Activity › Forums › Group Forums › The High School In The Sky › The actual RP
“Aubrey. Just Aubrey. And you will have time to wander the grounds later, just be back here by ten o’clock.”
“I’ve seen enough to quench that need for now but please if you don’t mind me asking, how long have you been going to this school?” Seth asked this question with true interest as learning new things was always a joy and could lead towards a more promising outcome.
Alter noticed Aubrey started to talk to another guy and thought that he looked pretty cool with the suit and wondered if he was a dark user like him.
She smiled softly at him. “Eight years. I’m one of the permanent residents, and am currently studying high level Water and Earth magic.”
Alter’s jaw dropped when he heard that “Eight years how long is high school here!?” Alter asked and its not that he doesn’t like school he just thought it was like other highschools four years and your done.
She chuckled and looked over at him. “Four years is all that’s required. But in that four years you only learn moderate levels of magic. To get to the really interesting stuff, you stay for however long necessary.”
“Well da- I mean dang!” Thomas said looking over and stopping himself from swearing.
She chuckled and stood up. “Is everyone finished with lunch?”
“Same here.” Alter said before trying to stand up but ended up falling backwards. “Ouch…eh Thomas mind giving me a hand.”
“Here.” Thomas said sticking his hand out. “Man your clumsy. “
Aubrey chuckled again and shook her head. “Alright. Next on the tour we have the general studies classrooms, and then the dorms.”
“Hehe thanks and for the record only sometimes and after im stuffed.” Alter said while grabbing Thomas’s hand
Aubrey giggled and started to lead them out to the other building.
“Wait, you said you have been going here for eight years, exactly how old are you?” Thomas asked Aubrey.
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