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{RP} Training Corps Barracks
♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒ replied 10 years, 11 months ago 4 Members · 42 Replies
-Vlad was having a strong conversation with Victor”do you think yourself in the right throwing your weight around on these recruits, I have half a mind to report to my brother and have him speak to the officials about replacing you”. Victor raised up to his full height which wasnt even close to his Vlad before he screamed in his face”you son of a bitch think you can speak this way to me”. Vlad smirked out of the corner of his eye he saw the one female activate her gear and go flying towards the cage. Vlad reached into Victors shirt grabbing the knife before running at top speed towards the cage before useing the knife to cut away at the cord. He would then pull Remel back away from cage and turn towards her”are you insane or something that thing could have eaten you”.-
•.Raven was watching from a distance when she saw Remel climb into the cage with the Titan and sit on its foot while figuring her gear out. She’d turned around and begun to walk away because she saw that the girl was doing a fairly good job of figuring it out on her own, when suddenly she heard a puff-and-zip behind her, and then people started screaming and staring into the cage. She spun around and saw Remel, dangling from the five-meter Titan’s nose by her grapple. She gasped and froze up, watching as it lurched its head forward and snapped at the now panicky and struggling girl. She saw someone running and realized it was Vlad, leaving the trainer’s side with a knife and heading for the cage.
“That idiot…” Some girl next to her muttered, and she snapped her head over to look at Aarie, shaking her head and glaring into the cage. “Deserves what she gets.” Raven was about ready to reach over and knock her head off, but something she saw froze her in place. A few feet beyond Aarie was Levi, looking on at the cage as well. For the first time, he didn’t look dispassionate or spiteful. Instead, his eyes were wide, his face pale, and he looked absolutely mortified. He’d already pulled out one of his plug-in blades, and was also running towards the cage, even though it was clear Vlad would get there first. When he realized that, he stopped and schooled his features, gripping his chest and gasping before putting his blade away and wiping sweat from his forehead. Raven was surprised; was he actually concerned about Remel? He threw what was clearly a glare over at the trainer, who’d stood by and done nothing.
Commander Victor watched Vlad run to go save Remel, shaking his head and turning away. It was just about time to dismiss them to their first day of actual class. He caught Levi looking his way and motioned him over, and the boy started walking. A vein of irritation popped up on his forehead, and he closed his eyes with an annoyed sigh. Irreverent brats, every last one of them, it seemed like. Questioning his teaching methods… “Yessir…” His thoughts were interrupted by that small fry, Levi. If he remembered correctly, the boy was from the Capital undercity; he was some sort of a street thug that for quite some time was giving everybody hell. He may have looked like a puny little nothing, but he knew how to beat the living shit out of someone if he needed to.
A few shouts of warning again disturbed everyone, this time coming from the direction of the caged Titan. His nose had fallen off and sent Remel dropping to the foot of the cage. She would only have a few moments to get out, or for Vlad to pull her himself. The horses that were connected to the cart were beyond spooked, and started into a sudden dead run. Scouting Legion members were using their 3DMGs to try and catch up and stop them, but it was already clearly too late. The cart was rocking horribly, and the horses were realizing, too late, that they needed to turn or stop because they were running into a brick wall. They didn’t manage to do either; the momentum kept the cart going straight into the wall even though they had actually begun to turn, and it threw everything so off-balance that the cart fell on its side.
The cage fell and smashed against said wall, and several of the rods in the Titan’s body came loose. It began to move, pulling the others from its body as it struggled free of the cage-and-cart, pulling free of the thick cloth that was wrapped around it. A blonde shot her grapple at the brick wall to try and go past the Titan, but it put its hand out and grabbed her as she got close. As she screamed, it gripped her tightly around the midsection. Too tightly, it seemed, because a moment later she was coughing up blood. It opened its mouth and tilted its head back, raising its hand above its head to drop her into its mouth. When it let go, she grabbed onto its thumb, and its teeth closed on her knees, snapping everything below that point clean off. As blood gushed, she shrieked in pain.
