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Posted by Cain on July 28, 2014 at 7:46 pmMetro rp
Cain replied 10 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 6 Replies -
6 Replies
-Dur-El awoke in the remnants of what was once Lexcorp after the iv in his arm finally ran try of the extreme narcotic they used to subdue him and run tests on his genetic structure. He was on a metal lab table held down by steel straps but now that he wasent under the influence of the drug he flexed his body easily breaking them. He busted through the wall into what looked like a war zone looking up he saw a drone shoot him with a laser that knocked him back into Lexcorp but as he slowly got back up his skin now had a shine to it that was just right to reflect blasts such as the one he was just hit with. He used his super speed to take off out of Metropolis and heading towards Gotham.-
She watched and listened to him. He was something to be respected and she knew that her body was starting to adjust to the new inputs but her mind was still running at 1000 miles an hour about what she was about to do. Asking herself questions like, is this the right thing? Is the risk worth it? Would making the perfect hero be the right idea? It was too late now she thought as she felt him pick her up and hold her to him. Reaching out she gripped the container of red energy and held it close as he held her in his arms. His movements where stable at first but then she jerked when he took off like a bullet from a rail gun. She curled in closer as the force of the wind was harsh like a tropical storm was close. Closing her eyes her legs moved some against his arms as she tried to curl in closer for protection. In this moment she was showing just how frail she was that she was still just human and had fear just like everyone else. The truth was she used that fear to fuel her she was done now her crime fighting days officially over and she was sitting here working on training the next hero probably greater than this planet had ever seen. Closing her eyes and trusting him she rested feeling the water spray against her cool but harsh at the speeds they were going. He may have been shielding her but at these speeds it still was a harsh trip.
As they landed she caught her breath and looked up to him her hair frazzled and heading against him from the force of the winds that had caught it. Then she felt his chest expand and then heard the explosion and peaked out to see the debris of the droid scattered about the ground she knew what it was and knew now that they had made it to what was left of good old Metropolis. Things really went to hell after the war and after superman left. Hearing his words she looked down at her container and checked the power level on the magnetic containment and sighed it would hold tell they arrived. Adjusting again her legs loved slightly but not much she was regaining control of them slowly it seemed and then nodded and she felt like she was slammed against him when he took off surprised at the speeds they went. Where they stopped though surprised her though it really shouldn’t have she had a hidden lair as well and what better way than to hide it in plain sight she thought.
Feeling him reach out while still holding her and the elevator lower she staid quit. She didn’t have anything to say to him quite yet. When the elevator came to a slow stop she sighed and saw the doors open. Sure enough it looked like your standard advanced lab. When he stepped out and something grabbed him his hand left holding her legs and they dropped to the ground and she found she was able to hold herself up though not the best she sighed. “One step at a time Muse one step at a time. Remember when Wayne broke his back it was one step at a time.” She then heard his comment about being bullet proof. “That’s why I’m going to make you more than bullet proof.” She said and took a breath and took a step and stumbled shoulder slamming into the wall as she caught herself quickly a hand came out to tell him to stay back as she righted herself and took another smaller step this was shaky but doable. It was then that she realized her crime fighting Carrere was over for good. Carrying that container like it was precious she had also snuck one of the bullets his body had pushed out with her in her belt. She needed a new body and Lex corps had the technology she needed for that her company didn’t touch genetics at least not on that level.
As she turned a corner she collapsed and a Droid came around the corner heading straight for Dur-El it completely by passed her light she wasn’t even there. Reaching into her belt she pulled out a batarang and tossed it as it flew out it quickly turned around and shot around the corner and into the power core of the droid and set off an EMP that overloaded the power supply and the droid blew up almost right in Dur-El’s face. Taking a deep breath realizing the droid was destroyed she called back. “You okay? And maybe you should go first.” She said sitting there for a moment before slowly fighting to get back to her feet using the wall to stabilize herself.
-Dur-El nodded and past her heading into the main chamber of the lab where he had broken free from. His body was much stronger since that had and his mind sharper but he still felt a cold feeling like he was being watched by something that new to much and his fear was soon made into reality as a heavy footstep was heard behind him and the creature was half cybernetic and half human or better said half metahuman as it began to churn up the chemicals around the lab before he filled the new fluid that it had created into five syringe.
Dur-El walked over and picked up the woman who was teaching him though he just now realized he really didnt know who she was. He found a huge metal crate and put the woman inside it for protecting from the chemicals that were most likely deadly to a human.
Dur-El then used his speed to be in the creatues feet where he roared at a high pitch that made the circuits in the creature’s cybernetics go crazy which drove it to try and stab him with two of the needless but they bent and then as the solution cracked and fell onto his skin it began to steam so he quickly moved over and stuck his arm in water to wash away the acid.
Dur-El saw the creature above the woman holding a needle up preparing to stab her so he pulled one of the bone spurs that were in his shoulder off before throwing it as half as he could imbedding it in the creature spinal cord so it was stuck standing up and it was making a face like it wanted to scream but the cyber half took away its ability to express its emotions. Dur-El knew if Brainic got his way all humans would be a creature like this or worse.He then lead the woman over to the Luthor vaults where everything secrete was kept and once He opened his eyes wide looked through the steel seeing files and also pieces of rock{dur-el dosent know what kryptonite is yet}. He punches the key pad making it unlock the huge door and as it open Dur-El fell to one knee suffering the effects of the green rock just like the rest of his race.-
She watched him head to the main lab and smiled. He was brave this made her happy and then she heard it the large cyborg come walking up. Watching the grotesque looking thing start to make the chemicals boil as they mixed and she realized this was not going to be good. She had dealt with Meta humans before but not cybernetic enhanced ones. Seeing gas raising from some of the jars she reached down to her belt and pulled out a rebreathe device and placed it against her face and nose it now made her look like she was in a solid suit save for her hair being exposed. Her eyes where then covered by the mask and it was all the protection she would have from the harsh chemicals while he fought.
She was still holding that canister with the energy in it like it was most important thing she had here save for him. Then out of nowhere she was snatched up and she saw him briefly when he set her in a metal container and closed her in. well now she was safe from the chemicals but only tell she ran out of air. Closing her eyes Sandra did her best job to not think about the enclosed space she was in and twitched some controlling her breathing so as not to blow through the little air she had. Hearing the combat going on outside left her wondering who was winning. Then she saw it the container opened and there that thing was with a needle of who knows what baring down on her she was already reaching for her belt when it jerked to a halt and was now standing straight up and blinked. All she could think was this wasn’t going to end well. The acid dripped from the tip of the needle and she shifted to protect the canister as it hit her shoulder and bubbled and ate through a small part of the suit but it was stopped before it could get to her flesh.Getting helped out of the container she steadied herself against him and then walked as they got to the vault and saw the kryptonite vault and watched how he opened it as if it was no big deal. Well she was planning on getting him to be immune to it but not like this. She watched him quickly drop to one knee and placed a hand on his shoulder. “That stuff is called Kryptonite It weakens Kryptonions. But with you eventually it will no longer effect you given time. I was going to expose you to it in smaller doses to allow you to slowly gain the immunity after I explained what it was and what it would do to you. Seems I did not have that chance. She reached over and gripped a leaver and pulled it the door manually closed cutting him off form the radiation. “Let’s be more careful as we travel through here tell we know this place is safe and can inventory what is in it please?” she asked kindly her hand still resting on his shoulder where the bone spur was already growing back. “Do you know how to read?” she asked him. Thinking he may not know how granted he got information quickly she didn’t know if he actually read it or not he was a mystery one she intended to teach and help grow up to be a strong man like the two men she knew he had been looking for both became heroes in their own right.
-Dur-El nodded understanding her point of being more careful so he decided this place needed locked down if they planned to work down here uninterrupted so he bent his knees and began to run in every corridor to every exit flipping switching turning on the defense systems that those that worked here previously hadn’t had the time to activate.
He watched as all the doors sealed shut but there was air purifiers so they didnt have to worry about suffocating now and there was no chance of Brainic breaking inside as they place was made to with stand Superman himself. Now that Dur-El knew what kryptonite was he now noticed it was everywhere but he also realized that with a type of metal it couldn’t effect him so he found a suit of this type of metal and put it on his spikes cutting through the shoulders and his knuckles through the hands so he knew he had to work fast. He moved at top speed collecting this weird stone and one he had all of it which was more sixteen tons worth of the weird stone but it seemed to come in different colors most of it was green but there was a few stones of red and black that were hidden around but with his x-ray vision he had been able to find it.
He would seal it quickly in the vault with the rest of it before removing the suit easily by just ripping it from his harden skin. He then heard her question having moved so fast it seemed she hadn’t taken much notice to him leaving”no i have never been taught how to read, i have something that gathers information that is important but anything else is just scratches to me”. He then found the power generator that powers the building and as he flipped it on the entire place seemed to glow as there were screens everywhere with information on all the heroes and villains of the past showing that Lex had a bad addiction for them.
Dur-El finally found a screen that interested him it showed a battle a long time ago between Superman and Doomsday where the giant beast won believing to have killed the man of steel. Lucky this was on a repeating audio track and he didn’t need to read the weird language the humans used. He returned to the woman looking at the jar she took everywhere with her”that red stuff sure seems important since you never let it out of your site, i did find a vilian on one of the screens that used an energy like that, he was called a lantern.”
She hadn’t exactly noticed he left but figured he was listening either way and took a sigh of releif. Hearing the place come to life and watching him put all the kryptonite in one place left her abit anxious but at least she knew where it all was. Holding onto the container she had with her she checked its battery she would need to find a power source for it soon before the magnetic locks failed but she had some time left to think and clear things. Hearing his words she was brought back to reality and tilted her head slightly then thought and chuckled. “That makes sense now. There was a green lantern on earth at one point in time Hal Jordan I think was his name but this isn’t green it’s red.” Her thoughts then drifted again and she walked down to the computer termanil he had been looking at and flipped to it and looked upon the screen and smiled. “Well well looks like there is more to lex corp then he ever lead on…” She shook her head and thought this place needed to be destroyed and she figured that he wouldn’t argue about that but she wasn’t done here not yet there was still work to be done.
She took to typing into the terminal as she found a layout of the facility and found the main lab area for Genetics and nodded. Walking down the halls she left him for the time being letting him explore now he had been through quit a bit already she shouldn’t push him to hard to fast he needed time to adjust get used to who and what he was. She knew about that all to well. Walking down the hall she stood in front of the door to the genetics lab and wondered if this was going to be the smartest or dumbest idea she ever had. Then she tapped a few keys and the door jerked for a second then slid open and she stepped inside and what she saw horrified her. Some of the Cloning tanks had already been broken and yet others things still rested in. Walking through the area she looked across them and then walked over to the computer system and pulled it up and saw a plug and checked it them placed her Canister into it and the battery instantly starting charging but the computer also started to analyze the material or in this case the energy inside it and started to look through its database for a match.
She looked to the screen as the data came up and pulled up the red Lantern information. Seemed lex kept more secrets then just him being a crime lord. continuing her research at this point she thought about setting up her new base of operations here and shutting down and converting certin areas of this facility. Then she thought of Gotham and realized she couldn’t do that she would be here only as long as it took she needed to protect that city she made a promise though she wondered if that would be able to be done. Realizing that a new body was needed she decided it best to stay here tell she was able to create one. She brought up the file on the things that where in the cloning pods.
Looking over the file she hmmed and thought curious as to what and why? “So you where cloning Dur-El interesting but you infused them with more of doomsday why?” While reading the file one of the capsles opened but she didn’t notice as she was ingrossed in reading the file before her. It stepped out and saw her and tilted its head unsure how to react to her as its programing and thoughts hadn’t fully started running yet so she was still mildly unaware of him.
