2 Lore
The Universe
This takes place in a slightly futuristic setting, where the existence of magical creatures has been well known since just after WWII. The location is northern Ohio, though students may come from a variety of states.
Magical creatures vary, even those of the same general type. A vampire, for example, may have great magical prowess or have very weak magic, may suffer no ill effects from direct sunlight or may be subject to a variety of sunlight induced maladies.
Mythological, religious, and folkloric figures such as the Devil, Santa Claus, and Odin all exist in this universe, and may interact with our characters.
It is becoming commonplace for people to openly and unironically identify as being evil, and there is even a political lobby going on to make it constitutionally illegal to discriminate against people for being evil.
The School
A blocky, ominous building with an asymmetrical, layout sort of L shaped, sort of shaped like a triangle. It is modeled after a castle to the extent that it even has slots for crossbows, and it stands four storeys high with two additional levels underground. The property is located in a rural area, not far from town, and has many acres of field and forest, as well as an outdoor pool, a stable, a student maintained garden, and a picnic area. Most of the forest is off limits to students, and is separated from the rest of the property by a three board wooden fence, with chicken wire buried underneath to keep the god-knows-what in the woods from digging through.
The school has an eccentric indoor design, with an abundance of rooms with various purposes. The supplies are well stocked, not that the staff do not constantly complain about how low the budget supposedly is.
Staff and students come in various species, including but not limited to humans.
The School is headed by Oak Bergman
The School Rules
This school boasts a lax set of rules, and some nefarious actions can even get you extra credit, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t things that you can’t get away with if caught.
- Students are not allowed to attack teachers.
- Students must not destroy school property without permission.
- Students may not partake in debauchery.
- Students aren’t allowed to directly sabotage student’s studies without permission from a teacher. Sabotaging other students by attacking them, cursing them, or attempting to murder them is encouraged.
- Students may wear anything as long as they are actually clothed, except on field trips and inspection days, when they will wear the uniform.
- Students may leave campus only with written administrative permission.
The rooms are all co-ed, and some house two students while others house three, some yet house four; As well, if any of the students in the room is ranked expendable, the higher ranking students may elect to kick them out.
There are four groups of dorms, each arranged in a horseshoe around a lounge area.
The dorms are located in the center of the school, in line with the main entrance and behind the auditorium. To the immediate east of the dorms and lounge is the cafeteria, cooking classroom, and kitchens; To their immediate west is the the clinic and infirmary.
Room Assignments
De-roomed Expendables
Unroomed Students
Student Classifications
After the first two weeks of school, students will be assigned classifications based on what either they have been enrolled for, or for what the school decides for them based on your personality, species, ethnic background, interests, and skillset. Their classification may not be determined immediately after your analysis, but usually it is.
The following is a list of examples, by no means complete. Note that a student may have more than one classification.
- Macro Dictator – If you show prowess in government, leadership, propaganda, public speaking, and usurpment.
- Micro Dictator – If you can’t really pervert a country or just don’t want to, you could always hold random people prisoner.
- Cultist – They come as they please, but they’d better not leave. Also, have they found Cthulhu yet? I kind of lost him.
- Mad Scientist, Biological – If you are fond of torturing others, science, vivisection, and bioengineering, as well as going against scientific and traditional morality, here goes.
- Mad Scientist, Chemical – Chemistry for the morally objectionable- Mind control serums and whatnot.
- Mad Scientist, Mechanical -Take over the world with your evil robot army, or just extort the public with $600 tractor beams.
- Street Criminal – For those who wish to rule the world from it’s sordid underbelly.
- Extremist – It’s thy way or the highway…. to Hell!
- Consumer – For those who decide to take a leaf from Hannibal Lector’s or Baba Yaga’s books, learning to “serve man” can be quite rewarding.
- Black Magician – Let’s raise some hell, shall we?
- Destroyer – All before your footsteps will find themselves under your footsteps in due time.
- Trickskter – You do as you please and get away with it through cunning.
- Unfair one – Foolish mortals can expect short, miserable lives at the hands of the unseelie.
- Et Cetera.
Student Rankings
In the third trimester of their first year is when students usually receive their rank, though being ranked sooner or later is not unheard of. A student’s rank can change at any time if they prove themselves worthy of promotion, or if they are condemned to become an expendable.
- Unranked – For most of their first year, the average student will be trained and treated as though they are a candidate for being either a villain or a henchman. This is mostly a period of observation, and at the end of this observation period they will be sorted into their ranks.
- Villain – Student villains are of the more respected ranks, and are expected to pursue an active role in villainy. They may learn combat and other hands-on skills, but their rank is defined by reputation, leadership, and planning.
- Henchman – Another respected rank, defined by subservience, handiwork, and strength. Henchmen are expected to serve the villains. A student henchman will come to take the role of soldier, lab assistant, acolyte, or any other position that might serve under a villain.
- Expendable – Expendables are considered to be little more than cannon fodder for the education of the former mentioned ranks, generally subject to vivisection, imprisonment, and general abuse since they’re the designated victims in the more hands-on assignments of the other students. Their education may or may not cease, and it isn’t unheard of for expendables to die. (Sometimes several times.) While higher ranked students are allowed to sabotage each other, if a teacher assigns them to target anybody, it will be an expendable.
The Classes
The school boasts a wide variety of classes, such as those taught by
- Ebenezer Scratchwick – Lair Economics – Catching and Cooking Exotic Meats
- Dr. Rosemary Sullivan – Intro to Mad Science – Bioengineering and Vivisetion – Notorious Neuroscience
- Crevan Priest – Dastardly Debate – Dark Arts and Crafts – Potions Through The Ages
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