Activity Forums Group Forums Pokemon Island Isolation Isolation Island (Main RP)

  • Lord English

    July 18, 2014 at 12:52 am

    -Death curled in his little hidey hole but wasn’t going to stay long. His stomach was rumbling and he needed to go find food. He pawed out into the forest and found his was to the back wall of dirt then turned and looked at the area. He’d walked far and the only thing he’d seen was berries. His ears flopped down until he looked up. He saw apples on the tree.

    His nose sniffed at the apples and he gathered their scent, making sure he could track them if they ran away. His nose would wiggle as he then backed up and took a running start at the tree. His paws allowed him to run up only a couple feet before he fell back down onto his rear. His tail drooped in discouragment but he wasn’t going to give up, not yet.

    He backed up until his rear was right against the wall and he ran at the tree again. He gained traction and managed to get the lowest branch in biting distance but missed and skidded back down the tree. He whimpered in pain but was able to get back up. He backed up to the wall again but he heard something that interrupted his tree climbing. He pawed his way to a bush and peeked his nose into it. On the other side, there was a wild boar.

    He sniffed it and then slowly inched his way through to the grazing boar and then spurt into a tackle when he was close. The boar squeeled in suprise and felt a few of the teeth from the baby sink into its haunch. It ran for its life but the Houndour held onto it and suffered a few good kicks. The houndour only released to run up and tackle once more to latch onto the boar’s neck. This got the poor thing trampled as it held on and slowly suffocated the boar.

    It had nearly taken the houndour halfway across the terrain before it gave out and fell over. The houndour was excited at its first kill and started trying to tear with the few teeth it had into the flesh of the boar and opened it up to chew on the meat inside. The houndour was proud of itself but he knew he couldn’t eat it all, so he ate all he could then drug the carcass to the nearest tree he could find with its roots uplifted. He tucked the carcass in and then layed himself down next to it and closed his eyes for a nap.-

  • Victoria Germain

    July 18, 2014 at 3:04 am

    A plane was flying at high altitude in the clouds as it was moving silently most anyone could make out was what might have been the shadow of a large Pokemon going through the clouds. Victoria stood up and picked her Mankey up and it held onto her and she walked over and slid the side of the plane open she then turned her back to the incoming air and took a breath and leaned back falling out of the plane and falling towards the ground holding her Mankey close. As they twisted through the air she brought her hand behind her and pulled the cord but instead of a shoot flying out a glider formed and Mankey hopped onto the guide bar. She then twisted and moved them over the island doing a visual check of the island as she moves over it then slides down into the forest landing in a clearing and let’s go of the bar. Her Mankey jumped off and ran off without her and she just hummed and continued to work on putting her pack back together once it was done it was odd because it looked like a little clutch in her hand and she clicked her mouth twice and started to walk away Mankey came running up behind her and gripped her hand and the two walked side by side.

  • Cain

    July 18, 2014 at 4:06 am

    -Daemon heard the Shuppet squeaking and Gible jumping up and down so Daemon looked up through the hole in the roof to see a Pink parachute which made him jump to his feet quickly using his ball to capture Shuppet and Gible was caught in mid jump before Daemon raced out the door and up the path his many walks had created in the brush. He was running at top speed so he reached the woman and her monkey in about a half hour by scouting and keeping track of the direction she came down”didnt think I would ever see another human on this damn island, thought my ex team was trying to get me off the grid or something….wait I know you”.

    Daemon wasn’t sure this woman was fair or one of the people he had taken out since he was fourteen so he grabbed his poke ball and held it between his fingers to show he had two pokemon on his but his Gible seemed to not be bothered by the woman so he placed the ball back in his belt. He pointed back at his Gible”my dragon seems to like you and ive learned to always trust a dragon’s decision”. He turned and walked back up the path and the woman would see the jungle knife in his back pocket”I have fresh water and fruit back at my camp if you wish to join me, maybe you know why we are here, I was told training, but nothing here is any different from the regions I traveled since Kanto”.-

