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{RP} Training Corps Barracks
♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒ replied 10 years, 11 months ago 4 Members · 42 Replies
-Remel kept watching the blood drip down onto the ground. She punched the bed and growled in frustration. She layed down on her bed, slipping her hand under it and screaming into it. She just stayed put, letting the blood soak into the fabric but found herself not caring. She stayed there, silent and still. She hoped it would be gone but then thought about the fact that it wasn’t healing. She got herself back up and began walking to the medical center, watching her wrist drip blood as she went.
She went into the medical wing and and held her arm out for them to fix. She let them look at it and they asked her to hold the end of the wrap while they wrapped her arm. She shivered a little but she held it without problem. She smiled and watched as the nurse began pulling it but it slipped out from under her fingers. The nurse sighed as Remel reached to put it back then Remel heard the scream. Her arm had went full out again and the nurses were terrified. She ended up going her full forme, breaking the building and showing her hair. She reached to the nurses and swallowed them one by one. Once all the on-lookers were dealt with, she ran out of the barracks and hid away from people’s views before reverting to herself. Sure, people probably saw the titan leave, with no stomach area to be seen.
She reverted in the woods, her wrist healed and her feeling full. She didn’t realize she’d eaten anyone. She did know that she had just gotten the hell out of there as things went bad. She began slowly walking her way back, not knowing what really went on. She just assumed she had a typical fight or flight that resulted in flight. She made it the whole way back and looked at the medical building and people fussing over it. She shook a little and hoped that it really wasn’t her fault. She hoped really hard that it wasn’t her fault.-
wwwwait what he saw that he knew that was a titan probably a 15m class one a normal person would alert someone a normal person. Yet Peter was the curious type he needed answers so he followed after it in the forest, being as sneaky as possible and climbing through the trees, eventually he saw it… change? It was weird but it definitely changed it’s body disintegrated but there somehow seemed to be a person in there his green eyes widened at the sight was she the… titan. It seemed impossible yet she didn’t seem to have that much of a reaction she might’ve been. So he assumed she was, better safe then sorry wait wasn’t that one of the girl’s forced to run those laps I think… Remel, whoa.
He assumed that he had best make her a friend, after all he didn’t want to piss off a titan, but she was leaving the forest. Better to escape first and make it back to the cabin and thanks to his speed, he could. -
-Remel scampered back to the cabin, pretty much all nude. She snuck over to her clothing and placed on a spare pair of civilian clothes. She made sure she had several of the same clothes in case they got dirty. She didn’t even notice the one who had been watching her nor noted that they were in the cabin until she was fully clothed. She then turned and saw them there and said, “Oh hello.” She was glad they were the only ones currently in the cabin. She was calm enough but rubbed her wrist with her other hand, a little surprised from the scratches being gone.-
Peter smiled as the possible friend greeted him so he decided to respond not so subtly “hey that’s a neat titan trick you did there… Remel, your name was I think,” but he knew her name he never forgets a name when he hears one, but then he remembered how she didn’t eat and went to his bunk “hold on, not a word,” Peter returned to her with some food from near his bunk “I thought you and your and that other girl might be hungry, speaking of which do you know where she went,” he handed her the food looked out the cabin door for bystanders. After checking he turned back to her “don’t think I’ve forgotten I still wanna know how you did that trick Remel,”
-Remel looked at him and she was shocked. So she was probably just what she thought. She didn’t want to answer at first, thoughts swirling through her mind. She was tempted to take a knife to herself just for someone else figuring it out first. Her thoughts were distracted by him saying he got food for them. She accepted it but didn’t eat it as he basically asked again. She shook her head and said, “I don’t know. It hasn’t started happening until I have been around here. It might be from sudden exposure or something. I don’t really know. My question is how did you even see my arm? Or did I do something more horrible?” She was very concerned and who better to talk with than someone who has seen the incident and might know what is going on.-
Peter’s face suddenly turned grim “so you weren’t aware, well that’s a good thing I guess it explains why you-,” he stopped himself he didn’t want her to know what she did “not important what happened basically you became a titan a full 15m one and ran into the forest nothing much,” no I can’t lie to her no matter how bad it was “alright that’s a lie you really wanna know what you did because, you won’t like it,” Peter sighed as he didn’t want but finally opened his lips “you were a titan and you may have sort a broke a hole in the medical building and killed A few people best to tell you now so we can think of a plan to get you out of this mess,” he had attempted to look as hopeful as possible in an attempt to console her.
-Remel heard the first sentence and then the second. The hesitation gave it away as she looked at him very worried. She heard him out when he admitted the truth and her gaze became ground locked. “I did that? No… I don’t even know how it happened… Let alone control it I guess.” She sighed and said, “But you are the only one who saw it?” She had some hope in her eyes, though it was a false hope throbbing with the mere hope of finding real hope. She could only try to learn it so this wouldn’t happen again.-
Peter tried to show the best out in the situation “well sorta the only people killed were all of the witnesses well all except for one, me, so on the bright side no one knows your a titan, for now,” he had hoped not to make her afraid, “don’t worry as long as know one knows you’re a titan you’ll be fine and I’ll cover ya but not to my own detriment ,” he had smiled and thought plus this can be the ultimate titan weapon
-Remel listened to everything he said, her hopes perking up a bit. She smiled a little and said, “I just need to figure out how it works and master it. Maybe you can even help but we’d have to do it at night out in the forest so no one sees. You will also need a horse I think. Just in case ya know?” She was excited to have someone to know so it could possibly be of help. She even dared an attempt to hug him, thanking him many times vocally if he let her.-
though at first shocked because of the hug he accepted “I’d be happy to help we should start tomorrow obviously, and hey have you seen where that other girl with you went… Raven I think have you seen her,” it had been a little late what with the titan incident and all but she hadn’t been in her bunk come to think of it neither was that Vlad guy. “Hmm hey Remel you wanna go on an adventure, because I feel like doin a little recon search mission,” this would be fun an adventure with another, it would be nice change of pace from fighting for himself for so long.
-She released him from her hug and nodded to his idea. As he spoke of two of the others that were with her earlier, she shook her head. “I haven’t a clue where they went but I am all for trying to find them.” She stood up and looked over her clothes, feeling confident that nothing could go wrong from this. She was ready to go and find the two even though she wasn’t too eager to find the female that had ditched her.-
Peter lead Remel towards outside towards wall maria he dashed silently around the district though he kept at a pace to let Remel keep up he eventually managed to spot someone looking similar to Raven with a wolf as well as one of those guys also dragged in that situation. He decided to sneak towards them which was pretty hard when he was carrying food with him.
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