• Posted by Lord English on January 20, 2014 at 1:28 am



    <arcaneMemory has begun trolling steadfastStitches>

    AM: Hello?
    AM: Are you there?
    AM: I wwanted to know if you wwould like to talk?
    AM: I just finished running scans on my computer and thought it wwould 8e cool to talk.
    SS: -> Hell0, seaadweller
    SS: -> I c0nfess, y0u haave caaught me aat aa m0st f0rtuit0us time f0r c0nversing aas my lusus will thaankfully be aabsent f0r a few m0ments m0re
    SS: -> S0, haave y0u c0me up with aa new tiraade c0ncerning the faaults 0f us laandwellers? 0r is there s0mething else y0u wish t0 discuss?
    AM: No, no faults.
    AM: I am just completely fed up wwith sitting alone wwith no one to talk to 8ut my lusus.
    AM: He only lets me out to let him hunt anymore and it is vvery 8oring.
    AM: Also I just 8uilt a 3D printer yesterday and oh my cod its precision!



    Lord English replied 11 years, 1 month ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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