“JAYNE!” A redhead, followed by two brunettes, came next. One used the grapple to propel himself over the Titan’s head, using his blade to cleanly cleave the Titan’s arm from its body. It dropped Jane, but its mouth was open by then, and so the next thing the tag team knew the Titan’s teeth had closed around their friend’s body again, this time cutting off everything below the ribcage. The rest of her slumped uselessly to the ground, still sputtering and wide-eyed. The two brunettes shot by the Titan on either side at knee-level and cut halfway through its legs. The creature fell backwards. One of the brunettes, in hysterics, went over to Jayne and rolled her over, trying to do CPR. The Titan started to sit up and reach for the two, but the redhead ran up behind it while its head was raised and swung his sword, slicing through the nape of its neck. The Titan slumped to the ground and suddenly began to disintegrate, steam rising around it. The group of three stood around the girl’s now-dead body, silent. Commander Victor still stood watching calmly from his spot by the second cart, with Levi at his side once again looking absolutely horrified.•
-Remel found herself dropping after she was cut loose back to the bottom of the cage. She felt the nose bounce off her on the bottom and flop to her side. She felt the cart begin to move. She looked to the front and noticed where they were heading for and tried to roll herself to the bars. She squeezed through and went to jump out, the nose causing her to tumble a bit with the cart before breaking loose. She came out with only a few bruises. She made a run from the cart first thing on her freedom. She thought since she was able to get out, that he could get out as well. She was worried though just out of pure instinct. She did watch to see how it played out. Getting to see the horrifying sight of the titan chomping someone in half. She payed close attention as people attacked and took it down. She was in awe from it and at the same time, rather frightened. If she was one of them, that would be a most horrible death. She calmed herself and stood up, placing her hands on the bruises on her arms and making sure she was actually still alive.-
-Vlad made sure Remel was free and out before he turned his head and saw the wall coming quick which scared the shit out of him so he decided it was time to get the hell out of here. He went to jump out but one of the spikes that was through the titan stabbed into his arm which made him scream but he had enough time to pull his arm free and then jump through the cage rolling away but he was still to close when the cage hit the wall his body got covered in the metal rods that made up the cage and one of the rods that was within the titan was stabbed into the ground through his jacket but lucky not through his skin. He was held down and had no plans of moving away until he knew that giant fucker was dead. He saw blood coming from below his elbow so he turned his arm to get a better look which to his relief it wasn’t that deep but he would probably need it sewn shut.
He could see through the cage that was on him and was horrified as the titan ate that poor person. He hollered with joy when the creature finally fell. He saw the girl cut its throat and the thing disintegrate which he would never allow himself to forget this. He used his good arm to push away some of the pipes but some of this stuff was too heavy for him to move with just one arm.-
•.Raven ran in the direction of where all the shit hit the fan, glancing to see if Remel was okay before darting past her and spotting the group that had lost a comrade. The girl who’d been trying to do CPR now had her head buried in the blonde’s chest, sobbing incoherently about her sister. The redheaded man walked over and put his hand on the other brunette’s shoulder, and they glanced at each other for a moment before she walked over and started trying to pull the girl away from the dead blond, out of the blood. Raven paused for a moment to see if she could help, but the lady clearly wasn’t getting any better; she was wailing and kicking her legs back, grasping at the dead one’s vest so that the limp partial body got dragged with her. More blood spilled on both of the brunettes, and the redhead closed his eyes, reaching over to pry the girl’s fingers loose. The Titan’s body had mostly disintegrated by this point; all that remained was bones, and they were steaming.
Raven heard something behind her that caused quite a commotion, but she didn’t turn to look. Instead, she went to the pile of rubble. Looking through the bars of a part of the cage that didn’t completely fall apart, she saw Vlad laying on the ground struggling with the debris, under which he was pinned. She also spotted blood, which chilled her and had her glancing back at the blonde. That was when she noticed two things; Levi, helping make the brunette let go of her dead sister while muttering something lowly to her, and Victor way over by the carts pulling himself off the ground while rubbing his head. Levi caught her gaze and leveled a glare at her, and she rolled her eyes as she turned her head back to Vlad. As she started picking her way around the broken cart and cage pieces, something hit her on the back of the head. She looked down and saw it was the busted handle of a knife, minus the blade. She glanced around, but she couldn’t see where it came from.
