Activity › Forums › Group Forums › The High School In The Sky › The actual RP
“I have no clue and i dont want to know.” Alter said
“well ok as i said im not going to force you but just watch what happens.” Kyra said
Alina nodded, “Alright…” She then proceeded to watch Kyra.
Kyra walks over to the two boys “hey bro i have a present for you back in the car could you go get it.” she asked her brother “um sure be back in a little.” he runs off leaving it just Thomas Alina and Kyra.
Watching intensifies. Alina has now locked her gaze on Kyra, near stalker style.
Watching Alter run of “So what did you get him?” Thomas asked.
“Just a new jacket i made i can make one for you too if you want.” she said while rubbing a finger down his face. “You know your kinda cute.”
Alina bit her lip to stifle her giggles, watching the two. She awaited the moment events would go awry.
“What dont you like me.” she said and tears started to form in her eyes
“W-what?!” Thomas asked completely startled and weirded out now “What are you talking about? I’m a minor! This is weird!”
“are you calling me old.” she asked with a hint of danger tears forgotten let it be known playful or not she does not like being called old
“What? No! I’m saying that that’s illegal!” Thomas said almost blushing.
“im only 18 you know that right.” she said really considering to pound him into next week at considering her old
“Yeah but-” Thomas was now blushing “And stepping back “It’s not right!”
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