  • Victoria Germain

    July 18, 2014 at 4:27 am

    The woman was walking and talking with her Mankey. The Mankey stops and jerks it hand from hers and hops in front of her hopping from foot to foot mumbeling something. She stopped and smiled and squatted down and ran her hands softly through her Mankey’s fur to sooth it and smiled up at Deamon with a gentle glance. “There is much about this island. If you havn’t noticed your badges don’t work here. Food and water would be good.” She saw the knife and chuckled. “I don’t think that’s gonna do you to much good sir.” She said walking up behind him the Mankey not seeming pleased about what was going on but it let it be. “So how did you make it to this island? I was told to come here and train and learn all I could. Was told it would make me stronger.” Her foot falls where almost silent accept for the occasional time her heel snapped a tiny twig which barely made a sound. The Mankey was making more then enough noise for the two of them as it stomped through the trail behind the two. “Your GIble is cute he likes you alot sees you as family. he also thinks you should get to know me”

  • Cain

    July 18, 2014 at 5:04 am

    -Daemon shrugged about his knife and after about an hour of walking since he was now taking his time to enjoy the scenery as he had never been this deep into the forest terrain to the point he nearly entered the plains which would have been simple. Daemon came to his path spreading the material apart so they could enter. He then threw his poke ball to let out the Shuppet which floated around Mankey which it enjoyed lots since it seemed angry. He reached in his pot throwing an apple to the woman before he gave a branch of normal berries to the Mankey”he can eat these with no problem see”. He threw one to Gible who ate it quickly before dancing around and running into the cage that Daemon had found earlier.

    He pulled out his jug of water and handed it to her”careful with that or you may cover yourself in it since its only a peice of cloth in a knot, and as for how I got here, I was in the news alot last year for reaching master in the Dragon arts with my Hydreigon, so this corporation gives me a call saying I could reach a new level of mastery here on this island and all ive seen so far is renewing my skills from when I was in the military”. Daemon took a bite of his apple enjoying it more after that damn run in the woods”so what have you been up to since I saw you at the peace rally against the assorted team assholes and such”.-

  • Silver

    July 18, 2014 at 5:16 am

    A large plane fly’s over head and drops a large tank out its backside that crashes into the lake Filling it with 20 Magicarp

  • Victoria Germain

    July 18, 2014 at 5:42 am

    She caught the apple as if she where plucking it out of the air and then took a bite and enjoyed eating it she sat down indian style which for her attire was quite odd as she munched on it with a smile that showed she was happy and playful. Her Mankey was batting at the shuppet trying to make it go away. Once the apple was done she took the water and was careful and used it like she had used a skin 100 times before. Then handed it back to him with a smile. “Seems your SHuppet is illated with my Mankey who knows maybe we will have an egg if they can get along..” She giggled and got up and reached into her coat and pulled out what in her hands seems like a cannon and handed it to him by the barrel. “Keep it you may need it at some point.”

  • Peridot

    July 18, 2014 at 11:51 am

    [color color=#8B008B] The Yanma turned to head back to the forest in order to continue patrolling her turf and to get more familiar with the nearby landmarks. She had just reached her tree hollow shelter when she saw a small purple rodent glance around cautiously on the trunk of the tree. A further inspection showed small tufts of fur, feathers and bits of wadded grass stuffed into her shelter. Unbelievable. The Rattata was building a nest in HER home! She could not let this insult stand. The Rattata noticed her approach, hearing the helicopter like cacophony of wing-beats heading his way. The rodent squeaked a warning which went ignored as the Yanma barreled into the Rattata with an angry glare.

    This fight was significantly harder than the last one. Unlike the Pidgey, the Rattata was much more fierce and willing to fight back while Vikkela was still injured from her last fight. The rodent Pokemon was small, but gutsy and willing to give back every hit he took. Vikkela was surprised after one of her diving Tackle attacks to see the Rattata leap high into the air and slam into her. He was faster than the Pidgey, but even he could not keep up with the bug Pokémon for speed and having lost the one advantage the Rattata normally relied on, was eventually defeated. This time, Vikkela did not have the strength to forcibly relocate the fainted Pokémon and instead just shoved it out of the way of her nest. The rodent didn’t even have anything of value she could take as a spoil of victory. Wearily, she tossed all of the nesting junk out of her lair and then crawled inside to take a long, long rest.