Reaching Vlad, she moved to his side and started lifting off the heavier parts that were pinning him down. A wheel fell near her and she kicked it away. The horses were inadvertently helping as well; as they struggled to right themselves, it was shaking the cart and very nearly lifted it a few times. Suddenly, it did move, jolting upright and then being dragged away, lopsided, by the snorting and still-spooked horses. She looked next to her and saw Levi brushing his hands off and walking away without a word, kicking some splintered wood pieces off of Vlad as he did so. Raven turned and started looking at Vlad’s cuts, tearing the fabric of her pants off at the knee on both legs to wrap his arm with. “That was quite a ride you just went on.”
Rubbing at a swelling cheek and popping his jaw back into place, Commander Victor started calling the trainees to order. “I hope our clumsy comrade has learned her lesson. How does it feel, having blood on your hands before you’re even a soldier?” He was staring over at Remel, and indicated the group over by the rubble with a jerk of his chin. “That was your doing. Hope you’re happy with it. Now, then. Remel, Vlad, Raven, and Levi, you are to run two hundred laps around the field and skip dinner. The rest of you are dismissed. Consider classes canceled today, since I seriously doubt anyone will be paying attention after this episode.” He glared at the owners of each name he said. “Well? Move your asses, I’m not standing here all day and night.” The other trainees started filing away. Raven stood staring in disbelief at Victor before sighing and starting to jog, and Levi took off running while he scowled up at the sky.•
-Remel was remorseful and to the worst part of it, was being yelled at. She was starting to get extremely stressed out but she wouldn’t let it cause her to retaliate. She simply shrieked at Victor, “YES SIR WONT FUCKIN HAPPEN AGAIN SIR!” She didn’t mean to say the one part and started running before he could catch her to scold her again. She felt the sting of her bruises and yet felt them both worsening and getting better all at the same time. She noticed that they were steaming and freaked out, but at the same time she was sweating, a very good way to hide such. She just ran as fast as she could, this was an attempt to hide the steaming and to get it done and over with faster.-
-Vlad sighed with relief when Raven began to remove the items off his body and nearly thanked Levi when he pulled the thing off of himself. He thanked Raven when she covered up his wound but the second those words came out of Victors mouth he marked him as a dead man. He found the knife he had used to cut Remel free and threw it as hard as he could and it planet deep into the earth between the mans feet. He then started to run easily catching up with Remel and running right past her without paying her any attention as his anger had him red hot.
He planned the first chance he would get to feed that son of a bitch to a giant and he hoped it was a small one so that it would take longer to kill the man. He lapped almost the entire group three times in the matter of him running and he didnt notice them at all as he was lost in his own little world.-
The entire scene stunned him he wished to help but that other guy beat him to it. He then decided to stay out of reach when the titan got free he attempted to stay calm but was distraught when the innocent got harmed the sadness was soon replaced by an anger as he started remembering all the lives lost to titans. Peter then sighed as he was unable to do anything to prevent it… yet. He then thought as he walked about that four that were involved he started to recognize some of them from his cabin even the serious somewhat small one Levi he assumed, he then pieced together the rest of the names eventually, and he soon formulated a plan to get them some food if he could get away with it hopefully I can get away with it he thought on his trip back
•.Raven kept up a jog, watching as Remel, Vlad, and Levi stayed ahead of her and/or even lapped her. Victor glowered at them all from his spot on the other side of the fence, having picked up his knife and slid it back into his holster. Raven noticed that Vlad was the focus of Victor’s attention; she was well aware that both he and Remel were hurt. She slowed her pace a bit, timing how Vlad passed each person, and came up behind Victor as he was turned to watch Vlad. She reached up quickly, grabbing his sleeve and yanking him down to her level before jamming her fingers into his jugular, cutting off the blood flow to his brain and bringing him down quickly. Before he passed out, he craned his head around and looked at her. She smiled sweetly at him, staring him straight in the eyes. “With all due respect, sir…goodnight.”
