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Haruko watched as the kage walked over and opened the door and he sighed thinking she must of heard those idiots from earlier. He noticed the child and the chick and he blinked wondering who these two were, the chick seemed to finally be someone he could partner without being annoyed. He then really looked at the kid and it bothered him that in everything that was going on a child would be walking around in this mess alone as he didn’t seem to hold any features like the female even though he could only see slight features under the hood so he began to sign as fast as possible with both hands quickly. Starting with Horse, Tiger with lifting just index fingers, Boar with nearly straightened fingers, Hare, Rat, Dog, Horse, Dog, Hare, Rat, Boar with nearly straightened fingers, and Snake with the right index finger lifted straight up. He said “Byakugan”, and turned his head towards the woman and the child but his attention was turned away as he saw the huge male sitting on the female and he saw the burning red fury of its chakra”Oh my god its Kurama the nine tailed beast and the demon of Naruto”. He couldn’t take his eyes off the beast not even noticing the chick having an odd structure. He tried to speak as he pulled his sunglasses off and they would all see the natural lavender that was the Byakugan”I want you to train me to be as strong as Naruto once was”.
Nodding to the teacher she turned her head and saw the demon and bowed to the demon out of respect then gave a smaller bow to the kage that she had bypassed. She then turned her head to the man with the byakugan. She still said nothing as she stopped her eyes falling upon Moriachuro though still hidden under her hood she just smiled at him and saw all the corners where taken she then walked over and kneeled down bowing her head and started to meditate letting the events of her life unfold in her mind. So much had happened but she had no desire for violence but she did have a will to fight and complete the tasks given to her. She watched the events in silence once she had reached the events of today her eyes opened and her head tilted as she looked back to the Demon sitting on the woman though her mind was wandering to the other man. He was her concerne right now it seemed the other man was concerned with the demon as her head slowly rolled low as she looked over to him. If Moriachuro looked closely and took in her features her might notice the two red dots above her eyes that where hidden from view with how the shadows where cast. She realized how the light was moving and shifted her head back down. She then spoke though she had been told to remain silent she did speak but it was to Mr. Haruno. “Sir when will instruction and training begin? Books will only teach us so far this is why I was sent here.”
Kurama looked at the boy who spoke his name, his eyes sharpening to his form as a smirk pulled onto his face. He was about to answer when the girl gave a bow to him and her. Kurama bowed his head back then looked back to the boy. He spoke in a half snarled voice, “I am willing to teach if you are willing to learn.” His tails twitched and as the Mizukage, who also did a head bow back, tried to get up, he slammed her back down. His ear then twitched. There was a loud thumping in the vent as a little purple wolf pup with shining markings as if kissed by moonlight leaped out and landed on her face. She got herself up onto all fours and shook herself off as nineteen tails flared out in random directions and she walked in a drunken fashion to Kurama then sat down to be, in general, behind him. Kurama turned his attention to the Mizukage and said, “Stop hunting her. If I so much as smell you near my territory again and near my girl I will rip your throat out…”
The Mizukage glared behind her mask as her voice spoke out, “I was just passing through, not hunting her… This time…”
Kurama growled at her and the fur on his ears and tails stood on end. The little wolf beside him raised her tails as if she was dominant and began barking.Mr Haruso tried to look up at the on goings while keeping his attention on the female before him. He sighed and said, “I am not allowed to teach again until the school is back out of lock down. I am not even allowed to teach how to do but I had started doing so any way. Once the door is locked and the vent is resealed, we’ll continue. Find a seat or even a partner to work with later. Either way, once the chaos settles, we will resume.” He pointed to the signs on the board so she could see.
Moriachu still was close to Ryū and just hovering, he saw the dots and a smirk came to him more openly but he hid it quick and carefully placed his arm over Ryū and resumed whispering to her, this time so quiet to make sure even Kurama couldn’t hear, “Things will be better soon…”
Ryū stayed in her curled up and said, “Won’t be…”
He sighed and whispered more prevalently, “Will be…”
Ryū wanted to move away but instead she reached her hand up and grabbed hold of his, pulling him closer. This made him uncomfortable but it was clear from their body language that neither of the two were comfortable. -
-Haruso smiled hearing that he would get trained by the nine tails so he smiled and sat back then was when he wanted to look around to see others reation to this mighty creature but his eyes fell on the chick chakra system and he stopped tilting his head to the side but decided not to act on it for now taking the chance to snap his head and look at the pale boy and is able to see the massive chakra pool and Haruso smirked before liping to the pale boy”I knew you were Orochimaru a Sannin of the Leaf. He had to deactivate his eyes or risk running out of chakra but he had everything he needed now. He had to figure out how to use this knowledge to his advantage now. He put back on his sunglasses and began to think while going over everything in his head. He wouldnt out the chick either she had shown respect to those that deserved it so it would be against his best interest to remove the only person here who may think like himself that’s is of his generation.-
Jane listened to the on goings and then felt the one boys eyes fall on her she closed her eyes and took a breath looking to the demon. If he was willing to teach she was indeed willing to learn even if the teachers here where not. She walked over silently and thought a moment then kneeled before him and her palms stayed face down on her thighs to show she was no threat. She bowed her head again to him and whispered this time so that the demon may hear. “If you are willing to teach I was told to learn all I could and this task given to me by my elders I will complete without fail.” She then feel silent Jane stayed hidden with her robe and hood but would not hide from him once she was free of view of the others. She looked to the pup and smiled nodding to it but did not make a move to it other than that.
