creatures and Trolls have Alternian creatures. Pretty simple.
    There are two sessions per universe. Alternia would be sessions A1 and A2. Earth would be sessions B1 and B2. So this is how it goes:
    A1 < A2 < B1 < B2
    Sessions 1 are always bound to fail. That is just how it goes. But you can talk to the sessions around you. So A1 can talk to A2, A2 can talk to A1 and B1, B1 can talk to A1 and B2, and B2 can talk to B1. You cannot jump sessions (unless you hide during a 1 to 2 reset).
    Time Splits
    Only the _____ of Time may time travel. Time splits can occur via time travel, coin flips, and dice rolls. There is always an Alpha time line of which is typically followed in the postings. If you do a coin flip or a dice roll, you must not know the outcome in order for it to work. You always have a possibility of running into yourself, so be very careful.
    Here are a list of classes and their basic Wiki descriptions. They will be categorized by Active, Passive, and Neither. Some of the classes are gender specific but for this rp, you can be any class you want regardless of gender. If there is no description, it cannot be used.
    Thief– will steal things to their own benefit. (ex: Vriska, as the Thief of Light, is able to steal luck from her allies or enemies, and make herself luckier.)
    Witch – All seen Witches have been female and it is speculated to be a female exclusive class. The exact definition of the Witch class is unknown. Jade Harley (the Witch of Space) is able to change the size, velocity and position of things in space, and an alternate-timeline Feferi (the Witch of Life), was shown healing WV in a dream bubble.
    Prince – is literally simplified to “destroyer of [aspect]” or “one who destroys via [aspect]”. (ex: Eridan, as the Prince of Hope, killed or knocked out a lot of his teammates, including Sollux, who up to that point was one of the most powerful fighters in his session (second only to Gamzee, Vriska, and, possibly, Equius). He also destroyed the Matriorb, the trolls’ hope for the survival of their race.)
    Rogue – will enhance their teammates, or their session with the stolen aspect and is described by Roxy as a “Robin Hood” of their aspect. (ex: Roxy, as the Rogue of Void, is said to black-out her entire session in the future, presumably via sharing the black-out with her teammates. Roxy also “stole” pumpkins from around the world and shared them with her neighbors, fitting in with the “Rogue = Robin Hood” description. Another ability Roxy shows is being able to steal the nothingness from imaginary objects, making things that exist from things that don’t exist, seemingly materializing them out of thin air.)
    Seer – According to Aradia, they understand their aspect comprehensively (e.g. Terezi knows all consequences of individual actions, and Rose knows the “most fortuitous path”, and what happens in it). Doc Scratch also states that Seers will keep their party from making grave mistakes, as if they had a strategy guide for Sburb imprinted deep in their mind.Two of the Seers can hear the mental commands of the exiles louder than the other players.
    Bard – they “allow destruction of [aspect]” or “invite destruction through [aspect]”. (ex: Gamzee, as the Bard of Rage, could enter some sort of berserk mode, causing deep fear in everyone around, and becoming exceptionally strong. When he did he was surrounded by a strange purple lightning which turned red later, and may have been Rage itself considering the purple colours of his god tier robes. This suggests that Bards can use their aspect to improve their own abilities and possibly others.)
    Heir – The exact powers of an Heir are unknown. John (the Heir of Breath) was saved by the Breeze twice before he learned how to willingly use it, and Jack Noir was unable to pick up the source of his scentSburb Logo, as if the Breeze was protecting him. He was also saved in a battle with Jack Noir by turning into wisps of windSburb Logo and reforming behind him. Equius (as well as his ancestor) was given the ability to not be noticed, which can be seen as an effective form of protection. Equius used his fists as his main weapon, which can be interpreted as him using nothing (Void) to fight and defend himself with. Mituna Captor was also said to have lost his psychic powers (and possibly part of his sanity) while protecting his friends from an imminent disaster.