She then waved at the others. Levi stopped, looking stunned. “A-are you out of your mind? We’re about to be in even more trouble now!” He ran over to her, shockingly fast for a little guy. He jumped, raising his foot as though he meant to kick her either in the chest or face, but she stepped backwards and grabbed onto his leg, holding it as he landed so that he had to flail his arms like a bird trying to keep his balance. She then twisted her hand, flinging him onto his hands and knees before she let go. “No, moron…We’re gonna make him think he got drunk. Help me.” She pulled at his arm and started dragging him towards the cabins. “We’ll drop him somewhere outside and bust a bottle or two around him, pour out a couple of others and leave them with him as well.”•
-Remel caught the on-goings, her not stopping until the steaming stopped. She headed over to the situation and looked at what was going on. She kept her hands over where he visible bruises were and said, “The fuck?”
She tilted her head lightly to the side and gave a slight sigh. “I don’t know about you guys but I am going to finish my laps. If you get caught and in trouble, it’s all on you.”
She turned and ran, hoping they wouldn’t notice the bruises were gone as she attempted to finish her laps. The entire time, she thought about what the consequences may be if she is what she thinks she is. She didn’t think it was possible, though. She also thought about what it may be that caused it so she could avoid doing so again. Maybe they will learn about it. She didn’t know at the time but eventually she may get answers.-
-Vlad kept running knowing he was being watched by Victor but he didnt care all he was worried about was finishing his run and heading to the medic to get stitched up. He saw what Raven did and shook his head. He finished his last lap wand walked to the medic not turning to show the smile that was on his face. He walked into the medic room got fixed up and then headed back to his bunk where he picked up anything that was oddly knocked over before climbing into his bed and relaxing while he felt his legs spasm from the workout.
•.Raven sighed as she finally dragged herself into the bunker and went to the showers immediately, rinsing off before putting her new store-bought pajamas on (a normal, pale salmon-colored piece with doggy prints on them) going to her bed and slumping down with a groan. Every last one of her fellow trainees had left her to deal with Victor by herself. First Remel wanting to avoid further punishment, and then Vlad. Surely they realized that they would be punished as the misfit team all at the same time, whether they participated or not, simply because he’d already decided he didn’t like the four. Levi, of course, abandoned her with the big ugly jerk as well, saying something about how it was bad enough he’d been lumped in with the troublesome bunch. Only, he didn’t finish his laps. He just plain left.
So, Raven half-dragged, half-carried him off down side streets to a pub that was popular with off-duty officers, leaning him against the outer back wall before she stole a few bottles from people who had already had more than they needed anyway and pouring some alcohol down his throat before dumping the rest out a few doors down. She dropped one on the ground and shattered it; the rest she left surrounding Victor. An open bottle that was still half-full was in his left hand; she’d noticed earlier during his time on the soapbox that he just so happened to be left-handed. Then she wandered off before anyone could see her, sneaking back to the bunker house.
She laid there with her eyes shut for a good ten minutes, then snapped straight up in bed and hit her head on the support beam for the upper bunk that was directly above her. Spinning to throw her legs back over the side of the bed, she got up and started digging around through her storage chest for a moment, pulling out a big coat and putting it on before she went walking out the door, grinning and barefoot. A couple of the trainees stared after her. She was very careful not to even look at Remel, Vlad, or Levi on her way out. She was kinda disappointed in their lack of…well…guts, no irony or pun intended.
Her grin widened as she looked up to see the moon was almost completely absent, and she took off running into the dark. She only stopped for a second to marvel at how long it took for her to move Victor herself; it had been afternoon when she’d knocked him out and now it was pitch dark. She wandered down the street, passing soldiers and the occasional civilian who was late getting home. A drunkard bumped into her once, and when Raven smelled the alcohol she actually almost thought it was Victor, stumbling back to the bunkers ready to take his revenge for the whole pinched jugular deal.