Kurama flicked his ear to the girl now behind him. He got off of the Mizukage and looked right at her as he tiled his head. “If this place is teaching incorrectly, why don’t I just stay?” He looked to Mr Haruno for approval.
Mr Haruno said, “Go ahead, I am already fired as it stands.”
Kurama’s ears flattened against his head as it tilted to the side, “Why?”
“I was teaching the Transformation technique instead of just doing the book basics,” He shrugged and waved for Kyuubi to do as he pleased.
Kurama’s ears flopped back up again and he looked at the class, his eyes locking onto the corner until he was distracted yet again by his pup. His little girl had bit onto the Mizukage’s arm and was locked onto it. The Mizukage just let her, not even trying to get her off. The pup was growling and flopping around as she was biting hold.
Moriachuro looked back at Haruso and mouthed back without sound, “Retired.” Then he moved back to holding onto the girl under her arm and felt eyes on him. He checked his peripheral vision to see Kurama was looking right at him but then the pup was acting up. That was close. He hid his face against Ryū and she was turning bright red again. He smiled a bit but stopped himself, he couldn’t allow something like that to get to him, he required her and more perhaps in the room.
Ryū made sure her insects remained inside of herself, she didn’t want them coming out at the moment. Then she whispered, “I hate people…”
He then smiled genuinely and whispered back, “I know how to get out of here…” He kept low and took out a kunai, using it to unscrew the nearby vent where his snake had gone through. Ryū just watched through the sounds, her realizing what he was doing but keeping silent. -
-Haruso leaned back in his chair watching the commotion not paying attention to Orochimaru anymore wanting to understand the next thing they were going to learn by the tailed beast. He turned and watched the pup chew on the Kages arm and it made him wonder just how powerful could this demon be to make one of the five great Kages ignore such a blatant strike when she could simply knock it away but he guessed if Kurama was as powerful as he thought the woman would be dead before she got the chance. Haruso turned back to the girl who had recently entered and wondered if he could get her on his team when he decided to run from the village not knowing if she had strong ties to whatever clan she belonged to. He ran back through the transformation jutsu signs once more to make sure he had them down before turning to listen intently to the old Fox.-
Muri’s grin never faded even as the demon and pup fell through the vents, but she remained quiet feeling a little out of league. The student visibly perked up though when Kurama offered both to teach the students and to stay in the classroom. What a letter she would be able to write home! Getting trained by a demon all while a S-level nin is running rampant on a killing spree… the Village Hidden in the Leaves was something else, alright. “Are you really going to stay and teach us?” Muri asked with hope and excitement shining in her eyes. A demon, a real demon was here! It wasn’t either of the demons she was looking for, but close enough!
When Kurama got momentarily distracted by the wolf pup, Muri chanced a glance over at the girl previously scrunched up in a ball and the annoying boy who interrupted her incredibly legitimate line of questioning. He currently looked as though he were trying to smell her neck or hair or something, face buried against the girl while she whispered something. Pft… “Not her boyfriend,” he claims.. Pigsbum and hogwash, how stupid does he think I am? It’s not like you two are being subtle!! She gave them a pointed look before scanning across the room to try and pick out a partner. It’d be terrible to be paired with either of those two or worse, them together if all they would do is flirt with each other the whole lesson. Plus a girl who feels that any conversation directed at her is an assault wouldn’t have a nature conducive to being a good ninja. Figjam in the corner was spirited at least, but more than a little obnoxious. She knew nothing about either the new girl or the samurai kid but they seemed the most tolerable as partners. The kid shot an annoyed glare at her, making Muri smile happily. He clearly had a bit more spirit then Ms. Mopey in the corner.
Muri decided to walk over to the short little samurai armor wearing kid with a wide grin on her face. “Wanna team up for this?”
