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Alter pinches the bridge of his nose “If a dark user has a traumatic past they have a tendency to lose control of their powers…..where the hell did i know that.” Alter said before questioning himself
“Now what is he doing?” Thomas asked pointing at Jackson.
Jackson, although unconcious, starts yelling for Alter knowing that he is the only one able to help
“More then likely fighting his inner demon or something with a demon.”
Grabbing the bridge of his nose “Ya know what? Forget it. Forget that I tried to help and to your thing.” He said as the gauntlet faded away.
“Alright thats it im killing the bitch.” Alter said before turning to Thomas and Alina “no one doodle on my face.” he says before turning back to Jackson putting his hand on his chest and then pump some of his soul into Jackson making his body fall to the floor.
“So… He’s safe, right? Its not gonna kill him, even if its scary as all hell, right?” A spark hopped from Alina’s hand
Jackson sees Alter from inside a cage in the darkness “Alter, this is what it looks like inside of your head to. Pitch black with demons running around. If knocked unconcious like I am now this is what will happen to you. I need you to not get frightened and make sure you don’t destroy anything. Even the demons.” Jackson looks away “I need them to survive.”
Looks around “dude you dont even want to know whats in my mind just tell me what to do.” Alter asks (ok dude night we are putting your guy back in sleep mode against the wall.)
“Find wherever the hell in here is the source of darkness. Once you find that you must find the item of light. Put that light piece inside of the source of darkness and them run back to me. Once you do that and are back by me you can get back to your body. If I don’t come through right away, however, tell Alina I said I love her.”
“dude you are getting out of here got it.” alter said before turning around and running off to find the things he needs
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