Something nuzzled her hand, and she jumped. Then it nipped her wrist and tugged on her coat, and she grinned again. A moment later, she passed under a street lamp, able to see the bottom of her coat held tightly in a wolf’s mouth as it tugged her off down the street towards where she knew a nice, open field was. As darkness surrounded them again, she reached down and touched the old canine on the shoulders; his name was Shadow-Walker, and she’d known him for as long as she could remember. “I can’t stay out all night, friend, but we can visit a while.” She whispered softly in the language her grandmother had taught her, and the wolf responded with a whimper.•
-Remel continued to finish her laps, and as soon as she was done she fell face first onto the ground panting. She let herself lay for a few minutes and relax as she realized, with no supper she’d of not eaten at all that day. She didn’t mind it though. She forced herself up and stretched herself a bit in order to actually cool down her muscles. She saw the one pass by, the one who left her high and dry before and now she did the same to her. That was a bit rude but an eye for an eye seemed well even. She made her way to the bunker and decided to shower before getting into civilian clothes.
She stripped her clothes off and showered being careful of her hair as she found the dirt as a protective layer. She watched as the dirt on her skin fell off and looked over at the areas the bruises were. She was simply amazed by the healing she had. She accidently let her hair touch the water, a little of the red showing before she got herself out and put on her civilian clothes. She made sure the water was off and went to her bunk, sitting on it blissfully as she thought about earlier.
She decided to try and cause it to happen again, since everyone appeared to be out doing other things. She took out a knife and rolled up her sleeve, being careful not to cut too deep as she focused on trying to get it to happen again. She sliced her wrist across ways, trying to tell herself to transform. She looked at it and realized nothing was happening. She decided to try deeper, going over the same spot again. Nothing happened. She was getting frustrated with it and just put the knife away and let the blood drip slowly onto the ground. She was irritated that it wasn’t working.-
-Vlad watched Raven walk back out the door and he reached into his trunk placing on his civilian clothes and a black jacket with a black hood that he pulled on to cover his face. He began to stalk her easily tracking her with his advanced height he had no trouble keeping her in his sight. He followed her into the field smiling when he saw the wolf. He stood there for about ten minutes before he spoke up most likely spooking her “im not sure they allow cadets to own animals on the premiss”. He walked up but kept out of her reach in the off chance she became hostile for him stalking her to this location. If she didnt become hostile he would walk slowly up before bending down to pet the animal”such lucky creatures animals are they never have to worry about the titans”.-
•.Raven sat in the field for a while, hugging Shadow-Walker’s neck as they stared up at Wall Maria. She couldn’t help but wonder how humans managed to construct these walls, nearly a hundred years ago. Surely the Titans did not just stand around and wait to let them finish construction, and like Victor said, no one was equipped to deal with Titans back then. So…how? She knew that tomorrow they were actually going up on the wall, to go over and try out the basic job description of the Garrison, or Standing Guard; mending the wall and cannons, keeping things clean. Somewhere in the distance she could hear some guy shouting praises to Wall Maria, as though it was some divine, godlike being. She giggled. “Those people from the Wall Church are so strange.” Raven muttered to herself, closing her eyes.
After a moment or two, she heard someone say something in the dark about how he doesn’t believe pets are allowed on the premises. Her eyes snapped open in surprise, but that was the most response she gave. She simply assumed that if Shady had not bothered to alert her to the speaker’s presence, then it probably was not a threat. “Shadow-Walker is not a pet.” She said softly, sounding appalled as she buried her face in his fur while thinking she recognized the man’s voice but not being certain. “Who are you?” She nudged the wolf, who had his forelegs stretched across her lap, and he licked her leg twice with a whimper. So, if she was going to get up on time tomorrow, she was going to have to say goodbye within the next twenty minutes…That seemed like too soon after only just meeting back up with her new friend. Her attention turned to Shadow-Walker. “Me and three of my…uhm…three other warriors-in-training did not get to eat dinner today.” She said to the wolf, once again speaking in her grandmother’s ancient tongue. The wolf nipped her and shook its head.•
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