Jane nodded to the demon in understanding then shifted her eyes to Mr. Haruno and stood walking over to him and she took a chance and placed her hand on his shoulder. “Sir I am sorry if I have shown any disrespect. I would love to learn what you have to teach whether it be in this academy or in privet. I think it would be foolish though to pass up the chance to train with such a legendary being.” She then feel silent and looked around for a partner and thought for a moment or two. her eyes glancing across everyone then she pointed to the man with the sunglasses then to her self and smirked. she hoped he got the message about what she was stating. He wanted to train with this beast as much as she did they would make ideal partners she thought as they would both push themselves as hard as they can to try impress the demon. Though she had another demon in mind to seek out and train with but for now he was here and thus would train with him as she had stated to Mr. Haruno that would be foolish to pass up such an opportunity. She then looked over the room letting her eyes fall on Oruchimaru. She shook her head with a smile then started to walk towards Haruso and simply stood by him as if she had claimed him as her partner in this even before he had a chance to take up the offer. She said nothing but let everything be said in her silence a trait she had learned from one of the elders.
Kurama was taken at the fact a select group had the gall to speak up to him, impressed in them wanting him to teach. He smirked and said, “So… Transformation right?”
Mr Haruno nodded and said, “Yeah.” Then he gave a smile to the girl before she turned away. He was happy she said that but he knew that the entity before them was a much better source.
Kurama showed them the hand signs even though he could choose his form. His feet became covered with a black shoe that looked like a boot with missing toes and his claws gone in them to human toenails. His puffy orange pants became a black pair of dress paints, the top of the pants unseen by the shirt that had formed. The top was a button down with the collar up, not high enough to cover his chin, though. The base of the shirt was orange, the bottom of the shirt and the sleeves having two black lines around them. A cape came out from him that was white, his long red hair sucking up to his head as it turned blonde. His red eyes changed to reveal a stunning blue, his hands gaining normal nails, the right hand forming wraps over it. He looked at the class and said, “You will learn at least this before I take some of you with me. With the transformation jutsu, you can become anything. A fox, a chair, a person you meet, and even a person you have only heard of. I want each of you to first try whoever you were going to work with, then I will give you a test. If anyone needs chakra help, I got that covered.” He smiled, his teeth seemingly normal.
Mr Haruno and even the Mizukage were impressed. Kurama’s daughter was still hanging from her arm but released and tried to manipulate her chakra to look like her father but it only made her look like a tiny red wolf with too many tails. Mr Haruno got into it and transformed once more into Sakura. The Mizukage sighed, she didn’t want left out but she would have to pick something good. She decided to do her hand signs to change herself from female to male, white hair on her and a covered eye. She had on a nearly all navy outfit beneath a jounin jacket. She then stood there with the others and just seemed angry with herself from submitting to peer pressure but was happy with her choice.Moriachuro managed to get the grate open silently, pulling it off and motioning for Ryū to go first. She nodded and slipped in, crawling as silently as she could into the vent. Moriachuro followed her in and carefully closed the grate behind them and whispered, “Go to the right up here then down the shaft…”
Ryū nodded and when the right turn came and she looked at the way, it was a straight down shot. She thought about how to get down it and she reached out and placed her hand on the other side and lowered her legs into it as she held onto the edge and the wall, resulting in her sliding off it and nearly slamming into the vent rather loudly but her insects came out and pushed her away. She smiled and then got her legs open and started slowly sliding down the vent as carefully as she could, insects helping her not fall.
Moriachuro was getting impatient but he waited until she could get to the bottom to go down more quickly. It was sixteen floors after all, and he could move much faster than her. -
Jane watched his fingers as he went through it and had been flipping her fingers slowly through it with nothing in mind as she watched and practiced the motions tell she felt she had it down and smirked and dropped her hands as her fingers moved through the signs and stared at Haruso and as her fingers clicked into the final position she felt the wave of power wash over her she had almost gotten it her pinky just slightly out of position and she turned into a female version of Haruso and she smirked at him with a silly grin. She then looked down to the position of her hands and narrowed her eyes. Straightening her fingers and gripping her fists she started over again clicking her fingers into place not rushing it this time to make sure she got the signs down well before she would attempt again and breathed as her mind raced at the fact she had made a mistake she knew she was better at hand signs then this and now she was already making mistakes.
