• Scout Master Harlan

    October 14, 2013 at 8:18 pm

    Hello! This is Earl Harlan account also known as Scout Master Harlan from WTNV. I also RP Homestuck (Eridan, Kankri, Horuss) – Hetalia (Arthur/England/UK.) Or Black Butler (Claude, any of the reapers) and various other things which would take forever to list!

  • woodfeather the patchwork

    October 14, 2013 at 9:06 pm

    hello i am wood feather! “and candy!” i am a riolu, shiny at that, “and im a earth pony” nice ta meet ya

  • Zacharie

    October 17, 2013 at 6:52 pm

    You can call him Sniper Mister Mundy or just Mundy I don’t really mind. He has a very calm attitude and is very patient unless he really doesn’t like you. He is just a normal person. Aside from being a very skilled marksman and wildlife hunter,he has lived in the Australian outback for a good portion of his life. He is a very skilled survivalist.

  • Wolf_Lady17

    October 17, 2013 at 7:52 pm

    Is there any limit to what your character is? If not, I’ll be a Tiger-Shifter with the name of Viska. A very nearly pure white tiger in tigress form with faint black/grey-ish stripes on the insides of the legs and on the tail, even fainter stripes along her back and face. In human form, her hair is pure white, she’s five foot nine with a sleek, lithe form and nearly blemish free skin that’s a bit darker than pale wearing a black tank top and shorts. Her eyes are a vibrant green. Her personality is cautious and cold when she first meets someone. She’ll become les so as she gets to know you. She spends a lot of the time sleeping, grooming herself, hunting, and swimming. She loves to track and hunt prey. https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-5j9taNeh9m4/UlX3FM8CxRI/AAAAAAAAAxs/-71YdwRDWLY/w426-h405/22043-anime-paradise-white-hair-anime-girl.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_JwTvDWpU4xI/THQAievnbxI/AAAAAAAACuE/sUVymkbKwXM/s400/Rare+Snow+White+Tiger+01.jpg

  • adamantTrickster (Pristine Villarreal)

    October 17, 2013 at 10:51 pm

    Well, then, here’s a total run-down on my fantroll, Ryllin.

    Your name is RYLLIN FADEA. You are 7 sweeps old. Your interests include ART and VIDEO GAMES, and have a strange obsession with OVERLY-EXAGGERATED CARTOONS of a different language and origin called ANIME. You have no idea why. You are the BEST there is when dominating VIDEO GAMES, and simply can not be argued over. You usually draw BRIGHTLY COLORED CATS with HUGE EYES when your bored, or go FERRET HUNTING with your lusus, a FALCON, to whom you feed the dead ferrets. Your fetch modus is the ACTION FETCH MODUS, which works great when your hunting, but sucks when doing FIELD WORK. You have to choose what action to do to get the OBJECT in the modus, as in to JUMP, SPRINT, RUN, or any other athletic movement. Usually this involves your modus throwing your JUNK every which way, leaving you UNKNOWING of the whereabouts of your PROPERTY, sometimes even losing it FOREVER.

    Your hive is located in the middle of a grove of TREES, and is quite small. You always invite FLARPERS to come and enjoy playing GAMES with you, which, inevitably, leaves them wishing that they have never crossed paths with you. This shows reasoning of why your QUADRANTS are literally always EMPTY. Your SARCASTIC and IDIOTIC attitude doesn’t help much either, and your MENTAL DISABILITY of SPLIT-PERSONALITIES is just the icing on this cake of RECKLESS STUPIDITY. You have no sense of COMMON LOGIC whatsoever. Your title is the THIEF of VOID. Your lusus has more COMMON SENSE than YOU DO. But strangely, you have more KNOWLEDGE than even the average troll genius. You seem to think you are SERIOUS and SENTIMENTAL about things, but others around you beg to differ.

    Your troll handle is adamantTrickster and you like to speak with a *HAPPY~ and *SPONTANEOUS~ but tomboyish VOICE~. When you’re angry you like to *SPEAK WITH ALOTTA CAPS~ and NOT REALLY CARE TO USE ANY GRAMMER~ except QUESTION MARKS???? You always put *’s at the beginning of most of your sentences and adjectives. Your blood color is purple and you are a BALANCED PROSPIT DREAMER. Your STRIFE SPECIBUS is STAFFKIND, mainly when you use your BLADED QUARTERSTAFF for hunting. The land you live on is THE LAND OF MELODY AND INTIMIDATION, and your consorts consist of RAMBUNCTIOUS LAVENDER FERRETS who love pulling PRANKS. The moon you usually wake on is PROSPIT.

  • edraka

    October 18, 2013 at 3:43 pm

    This is the only troll i will roleplay as

      Your name is EDRAKA LEONES. You are 7 sweeps old. Your interests include BOMB MAKING and VIDEO GAMES, and have a strange obsession with EXPLOSIVE CHEMISTRY. You are borderline PRO-GAMER when it comes to most video games VIDEO GAMES except for LINEBREAKER which you just consider to be an impossible game anyways. You usually make SMALL EXPLOSIVE DEVICES when you’re bored and you make LARGE EXPLOSIVE DEVICES to threaten people with when you’re angry. Your fetch modus is the LINEBREAKER FETCH MODUS, which you happen to hate because LINEBREAKER is a stupid impossible game, 9 times out of 10 you end up with the wrong item.
      (will fill in rest of blanks later when im not lazy)

      Edraka has light green blood,BOMB KIND STRIFESPECIBUS, usually a happy guy until you say something really offensive to him

  • #358f51

    October 18, 2013 at 6:50 pm

    Yo, I’m 3lano. You could make up a nick name for me or something, if you want. My real name is Iman.