-Dur-El followed her but not very close his secound sense kept pulling him towards terminals that he learned from mostly hero’s of the past but a few villain’s. He quickly analyzed them for weakness if someone never tried to copy there style, nothing was really known of the gotham villains but alot on metropolis. Dur-El found one that said acess denied so he walked away planning to learn how to acess it later. Dur-El felt like a part of himself was tore away so he hurried to findntue woman which lead him to discover a clone of himself standing there. He launched himself with him extreme speed knocking it into a vault of what appeared to be a well hidden collection of items from the past one of such being a yellow lantern. The beast fully awake blasted Dur-El with heat vision but luckly with the new shine to his chest he was like a mirror so it bounced off through a painting. Dur-El used super speed to be in its face and knock it down. While it was down he forced the mouth open and blew his icey breath into the creature untill it was frozen solid. Dur-El walked over to the woman”once u find ur stuff we need to work on my attacks”.-
She didn’t seem phased initially that he came rushing in tell she heard the crash. Turning in shock she watched the fight and realized he needed to work on his combat skills. He was growing stronger and learning how to use his skills but he needed to learn that killing is not always the answer but in this case she figured it was the best way to keep them both alive. Watching him walk over she heard his statement and took a breath and sighed. “We will in time you seem to be doing good but yes we will work on your fighting skills.” Turning back to the console she started to work again and rain an analysis of the energy and then uploaded her sequencing for venom and ran the two together and let the system fight with a way to merge the two so that they would work with each other as she started to pull up the DNA information that Lexcorp had stored down here and pulled up a re-sequencing tool. She pulled up Dur-El’s DNA and then DNA for the Flash took a deep breath. “alright that’s a start.” she then set those to coding the two strengths together as she started to dig up other useful DNA. Finding the sequencing for the Meta-Human version of Catwoman she blinked and then shifted that into the mix as the system continued its work. She then found information on the Lazarus Isotope and shifted that over into the mix after reading what it did. “Would these clones be worth while for training opponents or would you rather we work with something else?” She asked as she continued flipping through the DNA files that where here.
-Dur-El shrugs his shoulders at her question”if you can edit there dna so that they fight in different ways then they will be fine”. He had been slowly learning from the terminals how humans worked and he guessed these creatures were humans mutated by his own DNA. Dur-El began to search the rest of the room guessing she would now be more careful with releasing his clones. He found an arsenal full of robotic suits a few of them looking like they would be used for space travel and others for deep sea diving. He turned and found a huge suit double Dur-El’s height that was bright green and radiating energy of different kinds but it didn’t seem to effect him so he guessed it wasn’t kryptonite so he walked closer trying to figure out what it was he accidental clicks it sending a yellow blast through his chest just missing his heart and piecing his left lung. knocking him to his knees as he coughed up blood and he fell on his face with his eyes wide open and to anyone that didnt know his heritage would think he just killed himself but he slowly pushed himself back to his feet breathing deeply as his lung healed and then his chest. He coughed the last bits of blood as a spur grew out of his chest from the spot he had been shot. He then felt his skin vain up pulsing the energy to expunge it as it tried to corrupt him but his DNA wouldn’t allow it so it was pushing out of his veins and evaporated as it exited his body. He then watched his body shine gold for a second before it vanished. He decided to drag the armor by the arm while he made his way back to the woman”look what I found in the back.”
The system continued to fly with information as she shifted dna around and added to the strand she was designing at the station. Finally the energy pattern and the venom composition had completed and she brought it up beside the dna strand. She then turned as she heard the sound of metal and something large being drug about. Turning she looked at the massive suit and blinked. “What is it?” she asked walking over she had an idea but didn’t know what it was for she didn’t realize the silliness of her question. As she got close she tapped a button on the side near the chest and watched the battle suit open up. “Hum” She wearily started to look around inside without actually crawling in. “I think it’s a battle suit of some sort but I don’t know for sure if I can find the power source it might help. It also might help in your training.”
In a small square room, there was abnormally dark corner that faded into normal room lighting, Revealing Amelia yawning and stretching out her arms. She then rubbed her eyes loosely and stood up from her lounging space. She felt slight pain in her body and let out an almost inaudible moan, whispering under her breathe, “Never forget to stretch again.” She was in her normal dress minus her make up, seeing as it has not been on her top priority list. She wiggles her nose as she rubbed her arms, the room was chilly. She quickly scanned the room to check for any changes from when she first took refuge in it. A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she found it completely the same. She then lifted her feet of the floor and floated towards a corner across from the door, surrounding herself in darkness. She reaches her hand out towards the door and the handle turns and the door slowly opens. She sat in the corner, waiting for what seemed like forever, then dropped from her perch and removed the darkness and left the room, closing the door behind her as quietly as possible. She walks down the hallway and up to a window that is shattered. She jumps out of the window just to float up to the roof tops. After landing, she looked down at the city.
-Dur-El decided he didn’t want anything to do with that suit now so he decided he was starting to feel hungry so he decided he would leave Lexcorp to hunt for food. His first stop was a food market that had huge holes through it and pieces of skeletons which made him guess were from the attacks of Brainiac. He began to explore finding cans and frozen goods that didn’t have a date on them so he found a huge crate the stuffed it full of items before hoisting it above his head and carting it back to lexcorp. He looked around the surface seeing a droid flying around trying to detect them so he puts the crate down before picking up a sewer cap and began to flip it before throwing it as hard as he could before it slashed right through the droid making it explode. He then picked it up and made his way through the vehicle port and made his way back to her”hungry?”.While he was gone she continued to inspect the suit finally pulling its memory bank and its power supply. Walking over she fidgeted with several of the systems and managed to connect both once she figured it out. Pulling up the schematics and the readings on the power source she blinked and shifted some. “let’s see here so if I were to do that it would okay hum?” She finally took and grabbed orange and green then took the violet and added those into the mix and waited for reconstruction to commence it didn’t take long before it came back rejected and she started to put in other combinations tell she finally realized the energies would not work together. Figuring she had the greatest of them she left it be and then set the final dna strand with the strand of dna from the venom and energy constitution and set those two to combine and the system set to work as she turned around and took a shaky step she saw Dur-EL come back and as if she was hungry. Sandra smiled at him. “lets see what we got to eat.” She started to go through the crate sorting the food out and soon had it all organized out on a medical table. “Okay now to make us something to eat.”
Amelia saw an abnormal thing while looking down at the city. She actually saw non-robotic movement. Her jaw dropped, she was in awe. It didn’t end there. After the figure reemerged from the market, it had a giant crate full of food. At the sight of it, Ameliia’s stomache growled. She promptly put a hand on her stomache and quietly shushed it. She watched as the figured picked up a sewer cover and blew up a droid. Again her jaw dropped. She hadn’t seen this kind of action in what seemed like forever. She couldn’t let this go without finding out who this was. She collected darkness around her once more and leaped from the roof to follow the figure I the air. She paused in shock when he entered Lexcorp. Unsure of if it would be safe to enter or not she decided to fly around the building for possible entrenches and exits.
-Dur-El waited for the food to be made as he found the computer system she was running scans on and he began to read over it kept finding this red system being repeated. He went over to another terminal is the second brain ran his fingers over the keyboard till he found the red lanterns used the power rage. He then found the blue lanterns that were there counter opposite and it pulled up the info and correction that could be made to the red to make it pull its power from hope instead. Dur-El reading this went back over to the terminal she has been working on and punched in the data to change it unsure if it would work.
Now with that finished he decided to explore more of the lab finding himself drawn back to the weapons bunker where he found a sword made of what seemed to be the spikes that grew out of his own skin. He picked it up finding he enjoyed the feel of the blade in his hand before giving it a swing and without meaning to cuts one of lex’s droid suits in half. Dur-El smirks at this finding that he finally had a real weapon to use on anything that got in his way but he had more planned now as he need to get stronger to take this city back from braniac and at that moment something clicked in his head and he walked over to the weapon terminal and began to go over all the information gather since the beginning of time starting with learning how to read and write and ending in what many believed to be kryptonian.
He now had a mind set that better suited his age and he walked back into the armory and found a machine that tested how strong you were by adding weight by the second until you back off so he walked over to it sitting the blade by a tank and going under the machine before turning it on and instantly the machine starting pushing down and as the second passed more and more weight was added until he had almost three thousand pounds pushing down on him nearly crushing his body to dust but as his heart was about to beat its final beat his body adapted and he stood pushing back up on the machine until it broke.
He went to a shower and washed away the blood from his body from where he had broke apart and now that the blood was gone he was shocked at what he saw that most of his skin was covered in the jagged bone like spurs and what wasn’t the spikes seemed to be made out of steel from when she had shot at him. He was slowly growing stronger like his father but he had to overcome his father be something that was superior if he ever wished to defeat brainiac.
He went and found Sandra and if the new look or the sword didn’t surprise her the way he spoke would”you have three days to finish your work then we move out, we have wasted enough time here this planet has long since seen a true hero and it has payed because of it so finish your work and we move out back to gotham, oh and the computer picked up motion outside but it cant detect what it is so one of the droids may have a stealth ability, or were not the only living things in this war zone which means they could be worse things then brainiac to worry about.”-
As she cooked she started setting the meal out on the table and smiles humming softly. As she finished working on the meal she watched Dur-El return from where he was and blinked tilting her head then watched him look at the computer figuring he was investigating and checks the meal to make sure everything was fine. She then saw it was done and heard what he had to say and smirks. “So I see you have learned a thing or two while I was cooking.” She said then crossed her arms as she was given three days. “Alright so three days? I should be done by tonight if everything goes well.” She then walked over and checked the sequencing not what was input into it seeing it was 90% complete she nodded and walked over to a second system and started to pull up the specs on the cloning pods and the software needed to run them and waited. As she was hitting buttons she acedintly hit a transfer button and sent the completed dna sequence to a cloning pod and it set to work silently. “Alright so I guess it’s time to download this.” She then pulled out a data chip and plugged it in as the information was downloaded down to it and hummed. “Foods ready you can eat if you want just leave the lone sandwich alone that is mine.” She told him and continued to work. “Also I think you have grown quite a bit but are you sure you’re ready to start fighting? We haven’t even completed your training.”
She found a spot on the roof of the building to land. After a quick look around the roof she dropped the shadow from around her. She walked over to a vent and smirked. After cracking her knuckles, she reached her hands out towards the vent and jerked her wrist to the left and the screws slowly made their way out. The screws floated the short distance from the holes into her palms, she made a pulling motion towards her abdomen and the cover of the vent flew at her. She caught it real quick and laid it and the screws quietly next to the new opening. She looked at the opening and sighed. “Why does everything need to be so dark?” She whispered aloud to herself. She snapped her fingers and a small lick of fire appears above them. She whispered sweet nothings to the tiny flame and pushed it into the vent. She crawled in after it, letting it light her way.
-Dur-El turned back to the computer while he thought about her question and he saw the woman appear on the roof and he tapped the keyboard a few times even though he was a bit smarter he wasn’t any type of genius yet. He found a code to seal the vent on the roof so nothing could follow her. He then sealed any route that would divert from where they were located they didn’t need her in the arsenal till he found out if she was friend or fiend. Dur-El turned back to her”anything worth fighting will teach me but there is a few things from here we will need and ill get that together before we leave. He brings up a system built into the building and he makes it so every few seconds a flash of green kryptoknite would flash through the room they were in which made him sick but he needed to get stronger before he pulls up another system and a huge basin of water rose up in the middle of the room just missing the table. He walked over and picked up some random things making sure not to bother her sandwich. He ate it all quickly before walking over to the basin feeling the radiation building up around the basin which made him guess this was made to cage superman.
Once he entered the basin it sealed itself shut not that he was scared if something went wrong he could bust out but then his eyes burst open as he realized that he couldn’t because of the radiation going through the room which made him gasp at the thought allowing water to enter his mouth and lungs and he steadied himself as he made two fists and let the water fills his lungs and body and his vision began to turn black as he passed out and a minute later his heart beat slowed nearing close to not being detectable. It reach the point where it beat one every ten seconds before it began to beat with power.
His eyes snapped open and he took a deep breath not through his mouth but the gills that formed on his chest and small holes formed on his back that pushed out the water that was already in his lungs so he could breath through his gills and his skin no longer was rock like but breathed and looked more like that of a shark and his mouth opened wider and his teeth grew longer and a film grew over his eyes so he could now see.
