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  • RP 2.0

    Posted by Unknown Member on May 11, 2015 at 12:00 am

    As Ree murdered Geralt, there was an explosion in the room, and a black figure in combat gear jumped into the destroyed glass, a ship hovering outside from where it had arrived. The figure cocked it’s head, seeing the dog-man bleed out on the floor.

    “You have beaten me to my own game.” <i>It said in a metallic voice to Ree, watching the chaos silently as Faye began to scream.</i>

    “While I am quite impressed of your skill, your blind rebellion from Ozymandias reveals immaturity. I must finish my job on my own.” The assassin was next to Ree in an instant, disarming him and knocking him to the floor next to the open area from the explosion, an almost endless drop below the floating city.

    “Goodbye.” The assassin kicked him, Ree falling out of the room and into the sky, vanishing. It then turned around, moving towards Faye silently as it drew out a black sword from it’s sheath.

    “You have gotten your wish, no?” The electronic voice screeched, moving the corpse of Geralt’s jaw with it’s boot, blood pooling on the floor.

    “Wipe out…the Keepers. You have almost succeeded. One removed member. Now I will make it two. With your death, I find peace.” It ran fingers down the blade of the sword, getting closer to Faye.

    Unknown Member replied 9 years, 10 months ago 9 Members · 376 Replies
  • 376 Replies
  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    May 11, 2015 at 12:09 am

    “Before I finally end your pitiful existence, I will…savor this moment.” The assassin reached down, pulling the comms out of a coat pocket and turning them on, contacting Rose and turning on the video.

    “Look upon what has happened to your friend.” The assassin showed the dead body of Geralt, blood still dripping out of his jaw as he laid on the floor, the assassin kicking him in the head as his neck rolled loosely, to sink in the point. It then showed Faye, terrified and still screaming.

    “I will end her next. After this, I am coming for you.” The comms cut out.

    “Where…were we?” The assassin asked Faye.

  • The Best Kind of Villian

    May 11, 2015 at 12:13 am

    Faye looks at the bleeding body of her friend, collapsing onto her knees and letting the tears roll down her face, “No…Please….not…” She holds his head in her arms, sobbing as she brings her head close to his chest, desperately trying to find a pulse or a breath, but nothing was there… She hears the explosion, but right now she was centered on him… After a moment of crying, she closes his eyes…

    “He didn’t want this…he wasn’t a part of them…” She looks up at the new person, “Neither of us wanted any of this… HE rescued me from that prison on his own… He wasn’t told to! The Keepers lost track of him for the longest time…and just now got through…” She rests her head on his chest, letting the blood stain her hair slightly, “God… What the hell has my life turned into…”

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    May 11, 2015 at 12:17 am

    The assassin grabbed the chin of Faye, lifting her head up to stare at it’s mask.

    “You deserve what has happened to your friend. He died because of you. None of this would have happened if you weren’t a mindless puppet to the OGA, nor the Keepers. Your…naivety has brought the downfall of not only Geralt, but soon the OGA itself. I will wipe clean the army of darkness, and the Keepers, and then all the people closest to you. Accept this death as a relief, because you will not have to witness in person when I kill everyone that you have ever loved.” The assassin slowly ran the blunt edge of the blade against Faye’s cheek, savoring the moment before her death.

    “Are you ready to die?” The robotic voice croaked.

  • The Best Kind of Villian

    May 11, 2015 at 12:20 am

    Faye just lets the tears rain off of her, shaking her head as she listens to the man’s speech. “He was all I had left…I don’t care about the others…” She looks up at him, “If you bring them all down…maybe we can finally have peace…” She closes her eyes and lifts her neck, leaning it against the dull blade, “Go ahead…finish the job…” A few more tears fall down her face, “Maybe I can finally see my family again… Say I’m sorry… For… Everything…”

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    May 11, 2015 at 12:24 am

    The figure’s hand shook as it held her chin, releasing her and pushing her to the floor, suddenly pacing.

    No! Why are you at peace? Didn’t you hear my words, you foolish girl?” The assassin said, leaning close to her, kneeling.

    “I will murder everyone. EVERYONE! You hold dear.” The assassin growled, furious.

    “You are not winning! I am winning! I will finally end you, and I will make you suffer!” The assassin stood up, pacing again.

    “Perhaps I’ll be slower. More…deliberate. Torture is the best method of vengeance.” It said quietly.

  • GoldPhoenix9

    May 11, 2015 at 12:28 am

    *Pandora banged her head against a wall of a tavern on some planet irritated, she had lost Apollo, Andaluza and Jack for some reason, her wings twitched. people stared at her confused as her forehead began to color red from all the banging*

  • The Best Kind of Villian

    May 11, 2015 at 12:30 am

    Faye hits the floor and looks up at him, now a bit angry, “Why am I at peace? Why wouldn’t I be at peace!? You’ve just said to me that you are going to destroy them both…”

    Faye’s eyes flash purple for a bit as she glares at him, “Everyone I hold dear? After Geralt, you’ve already done that. My family is gone… He’s gone… There’s nobody else… They’ve all betrayed me…”

    She looks up at him, “You may not see it, but we’re on the same side here… But I don’t want to fight it anymore… I’m tired of it all… Just finish me off or let me go!” Her eyes flare a deep red as her hair turns black, “Kill me or leave me you coward!”