Muri smirked in response to the little kid before here, “I’m a sight better than nothing!” She settled, resting the majority of her weight on one foot as she watched her partner attempt to replicate the Transformation Jutsu. Her golden eyes took in his hand signs studiously as she internally bet on whether he would be able to perform the jutsu. The end result gave the young girl a confused frown and crease between her eyebrows. “Well,” she drawled taking in his appearance, “it depends on what ya were going for. If ya were trying for some cool demon thingy…well ya failed, badly. It kinda ended up like some sort of…emaciated and beheaded ogre. Hey! Ya even managed ta shrink! ” Seeing the ridiculous sight the boy made caused Muri to giggle, “Sorry, ya just look really dumb. No worries though, my last transformation wasn’t worth a zack either.” Once her chuckles were under control, Muri began to perform each hand-sign while drudging up the last remaining bits of her chakra. She tried to visualize a chair and transform into but the flow of chakra came out all wrong in inconsistent spurts. Instead, her arms and legs turned into wooden logs with small grain-lines running down them instead of hair, in addition her skin had turned a deep olive brown color but that was about all. “So, am I chair or what?”
-Haruso stood up from his desk having done this jutsu a couple of times he smirked as he removed his black jacket leaving him standing in his black pants and a fishnet shirt that showed his muscular body underneath. He had worked many years with his clan to reach what they believed was physical perfection. He had very little in terms of body fat and every time he moved it was easy to see the muscles that moved with his movements. He looked at his partner before bringing his hand flat against he other and the fact that he couldn’t see all of his partner which would be a problem but an easy one to fix as he closed his eyes and did the hands signs that he knew by heart”Horse, Tiger, Ox, Dragon, Snake, Dog, Horse, Dog, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Snake”. He then chuckled to himself as he open his eyes and instead of the Sharingan, or Byakugan he had activated his clans specialty that was just as rare as the final form of the Sharingan the Heiko. He looked to his partner and though he couldn’t copy her jutsu or the hidden ability that was tucked deep inside her bones he could see her entire form on multiple levels first being her chakra but then he forced it to see more giving the chakra form so he could see her body structure. He couldn’t actually see her but the chakra that was around her. He then took in a deep break and began the transformation jutsu Dog, Boar and Ram and a roar of chakra burst around him an added flayer as he was a perfect version of the mystery girl with none of her cloths on.-
Kurama looked at the students, a pair of them didn’t listen to him at all and he snarled. Then he looked at the pairing that seemed to have listened. He smirked at the female of that pair trying. When the respectful male changed into a nude version of the woman before him, he could not contain his laughter. He had a large grin come across his face as his eyes narrowed in on him. He gave a release of chakra a small amount to replenish their expended chakra in the room. His chakra would feel hot as fire, but would not burn them.
Mr. Haruno smiled and was watching but ended up having a slight nosebleed to the nude female body. He placed his hand up onto his nose in an attempt to hide it.
The Mizukage looked at them and as she saw the nude form, she growled. She sighed and calmed herself and simply said, “That is disrespectful…”
Kurama’s daughter got curious, tiliting her head to the side, and padded up to the now nude womanly form, sniffing at the crotch.Ryū managed the whole way down then saw Moriachuro come down with great speed, agility, and stealth. She was in awe and then it clicked. “You aren’t a student… are you?”
Moriachuro smirked, “No.” He placed his hand to face and pulled off the layer of skin, revealing his true self as the form came out. He even took off the clothes to show his own hidden underneath as Orochimaru continued, “Those kikaichu were yours… I suggest we leave before they find that out.”
Ryū shivered but followed him to a grate that lead out. He kicked it out, thank god cause her arms hurt from lowering herself down several floors. She followed him out into the light and she watched him use the transformation jutsu to look more Ryū’s skin tone and with a hood and black clothes. He even put on sunglasses and made it look as if there were holes in his neck to pass off as an Aburame. He walked towards the way out of the leaf, Ryū following him close as she looked up at him wondering why he did all of that, her curiosity getting the better of her. -
Muri jolted in surprise, cancelling her transformation in a puff of thick cloudy smoke at the angered and affronted snarl which issued forth from the fox demon. “Hahah, woops! Sorry about that, my bad!” When the demon started laughing however, she looked over to the other pair of students, noticing the nude woman Haruso had transformed into. A mischievous grin snaked its way across her face. So it seems Haruso is a bit of perv, she thought to herself keeping that in the back of her mind. Then with a grit of her teeth, Muri decided to focus harder on getting the Transformation Jutsu dpwn as the fox demon’s chakra replenished her own store. If he was willing to give up his chakra to help her master this ninjutsu technique, then she’d try and focus on the task. Muri concentrated on the kid in front of her and performed the hand-signs once more, trying to nail down the right amount of chakra to use at one time and how to evenly transfer it across her body. “Transformation Jutsu!” Another thick wave of dark smoke billowed forth around her, this time revealing a noticeably flawed version of her partner. Instead of shrinking, Muri remained the same height; however, she was now noticeably male and her dyed red hair had become pale white in color. Her golden eyes were no longer quite as brightly colored, looking muted and paler although her clothes had remained the same. “Oi, how’s that, shortstuff?”
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