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New Roleplay
Posted by Randomness On 2 Legs on September 15, 2015 at 2:37 pmThis is the second roleplay room so we can restart.
Randomness On 2 Legs replied 9 years, 5 months ago 6 Members · 63 Replies -
63 Replies
*Dendrite walked along the frost and snow bitten road, Roro right behind her*
Azalan awoke from his sleep a blinding light. Slowly as he opened his eyes he looked around. “This is the last time I sleep in a tree…” He said to himself as he stretched and started to climb down. Once at the bottom he opened his knapsack and pulled out a map and began studying it. “Let’s see here… If I go here…” Azalan mumbled to himself. “Alright, Falkreath it is.” He said and folded his map and put it back up. He took a deep breath through his nose and walked towards the town.
*Skali awoke in a small room in the whiterun tavern. Getting dressed, she went over her plans for the day*
“Take out bandit leader in nearby mine. Collect bounty. Buy necessary supplies, sell loot, head north toward solitude”
Strapping her ax to her back and lifting her knapsack, she headed downstairs and outside.
Dar’Tesh crept from the tent pitched outside Whiterun, bidding the caravan merchant thanks and fare well he began along the road to Rorikstead.
*Dendrite can see solitude in the distance, She can see Roro shivering a little even with the fur she had put on him*”i told you not to jump into that river…Even if you do like swimming this, isnt the season,” She hauled him up so she was carrying him like a child with his head across her shoulder. Roro turned its head and liked Dendrite in the face,”No, no, no! Im gonna drop ya!” She stopped walking and turned her head away until he stopped, her arms were getting tiered from carrying him so she started walking while she could still carey him.
Tankards scraped against the wood top table already worn senseless from the heavy metal of the cups, mead and ale sloshing around and out the mugs with the loud obnoxious sound of customers clapping their hands tonelessly to the strum of a lute, shouting to one another across the room instead of getting their drunken selves up to close the distance to their speaker. It was rush hour in the winking skeever, and although it wasn’t uncommon to see a wife with a whore of a man to fuel her drink off of, or a single mother come to wash away her struggles, there were few women in the bar completely hammered. Most women in Solidtude kept to themselves in shuttered up homes with the children at this time, or maybe even isolated themselves from the world with their riches when night fell. Girls who got tipsy so early in the night were loose or wild, free and not someone to be messed with. One of these fair maidens of the night was currently laughing at something a citizen of this town had said: A boat trip, a story of how a wealthy man was looking to get to Solidtude, and just when they saw land he’d jump so quickly from his seat he’d fallen into the water off to the side. “Jolz, Jolz, ennuff!” The girl had pointed ears that poked from her softly curled hair that fell past her shoulders, her green eyes bright and lively with the booze rushed through her. Although, her mouth wasn’t as quick–her tongue getting thicker the more she knocked one back. “Zat guy isho luwcky youh were there, ehhh hwat stuff?” She laughed some more, nearly knocking over the cup she had pressed to her lips. “Jolz, Jolz, telmma sometin-” Alice began again, and Jolf was listening intently, much more sober than she. He was a boatman who gladly took citizens to places far off, Dawnstar, Windhelm, both deep in Alice’s past where she’d prefer to keep them, other than the white haired girl sat beside her, who looked different in every way but those green eyes–uncannilily alike to her own despite all their differences. Eryniel was much prettier, and sweeter too. “Shattup with that racket!” She cut herself off, whirling toward the bard who strummed presistently in the corner. What did she know? Five songs? Six, maybe? Didn’t anyone ever invent anything new in Skyrim? She felt her mood souring as she took three steps toward the guy, wobbly yet determined. “Noooo, of couuurse no talent. We are in Skyrim, aren’t we?”
*Dendrite entered the bar with her hood up, she pushed through the drunks to the fire and set Roro down. She put some meat next to it to heat up, when Roro went to eat it anyway Dendrite pushed his muzzle away gently. Tucking the fur around him closer to him before she sat down and turned from the fire to hide her face in shadows. She knew Solitude was a bit more tollerent to beast races than others but still*
*Skali sighed and set out from Whiterun. Those bandits had put up a decent fight and she was sporting fresh wounds. But she had got the job done and the supplies she had should last her long enough to reach the next settlement. Even so, it was a long road to solitude. She smiled grimly, head up and alert as she walked, her ax hand ready*
Lisette was an older woman with wrinkles rolled up along her forehead, and as far as Alice was concerned spent too much time in the bar with that stupid lute–or flute, drums, whatever. “Do you have a request?” Asked the elder woman, and Alice grinned dopily at the sound of this, raising up her tankard pleasidly as she stood up on the balls of her feet. “Take a break, old mare, siiiit! Have a drink-” Alice rocketed back to her heels,nearly falling over if it weren’t for her hand catching her subconsciously, bracing herself on the table beside her, occupied by a dog and a Kahjiit. She toppled onto the arm of the chair opposite of the girl and her dog, immediately stirring to get back up from her crumpled awkward position of half-sitting on the chair and legs tangled up on the chair’s arm. “Well, whoooops.” She laughed, her drink sloshing near the fire only making it flame up more after dying for a second.
*Dendrite blincked at the drunken Elven lady*”Um, do you need help out of the chair. er. You seem a little intoxicated at the moment,” Dendrite stood too help the lady if she wanted.
*trudging through the wilderness, Skali mumbled slightly. She was still getting use to walking long distances. While she did, one more than one occasion, have enough money to buy a horse, she never had, mistrusting the animals somewhat. She sighed, and spotting a small village in the distance, headed toward it, seeking shelter as night drew in*
Alice’s cheeks were flush, although not from embarrassment but rather the liquor pulsing through her veins. “Sooooo then, a kahjiit in these parts? A kahjiit and a mutt like me, in Solidtude! Mmmm, maybe its fate?” She leaned forward, an alluring smile on her face as she looked at the Kahjiit girl. “I’m juss kiddin with ya..Hmmm…” She chuckled even louder now, slamming her tankard on the table. “Sooo! Whatsa Cage-eet like youh doin around here?” (So! What’s a Kahjiit like you doing around here?) Her fingers skimmed over the rim of the tankard, eyes unfocused but still watching the cat-woman and her dog. Dimly, the thought of something like this was familiar…”You hunt?” She nodded to the dog in the furs.
(I know Ok XD the similaritys)
*Dendrite put her hand to her temple when the Elven lady had yelled out that she was a kahjiit. Even though a person could tell if they were close by, she sighed quietly and sat down*”Um, no actually I’m a traveling mage,” she held her palm out and a puff of frost showed before she put her hand back. She reached over and pulled the meat over to Roro now that it was warm.
(Hey, you like what you like cx)
“A mage?”Distaste was quite apparent in the girl’s voice as she leaned away from that puff of frost the kahjiit gave off, her eyes narrowing with effort to focus on her. “A Kahjiit mage? C’mon, there has to be a story behind that one.” The elf-like girl was clearly sobering up by her fluent words now, but taking her time with her words. “A Kahjiit and her dog. Wouldn’t that be a novel.”
(Ooooh I am having so much fun with this.)
*Skali lay down in the barn, the only shelter the settlement could offer. It was warm though, and the villagers were friendly enough. She should make solitude by tomorrow night. Then the real work and excitement would begin. She smiled broadly and closed her eyes*
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