    I’m pretty much into roleplaying most anything, but Hetalia. I won’t ever role play as canon characters, though.

    I don’t know what else to put. :’c

  • Loaka of the Wind

    October 19, 2013 at 6:00 am

    I’z Loaka of the Wind (and that code is strong!), a catfolk warrior from the Nobalel tribe. I like fightin’ and shiny things and fightin’ people for their shiny things and fighting people for other people’s shiny things. I also like wanderin’ and adventurin’ and goin’ places. S’why I’m here, talkin’ at this ‘ere box thingy, tellin’ it what Loaka is!

    I’z good at martial arts and learnt a super-special one from my tribe’s master of arts (I’z not s’posed to tell anyone how to do it, though). I’ve got a yak what doesn’t have a name (Why’s everyone gots’ta ask me what I named my yak? E’s just a yak.), a ring what’s supposed to be magic but doesn’t do nothin’ and my own two hands (paws).

    Anyone of you who’s wantin’ an adventuring party to join up with, come with me and we’ll crack some ‘eads! Or we’s can just do whatever. I’z here to meet new folks, or old folks what are new to Loaka.

    That’s all you’z gettin’ from Loaka for now, little box of words.

  • Phoe

    October 21, 2013 at 1:49 pm

    *coughs into fist* Well I guess I could participate in this, though I’m not all too sure what to do once I get done with introductions…

    Well, I’ll use my Homestuck OC, which is basically just me, hope that’s okay!


    Appearance: Dark brown hair that comes down to her mid-back, blue eyes that have tired looking shadows under them, freckles dotting around the cheeks, sort-of round face, pale skin colour, Average bust size, slightly pudgy, short (about 5 feet). Prefers comfy clothes like hoodies and baggy jeans. Usually carrying a medical satchel bag containing various things, none of which are the medical variety

    Personality Suppose shy and motherly…? I mean it’s just me so you’ll figure out how I act as time goes on…sorry.

    Likes: Old gaming, Reading, Writing, sketching and so on, though not good at it, cooking is pretty cool too.

    Uhmmm I’m not sure what else to put…

  • Sky the Mongoose

    October 21, 2013 at 5:01 pm

    I have 45 different OCs, all not based on any canon o_o. So I guess I’ll just use one for now, maybe mix it up later? Idk.

    Xenyx Peterman

    Appearance: He wears a fine, but flexible suit, which is made up of a black suit coat and trousers, a white shirt, and red accessories and small highlights, with gold buttons and a chain leading to the coat’s pocket. He has black hair which poofs out a bit, but is obviously well-kept and sheen. He is heterochromic, his left eye being green and his right eye blue. He carries a gentleman’s cane with a gold-coated brass ball-handle and a black hornbeam shaft. He stands at 6’2, and has a slim build, due to his compact muscles. ((Further description will be provided if asked.))

    Personality: On the outside, he is a very friendly young man, always wearing a warm smile and acting as an absolute gentleman (especially towards women). He puts out an image of being absolutely perfect, kind, caring, and loyal. ((I’ll let you find out more for yourselves))

  • Prilla "Mary" Ruiz

    October 21, 2013 at 11:10 pm

    So, Um…Hi!!!
    I’m Prilla, I will RP as my self…But some details are not as real.
    -Age: 13
    -Prilla has a very large perspective and an open mind.
    Trust practically anyone, not very good at identifying lies or when people cheat, but if a person accepts that she read his hand (palmistry practiced) it will have no problem in defining whether or not you can trust this person.

  • Rose

    October 25, 2013 at 8:37 pm

    uhmmmmm. I guess I’ll just use an old RP chara’s name, since I barely used it. xD

    Freya J. Rae

    On the Outside;;
    Freya’s body isn’t perfect by any means, but under some circumstances, she has what others may kill for. Thin, but not boney, a little on the pale side, and she pretty much carries some of those very much wanted curves. Holding a very uncommon shade of light, pale blue eyes, they are truly something else. Although they get her some attention, her eyes are also traitors; easily giving up the truth of how she really feels. If someone were to really take the time to look, they would find that they hold the key to her emotions.

    On the Inside;;
    A whole 18 years is what carved out her character to what it is today. And quiet honestly, her personality almost always depends the those who surround her. Sarcastic and quick-witted is her norm, while understanding and comforting with friends. Let’s just say some people to don’t wait until they’re 21 to be reckless.

    (Sorry if it’s long, LOL. but yeah, just wanted to point out for future reference that I RP a lil differently, so.

  • Teanay Tesieu

    October 27, 2013 at 9:07 pm

    i’ll be going as Teanay in roleplays and she is my fantroll. I don’t really think there’s in need of anything else

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