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That planet with equestria
Posted by ♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒ on January 17, 2014 at 10:21 pm((I have no idea of the name but)) where Equestria resides it is pretty much pretty self explanatory
♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒ replied 11 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 16 Replies -
16 Replies
After leaving Gallifrey, I saw a strange planet. I headed there to take a look, and what happened… was weird. After landing, I looked at myself, and I had a new look. I was a pony. I then noticed the horn, something new to the look. It seemed to work as an intangible hand, and so I felt this could be useful. I sped off in search of the Moon Pearl here, causing a two-tone Sonic Rainboom in the colors red and blue.
The hologram man was here too well here a green hologram pony. In the atmosphere it can be heard “Everyone thank you for watching the biweekly universal news now for news first if you’re new to the universe (a multiverse traveler) them got to local general store and get a copy of the “guide of the game” manual also Guild pay increases alternia conspiracy etc. etc. Also can you find a catfolk phoenix thing he/she’s been missing for months so find it for the gamemaster.” After that he talks about random news happening on each planet “on equestria suspicions rise who is this mysterious murderer in ponyville” and then it starts fading but says “oh and taren… good luck.” Then vanishes and every one goes about their buisness as if nothing happened.
New info
biweekly news
“Guide to the game”
Pony ville murderer
Guilds -
I stopped. How did he know my real name… No matter. I decided to run off in search of the Moon Pearl, and passed by Rainbow Dash. It didn’t matter finding someone as fast as me, I had to find that pearl Link had told me about a few years ago.
a teal coated pony with a short brown mane bumps into Taren “ow what wa-” as soon as the pony notices Taren he desperately tries to apologize ” oh crud I’m sorry you bumped into I was busy loo- wait are you looking for something too”
“Yes. I’m looking for a special pearl called the Moon Pearl that allows me to take my usual form here, along with take this form on the other worlds. An old friend told me about it.”
“Ah it’s a multiverse thing I have a friend who deals with that stuff, Also I’m Sleuth Hunter by the way, but this pearl I think I know where you can find it, I can help you find it I mean that’s what my cutie mark says” Sleuth turns to the side and shows a a mark resembling a magnifying glass and a question mark “oh wait that means you weren’t originally a pony” He then turns off to the side mumbling to himself
new oc portrait Sleuth Hunter added new info another mysterious traveler -
“That’s right. I have the ability to take the native form of the planet I go to, but I can only switch back with said Moon Pearl. If I find it, then I can take my true form elsewhere. Oh, I nearly forgot! My name is Taren in other worlds, but in this one I’m going to call myself Aura Flame.”
“Hmm …follow me” he trots off toward this fores like place but stops for a second “oh yeah if your’re new here you’ll need this” he pulls a tablet like device out of his beige bag. The device has a power button and is currently off. it seems pretty basic and is shaped like an ellipse.
I took the item, and proceeded to captchalogue it in my special Imp Gate Modus. I had 3 captchalogues left, and I would only be able to unlock another by defeating 3 imps, which were back on Lost Hex. I proceeded to follow, and said, “If you’re curious about where the tablet went, it went into a thing called my Sylladex. I assume you’ve heard of it?”
“Oh that, you mean what the trolls and some humans use, yeah I deduced as such since my troll friend uses one I assume it works similar,However I never really understood them but to each their own” he continues trotting forward “also I never heard your name mister”
“Aura Flame. It’s not my real name, but it’ll be my nickname here. What exactly is on the tablet? You said it was important for beginners.”
“Turn it on it changes into what you want it to look like that’s just it’s basic form it scan’s you for information. It mainly and keeps records of your adventure and the people you meet it also casts spells at your command though basic at first and it drains power also it can keep notes gathers health info of you and enemies and that’s just basic features you can download more… Hey if you use a Sylladex you should know what pesterchum is based on my deduction, it can also access that.
“Oh, hey, sweet! A few friends of mine have it too, this might be useful if I want to talk to them.” I turned it on, and it immediately became an MTP-001, Tails’ handheld computer after the scan. I decided to switch it between forms every once in a while, and captchalogued it again. When I took it out, the captchalogue didn’t return, so I had two free cards. “Fortunately, my wristlet has a storage space for Moon Pearls. I don’t need my Sylladex to take them.”
“Ooh wait We’re here” Sleuth stops in front of a dark forest “now hold on I got to find a friend to get us through the everfree forest” he trots off not far into the forest then turns and disappears
“Okay,” I said. That’s when I realized that this version of me had no glasses, even outside the planet. I switched the tablet, which I now thought was a guide to the game, into a glasses form. I then proceeded to program CF Messenger into it and enter my CFhandle and chumhandle as “alternateTaren.”
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