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*Pandora took the tissue and used it and also took the Daisy*”Thanks,” she said smiling.
Apollo rolled his eyes at the entire scene. “So these are the people that are going to save the universe. Well, I think the universe is better off being eaten by a chinchilla.”
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMay 14, 2015 at 12:55 amAs Jack plummeted towards a planet, he contemplated his existence. Maybe he should try to stop doing that whole murder thing, since the result is him plunging in with the speed of a comet as his face melted off from heat. He was insane, yes, but maybe he could use that insanity to fight evil. No more killing Faye, at least. Ozy, yes. I will kill Ozy. Murder time. Fuck, this hurts.
Hweq looked around for the sound, “Where’s the male human ‘boss’ again? Though I do agree with that statement.”
*Pandora put the flower in her belt and stood up*”I’m ready now lets go and murders some sons of Butchers,” She said smirking murderously.
“Your welcome” Malice says before smiling at the thought of killing again “Ah murdering~been a while since I’ve done that~”
Apollo stared blankly at Pandora. “Language…”
Apollo then pointed to the sky. “No idea, for all we know he could be in that meteor headed straight for the ground right now.”
“Yeah i murdered a soldier just a couple minutes ago didn’t quiet fill the gap the evil spirit in me has,” she said smiling.”Wait murder its really the word, right? its rather kill? or is it Shank?” she asked her self quizzically.”Uhhhh Udunuh,” she said shrugging.
Hweq looked at Malice and Pandora, “Ah yes, due to the restrictions with Rose and Katherine, I have been holding back on that as well.” Hweq started flying around, looking for Jack, “I would think he should have landed already, the screams have stopped….” Having no real motive, the lazy Ascendii mirrored to the human. “Really Jack, you’ve been exploded many times, how can you still feel pain and let it bother you?”
Apollo snickered. “If you told us you killed a soldier six hundred years ago, then we’d probably be amazed. But right about now…no…just no…”
(Post credit goes to Jack)
Malice “Ah yeah that’s understandable, I use to do some massacres here and there that was satisfying well for a while I suppose but then again I did a lot of crazy stuff back then. How about you?” Malice said to Pandora.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMay 14, 2015 at 1:05 am‘Wait…fuck, did I leave my refrigerator running?’ Jack thought to himself as he hurtled into the atmosphere of a planet.
“Yeah… Murdered around 5 million people actually,” she said holding back a evil laugh at her own death count that was still rising.
Hweq followed Jack lazily as she flew, not bothering to catch him, instead, the woman kicked Jack down to make him speed up.
Apollo was behind Pandora before she could finish her sentence and put osmium handcuffs on her, so she couldn’t lift her hands.
“Good thing you admitted that now, rather than later, when I get attached to you. You’re under arrest for genocide.”
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