He still felt the radiation pouring into the room but luckily the system he had created had detected his death so the top unsealed and he was able to crawl out more fish like now then a man having fins coming off his elbows and webbed feet and hands and his spurs now appeared as perfect black spikes instead of the jagged stone like appearance.
His skin shined green from the radiation knowing it wasn’t enough to make him immune but he now wouldn’t drop the second he was exposed to it. He made his way over to the computer and shut down the system thinking this would have given the woman in the vents enough time to make her way down to where they were currently located so he picked up his sword which was weighed a little to him meaning he lost a little bit of his strength he had gained prior so that he could now swim easily. He swung his sword cutting the vent that the woman was in so that she would fall into the basin of water so she wouldn’t hurt herself.-
She munched on her sandwich as he ate away and blinked then watched the green filtering in and glanced about thinking and them wondered. once he climbed into the tank she watched it seal and she stopped in front of the computer tapping away at the screens and smirked turning to watch him.”I see what you are doing there.. Lets see how this plays out. This actually saves me having to set it up back home but now I wont piss you off doing it.” she thought this would be a life saver. Watching him start to crawl out after a time she smiled and heard the crawling and looks up then back down at him thinking. “Well lets see here. that’s a new look radical change but I dont see it being a problem for now.” she walked over as she watched him cutting the vent and the woman drop down into the tank and tilts her head. “Well what do we have here?”
Amelia fallowed the light, surprised to find that there were not very many paths. It seemed like there was only one passage through this giant building. Still she followed her light up to a point that a blade sliced in front of her, extinguishing her flame, seeing as it swung straight through it, and she slide face first into water. Her mouth filled as well as her lungs with water as she gasped in shock and then she quickly shut her mouth and swam disorientately towards the top of the water. Eventualy she climbed out of the tank of water and coughed up water. Her eyes watered and she gasped for air. She stood up and looked at both the creature and the woman. She waved her hands behind her and all the water that was on her flew behind her and back into the tank. “I… I saw food,” She said, bashfully looking down at her feet. She felt foolish for not thinking about her actions sooner.
-Dur-El decided this woman wasent worth killing so he turned to the table of food then to Muse and nodded before he walked over to the corner and placed his sword down before he start smacking in commands on the computer and he scanned the are seeing that braniac was drawing closer seeing as he must have followed this woman most likly without her knowledge. He turned to muse once more and spoke to both “hurt muse and you be walking back to Gotham stubs”. He pressed a button and the floor opened reveling a passage that was full of water that lead to the river that ran next to this building and he leaped in with a splash and now he swam with the speed he ran and came out behind the robots so he slowly snuck up and once he was five feet from them they sensed him and he smiled as he leaped forward pulling out the cord that ran up the robots spine paralyzing it. Four more of them turned and he lifted up the body using it as a shield as they shot and he punched another in the face and it fell over as it cybernetic skull crushed. Dur-El then picked up one of there guns and shot the other two in minor cords so that they would be broken but still able to be examined and he had plans for them. He noticed a master droid was walking up this thing stood at nine feet tall and was fierce with power what shocked Dur-El was the crest on the creatures chest was of the house of Zod so this thing was from the Phantom Zone. Dur-El felt anger that someone of his homeland was controlled like this and he felt a burning feeling as the symbol of El was on his chest and he shot fire into the eyes of the cyborg but it smacked it away. Dur-El ran and jumped slamming his fists into the top of its head but it smacked Dur-El away where he was impacted into the building knocking the breath out of him. He looked up and the creature picked him up and began dragging him to back to his base for processing. Dur-El waited until it was close to the water before he used his massive strength to knock the cyborg and himself into the water and it began to short circuit. He swam over and ripped the wires out of its head making the phantom regain control over its cybernetic body. Dur-El picked it up and swam out of the water and back to the river bank laying the man on the ground as he waited for the man to come to terms with what had happened. It jumped at Dur-El which made him sigh as he held up the disk that had been around the creatures wrist and it realized what was happening at the last second so it stopped and dropped to its knees and begged so Dur-El put the disk away for now. It began to rip wires out of its body while it watched Dur-El”ill follow you if you dont send me to that desert hell again”. Dur-El smirked as he nodded”you could become a good ally if you dont try and kill me or my friend”. It nodded and followed Dur-El into the base and back to Muse which he knew would make her freak out so he began to explain”i broke the control Braniac has over this guy and I figure he could come in handy getting back to Gotham and he will help us anyway we want because if he dosent ill send him to a place worse then hell”.
Sandra listened to the girl and watched Dur-El leave. She smiled to her and handed the girl the other half of her sandwich. “Alright well here is something to eat. Sneaking around is not always the best idea. Maybe letting us know you were here would help. Would you like me to help you train?” She asked the young woman she had offered her sandwich as Dur-El was gone. She then walked over and saw everything was finished and downloaded it onto a data chip and slipped it into her belt then deleted the file from the computer. Turning to see Dur-El come back with the monstrous thing she shifted some. “Okay so you have control of the situation good… Um yeah we probably should leave I have what I need and have erased it from the system so that it can’t be stolen.. Seeing how I’m the only one who can’t fly who is going to be carrying me?” her back had actually strengthened some as she had been here working.
Amelia shyly took a bit of the sandwhich and her eyes widened. She then downed the rest of the sandwhich in a few seconds. She recoiled a bit when she watched Dur-El come in with the cyborg. “My levitation ability isn’t the fastest, but I could try to fly, unless you want to go really fast, then you could always carry me. I don’t want to be a bother. I have been too much of one as is.” She gave a half smile and shyly put one of the locks of her hair behind her ear.
-Dur-El looked to his kin before walking between Sandra and Amelia reaching his slick foamy skin making sure the sandpaper outer skin didnt touch them with fear it would rip there flesh. Dur-El then nodded to his kin and in a flash of lightening he was running out of the building and then on the water itself as his fins extended out and he felt the humid air around him made his eyes slit and a film covered them as he dived into the water but with his fins out in front of both of the girls no water would touch them because an air pocket formed around them and he could hear the vibrations above them telling him his kin was following. He was outside of Gotham within two hours of the swim and as he launched himself out landing in the Wayne Manor placing them on the couch before he walked back outside to find his kin was no where to be found and he was suspicious of this. He then looked to them both before he spoke”ill return shortly im heading out to see if ive been followed and to see if anyone needed my help while we were away”.
A woman sat inside of a panic room in the bottom of the Lex Corp. She had been in the same dress for days just because she didn’t want to go and get her stuff. Her hair was only on half of her head, drooping long over her face. Her makeup was rubbed off as she looked at the door. She took in a deep breath and decided it was time to come out of the panic room. She walked over to it and peeked out through a tiny hole. She saw a drone go by and she backed off quick. She went to a spot out of sight of the hole and curled back up. She had to think of a plan to go and get some of the things, including materials to get a way out of there.
~None can escape the fear that the Lord of Time can invoke.~Inside a facility in Metropolis some….thing has been found and brought in for study within the wasteland. It has been strapped to a table and is being looked over by research bots. It is being scanned over. A remote control even. It has organs, and yet it also has circuitry. It appears to be a cyborg. However, it’s organic parts do no appear to be like any terrestrial creature that exists. IT’s entire anatomy seems to in fact be made to work well with it’s inorganic parts. It has blood even. And a nervous system. It is large and has hidden weapons in it’s arms and torso. It doesn’t have a mouth that can be seen. But…it also seems to breath. There is within it, a large presence of bacteria and fungus. Which seem to not be a disease of any kind. They seem to actually help produce fuel for the organism. From water. It appears to be partially nuclear powered. With thorium reactors located within the torso…
The extensive overview and scanning takes place for hours as research bots analyze it. However. Eventually. It’s eyes glow. And it looks about. It itself observing it’s environment. The machines around it. It tries to move at first but is restrained. It makes a Gorilla like noise angered. And jerks in its restraints as it breaks free through its reinforced restrains easily and gets up. An alarm sounds. It hears drones flying and footsteps.
The creatures crouch and jumps leaving behind a dent in the ground ground. It goes through floor after floor. Until it shoots out the roof. It goes 200 feet into the air and then lands. It’s landing makes a large crater as the ground shakes for a second. It picks it feet and walks out. Looking around. Taking in it’s surroundings. It gets blasted in it’s side and pushed into a building.
A large robot aims it’s energy beam at SR causing it to fly in through a buildings wall. 2 more of the bots land. They all aim at the hole in the building. There is a shaking heard as SR comes from the 5 floors up and pounce one bot. SR53 mercilessly smashes him into the ground with his fist and picks up the remains of the bot. It uses it to shield itself from another blast. Then just tosses it into the other. Another blasts him in his back and this time SR does not get knocked back.
SR turns around and runs through the laser the ground shaking as he makes footprints with each step. SR grabs the bot by the face and picks it up. It bashes it face first into the ground repeatedly. It does so multiple times in quick succession. A very simple yet effective means of destroying it. It then throws it over a block away with a swift toss. It turns to the remaining bot who is getting up.
It gets right back down as SR lands on it. SR picks it up and holds it over it’s head. Then over a few seconds, it tears the bot in two. It roars triumphantly into the air. Drones fly over and it throws the bots torso at it to knock it down. Then the lower torso at another.
It roars as more appear and jumps away. It lands on the wall of a building. It looks back at the drones then jumps off the building into the distance as drones fly after it to chase it.
-Cassandra heard distant sounds and noticed all seemed to go quiet outside of her immediate door. She had a feeling the drone took off into the distance to solve the possible issue going on. She took her chance and opened the panic room door. She looked around at the various things in her lowest lab be semi destroyed. She figured some of the sounds earlier were what destroyed most of it. She went looting around for a battle suit, her delicate hands stroking over cases of broken glass and destroyed stuff galore. She couldn’t really find a full one so she took the top of one, the legs of another and drug them with much strain into the panic room.
She returned out of her hidey hole in order to search out some more parts, gathering circuits and tools. She gathered up enough to work with in all of them and brought them into her hiding hole. She foraged for food, water, and dared to go upstairs once all of it was safely in the panic room and sealed.
She looked at all of the broken bits of offices and such. She took the stairs because the elevator seemed to be whining. She walked the whole way to the top, the office that was supposed to be hers. She stepped into the closet and grabbed some clothes, her hearing a whirring sound behind her. She turned and saw a drone looking right at her. She gazed at it and was shivering. “GO THE FUCK AWAY!” The drone swooped at her and she rolled out of the way.
She ended up under the desk and noticed a gun under it. She grabbed it and got out from under the desk and aimed for where the drone had swooped. It was gone. She panted out of fear and couldn’t hear the whirring. She screamed, “SHOW YOURSELF!”
She was shivering and when she silenced herself she turned around to see the drone coming at her. She hit to fire at it but only got the empty click noise. “WHAT THE HELL!” She turned it to hold the muzzle and smacked the drone away with the butt of the barrel. The drone floated away a bit and seemed disoriented. It came back at her, though.
She threw the gun away and raised her leg up to kick the drone with her stiletto heel. It punctured through the drone into its hard-drive. But the last look the eye of the drone would have gotten was a peep under her dress. She walked away from it and took the clothing down and relocked herself into the panic room.-
~None can escape the fear that the Lord of Time can invoke.~SR lands in the street making a crater and looks up at the drones. It growls and walks into an alley. Then backhands a hole in the building and walks through into it. Drones fly in after it two get punched away by SR, it waiting for the drones to fly into it. In a cramped space. Their air superiority gone, SR grabs two and smashes together into another. He puts his arms into the ground, and rips up a chunk of ground and hurls it at the drones like a the drones. The fly back into the wall broken.
More drones appear soon. But by this time. SR is already gone.
SR in the sewers trudges through the tunnels.
-Cassandra stayed in her panic room and made sure everything was in place. Food in a refrigerator, the parts in a nice cleared out work space. She began putting together the upper and lower halves she found and connecting the wires as properly as possible. She tested the functions and tried to get them to work but suddenly the panic room door got blasted open. She guesses she was seen. Drones came in and tried to grab at her.