    Maid – The exact powers of a Maid are unknown. Aradia (the Maid of Time) was able to freeze Jack, while Jane was able to heal herself after being stabbed, and is able to bring people back from the dead, although according to Jade, that ability is limited to one use per person. Likewise, its passive/active alignment is also unknown; it could be the passive or active counterpart to any of the classes Heir, Sylph, Witch, Knight or Page.
    Page – The exact definition of the Page class is currently unknown, as is its passive/active alignment though it is hinted that the class “provides others with (aspect)” or “creates (aspect)”. The Page of Breath, Tavros Nitram, was shown exhaling with breath that resembled the Breath symbol when preparing to wake Vriska with a kiss. However, Pages seem to have a tendency to begin their sessions with a personal deficit in their aspect, which means we haven’t seen a great display of powers from them yet. Tavros entered the Medium crippled with dreams of flying, and must overcome this (using a rocket car and robotic legs) in order to become a significant player in the session. Jake begins his session with his dream self dead, making it harder for him to ascend to god tier, and Horuss describes learning more about himself by turning to the void, rebuilding his personality and perceptions of reality from it. Knight – The Knight is a class assigned to both male and female players. The exact powers of a knight are unknown, but it has been described by AradiaSburb Logo as warriors that exploit their aspect as a weapon. It is unclear where they fall on the active/passive axis.
    Mage – The exact definition of the Mage class is unknown, as is its passive/active alignment. The Mage class is assigned to both males and females. The Mage class is most commonly thought to be the active counterpart to Seer, someone that ‘benefits themselves with knowledge pertaining to [aspect]’ and ‘guides by setting an example using knowledge pertaining to [aspect]’, like how Sollux actively led the surviving trolls away from their doom.
    Sylph – The Sylph is a magic based class that is thought to specialize in healing. As a Sylph of Light, Aranea healed primarily by helping people to see things, both figuratively and literally. In the figurative sense, she focused on helping people to heal from psychological wounds. In the literal sense, she restores Terezi’s eyesight for her, as well as Jake’s mind. Its placement on the passive/active scale is unknown, although most consider it passive.
    The aspect is the element aligned to the class of your title. Here is what they can do.
    Time – Time is one of the basic fabrics of paradox space, the other being its counterpart, Space itself. It is associated with the Timetables, time travel and exploits, and timeline maintenance in general. The Hero of Time also has a feature installed in their personal world in the Incipisphere: a large structure that will obliterate the game session and reboot it by rewinding everything to long before the game starts. It is a last resort, and would (ideally) result in better starting conditions.
    Space – Space is the other basic fabric of paradox space, along with Time. From Jade’s display of powers, it seems that Space has to do with the size of things and their velocity, or basically their position in existence with regards to physics. It is also associated with the player whose Land contains their session’s Forge. Both Kanaya and Jade live in similar homes, next to a Frog Temple, and their dream selves are both awake before entering the session. Having their planet’s First Guardian as a guardian is also a parallel (Jade was effectively raised by Becquerel, while Kanaya was Doc Scratch’s “protégé”). Beyond this, both players of Space have been in charge of the breeding of the Genesis Frog. It is unclear how many of these parallels directly relate to the Space aspect.
    Void – Void is associated with “the essence of lacking, or nothingness” and “the obfuscation of knowledge, or its outright destruction”. It seems to enable players to act without being seen or noticed, as evidenced by Darkleer’s apparent ability to hide a Magic Cue Ball from Doc Scratch, Equius’s similar talents during Vriska’s struggles with the omniscient ballhead, and Roxy’s occasional “dark patches” from Calliope’s viewpoint. Void players may potentially also have the ability to become invisible in some sense, as it is seen that the B2 Draconian Dignitary becomes invisible with the “Ring of Void” as well as Roxy reportedly becoming both invisible and intangible while wearing it. Normally a ring of Orbs does not work on humans, but Roxy thinks the ring is helping her to get in touch with her own void powers. It is also interesting to note that two of the known Heroes of Void have both used the Fistkind Strife Specibus. This makes sense, as the use of bare hands is essentially the lack of a weapon.