    (Speed = 7->11) Vikkela: HP: 12 -5 -5 = 2 HP
    (Speed = 6) Rattata HP: 11 -5 -5 -5 = 0 HP


  • Lord English

    July 18, 2014 at 11:55 pm

    [color color=#660000]-Death awoke from his slumber and snacked a little on the boar meat, glad no one had taken it. This gave him a little bit of an upset stomach but he went out to go look around. He pawed to go find the edge again, going the wrong way and smelling humans. He turned and ran in the other direction and eventually found his way to the wall again. He barked at it and kept his ears flopping around, trying to listen for things. He would have smelled like bloody corpse because of sleeping with the boar. He tried to gnaw on the wall and found it made a non-moving teething pole. So he kept gnawing away at it.-[/color]

  • Cain

    July 19, 2014 at 12:48 am

    Daemon looked at the Mankey then his Shuppet and a shiver went down his back, he had never been one for breading that was his sisters thing which is where the Gible came from between his Black Charizard and a silver Garchomp and somehow he got a normal colored Pokemon but the color didn’t matter just the power that comes out of it. He loved his dragons but he wasn’t a person to pity them if they were cute, he once had a jigglypuff on a dare and by the time he was done with it, it was the most behaved creature to walk the earth and could control its song to only knock out certain people and Pokemon.

    Daemon looked down at the gun before he released the clip seeing it was full high powered rounds he would find in a semi auto rifle and rarely into a fully auto. He looked up to her and his face went from the happy smile to the strait edge of when he was the soldier”seems we have more in common then just peace rallies, I was a black ops agent under the states security agency and for you to carry something of this level would make you either the same or higher, even on the black market you cant get this gear to modify a gun like this, I don’t want an answer but don’t try and say I’m wrong is all”.

    Daemon stood up walked outside aimed the gun making sure the optic site was in line before he put on the safety locking the slide so it couldn’t fire accidentally before fastening it in his leg pocket using a rope to hold it in the pocket but loose enough he can pull it quickly. He then walked back inside the tent and the Shuppet and Gible both looked at me before threw the poke ball calling back the Shuppet “I saw a plane go by near the other side of the island so something new is on the island and a lot of them so we may be in danger with are Pokemon being so low in level so I’m going to try and train while hunting for real meat, will grow malnourished if all we eat is fruit for weeks or months on end.

    Daemon had Gible jump on his shoulder before he turned and left the tent”you can either follow me or stay here, enough food to last a couple days but im heading into the next area where I expect hunting will be a lot easier, Ill return in a few days if you decided to stay behind, all I ask is make sure the rain catch doesn’t rip”.-

  • Peridot

    July 19, 2014 at 12:59 am

    [color color=purple] Vikkela curled up into her little hidey-hole and began to dream about chasing butterflies and big, slow mosquitoes until a big lunar moth with enormously colorful wings appeared. It flew fast! So fast that it was nearly impossible to catch. No matter how fast she beat her wings, it was always just three wing lengths away. The Yanma thrashed about in her sleep, all six legs twitching with frustration as her dream self reached out to try and snag the moth to no avail. [/color]

  • OtakuRoars

    July 20, 2014 at 8:25 pm

    The young Eevee wakes up from her nights rest, licking her soft brown coat straight before she sits up and looks around. Only now has she completely opened her eyes. Realising she is not at home she cries out, she turns to her tail, slightly singed from the embers of the volcano. She hops across the burnt ground, shouting out across the baron land, hoping if her parents don’t hear her then maybe one of her friends would, she tries to keep calm yet worries if even her friends cant hear her. She hides her head in her tail, fearing they may not know she’s gone and she has lost her home forever. Every one and a while she cries out, hoping someone is out there, she knew there was always Pokemon about, even humans though her village always stayed hidden from them.

  • Victoria Germain

    July 20, 2014 at 10:07 pm

    Victoria smiled as he gripped the pistol around the grip and saw how he kept his finger from going into the trigger guard and took the gun as she slowly let go feeling the gold metal slide from her hand. She watched as he popped the clip out and didn’t even seem surprised. She enjoyed watching him check the gun and see its modifications. “I simply am.” She said in response to his statements about who or what she could be. She was something else altogether and maybe one day he would find out but at this point in time it wasn’t that day. She watched him fasten the pistol to his leg with rope and sighed unbuttoning her suit coat holding it in one hand. She stepped over and hung it over a low hanging rope then took the holster for it off. She was well built but she seemed a little flat for her age. Going to hand it to him he was already talking about leaving and hell was already out the door. She set it down and looked to her Mankey who huffed at her. Walking back over to her coat she pulled it down and slipped her arms back through the sleeves and buttoned it back up and grabbed the holster off the ground. She re adjusted the coat so the Volcanic repeater was hidden once more and started out after him. Soon she caught up she hadn’t been quite about it and was still humming a soft tune and handed him the holster. “I understand you wont shoot yourself in the leg like that but accidents happen and I don’t need you getting hurt we don’t have a medic on this island and I’m barely qualified as a field medic.” Granted she could do field work if in a pinch but she was not a surgeon by any means. She had heard another plan go by over head and sighed hoping it was another trainer. As she was walking with him she realized that had not be the case as the container holding the Evee had fallen into the far south end of the island in the Volcanic area.