She screamed and tried to batter them off with a wrench, her leg finally starting to feel the pain from kicking that one drone earlier. She kept trying to bash them but didn’t see one of them come behind her. She felt a short electric shock and she went to the ground twitching. She was still alive but she had never been tazed before. The drones then lifted her and drug her out of Lexcorp. She gained her bearings and started screaming and trying to get loose from the attacking drones.
She made their flight path alter with their struggling so they stopped to hover until she wore herself out. She kept trying to get them to let go and was screaming at the top of her lungs, “GO THE FUCK AWAY! PUT ME DOWN! DIE!”-
SR looks around. From his perspective there is data about his face. No language known to earth. He looked at the water to scan it’s content. He sucks in the wastewaster for a bit. Then continues. On for sometime. Wandering about the sewers aimlessly. He is unknowingly in Lexcorps vicinity as he saunters aimlessly through the sewers.
SR hears a noise from above. His acute senses picking up on some meager vibrations through the ground. Like a scream. SR switches to thermal and sees a heat signature above him. He pauses for a few moments.
The ground shakes for a moment. Then it shakes again. A sewer cap flies up as something bursts from the ground. SR lands on the ground, the pavement cracking with his landing. SR looks Claws come out it hands and he runs forward at alarming speed for a creature his size. The ground shaking from his approach as he leaves footprints in the solid ground. SR is momentary blur as he jumps by the drone. Cassandra falls out of the drones grip as it falls apart into pieces.
Behind Cassandra, SR53 is jumping rapidly about tearing through drones slashing about the drones. He misses one, and lands on a wall. He stands on the wall, puts his fist to, and rips a part of the wall out. SR jumps forward and throws the chunk at the drone. He detracts his claws as he sees the last drone and lunges it. The drone attempts an evade as it fires at SR but he grabs it none the less adjusting it’s direction, and crushes it in his hands as if they were made of aluminium foil. He stops for a moment to look it over as if momentarily curious. Then takes it in his arms and crushes it as if it were made of aluminium foil.
It sees the woman, and tilts it’s head out of apparent curiosity. He exhales carbon dioxide gas from ea port in front of him. Then walks forward on all 4s rather slowly. He stops about 2 feet from her leaning towards her. *Sniff sniff sniff* It has a heavy breath as it sniffs in a manner similar like an animal. Smelling around her. It looks at her with it’s glowing eyes.
-Cassandra found herself plummeting to the ground but landing rather safely on her tush. She didn’t have much of one so it still hurt but it was enough to assure no damage was done. Her eyes tried to follow the zipping thing over head and each drone seemed to be at its mercy. Her mind raced with thoughts of how this could possibly be used, mostly weaponized first against the forces that had invaded the city then those who dare stand in her way.
Soon the carnage stopped and it was staring at her. It was even sniffing her, how disgusting. At the same time, she tried to think of it like a dog. She looked into the glowing eyes, hesitant but with thanks. She heard a much larger swarm of drones and saw half of them coming behind the beast. The rest were coming from behind her but she didn’t notice those ones. There must have been 300 in total.
She pointed behind the creature and yelled, “Watch out!”
The drones were coming on fast and some grabbed at her again. “Let me go!” She yelled at them as they tried to tug her and she flailed and attempted to kick them again, but they already had that leg. They started to drag her towards where they wanted her to go, to their leader. She still struggled against it and injured her fist a little on one. Her pointer and middle finger knuckles bled a bit.-
SR-53 was looking at her scanning body composition, when suddenly an absolutely enormous amount of drones enter. It heard the drones approaching and turned sharply as she pointed to them. As they swarmed he backhanded 8 away with a hefty swing. Then turned back to find he couldn’t see Cassandra anymore. There were so many of them, of these drones. SR had learned to hate these things.
He heard her yelling “Let me go!” He rammed through the drones smacking a sort of fog emanated from his shoulders as he walks forward. It surrounds a drone and shrinks crushing that drone. It goes over to the rest crushing them. Cassandra feels as if she landed on a cloud as the fog quickly goes to the floor below her and she floats to SR’s chest. Some of the fog wraps around her and SR forming a sort of baby harness like mold, attaching her to him.
SR-53 crouches down as he holds him arms to shield Cassandra. Then jumps off leaving a crater he jumps out the swarm to the side of a building. SR hears the drones chasing him and then jumps off the building, seemingly soaring through the air until he lands on a rooftop and doesn’t stop as he jumps away. Not wanting to lose momentum. He jumps to the side of a building and runs rapidly along the side leaving footprints in the wall and lands on the streets as he starts running. Getting faster and faster. He is at 60 mph and accelerating as he sees a small building ahead he holds his arms forward to shield Cassandra *CRASH CRASH CRASH* He sees a manhole in the street leading to the sewers.
He jumps over to it and raises his fist and he smashes a large hole in some shallow ground towards the sewers. And then jumps over into a dark alley. SR crouches down, and the fog lets Cassandra go. She has to lay on the floor as SR won’t let her get up. The fog forms a dumpster around the two as SR completely curls up around her. Not putting any of his weight on her.
Outside. Many of the drones fly into the sewer. Other fly about for a few minutes. Searching the area. One looks over the dumpster, and cannot see either of them. As SR is electromagnetically shielded. Cassandra’s heat signature is hidden. The drones after a few minutes disperse to search for the two.
The fog disperses and SR gets up off Cassandra. The fog seems to fly backing into SR through small pours in his back, behind his shoulders. Which then close. SR looks about standing straight up. Then back down Cassandra as he gets back down on all fours, like a gorilla. SR stands idol. Unaware of where to go. Or what to do exactly. He stops looking around. And then looks to Cassandra.
-Cassandra felt herself fall once more and land rather softly. She was confused by this but noticed her getting close to the robot that saved her before. She got what seemed like glued to his chest. She then said, “wait! Let me on your back!”
He was already off by the time she screamed that. She gripped on and silenced herself at each wall he hit or the ground. By the time they were in the dumpster, she saw it shielding them, this stuff that caught her. She heard the drones and covered her own mouth as to help not give their position away. She waited until it seemed they were safe, marked by him retracting the fog. She took a deep breath and watched him look back to her.
She sat herself up in the dumpster and looked at him. She thought for merely a second and said, “Can you understand me?”
She made sure to wait to see if he could comprehend, hoping for a nod yes or no. If not, this was going to be extremely difficult.-
SR stares at her for a while, an alien language appearing on his hud. It translates her language to one SR can actually understand. He slowly nods after about 10 seconds. Earth’s languages were rather well known amongst the universe. It is one of but many languages SR’s software can translate for him.
-Cassandra smiled and said, “Okay, I need you to help me get back to my home. It is…” She poked her head out of the dumpster to look at where they were then sunk back in. “It is that way,” She pointed to an approximate of North North East. “It’s not far but please don’t smash through it or those thing will be able to follow us.” She wanted to get back to the panic room and the lab. She was getting an idea of how to protect herself from such things and to modify it for better use. She could even help this fair mechanical beast get an upgrade or two once she examined it.-
He looks in the direction she points in, listening to her. When she finishes, he nods. And walks on all 4s to look outside the alley. He breathes out carbon dioxide in a steam like manner through the holes in the front of his head.
-Cassandra gives a slight exhale as she hefted herself out of the dumpster, arms flexing as she specifically focused on feeling the muscle. Her legs bent as they were propelled up and over the edge by their light spring. They bent once more to take her body’s impact on the ground. She then erected her stance as she gently let her arm fall from the dumpster as she allowed her heels to settle since she landed on her toes. She was alright in heels, knows how to do a lot in heels. They gave a light clack as she moved towards the mechanical beast and moved to gently place a hand relatively where the shoulder would be. Her voice was soft as her hair shifted over her left eye, “Would you allow me on top of you? We need to get there fast and you are much faster than me.” –
SR looks at her when she touches him, and there idly for a moment to translate. He then kneels on one knee and leans his shoulder down low enough. Then puts his opposite hand across himself to act as a stepping stone to his shoulder.
-Cassandra smiled and stepped up onto his hand since he offered. She pulled her dress up to place a leg on each side of him once she was up and held on tight. “Alright, move fast.” She gripped really tight and ducked low against him, knowing that aerodynamics is the main key in speed and she didn’t want to be a parachute to him.-
SR gets on all 4s and takes a stance similar to a track runner and then runs forward, the force of him pushing off breaking concrete.He runs for a few moments to gain momentum and then takes a large leap about 400 feet into the air and lands on a building with a thud on all 4s, cracking the concrete a bit. He looks around for more drones for a moment. But it’s currently clear as they search other areas. then jumps roof to roof, skyscraper to skyscraper in large bounds. He made sure to soften his landing each time. Since that it is not the fall that kills, but the sudden stop of the fall. He sees a few drones in the distance pass a building and SR jumps to a wall In an alley. And then presumes to run at ground level on two feet.
It was rather clear SR though fast was not the flash. Or superman. He’s much more agile then he looks, as something as large as he is shouldn’t be able to move as quickly as he does. However, SR lacked the handling others with super speed have. To make sharp turns he has to run on all fours. He also doesn’t seem to be able to stop on a dime. Having to break. The faster he moved, the harder it was for him to stop. He was also heavy. Denting the concrete with his movement if he is not careful. SR however kept moving.
However. SR had no idea where he was going. She specified that she wanted to go back to her home. But SR had no idea where that home was. He waited for her to tell him stop as he simply was going generally Northeast as she instructed.
-Cassandra gripped on tight and despite the soft landings, she could feel her arms being pulled and pushed out of place. She was careful to keep herself in a position that they would always snap back in. She kept an eye out for drones but at the speed he was traveling, she had to look fast. She realized he stopped and she looked at the tall building still a couple blocks away. She said, “Look up, that tall building is where we’re going but we’re going down into it. Be careful.” She gripped on tight once more, her muscles getting stiff from holding on so tight.-
~None can escape the fear that the Lord of Time can invoke.~SR looked to where she pointed and jogged to that direction. He looked up on the front doors of the lexicorp building and looks around. He slows down a walk and his fog comes through pours in his neck. The fog, looks very snow like as it floats around him. It is already programmed to evade being inhaled. As SR walks and the fog follows. Hovering about him. The fog, being capable of forming any 3-D dimensional shape imaginable. And able to become solid, gaseous or liquid, some of it forms a sort of harness around Cassandra. SR being at times difficult to grip. The fog sort of holds her in place. If SR needed to dodge, or block something. He wouldn’t want Cassandra to be tossed off him.
SR navigated well through the area. He moved hurried but cautious. He actually sniffed the air occasionally to find out where she was. Being tall made it hard to navigate through the area due to his large size. He generally had to duck through small doors. Or make the door larger, by simply pushing the walls out.The ability of his feet to adhere to nearly any surface ensured SR didn’t simply push himself back when he did. SR has an idea of where to go as he navigates but not much.
-Cassandra was happy they made it indoors and the fact the fog let her relax her muscles a bit. She looked around and said, “There should be a broken elevator shaft in the hallway next to this room, go down it carefully. I have important stuff down there.” She felt that was enough but her paranoia made her ask for a precaution, “When we are down, I would like the place sealed off, but not so we can’t breathe. I have a feeling those drones still want me.” She gathered that from their persistence to gather her and not kill her on sight. She looked at her arm again and continued thinking on an idea she had.-
~None can escape the fear that the Lord of Time can invoke.~SR walks out the room and next to it he sees the elevator. He puts his arms on it and forces the doors open he looks down the shaft and then jumps to the opposing wall sticking to the wall with his hands. He looks down the shaft as he turns, him having all 4 limbs on the wall as he looks down it. Then he essentially walks downward on the wall. The fog ensues Cassandra does not fall. It takes about a minute and a half as he reaches the bottom of the shaft. He opens the door and walks into the sub floors of the building. SR looking around cautiously as he walks.
