Activity › Forums › Group Forums › The High School In The Sky › The actual RP
“Um as far as i know its not but when it comes to witches and wizards and everything else i wouldn’t really be surprised.” Alter said before nudging Thomas “Hey dude introduce your self before i do and give you a stupid nickname in the process.” Alter said with a smirk
“And hey all i did was kick your door open and ask you a question.” Alter said with mock anger
“Water did that..? Wow…” Alina took a step away from the group, now seeing first hand what she thought was once harmless can do “Remind me not to go scaring people.”
Jackson walks into class and has his hood up. He is nervous since it is his first day and takes a slight look around the room and mutters to himself “Well, this should be great”
“Im still going to do it so your loss just watch your back.” Alter said with a mischievous smile
“Thomas.” he said introducing himself, sticking his hand out for a hand shake. “There. Now you can’t nickname me.” He said smirking at Alter. “And yes water did do that. I didn’t even know I could do that.”
Jackson sits in a seat and puts his head on the desk and falls asleep without introducing himself.
Alina shook Thomas’ hand “Nice to meet ya.” She gave a smile “So, excited for classes in… Two days?”
“Yea i know i am or for the sparing matches those will be really fun.” Alter said
“Oh yeah. I guess this is really the first time I’ve actually been excited for school.” Thomas answered. “What about you?”
“Im all for it. Cant wait to learn how to shoot fireballs and stuff! Just fire everywhere all like ‘Fwoosh!’ and ‘Fwerp’. Eh. Fwerp is a fire noise…”
Jackson wakes up and comes outside where everyone else seems to be and sits on a bench off to the side
“Haha yea and all the pranks i could do once i learn how to shadow travel hehe.” Alter said while rubbing his hands together like a movie villain.
“Im keeping all my stuff locked up…” Alina waved at Jackson
Jackson nervously waves back to Alina and then goes back to listening to his music
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