    Light – The Light aspect is equivalent to “fortune”, and involves power over luck and fortuitous outcomes. Two heroes of Light have been able to see into Magic Cue Balls. This may also mean that Light could mean “knowledge”, in the way that it contrasts with the Void aspect, although it has been stated that Vriska’s ability is due to her vision eightfold, and Rose’s power may be related to her role as a Seer.
    Mind – The Mind aspect seems to be related to thoughts and decisions of individuals and the consequences of those decisions. Terezi was able to see what decisions will be made, and the outcomes of such decisions with her Seer of Mind powers. Heroes of the Mind aspect also seem to be able to communicate with the otherwise-undetectable “dream splinters” that dreaming players create in dream bubbles. Mind seems to be the antithesis of Heart, given that it is associated with logic and reasoning. It may also be an antithesis of Heart given that it is associated with action and decision-making, in contrast with Heart’s association with motivation.
    Heart – Calliope has stated that the Heart aspect is comparable to “Soul”, or essence of being. This is further shown when Dirk, a Prince of Heart, attempts to extract Aranea’s soul from her body. A Dirk “mind splinter” hosted in Jake’s subconscious states that heroes of Heart walk the path of self. Calliope also says that this aspect may cause splintering in the Hero’s personality. When talking to Caliborn, Dirk has stated that “I splinter, but I don’t break,” however this could just have been a figure of speech. This manifests in Dirk’s status as the Prince of Heart, by having simultaneously awake real and dream selves, having his auto-responder AI, a robotic version of himself, and apparently having an imaginary version of himself living within Jake’s subconscious. This may also be related to the role-playing tendencies of Nepeta. Although as a passive rogue, Nepeta’s abilities may have had to do with splintering others, rather than herself, had she ever realized them. For example she is Equius’s Moirail, with the ability to keep him subdued. Without doing so Equius can be far more dangerous than he is, since he is one of the most powerful trolls pre-Hivebent.
    Rage – The Rage aspect is most likely tied to the emotion of anger. Gamzee, the Bard of Rage, was able to enter a berserker mode, presumably by channeling his anger. This mode greatly increased his strength and allowed him to do massive damage to the Black King during the trolls’ fight with him. Also, as he entered this rage, he was surrounded by a purple lightning effect and turned red in his sobriety, though the exact ramifications are not known (though “thunderbolts and lightning” make sense as being associated with Rage if used as a reference to the Norse god Thor, and Mars, the Roman god of War, is associated with “The Red Planet”). Gamzee’s eyes were also shown to turn a darker shade of orange, and then completely red, as compared to a normal golden troll eye color. There is also the possibility that this is all just stylistic representation, and not actually there.
    Hope – As Light is associated with fortune, Hope seems to embody both its literal meaning and certain holy powers. Eridan, wields powerful attacks which seem to be based on so-called “white science”. His title of Prince of Hope denotes both destroying hope itself, as he did by destroying the matriorb, and destruction through hope, which it is possible his white science actually was, especially since they were blasts of powerful white light described as ‘holy’ and ‘sacred’ by Kanaya, as well as Terezi’s observation that the light smells “hopeful”. Supporting the purported connection of white science and Hope powers is Doc Scratch’s line that implies through the angels Eridan learned to “destroy hope with their light”. Jake, the Page of Hope, emitted a huge aura of white energy, similar to Eridan’s “white science” blasts. The Prospitians also considered him to be providing them with literal hope, so Hope is, at least, literal if not figurative. Dirk mentioned that a Page class channelled through Hope was a formidable thing. Caliborn later mentioned that Hope is supposed to be a force of unparalleled power. With Pages having great potential, this seems to prove Dirk’s previous statement true.
