Activity Forums Group Forums The Fall of Order {[A Naruto RP]} Rules of the Shinobi

  • Rules of the Shinobi

    Posted by Lord English on November 6, 2014 at 10:33 pm

    All of the following rules must be signed Out Of Character (OOC) before a first post may be made. If the rules are not signed before your first post, you will be banned. Each rule will have it’s respective punishment written under it.

    Rule 1: Do not God Mod (GM). To God Mod is to play as if with the power of a God.
    Punishment – Automatic Ban.

    Rule 2: Do not Power Play (PP / OP). To Power Play or be Over Powered is to play as if above your levels.
    Punishment – First offense = warning + temporary sit out. Second offense = Ban.

    Rule 3: Do not Metagame. To Metagame is to mix In Character (IC) with Out Of Character (OOC) like knowing someone’s name before the characters have met unless it was previously discussed and built that way. That would mean the knowledge of the characters would be in the history. Unless it is noted there and how you met, it may not be done.
    Punishment – Automatic Ban.

    Rule 4: Be respectful. Everyone deserves respect but if you decide to not show someone the same amount you wish to be shown, then you are a fool.
    Punishment – First Offense = Warning. Second Offense = Sit Out. Third Offense = Ban.

    Rule 5: Every Player Character or Role Play Character (PC / RPC) must start at the beginning point. This would be the lowest stats (Which will be in the bio page) and the lowest level (Academy Student.)
    Punishment – Character Elimination and Erasing of all posts for that RPC.

    Rule 6: Every person seeking to stay in this group must have either signed the rules or made a bio within a weeks time of joining.
    Punishment – Kicked from the group.

    Rule 7: Every person seeking to Role Play must have a bio up and approved as well as have signed the rules before Role Playing.
    Punishment – Posts erased.

    Rule 8: If a person would like a watching period and notifies the active admins, they will have an extended time to not have a bio or sign these rules at a maximum of a month.
    Punishment – Kicked.

    Rules 9: If a Role Player has a required time they will be inactive, they must notify an active admin.
    Punishment – Kicked and RPC shelfed.

    Rule 10: If one intentionally breaks two or more of these rules, they will face the following punishment:
    Punishment – Automatic Ban.

    Rule 11: If there are four or more people in a rp section, you must wait at LEAST 2 posts before posting again.
    Punishment – First offense is warning, Second offense is temporary sit out, Third offense is ban.

    Rule 12: If you find yourself alone in an rp section, you may post 1 post every hour.
    Punishment – First offense is warning, Second offense is temporary sit out, Third offense is ban.

    If you agree to follow these rules, sign. If you don’t, then get lost. There’s the door, don’t let it throw kunai at you on the way out.

    Nefarious replied 10 years, 3 months ago 6 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Lord English

    November 7, 2014 at 1:52 am

    I, Lord English, do hereby sign and acknowledge that I have read these rules and plan to adhere by them.

  • Cain

    November 7, 2014 at 2:56 am

    I, Caine, do hereby sign and acknowledge that I have read these I have read these rules and plan to adhere by them.

  • Peridot

    November 9, 2014 at 7:44 pm

    I, Wyvern, do hereby sign that  I have read these rules and intend to comply with them.

  • ♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒

    November 10, 2014 at 4:55 am

    I, Eridan, claim to have acknowledged and read the rules and shall follow them as written down

  • Silver

    November 14, 2014 at 2:42 am

    I understand and shall follow the rules as i always have.

  • Nefarious

    November 25, 2014 at 8:27 am

    I will follow the rules i hereby say i do

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