-Cassandra held on, despite the fog helping her do so. She felt better once they were on the ground and she said, “Let me go.” She wanted down onto her stuff to begin working on things. She noted the door was still open and said, “You might want to close those doors.”-
She is dropped as the fog then recedes back into SR. And dropped to the floor. SR walks to the door and shuts it. SR then walks on all fours and looks around the lab, in general.
-Cassandra caught herself on her heels and stood upright. Her eyes scanned the surrounding area and she started searching the reserves of hidden stored Kryptonite. She looked at the different pieces there were in there and closed up the reserves after taking inventory. She started collecting steel from busted parts and used some gloves to handle some lead. She started trying to shape pieces into a series of eight half cups and and fourteen fourth cups with lead paneling to match. She was being very careful as she made sure it was thin and light. She was using a blowtorch she found for her work with the metal. She started gathering wires and ignored the being exploring behind her until she asked, “Could you look for some circuit boards in already destroyed things? The smaller the better and don’t break them.” She grabbed mini motors and hooked wires up to them and tested their ability to move the clamps in both directions. She then got into the Kryptonite once more and took out a few colors of it carefully with some tongs she found laying on the ground. She placed them into the eight cups and closed them all.-
SR wandered for some time rather absent mindedly, then he heard her request. He listened and went off to go find this strange thing she has requested. Circuit board. In front of his eyes he looks his own schematics. He looks to see if he might have one. And he does. Implanted in a very small region in his brain. It was about half the size of a grain of sand and was more powerful than most earthly technology. He stood upright and walks about. The fog surrounding him.
He used it to precisely manipulate small objects around him mostly. Although it had many interesting combat applications. A damaged drone levitated in front of him. SR stares at as he dissemmbles it. Each part and piece undamaged floating ambient. SR sees a circuit board and isolates it. SR proceeds to leave and scavenges through other damaged machinery. Generally old computers. By by part levitates toward SR and surrounds him in a neat circle as he disassembles them all in seconds without ripping. He wads through internal parts floating through the air and gathers every circuit board he sees in his fingerless hands.
SR’s hands lacked fingers as they were more intended to be bludgeoning weapons. They were squarely shaped like a fist. With the front “knuckles” being armored with metal plates on reinforced composite nanomaterials. The underside of his hand contained devices somewhat like hairs like a gecko’s, with an underlying metamaterial. Allowing him at will to produce an amplified “Van Der Waals” force, the same geckos used to stick walls. Allowing him to grip something into the underside of his “hand” if he so wished to climb any surface or he finds his fog somehow damaged. It also in his feet, allowing him to more easily run up walls and climb.
With around 450 lbs of machinery floating in the air he sets them in a pile. After that, the fog seems to disappear into thin air rather then go back into SR. Then walks over with eventually every circuit board in the room stuck to his hands and places before Cassandra. He is about to turn around, but then, his glowing visor is locked upon the glowing Kryptonite. He detects its radiation levels. Though it does not bother him. He stares at it from distance as the woman who resembles his masters seems to be using it. He had nothing much to do, and crouched on all 4s. He stands idly by. Listening intently for ambient sounds. Watching the woman assemble something.
-Cassandra turned to see a random pile of computer chips and she sighed. “Find which one is the smallest, please.” She was polite in tone and went back to working on the motors. She was connecting the wiring and making sure to find a suitable slip for the underside to keep the wires from getting covered in her bodily fluids. She then connected four of the cups together with a titanium rod with her welding. She then thought of something and grabbed an adhesive. She took superglue and opened each of the cups one at a time to drop a few drops to assure the kryptonite stayed in its container. She would close them after ward and when the glue was dried, she shook it and heard no jiggling so thought they were secure. Her hands felt over them and she applied a slip on the wire side with medical glue. She held one of the groupings of four up to her arm then and saw how it’d match up. Her eyes scanned over her veins, realizing it was going to be tricky to not cut a major artery. She sighed and started getting the other wires ready, ones that were small enough to connect to nerves. She then shook her head and said, “I will search you go out and guard or something…” She went to the pile and picked out a tiny one first. She smiled and placed it into the sleeve and carefully attached wires to it. She used a magnifying glass and placed the wires into proper positions for her intended use and then gently placed the sensitive wires to her skin. She moved her fingers and it weakly opened the cups by only about a millimeter. She then tried to amp up the chip by making it a little different in the wiring. She tried it again and the servos moved open the cups the whole way then the whole way back. She placed it down and fixed the other one up like it and then searched for a scalpel. She dug around in a drawer and found tons of them, sterilized. She then took one of her dresses she acquired earlier from her panic room and laid it down as a towel. She placed her arm on it and ripped off the arm of this dress to tie off circulation to her arm. She took the scalpel and slowly sliced open her arm, careful of her main vein there. She gritted her teeth and opened it enough to get it in. She froze a little at seeing her own musculature but snapped out of it. She placed in the one apparatus, sensitive wires first and placed them as she then set in the rest of it. She grabbed from a drawer quick a surgical sewing kit and began sewing her skin to the flaps of the cups and sewing her skin shut that does not fit on the cups. She tried so hard not to yell out. She finished setting it and when she was finished she put the knife down and untied her left arm. She took a deep breath and had tears of pain from doing so but she bared it and tied off her other arm and took the scalpel in her left hand. She sliced herself open again and placed in the other one in the same fashion as the first and then sew it up. She dropped everything after that and screamed from the pain. The cups opened and closed randomly as the muscles in her arms twitched with nervous pain. She tried to get it to settle and focused on the nerves in her arms. She slowly worked it to the point of staying open by keeping her arms flexed. She felt the powers of the colors swarm into her from the nearness of the exposure. She felt a compulsion for blood but felt a lot stronger, her arms seemed to be stretching to the ground slowly, her focus on the dress lit it on fire, everything seemed to slow down around her, her sewing began to meld directly where they were intended to be sewn and the skin together began to close as nerves connected to the lines, some of the objects around her began to float, some of the outlets began to feed electricity out to her body, and her age seemed to reduce slightly. The sudden onset of the abilities caused her to leave out a scream of pain, possibly alerting nearby drones. She unflexed her arms and they set back to normal. She took a deep breath as the powers left her and she fell onto her butt. She eased herself back up, resulting in the first one on her left arm reopening. This resulted in a lust for blood again but she dented the desk she was using to prop herself by grasping it in her hand. She relaxed it again and it closed. This would take some getting used to. She looked to see if the useless thing was still around and said, “Hey, I need to go to the top of the building.” She turned and the fourth cup on her left arm opened, causing the world to seem to slow down again. She moved over to the shaft and saw a hole big enough for her to get through. She meant to climb but found herself sticking on the wall a bit when she stepped before slowly falling down. She kept flexing what seemed to keep it open and instead of obtaining the help, ran up the wall and put herself into the hole. She then ran up the inside the whole way to the office on the top floor. She held herself on the edge of the inside as she relaxed that then tried to open back up the first one again, instead opening the second as her arms stretched a little. She closed it and they went back to normal. She tried again and opened the first one, hopping over to the door of the elevator and ripping it open. She held herself from falling down as she pulled herself into the hall then made her way into the main office as she relaxed her arm to close the cup. She witnessed drones beginning to file to get in the building from everywhere. She looked around the office and found a button that was very well hidden under the desk. She hit it and it emitted an EMP pulse that caused all the drones to just stop and fall. It went through the entire city as it made the droids fail. She turned on the computer and began typing in fast, tracking the droids frequencies and hacking into their systems. She triggered a chain of explosions as droids in the area self destructed as the signal was sent. She then waited to hear a lack of explosions before getting out of their system and shutting down the computer. She sat in her chair and waited for her robotic friend to catch up as she pondered her abilities and played with her flexing to figure out what opened which power.-
SR looks at the doors of the lab and opens them. Forcing them open with his hands. He doesn’t notice the pulse. However, he hears a multitude of explosions above. SR walks over to tthe lab door and forces it open. Then he walks over to the door to the shaft and opens it. He looks up the shaft and crouches. Then jumps up the entirety of the shaft.He grabs the edge as he reaches the door to the top floor. It already opened and walks over to the window to look outside. He sees the destroyed remnants of what appears to be drones and he leans forward as if trying to get a closer look to verify. Then stands up and turns around too look at Cassandra. He is not effected by the EMP.
-Cassandra looked at him and several thoughts went through her head as the situation ran over in her head. She looked down at her arms and tried to manipulate the cups open and closed again. She tried to get individual cups to open and shut but then she glared at SR. “Where the hell were you…” She was pissed that he wasn’t really of any help. He was more of a prop to her at this point. She sighed and refocused on her arms before restarting the computer and activating Lex corp’s systems again. She hopped her frequency off of a satellite and sent out a broadcast straight from her office to attempt to reach former citizens of Metropolis to pull them back. The camera turned on from most televisions as she said, “Greetings people of the globe. My name is Cassandra Remona Luthor. I have rid the city of Metropolis of the oppressive drones and am asking former members of the city to come back and help rebuild. I am also offering scientists high pay to come and help make Metropolis the safest city one can imagine. Thank you all for your time.” She shut off the broadcast and took a deep breath, watching her cups open and close again until she could get them on command. She looked at SR and said, “How was that? Did I look too windblown?” That was a stupid question. She asked it anyway as she realized some crime would start up since she did that.-
SR in response to her question. Merely looks down. And then back up at her. He watched and stood idly as she made her announcement. So far. SR understood of what she said concerning the speech. However, SR was incapable of interpreting her facial expressions. He wasn’t good at it as he never needed to learn what these facial expressions meant. Cassandra was somewhat of a curiosity. He never interacted much with those who mastered him before. She did so many strange foreign gestures and SR noticed her eyes changing as she felt differently. SR was very slowly, but surely beginning to recognize human emotion….
However, right now. As Cassandra poses that last question, SR tilts his head out of curiosity. He lacks a face of a classical sort and is more or a brain and eyes in a self contained reinforced helmet like container for a head. However, he instinctively it seems has thought of another way to convey emotion. And subconsciously fog formed above his head, a 3 dimension question mark. It was grey and solid as it hovered over SR’s head. As if this was some sort of comic book or a cartoon. The question mark hovers there for a few seconds and then disappears as now SR watches Cassandra. Waiting for her to say something else, or issue an order.
-Cassandra smirked and said, “Silly thing… That was a dumb question I asked.” She decided it was best to continue to try and master these powers she had in her arms. She opened the speed one, using it to run outside and then closed it as she looked over the city. It was in ruin. She yelled for SR, “Hey, help me clean up the city, please. Make it look nice and livable.” She didn’t like the thought of people returning to a hell hole. She opened up the speed again and began to run around the city and try to make things as clean as possible, lifting away beams, cleaning glass, but she was tiring out, most likely from overuse of the kryptonite powers.-
SR hears her even from this distance away. He walks over to the rooftop and jumps cracking the ground from simply leaping as hard as he did. He is a momentary blur before he lands in the street. The ground shakes as he shatters it upon his landing. SR walked away from the broken ground stepping over the rubble, he caused and then turned back.
He stared at the ground behind him, as if he was expecting something. He stands there for a solid 10 seconds, before he walks over and looks at the ground where he landed. It then occurred to SR that the ground here does not heal, as he is normally accustomed. He walks away from the crater upon this realization as the fog reassembles the ground, rocks and dust floating and reforming imperfectly, the best as SR could.
The fog flies around almost independently. Sweeping up glass easily making small tornados setting in piles. SR takes near by signs and tilts them straight. He takes signs laying down and spears them in the ground where they once were. Debris and trash is swept up by the fog as it floats about. SR notices trashcans are about. And he realizes their purpose apparently is to actually put unwanted things in them it seems. SR puts broken glass and trash in these small cylindrical devices apparently people used to dispose of unwanted items. He uses the fog to reassemble brick, stacking them back into walls and other things. While he generally lifts heavier objects himself to assemble them best as he could. However. SR was not capable of welding things together. However, anything that he could simply stack or lift back into place.