    Doom – Doom could be related to death, an antithesis of Life. Sollux, as the Mage of Doom, was inherently aware of the impending destruction that would follow the trolls’ playing of the game and was plagued by screams of the imminently deceased. He also displayed remarkable skill at using the ~ATH programming language. Continuing its connotation of death, Doom may also mean sacrifice, since Sollux sacrificed himself to get the trolls to the Green Sun, and Mituna sacrificed his mental well-being to save his friends from an unknown threat. Another likely interpretation could be that it is Hope’s antithesis, as it could symbolize the absence of hope as in refering to something as ‘doomed’, as the original definition of doom equates it to “fate” or “destiny”, which is something that cannot be changed. This may be backed up by Sollux’s visions and voices in his head foretelling him of imminent doom and death, as well as soon after his introduction referring to the result of the game as “hopeless”.
    Life – The Life aspect is some kind of innate “life force” of living beings, necessary and sufficient for life to exist. Life players displayed the ability to heal teammatesSburb Logo by repairing grievous woundsSburb Logo and have even been shown to be capable of resurrecting themselvesSburb Logo. Interestingly, going by Feferi and Jane’s examples, Life powers appear to glow in the player’s text color. The Condesce was able to extend lifespansSburb Logo, and it is shownSburb Logo that her pre-scratch self, Meenah, is a Thief of Life. If Doom is associated with death, then it may very well be the antithesis of Life. An alternative theory for Life is similar to the theory that Doom is associated with system rules and structure. As Doom may be associated with understanding the rules, Life may be associated with testing and subverting them. Biological life is known for its resilience – one need only consider organisms that live next to volcanic vents at the bottom of the ocean to appreciate this. Life adapts to find a way to survive, and in the process, probes the extremes of possibility. If both theories are correct, Life would remain opposed to Doom as expected.
    Blood – The Blood aspect, like some others, has not yet been shown to have a literal or clear-cut meaning. Common theories include affinity, affection and unity in general, such as the word is used in “blood brothers”. Karkat, the Knight of Blood, had a reputation among his friends for sympathy, and out of all the A2 trolls, he remains the only one not to have been either attacker or victim in any aggressive act between the twelve players in his session. Additional evidence for affection is its use in the form of moirallegiance with Gamzee in order to protect the other surviving trolls. Karkat’s obtainment of “cahoots” with his session’s Jack Noir may also be a form of this. It should also be noted that Karkat was able to unite the trolls despite their differences (including blood color) in order to reach their common goal: win Sgrub. Karkat has also stated that “Leadership is in his blood”. That may also suggest that the Blood aspect involves unity of some sort.
    Breath – The Breath aspect seems to have some relationship to John’s power over The Breeze (such as The Windy Thing). It was never revealed whether Tavros has or could have had equivalent powers, but since he spent most of his time in the game asleep or otherwise passive, it seems unlikely that he was able to complete whatever makes those powers available. However, Tavros’ breath appears as blue lines similar to the Breath symbol. The significance of this is currently unknown. However, by speculation, he is a Page of Breath so it might be showing his ability to create or manifest his aspect, as pages do. Tavros also shows a great enjoyment of flight (moving through the air), mainly through a rocket chair and his dream self on Prospit. He is not capable, however, of unaided flight, which could be linked to his class, which is said to be closely related to potential (which he was never shown to fully realize).
    Alternia’s Blood Hierarchy
    Alternia’s Hierarchy is based completely off the color of the troll’s blood. Some come with special abilities and some don’t. This also dictates what kind of job they have.
    Blood Hierarchy
    Your modus is your inventory and the way you keep your items. The current active modus will be listed below and how you get your items back out.
    Encryption Modus – Items are picked up and broken into a code, requiring need to hack it back out with a password. The rarer the item, the harder the code is. The codes range anywhere from four letters to sixteen.
    Programming Modus – In order to work, must use computer programming codes.
    Hash Modus – (will ask owner about this.)
    Gothic Modus – This modus works like Tarot cards. You can place out three – eight cards of items and it will only unlock the ones you need. Sometimes, you will draw out blank cards if you don’t need anything.
    Memory Modus – Must remember where the item was shuffled to and pick that card in order to acquire it.
    Strife is the fighting action and is your weapon style. In fighting, to retreat is to absecond. The attacks are usually called Agrrive or aggrivate.
    Current Strife Weapons:

    Lord English replied 11 years, 1 month ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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