  • Cain

    July 20, 2014 at 10:46 pm

    -Daemon walked about a hundred yards before he heard the woman trying to catch up so he turned and stopping seeing that the monkey was not with her so he threw his pokeball into the air and Shuppet popped out and flew around enjoying its freedom before coming to float between the two trainers. Daemon caught the ball before he turned to accept the holster. He equipped the ball to his belt before taking the holster and adjusting it so that it would fit his size easier before uniting the gun from his leg he grabbed his knife and cut the rope that was around his leg a few times before wrapping it around his arm so that if he has to guard from something it wont be with his skin. He started walking up the road”yeah thanx for this, I can remove the bullet but the infection on this island would probably kill us before we got help”.

    He felt the temperature begin to drop and it didn’t bother him but his Gible wasn’t happy so he climbed from my shoulder and into my backpack which I zipped up all but a little bit so he could breath but the Shuppet just floated along because it couldn’t feel the cold. Daemon walked the path till he saw a flat wall to his right that didn’t exactly look as frozen as most of the landscape so he started to scale it using the broken pieces of ice to hold on to it took him about twenty minutes to climb to the top realizing this icy wasteland was huge but from his standing point it only seemed dangerous near the center which was the farthest from the bio mes aligning it so that where he was going to head for. He opened his backpack and pulled out the pieces of parachute fabric that he used for a pillow earlier. He cut the ten feet of fabric and wrapped half of it around himself and began to thread his rope through it to hold it on like a jacket and handed the other half to her. He then began to make his way deeper into the tundra. The material of the chute would make it so no water could get to him and since it was made to catch the wind it made it so wind didn’t pass through it. He was happy he had worn boots as he trudged along happy that his little buddy was a dragon because he could keep himself warm.

    Daemon was walking for about four hours before he found a cave and made his way inside, it wasn’t very big but at the angle the wind was blowing inside so it was a bit warmer in here then out there so he decided to take a break and relax. He then went back out and found a tree and he began to cut the bark off and gather the branches that he could break off before going back to the cave. He remove his jacket and using the rope was able to cover the entrance of the cave so the old air wouldn’t leak in. He then piled the bark up and began to spin a branch and after a few minutes a spark went off creating a fire that dried the bark and fire grew larger allowing them to relax next to it. It would only last about a half hour before they were out of fuel for it but at least they could get back there strength in that half hour. He grabbed his bag and opened it and Gible jumped out and sat right next to the fire enjoying the temperature. Daemon reached in and pulled out a couple apples and some berries and split them between him and her so they wouldn’t starve. .-

  • Victoria Germain

    July 20, 2014 at 11:50 pm

    As they got closer she stopped feeling the wind slide up her skirt and closed her eyes smoothing it out then glanced as she saw the pokeball go up.. Her mind danced. “Great the ghost again.” She just sighed and shook her head. “Well in we go.” She said as she followed him in. Stopping and seeing him do that she smiled. Opening her clutch she pulled out some of that pink fabric and wrapped it around her and looped a carabineer through the two loops to hold it on her and she smiled holding it for the time it would keep her skirt from flying up which left her relieved she was trying to avoid this area but he was the only trainer right now and she had to watch out for him tell others arrived and they could work together. As they moved she dodged around the shuppet that kept flying around her and after her. If he was playing close enough attention he might have caught a brief hint of blue show up against those dark shades she wore. Once they got to the cave she took the fabric off and stuffed it into the bag and started to hum again how the clutch even held that was a mystery in it of itself. She just closed it and smiled. A large gust of arctic wind came in and sure enough lifted her skirt showing off dark blue undergarment that looked way to expensive and something long and pink wrapped around her waist and down her leg stopping about two inches from the hem of her skirt. She quickly tried to catch it and force it back down and held her skirt down and blushed. “I’m so sorry I guess I didn’t come dressed for the occation.”

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