SR walks over to a building and there is a giant globe sitting in front of it. It read “daily planet” across on it. SR looked at the globe from the bottom and apparently it belonged at the top of this building. It had to get up there somehow. SR was going to learn something today. That the softness of this environment would his bane.
SR grabbed the globe sticking it to his hands, holding it in a manner similar to hugging. It creeks as his picks it up *Crack* As SR begins to picks to pick it up. The ground cracks *Crack* the cracks get larger and propagate as SR picks it up off the ground.
*Crack* *CRASH* SR puts the giant globe down and looks at his feet. SR has his too feet buried in the ground. He steps out of the two holes in the ground he made. Apparently, the ground is too soft. No matter how strong SR is, the ground below him will give as he tries to pick up the globe. Him picking it up, will drive him down into it. This will probably cause more damage to trying to get up to the area. He opts to leave the area the fog following him and go repair other things. Obviously. He has to get very accustomed to this new planet. For there are many differences of this planet from his own.
-Cassandra heard his landing and was placing stuff at her normal speed as she was picking up papers in an office building. She decided to take things naturally since she was running out of stamina. She noticed that he just stood there for ten minutes staring at the mess he made. She simply shook her head and went back to filing and getting things proper for the return of people. She gently tapped a stack of papers and placed them on the top left corner of a desk. She wandered mildly through the building each time a level higher and higher but she started to hear cracking on the tenth floor and she looked down from the window. She sighed as she watched him try to get the ball up only to put it down again. She decided to ask him something to see if he would hear and comprehend. “Hey~! Can you go back to the basement of my place and grab the rusted looking toolbox?” She hoped he’d hear as she went back to filing papers.-
SR heard and understood the command, and the fog flew off as SR continued setting things in the city. Mostly picking up large objects. It reappears in Cassandra’s basement about a minute later and a toolbox floats up. The fog a few minutes later floats over to Cassandra in the office building and drops the toolbox. Then it flies back over towards SR.
-Cassandra smiled and she started digging through the toolbox. She found things she’d need to rewire the building’s elevator. Lucky on the levels above it wasn’t blasted away. She went to the elevator and pressed the buttons. She saw them light up and it opened without the elevator being there. She propped them open with desk chairs and took out a wire cutter, a tube of liquid plastic and pliers. She leaned into the shaft and opened a panel that lead into the wall. She delicately looked at the wires corresponding to the doors and pulled out a couple. She rewired so the doors would no longer open unless the elevator was present. She placed everything back into her tool box and shut the panel. She removed the chairs and the doors slammed shut. Now she just had to do this to all the other floors. She sighed and decided to go up before working her way down as she still needed to sort and clean the upper floors. She saw through a window some people were already returning and they seemed to be trying to get their lives back in order.-
SR was in an alley and a little boy of about 7 years wanders from his mother. He hears noise in the alley. It is dark as power has not yet been restored and many electronics were fried because of the EMP. The boy wandered deep into the alley until he saw SR. He paused and looked at SR. SR was setting a dumpster and trash floated over into it. He paused and looked at the boy and he stood straight up. The shadow of the eight foot tall behemoth going over the boy.
“Are you the garbage man?” The boy asks looking looking at SR. SR replies with a stare. He doesn’t have an answer. “Your big.” The boy comments. SR made people look tiny, he was eight feet tall and generally….huge compared to any human. SR’s fist and forearm alone seems almost larger than the kid himself. SR stoops over now all 4s. “Your like a gorilla man! Where are your hands? Can you talk?” SR slowly shakes his head at this….this little mysterious creature. SR had never seen anything like it. “Sit down right here.” He scampers off and SR sits upon his command, leaning forward on his knees. Waiting.
The kid yells out. “Come on!” SR gets up and walks to the child. A woman comes as SR comes closer to the light outside the alley. “What is it Tommy?” SR steps out the alley and looks down on the woman. She freezes. She then says to the boy, her son. “Tommy. Tommy come here. G-Get away…come here Tommy…” “Mom why are you scared? Its ok.” The boy says naively. He turns back to SR. “Come here. Take my hand.” SR walks towards the boy.
“What the hell is that thing?” “Oh shit” “I think its a monster.” People are very unsure of what SR is actually. “Is that man in armor?” SR reaches for the boys hand and the mother snatches him away from SR, instinctively. She backs away and SR walks forward extending his arm. People generally back away. It does not occur once to anyone to try to do anything that would seem to provoke this thing. Most just stand by and watch. SR keeps walking for a moment and stops. He looks up. A jet is overhead.
Nemaz’s jet screeches over the city. He has helmet off and a rather stiff facial expression. He tilts the jet as it screeches by. SR looks up at it, thinking it a drone or hostile. His claws eject out as he gets in a defensive stance, instinctively. Everyone down below looks like ant to Nemaz. He’d received the message from Cassandra, and wanted to see if it’s true. He saw people already returning here. “Hm…” Nemaz says to himself. His face does changes as he looks about metropolis. The cleared. wastelandish empty city. Like an empty cup filling. His jet screeches through the sky and ascends. Disappearing from sight as quickly and briefly as it appeared as Nemaz continues to fly North West.
SR looks down, and people are petrified. Looking at his dully colored grey claws. Nobody says anything. People back away slowly. SR stares at them for a very long time. Then takes a step forward and reaches. “GET AWAY!” The woman shouts. SR turns around and walks off without much hesitation. Then jumps off much to the surprise of the people nearly a mile away as people gasp. The woman puts Tommy down. She stoops down to him holding his precious cheeks looking down towards his face. “Tommy are you ok?” “Yes mommy I’m fine he didn’t do anything.” “Stay. Away from it.” “But Mommy-” “Stay. Away.” Tommy hears her tone, the darkness and seriousness of it. And he only nods in reply and never spoke a word of it again, as he looked off to the direction SR jumped.
SR leaped over two miles away. Having very fine control of how much of his strength he uses. In midair he runs along the walls of a building and lands with a thud rolling on his back trying not to damage the concrete as he moves most of his momentum horizontally. SR looks back towards where everyone is and then looks forward. He continues to clean the area as his fog flies around picking up things. He sees traffic cars in the the street. And starts moving them aside so as to clear the street. Shoving them to the side of the road to clear the way.
-Cassandra continued her clean up, not hearing the sounds of panic. She knew it was almost done. She took the precautions and helped some of the incoming people know what was left and they did get it done. She took the final step of upping the power grids to a point where if she needed to use the EMP again, it wouldn’t shake the system. She allowed the clean up to finish and she returned to her office and began drawing up plans to make the city safer, well, more she paid someone to start doing that for her. She took her leisurely time and went onto the streets to see the returning people. She made sure to shake a few hands and meet a few people, hoping to gain knowledge on who was returning to keep good track of the city. One fellow came up to her and said, “Will there be an election?” Cassandra turned to him and said, “Soon, the city may have been cleaned for now but I was hoping to install safety features for the town before an official is elected into office.” The man nodded and said, “I would write in your name, Miss Luthor.” Cassandra smiled and said, “I wouldn’t make a great official but if you insist on doing so I can’t stop your free will.” The man walked off with a smile and Cassandra finished her greeting rounds. Once those were done she went back to her office to see how the plans were coming. They were looking great but she wanted to add some extra oomph to them. She would have to think on it, though.-
SR had done much to clean the city, clearing the streets. However, the humans were coming. He heard them. So he’d thought best to jump to one of metropolis’s very high skyscrapers. He jumped roof to roof to around where Cassandra was. He looked around and formed a disguise for if someone decided to become Savvy enough. He mimicked the gargoyles pose and around him, the fog forms a perfect imitation of a gargoyle statue. He watches Cassandra greet people, and watches people in general interact with one another, watching them speak and pose each Cassandra questions. She was done soon after. And returned to her duties. However SR continued to watch people. As a statue. As they spread throughout the city. Analogous to a growing forest. He watched for several hours, he simply watched and listened. SR could have stayed there in that pose, for days, or weeks. Absorbing the environment around him.
Eventually. People were getting closer. Nearer to the rooftops. He felt the need to avert himself from their general presence. He looses the disguise and jumps great horizontal distances, seemingly galloping on all 4s roof to roof. And then makes a large leap. Soaring through the air as he then lands sees centinnial park. He lands on a building and hops towards it, and then lands in the parks small lake. Making a large splash. He walks deeper into the water until he is fully submerged then sits.
The surface of the water bubbles as SR makes seemingly random noise under it. However, he ceased eventually. People enter here as well. There was hardly anywhere these beings did not roam. Eventually he will be discovered. However. SR eyes no longer glowed and he sat curled up. Most people mistook him for a a large black rock. Soon it became night. And everyone seemed to be gone. There a splashing at the lakes surface. SR’s fog flew into the holes of his head. Internally arranging itself within him, to form some makeshift structures in his mouth However he kept hearing some strange noise obscured by the water. He then sees a head dunk under the water calling to him. “HEEEEEEEY!!” He hears as the a voice yells under the water, bubbles foaming to the surface.
Tommy flops back pulling his head out the water. He got water inside his nose and felt very uncomfortable. He clenched his nose and blew. Snot dribbling out. A head rises from the water as SR approaches Tommy. SR steps the water and looks down on this small little being, who seemed to be so different from all the larger beings.
“Hi!” Tommy says wiping snot from his nose. “I saw you land here.” SR stooped down to the boy and sniffs him on his chest. The boy rubs SR’s head, and SR’s eyes begin to glow dully. “That’s a good boy.”
“I am not a boy….” SR says to the boy in a rather deep voice and he startles him. SR then says “I have no reproductive organs to speak of, and therefore, I have no specific gender.” SR pauses frequently when “You….talk?” “Yes.” SR says simply. “How come you didn’t talk before?” “Because I did not know how. I was never intended to speak in my creation.” “What’s your name?” “I am unsure.” “You don’t know your name?” “Where I am from, we lack much verbal communication. People spoke without language. One simply knew when one was being referred to.” “…..What?” “It is a difficult concept to explain. Identity was known, and not every thing had a name. I was a weapon, and I simply only was required to know identity.”
The boy the stands up. And SR stands up. And looks down on this little thing, that apparently had many questions. “Where are you from?” “A planet far away.” “Is it mars?” “No.” “Is it where superman is from?” “No. It is a planet that exists somewhere that no one would look.” “So your an alien.” “I would suppose so.” “Are you a robot?” SR pauses. Then he says. “I am unsure.” “What are you made of? Metal?” “I am comprised of many things. Primarily various forms of carbon, internally. And flesh.” “So you are like a cyborg.” “I suppose so.”
“THAT’S SO COOL!! YOUR LIKE A SUPERHERO SPACE CYBORG GORILLA THING!!” SR stares at the now excited boy. Wondering primarily what he’s going to do and ask next. “Can you fly?” “With a vehicle perhaps. Or more foglets.” “Wait! Why are you here? Are you going to invade us.” “No. I was not here intentionally, that much is clear. I suspect I was being transported, and that my ship was destroyed while I was being transported.” The boy looks at SR
“Well” the boy starts “Is someone going to come and get you? I mean. Your cool but, I understand if you don’t wanna stay here, and that you want to go home.” “Most likely, no one will come to retrieve me. There are many more like me, and it is likely they will not come all this way simply to retrieve me. When they can simply make more of me. Or use one of the many more of the weapons like me, and the weapons they have who’s power surpasses mine.” The boy blinked. Then asks “Are you sad?” “No.” “Do you feel emotion?” “Yes.” “Hm…well. What was your planet like? Just like. In general? And how do you like earth?”
“My original planet is much the same and yet different from this one. Your planet orbits a star. What you call the sun. Mine does not. It is also very cold. However, the planet itself produces much of it’s own heat, and people live primarily in subterranean habitats. We also do not have oxygen in a gaseous form as you have it. Some time ago, the our sun turned into a black hole, and which is in turn caused the planet to freeze and be consumed by near complete darkness from the outside. Had you seen our planet from the outside, you would think it lifeless and desolate.”