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    May 11, 2015 at 12:32 am

    I will do as I wish!” The assassin shouted in it’s robotic voice, grabbing her by the neck and lifting her off the ground.

    “I will make you endure pain among pain! I will find my vengeance for what has been done to me, I have killed Jack, and I will kill you!”

  • The Best Kind of Villian

    May 11, 2015 at 12:36 am

    Faye stares back at him, her look of surprise slowly becoming an insane smirk, as she is forced onto the wall by his robotic self, “Pain after pain? Give me your worst.” Her eyes are still blood red and her hair was black, slightly stained by Geralt’s blood, “Give me liberty or give me death!!”

  • GoldPhoenix9

    May 11, 2015 at 12:36 am

    *Pandora stumbled out of the tavern a little dizzy, she shook her head*”UGH!”, she said kicking a trash can, she made a dent in it but broke her toe nail since she had her regular Cargo pants T shirt and greek sandles on. she hopped around holding her clutching her foot.”DAMNIT!”, she yelled in pain.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    May 11, 2015 at 12:41 am

    “I will give you <i>misery</i>!” The assassin threw her to the floor, stepping on her neck.

    “I…I will make you suffer. But not yet death.” It lifted it’s boot off of her neck, taking a step back and putting it’s blade back in it’s sheath.

    “You don’t deserve death yet. I will watch you from afar, kill everyone around you, and when you are the last one yet, kneeling on the floor with the blood of your friends coating your hands, I will appear behind you, and tell you it was your fault as I put my blade in your back. Farewell, traitor. I will be seeing you again, watching you. Every moment before your death from now on…I’ll be in the shadows, following you.” The assassin stepped over her, picking up Geralt’s body and walking over to the hole in the glass.

    “I will be taking this. You are not allowed to mourn.” <i>The assassin leaped out, landing onto it’s ship and walking inside the hangar, the doors closing and the ship blasting off into the night.</i>

  • GoldPhoenix9

    May 11, 2015 at 12:46 am

    *Pandora got bored and checked Garalts com to see how Faie and him were doing, their was a fuzzy static from the com section of the ship*”ELLO!?! YO! GUZ! IN ON A PLANET AND IM FREAKING OUT! I sort of went to sleep actually then woke up and BAM! planet, hehehe anyways how you guys doing?”, she asked leaning against an alley wall.

  • Apollo V.

    May 11, 2015 at 12:50 am

    Apollo quickly grabbed Pandora and Andaluza by the hand. “No questions!” Apollo then created a sphere of air and launched them into Geralt’s ship with a mirror toss. “We’re here!”

  • The Best Kind of Villian

    May 11, 2015 at 12:50 am

    Faye’s eyes fade into black as he explains his methods, then laughing, “Oh you are a coward, aren’t you? You can’t even kill a girl begging for death!” She laughs a bit more as she glares at him, noticing him take the body of Geralt away… Then her attitude shifts, “N-NO! Don’t take him!!” She stays nearby where the assassin disappeared, collapsing again onto the floor… “Why…every damn time…the time my homeland was attacked…I lived…the time my parents were murdered…I lived…even when a god-damn planet explodes from under my feet… I lived on… And now… The only person in the world that gave two shits about me dies, and the assassin wants me dead…” She walks over and yells breaking a wooden table, “I STILL FUCKING LIVE!” She lets out many pants as she looks at her hands, “Even Jack is gone… The invincible man is dead…so why…” She goes to a wall and starts to ram her head against it repeatedly, “Why! WHY! WHY CAN’T I DIE IN PEACE!?”

  • HalfMe-HalfWho

    May 11, 2015 at 12:52 am

    Katherine stared at the blank screen for longer than she should have after the mystery man cut the comm. Mr. Wolf died, hmm, what a thing to think about, she wondered who else died after she left the Keepers. It was to be expecting, she did predict their fall, they had too many holes, too many connections, too many strings that held them. They were too used to being held up that they didn’t know how to walk. 

    Katherine remembered Faye screaming, that’s why her name was Ms. Asphodel, regrets to the grave. But suddenly Katherine remembered what the guy said. “Wait, I’m not part of the Keepers, no way will I die for them,” Her eyes changed to a darker green at the notice of a challenge, “I wonder who else he will kill.” Standing up, Katherine prepared to start moving, might as well get a head start.

    Katherine commed Apollo, briefly explaining as she told Malice to get ready to move. “Some person killed Mr. Wolf, maybe even Ms Asphodel, you should start moving if you want to survive.”

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