Activity Forums Group Forums [Prototype] Rules and overview (Sign here)

  • Rules and overview (Sign here)

    Posted by Whatsyourface on May 28, 2014 at 9:31 pm

    This roleplay is set in Los Angeles and San Fransico 3 years after the first game, as opposed to NYC like the last two games. The city has been infected with the blacklight virus, the source is unkown. The military has rushed to the scene to contain the virus. Various people are infected with a special breed, of blacklight. It turns them into superhumans, who call themselves “evolved” or sometimes prototypes. Superhuman physical prowess, with shapeshifting abilities, as well as the ability to consume any kind of biological matter.

    You can take the role of an evolved, an infected monster, a military servicemen, or an ordinary civilian.


    1: There is no “magic” in this roleplay. This is simply not that type of roleplay.

    2: No God-Modding. I’m very loose with this rule. However you so choose. Your abilities will often come with some type of detriment.

    3: No controlling another person’s character.

    4: No autohitting.

    5: Know your limits. If your character is a human, do not depict him as being able to jump around like in naruto etc…Evolved can be bulletproof at maximum durability but not completely bulletproof. They can deflect assault rifles and the like all day. However, things like missiles and tanks still can damage you and knock you over

    6: No one can cure the virus.

    7: Mass cannot be created, or destroyed (See below for details)

    8: Do not start out too powerful. Have your character gradually learn how to use his powers, and become stronger as he/she kills more and more enemies. As a human, the longer you survive, and prove your worth, the better of a kit you’ll get. Eventually you can become a supersoldier, or a “Specialist” like cross.

    9: Controllable NPCs include civillians, some military, infected, including hunters, goliathes, for story purposes.

    10: No made up weapons for military. Ask me for inclusion of weapons that you believe are actually possible. However, substantial evidence is required.

    11: You can’t leave the quarantine currently. There is nothing but cleared land. An openfield at some point. For miles. Plenty of time for you to be spotted. And blown up by artillery or drone strikes.

    12: No out of setting powers for the infected. We’re not doing laser vision or things like that. However, many animal powers like bio-lumiscience (glowing) and poisons not present in the game are allowed.

    13: To begin with. You start with superhuman physical abilities, the ability to consume people and take their memories,skills and copy their DNA and the ability to turn into people. After the first story arc of your post, you may learn a new weapon.

    14: If you die completely, you have to make a new character.

    15: Mass limit 8 tons.

    16: You can have at the most, 3 characters. They can all be whichever race or affiliation you’d like.


    Excerpt from wikipedia. Basis

    Alex’s primary superpower is his ability to shapeshift, changing his body into anyone. Going hand-in-hand with this power is his ability to “consume” others, absorbing them entirely. This process allows Alex to quickly regain health by absorbing the biomass of his enemies. This also allows him to take on the forms of the enemies he absorbs, thereby allowing the player to move about the enemy as one of them. The disguise will only last as long as Alex remains inconspicuous. Alex has incredible physical strength, and will kill most humans in a single punch. He can perform various melee attacks without shapeshifting, as well as more gymnastic moves such as air combos, sliding along the ground using any humanoid enemy’s body, and a high-speed rolling cannonball attack.

    Alex can also transform parts of his body into a selection of martial implements acquired over the course of the game, either as purchased upgrades or being given them. Offensive powers include the large and powerful Blade arm, fast razor-sharp Claws (which can also erupt large spikes from the ground), the telescoping Whipfist, Musclemass that augments his strength, and the slow but powerful Hammerfists. Defensive options consist of a large shield on Alex’s left arm for blocking ballistic attacks that needs to regenerate after excessive damage, and full body armor that exchanges agility and speed for toughness in hand-to-hand combat; both will allow Alex to plow through most obstacles when active. Vision modes include thermal vision, which allows Alex to see enemies through smoke and other obstacles at the expense of a decreased vision range, and Infected vision, which highlights those infected with the BLACKLIGHT virus as well as military units. Both vision modes muffle all of Alex’s other senses, such as hearing, in order to concentrate on his sight. One defensive and offensive power may be active at a time, and using either will negate Alex’s current disguise. In addition to his own abilities, Alex can take the weapons from defeated or absorbed enemies.

    High mass makes you stronger, and tougher then those with lower mass. However, slower then those lower mass. With provided justification. People with lower mass are faster and more manuebrable. Able to glide indefinately and swim in none blood toxed water.

    Generally, high mass are limited to James Heller levels in the game. Anyone who weighes a normal weight can lift about a ton with strain. And run very fast. Up to 200 mph. People with high mass also generate a large amount of heat compared to other organisms.

    Military: The military has a vast arsenal of whatever weapon is deemed necessary. Tanks, air craft, artillery, naval vessels. Essentially any weapon that exists.

    Generally. I will allow you to have armor capable of allowing you to withstand a few punches from an infected to the torso. However, most powers will kill you outright. Armored vehicles are another story.

    This thread will be edited over time. I am open to feedback.

    Have your character sign for the rules. Or you can sign yourself.

    By having your character sign, you simply roleplay your character signing a paper a lone in a dark room. And then leaving.

    Lord English replied 10 years, 7 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Ghoul

    May 28, 2014 at 10:26 pm


  • Sharktits

    May 29, 2014 at 12:32 am


  • Cain

    June 8, 2014 at 2:59 am

    -Dustin used a black pen to quickly sign his name before leaping out a window-

  • Lord English

    July 25, 2014 at 7:35 pm


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