Tommy looked with much intensity and extreme interest as SR described his world. He then asks “Wouldn’t your world be sucked in….by the black hole…?” “No. At such a distance the gravitational pull of the black hole does not change or alter our planets orbit. To be pulled into the black hole, we would need to be passed the event horizon of the black hole.” “Uhhhh….yeah. Yeah. Of course…” Tommy says pretending to understand. SR assumes wholeheartedly that the boy does in fact understand.
Tommy changes the subject. “Well. What are the people like?” “They look like your race does. Consciousness is collective.” “What does that mean?” “It means everyone is mentally connected. Without boundaries of the mind. There is no war, and all understand one another.” Tommy also did not understand this. “Although, we do not have “Children.” like you” SR points at Tommy. “So then how do you make babies?” “Both artificial means and more natural ones. That includes the merging of ones genitals. However, they are almost within a day, already mature…”
“….I thought babies came from Cranes. I saw it on TV.” Tommy says lowly. “Cranes also produce offspring.” “Oh so babies do come from Cranes.” “Yes.” SR had mistakenly thought that Tommy had meant that Tommy meant natural reproduction of cranes, to produce more cranes, when in fact Tommy did not think this.
“I’m getting sleepy. Do you want to come and live with me?” Tommy yawns. “I do not think that will work well.” “….Oh, Ok….That’s alright. We can meet tomorrow night. You’ll be here. Right?” “Yes.” SR says simply. Tommy however still seems down, and a bit disappointed. Then SR, has a question for Tommy.
“How you like to fly?” “What?” Would…like to fly?” SR looks at Tommy tilting his head. “Sure how! That would be so cool. “Be still…” SR says as fog seeps out of his pours within his shoulder. And orbits Tommy. He floats up. “Simply point and you will go in the direction you wish and you will be flown there.” “YES. I WANNA FLY MAKE ME FLY MAKE ME FLY MAKEMEFLYMAKEMEFLY!” The boy was extremely eager
And just like that he is swept in what is almost a wind around him 40 feet in the air. And the boy was not afraid of heights at all. He looked down at SR as he flew away. Most people not looking up. The boy could not help but to pose like superman as he flew with a look of determination on his face. Body flat, arms in front extended, fists clenched as he was brought to his home as he directed himself, SR adjusting the child as he simply flew through the air and touched down in the backdoor of his home in the suburbs.
SR jumps up through the air jumping rooftop to rooftop. Going back to Lexcorp. A few moments later the door to what is now Cassandra’s office is open. And SR walks in on all fours and starts to her desk. Then he stands upright as he stands before her. Then SR begins speaking to her. Asking for guidance without any semblance of introduction or greeting. Or actually letting Cassandra now know he is capable of verbal speech. He just…talks. “These people…” SR begins. “They fear me. The mere sight of me causes them panic and distress. I am sure of what course of action or inaction I am to take…you and one child accepts me yet I am incapable why the rest do not.”
SR looks down towards Cassandra as a fraction of the fog returns to him and goes back inside her. He awaits her answer. Standing there very still, like a statue. His dull glowing orange eye fixed on the first organic being he met upon his awakening here.
-John had taken an experimental chopper out for a ride since he needed to know more about this Luthor since he knew from the information he had gathered Lex was one of the worst men to ever have power and now his daughter was on the throne even if the throw was only a broken city. He guided the ride into a helicopter pad killing the engine and disabling the live rounds and rockets with a touch of his thumb. He climbed out wearing a nice clean black suit looking towards the female and the thing next to her he stiffened his muscles thinking maybe this was all a trick by brainiac but he figured he would have been attacked already if that was the case so he decided to play it safe so he walked up with a smile ignoring the robot as he reached out his hand for her to shake”Hello my Name is Johnathon Muse, the owner of Muse industries and wanted to see if there was anything we could do to quicken the process of getting this great town back up and running”. He turned and looked at the giant creature”is this a new product from Lexcorp or is this thing organic and from some planet like your great superman”.
He had his gear in the helicopter in case he saw there was an attack of some kind here though his worst thought were the two standing in front of him. He walked away from them and down into the town after a few hours of chatting about things going on around the town. He walked around the city streets seeing that most of the streets would need cleaned and then repaved. He had a Model 60 Smith&Wesson revolver that fired .357 rounds in his jacket in case someone decided to mug him since he knew that around the world his face was posted everywhere not sure if it would be here since everything was broken for the time.
John ended up where the daily bugle once was before he turned a corner and found a brianiac droid laying on the ground and it twitched and looked at john analyzing his genetic makeup seeing that he was a krytonian under it all. It tried to sit up to attack him but he smirked as he walked up and put his foot right through its head looking around to make sure no one was watching and if anyone was he planned to hunt them down.-
-Cassandra looked at SR and said, “Humans are fickle creatures. They are afraid of difference and react accordingly. Unless said thing saves them. Children, though, have open minds. Make your way into the hearts of children and you may be accepted in this city.” She heard the sound of a helicopter approaching and made her way to the roof. She watched as it landed and held her dress down as it tried to fly up. She watched as the man came out, her hoping he wouldn’t notice the horrible marks on her arms from where the cups were. She took his hand when offered a handshake. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Muse,” She spoke just before he commented on SR, who she hoped had followed her up. “I would like to believe he will be this city’s superman, but from what he told me, no one likes him yet.” He hand dropped to her side and she watched over her shoulder as he walked by and down. She glanced to SR and said, “Follow him.” She would then return to the blueprints in her office, meaning to get them furthered along. She drew in special modifications and gave the blueprints to the returned private contractor. He looked at her and asked, “Are you sure about this?” Cassandra nodded to him and sent him away to get started. She sat at her desk and awaited Mr Johnathan Muse to return.
SR listens to her advice and simply nods and then turns and looks at the man who approached him. SR doesn’t say anything as he watches her, being incapable of any facial expression. He watches him. And allows her to do the talking. When he ask her what SR is, SR then says “I am not of this earth…” And says nothing more for the rest of the conversation. He simply kept looking at John the entire time while he was in the room until he left. He was about to leave, when Cassandra told him to follow John. And so when he left the building, he did.
SR jumped roof to roof and wall to wall. Crawling along the wall like a giant black gecko. He had seen John and kept on going to him. SR gets closer and jumps to John landing right in front of him with a large ground rattling *THUD* people near by feel. That whole time SR made no attempt at stealth or at being inconspicuous. “I am told to follow you. I assume it is for your protection, Mr. Muse.” SR says looking down at John.
-john looked up at the man as he pulled out a cigar and cut the end before he smoked it walking around the robot that landed in front of him and he kept walking”don’t worry about me big man nothing in this town scares me, and she didn’t tell you to follow me for my protection, she wants you to report to her what my actual meaning for being in this town is, I’ve read over how the Luthors think and it seems shes no different”. He walked down the street not caring if the thing followed him as he walked into a homeless shelter and took off his jacket and gave it to a man that was shivering from the cold. He then searched for the owner of this building once finding the small woman he offer her a contract to get this place new beds and heating and cooling systems and he planed to expand the building out since the area behind it was an empty lot. The woman thanked him sighing the contract that he placed in his shirt pocket. He walked back down stairs and pulled the revolver out of the jacket of the man who now had his coat,”sorry forgot this”. He placed it in the leg holster and walked back outside looking for the robot checking to make sure his coast was clear before he walked back up the road back towards the Luthor tower. He was about a block from the tower when he heard a bang of a gun which made him turn to see that a man was shot for his wallet and a guy was running down the alley with it. John took off first at a human speed but after a few seconds his anger boiled and he appeared in front of the man in a blink of an eyes before he lifted him up by the throat and carried him back to the guy he shot throwing him on the ground where the dead man now layed he pulled out his gun and put a bullet in the mans skull making sure this murder could never kill again. He put his gun back and walked to the tower where he walked right up to the Luthor”you know if you don’t trust me you can just ask you dont have to send your robotic Gorilla after me”. He walked around her office looking at things before he sat down across from her desk putting his feet on her desk as he waited for her retort or for her to deny sending the creature.-
-Cassandra heard the shots fired from her office, she sighed as things were going into where they were before she had to live in the panic room. She disliked that the city was still empty enough to hear the faint shots. She then promptly saw as the man came back to her, right into her office. She heard his inquiry, or rather statement, about sending SR after him. She also noticed his feet on her desk, not a big deal seeing as they weren’t on anything important. She looked at him and said, “First off, he’s not a gorilla. He is a protective life form. Secondly, you are invading on my territory but you are a guest, I sent him to protect you and also to get him out where people can see him and make them fear him less. You do understand?” She stood and went over to a coffee maker that, during the process of cleaning the city, was made into a tea maker. She started it and said, “Would you like any tea? I got a selection that I kept with me in the panic room during the braniac invasion.” She was accurate with its freshness, but the taste had always been the same to her. She had in it chamomile and chocomint. More or less, she wanted the taste of chocolate without the caffeine in chocolate.-
“Irregardless, Mr. Muse. I am not sure of what your intent is, either.” He says replying to John as he continues to follow him. As John walks through the crowd and SR follows him. People look at SR either scared or…confused as to what he is and why is following this man. He goes into the shelter and sees homeless and sees John giving to the community, to the woman. As SR watches him. SR then learns from the John humans appreciate gestures of kindness to aid them. Towards those especially in poverty.
SR hears the gunshot and as John starts running. People make room as they feel the heavy footsteps of SR running at speeds attainable for a normal human. He hears a brief woosh as John is out of sight momentarily and sees a man before him. laying on the ground with a projectile that pierced him him, his heart no longer beating, as SR can hear the heartbeat of most people within 5 feet of him. SR then moves on to see John holding a man by the throat. Then putting a bullet in him. Soon his heartbeat also faded. SR looked at John. And said nothing. He followed him towards Luthor’s. SR had never seen a human being die before. In fact, on SR’s planet, he had never witnessed a death. For, those whom SR had killed were not of his own race. Clearly. It seemed John killed that man because he killed the other man. In SR’s mind. This occurred to him as revenge.
SR followed John back to the tower and doesn’t speak. He simply stands on all fours. He stood there wondering if he could connect to this “internet.” The humans have. Apparently it is a vast collective network containing untold amounts of data provided by humans and machines. SR had a translator. But, it was basically only a dictionary essentially. Not a full fledged database. SR needed to learn more about humans because though they looked the same. They appeared to be much weaker then anyone of his race. There were infants on SR’s planet, but he had never seen a natural infant before. From looking at these humans, it became evident they were not as strong as his race physically. Their technology was behind in some areas. Yet actually more advanced in some others. And infants here seem to think differently then other people. Cassandra suggested he learn more about them. And so SR’s fog flew out quickly.
A few electronics parts float on in and SR assembles a computer within a few seconds from mostly memory of the internal parts of a computer and SR’s own rapid processing abilities. It sits on the floor below him. The fog presses the keys and it. It starts up, and is a rather average speed computer. SR then hits an obstacle. “Cassandra….how does one connect to this…”internet?” He says looking at the home screen of the computer.
-John pulls out his phone and pushes a button and the computer would connect instantly as his phone was now a hot spot and no information other then happening of muse corp would be blocked to this creature as he himself understood how valuable intelligence was but unknown to this creature John would be tracking the sites it used to see if it worked into government weapons or war codes so that he could block them as if they no longer existed to him. He then turned back to the woman and smiled”yes please id love a cop of tea, as I hear it the roots made for this area comes from a small town called smallvile that I plan to visit as I have relatives from there”. He wanted her to look into him and he would enjoy the game of cat and mouse.
He accepted the cup as he smiled at her and he drank it as they discussed business but as his watch struck five O’clock he stood and shook her hand once more as he turned and exited the office. Heading for his Helicopter which he got up into smoothly and took off heading towards a local army base where he sent a code to the base to allow him access to land. He landed and asked for a private flight to Australia he told them he was being followed by someone and had to travel outside of the country without being spotted. They covered him into an army private uniform before shipping out and taking off across country and enjoying things as he went picking up books on chemical structures and analyzing different forms of technology as he went from country to country as they refueled and once they dropped him off he saluted him and took off on his search of the assassins.-
-Cassandra was about to answer but John solved he problem for her. She smirked and gave him a cup as she took her own. She enjoyed talking business. She really liked talking to someone other than herself that was human. She saw him go away and just shrugged when their time was up. That phrase urked her but she couldn’t let it get to her. He’s from smallville, so? Why would she want to care. Her mind wandered on it until she thought of something that made sense. She started hooking up the local internet of her building through her computer and went into private and began looking up old files. They were centered on smallville.
SR formed a cord with his fog that connected the back of his head with the computer. Then, SR controlled the computer simply with his mind. Where he then began to bring up several browsers. SR was learning as much as he could, viewing each browser for mere milliseconds before moving on. He researched mostly the psychology of children and their behavior, and it lead to human behavior on parenting and one thing led to another. SR soon found himself learning human history, weapons and medical devices. SR looked up human psychology in general. It was very complicated to him. Much more complicated then those of the people at his planet. SR then learned himself a full map of metropolis, it’s sewers, suburbs and the outskirts. Before he was back to learning about humanity. About current events. He’d opened more then 11,000 pages in 45 minutes and steadily increasing. SR could never access any top secret information from the internet.
The computer froze. The fog left. And returned with more parts as SR assembled more computers and hardware so he could browse quickly among each of them. Him no longer really needing a monitor. He sits there absently detached from the world as Cassandra and John talk. After 5 and a half hours or so disconnected. It seemed John had left. He never really had the opportunity to thank him. Perhaps when he leaves again. He then walks out the room. SR goes to the roof. And then crawls along the wall where he jumps off building to building back into the city.
-Cassandra looked up files of smallville the only Jonathan coming up being Johnathan Kent. She slammed her fist on the desk, not even noticing SR left. She began looking up files on the family and searching a greater span of the muse corp, only to get blocked out of some of the information. She thought on it and said to herself, “Touche… But I refuse to be paranoid…” She logged out of her computer, turned it off, unplugged it, then walked away. She went to the window and started trying to think on how to protect the city and siphon back the lost land of Lex corp, only for her thoughts to be riddled by the Muse Corp Johnathan. She grumbled and looked at her shut off computer and spoke to herself, “I won’t do it…” She started scratching her arms and went back to her computer, plugged it in, turned it on, and started trying to hack into Muse Corps files.-
SR walks into Centinnial park and stoops over a fountain. Drinking water in manner that seems to remind people of a deer. Without much audible noise as the water goes into his “mouth” on his head. People stare. No one is quite so sure as to what SR is and people are afraid of him. But not so afraid as to run away screaming. But some people are rather evasive. Others are curious. SR stands up and looks at the people staring at him then, turns and continues walking.
“Hey!” A guy calls out. His mouth remains rather sealed as SR turns around to look at him. “…Yes?” SR replies looking at the man. “Uh….what are you?” Robot was not the first thing that came to people’s minds when they say SR. Strange as he looked. He didn’t seem like a robot at first glance. People often easily mistake him for a man in power armor or some strange new creature, or genetic monster. The man standing in the crowd stares at SR. Waiting for his answer. SR’s answer is rather blatant. “I am an extraterrestrial being comprised of organic and inorganic parts…” “Why are you here?” “Due to my abandonment, I seek purpose. I choose to simply aid humanity in whatever way I can.” “How do we know we can trust you?”
“To look at it from your perspective…” SR begins “You do not know. There is no completely true way for me to verify my benevolence. Whether or not you trust me is based entirely of your own observations.” The man doesn’t say much else. “Um ok.” Is his last reply. SR looks at the man for a few moments, then walks off. A journalist takes notes.
SR walks through the streets. And people stare at him and some watch him generally. And SR doesn’t pay people much mind, at all. People in front of him simply make a path for him. Others just stare. A few people follow him from a distance. SR walks around the city four a few hours. Going in no particular direction to no place. People are curious. A few kids throw rocks and other things at SR. They are told not to do this, but SR doesn’t respond to people throwing anything at him.
Pretty soon. People are wondering why a large crowd of people are following SR and are making a very big deal of this large 8 ft tall thing simply walking around the city. Tommy runs up next to SR walking with him right next to him. “Hey, what are you doing? How come all these people are following you?” SR looks down on Tommy as he walks.
“It is their nature. It seems.” “…Huh?” A person throws a can of soda at SR and it spills all over him. “Ew. You know people are throwing stuff at you right?” “Yes. I am aware.” “So why don’t you do something back?” “Because I see no reason to.” “Doesn’t it bother you?” “No.” SR continues walking. And then jumps away. Dissappearing from their sight. People rather surprised at how quick such a large thing is. He jumps off to Lexcorp. In a restroom, the fog gathers water in a solid
“Cassandra…” SR begins “I think that you should publicly announce me. Hardly anyone knows of me…..” SR looks at Cassandra. A bit of soda drips off his visor.
-Cassandra found the hacking rather difficult, she was growling and frustrated with it but continued to try. She then heard SR speak to her and she turned to him and said, “I will place a public announcement if it makes you feel better. Did someone throw something at you?!” She sounded even more angered and got a towel and moved, offering to clean it off of him. If he accepted, she’d sop up the soda. Either way, she’d place the towel down after and set up for making an announcement. She even waved SR over to her to be in the announcement if he so wished.-
“Yes.” SR replied. “It was children following the actions of another child.” He adds, as he allows her to wipe off his face stooping down on all 4s. As Cassandra waves SR over he walks to her. Unaware exactly of where she would him to stand, so he chooses to stand by her side.
“Not anymore.” A voice says. SR looks around as a few tiny ball like surround him. And then he freezes suddenly unable to say a word. There is a black humanoid figure in the office, with a eminating black smoke clouding his figure, and no facial features aside from his monochrome white eyes. SR is levitated over with a gesture and with that as he pulled towards the figure, he is gone as the figure disappears from plain sight with SR53 as the air disorts. Air for a moment rushes in to fill the temporary vaccuum for a moment, and they are then both gone without a trace.
-Cassandra felt the vacuum and then let her brain catch up on what just happened since there seemed to be no immediate danger. She made sure the broadcast didn’t start and tried to make sense of it. Instead, she went back to her computer and began to set up a hacking system for the locked information of Muse Corp. She coded the entire program, it taking her several hours to complete and then allowing it to do its work as she walked away from the computer. The design of the hacking system made sure that on a retrace back, it would take hours to find her from all the bounced signals. It made a minimum of one hundred bounces and was programmed to bounce more if it felt something tracing back. She left it to its work of collecting files as she went on her merry way to help designers make the city better and more productive. She passed by a drone that had escaped SR’s wrath and was outside of the detonation area, it watching her as she passed by unknowingly with the male she was scouting the edge of the city with.-
Victoria walked through the ruins of the world seeing what could come what might happen if things continued on their current path’s. Her eyes danced over the dead bodies that just lined the sides of the street and where strewn about. “So if we leave the world to its devices it will destroy itself.” she said and continued to walk. Braniac drones roamed the sky’s but ignored her at this point in time.
Stopping she saw a large tower or what was most likely a space station that had fallen. it was embedded halfway into the ground and still was towering into the sky. The structure looked like it had been a fortress at one point. She could read a single word on it the rest was to scored and damaged to read the only word was “Justice” sighing she walked past it and continued on her way.
“I cant warn them but I can push them in directions.” She could feel the debris crunching under her heeled boots. the smoke bellowed into the sky darkening the landscape light still came through with the sun but the clouds of smoke where so thick that only in the breaks and dispersion patterns is where the light slipped through.
“Total destruction. How could they let this happen?” She said and continued to walk the paths that had seemed to be cleared granted debris still feel into the paths and the only word that played in her head was apocalypse. Bowing her head she sighed. Slipping a hand into her pocket she gripped the pocket watched she carried with her, pressing a button on the side of the watch the air around her distorted and became ripply tell soon it popped in a quick spark of light that didn’t even last a second.
She hadn’t stopped walking. Victoria now as on a path she knew all to well it had doors to either side of her. All of them where numbered and the look reminded you of an office building though the path she walked on was obsidian in color, but her boots made no sound as she walked down the path.
She stopped at a set of doors that where different colors of wood. One was purple heart, another was cherry another was elder wood and another was yew. “Hmmm, which door I need to pick the right vital point in the times direction to make changes.” she stared at the doors and waited tell she saw the shade of one shift. Nodding with glee that the time line had given her a hint as to where to go.
“There we go” her hand reaching and opening the cherry door and stepping through. In a remote part of Metropolis ripples formed in the air and started to move quickly running up and down and side to side tell finally a quick spark of light formed and she was standing in the middle of a road. Stepping off the road and started to walk down the sidewalk.
-Cassandra continued her scouting on the edge and noticed a woman on a desolate road as her and the contractor passed it. She gave the woman an odd look but continued on her way around the city, though she didn’t get too far. She turned to the odd woman she noticed and yelled, “HEY! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!” She was hoping the woman was just a drunk or someone lost on a way to a party. She hadn’t been there to see her basically step out of nowhere. Her hair was caught by a soft breeze, which also caught her dress a little bit.-
Victoria continued to walk down the broken sidewalk stepping over some of the debris and saw the woman walking towards her and smiled. She just walked by like it was nothing she knew her clothing must have put her very much out of place if she managed to land where she wanted to go. Feeling the wind blow by and she took in a breath as her skirts shifted some and her hair blew in the wind. Hearing the woman’s question she stopped and smiled. “I am wondering one thing. What is todays date?” she smiled and turned pulling her hand out of the pouch it had been in and closed it with a sigh. “Also can you tell me what city I am in?” she hadn’t gotten the thing working just right so she had some questions about where she ended up.
-Cassandra looked at the odd woman with a confused look. “Um… Today is the ninteenth and you’re in Metropolis.” She really didn’t understand why she needed to answer such questions then continued, “Do you need medical help?” She had no idea how to react to the passerby and really wanted to get back to the plans of the city. She waved for the Contractor to just continue to circle the circumferance she had previously explained.-
Victoria smiled and chuckled and placed her hand softly to her mouth. “I’m sorry and no I do not. I am quite well. Let my rephrase my previous question. What year is it?” she made her statement much more clear. Her hand still in her pocket twisting the dial on the top of her pocket watch and watched the woman as she spoke to the contractor. “I’m also looking for a young woman her name is… Muse I think Might you be able to assist me at all I truly am a little lost.” She grinned and slipped her hand into the pocket behind the pistol that hung on her hip by a pouch.
-Cassandra looked at the woman with an odd glance. She wanted the year? How stoned was this chick? Then the mention of Muse made her stop and think. She smiled a bit and said, “Oh! You are looking for Muse? What sort of affiliation do you have with that company before I tell you where it is.” She acted as if she didn’t want there to be a threat to the business that was helping her get back onto her feet. In actuality, she just wanted to know what she knew about them.-
Victoria smiled at the woman who seemed to be helpful and pulled her pocket watch out it seemed very out of place. It looked like an old time piece that had been modified with Victorian era technology. Checking it she quickly slipped it back into her pocket. “Well I don’t know much about her really aside from she is short and has a temper. Oh and runs this large corporation that well isn’t even really hers granted her names on it. Funny how that works.” She giggled and swayed her hips some her skirts swaying form side to side. “Not much more I can say aside from she’s going to do something catastrophic if I don’t get to speak with her. Its really important that I do speak with her is there any way you could assist with this I might even be able to help you out with your city here.”
-Cassandra listened to the stranger, a sudden gust blowing her hair a little bit. She thought about the possible reprocussions and said, “The airport just got itself up and running, I could get you a straight flight to her. I am afraid the Luthor jet is a little… not ready to be used yet. I could also pay for a private flight for you. Leaves when you want and will take you where you need to go.” She held the offer but knew for now, everyone was just cooperating with her until the city was safe. “You can return when you wish if you want to help,” She tagged on quickly. She should be focusing on what she was doing but anything to help the weird stranger for the moment, need to keep appearances.-
~None can escape the fear that the Lord of Time can invoke.~
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