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-Terror made it back to the mansion as the portal opened, he only had to look up slightly to this huge woman but he spit at her feet and it froze on the ground”your life wont last long, Khan”. He kept walking as he looked to Chaos” im sorry my friend but from here on out we are now enemies”. He snapped his fingers and two other portals opened and Judge from Order and Aries from Edenia walked up to terror and stood beside him as if they were allies. Terror turned and walked away seeing Night leaning against the wall ” We have gathered so now let it be told to all that now may hear this final word be spoken through the ages, MORTAL KOMBAT”. He and Aries then vanished far from the others near south west tower. They spoke without looking at each other as they stood by one of the most precious rivers of Chaos realm”. Terror turned and placed his hand in the water and the entire river burst into black flames and then it fed through the rest of the water in all the rivers of the realm. These flames would only got out if he chose for this or if he died. He knew this would piss off Chaos but that was what he needed for his friend to be on the edge to kill him for this fetal error. He then turned back to Aries and smirked “they will now know we are serious though I feel this will not end well for me after this”.-
Tenebrae felt her mind slipping and fast, then a voice was in it. She turned as Chaos was moving from behind her and swung at the air, only to turn again to be spat at. She was able to resist attacking the man who did so and tried to get herself back in order. There was a few soul trying to fight their way out but she could hold them back despite completely losing her mind. She felt her freezing slowly recede, thankfully still ice. She saw the man and another man leave, trying to move to a corner that lead to the… floor. She took the opportunity to curl up into a little ball (for a ten foot tall woman) and hid her head between her knees. She tried to resist an urge to scream but she ended up doing so anyways. “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! I AM TOO FUCKING YOUNG FOR THIS! UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!” She hoped this would get it out of her head. Which she ended up pressing against the wall with her head as it flung back. She started mumbling to herself, “Needtofixoutworldneedtofixoutworld… Need to fix OutWorld…” She kept repeating it to herself.
Sixteen portals from Outworld would open up, each one stepped out one of the Khan siblings that had entered Kombat. The first to reveal themselves was Rai, dressed in her finest at six foot nine and bringing her staff. She felt the madness but it did not effect her so quickly, her wondering about standing on the wall. She didn’t open her mouth to question it.
The next out was Sepht, second smallest of the siblings at five foot three. She placed her blade on her shoulder and chuckled.
The next through was Leif, standing at eight foot two and her eyes narrowing at her impaired sister. She moved to a corner away from her and just glared.
The next in was Dahk t seven foot nine, holding his staff and a glowing green and blue dual tubed vial on his necklace. He just stood firm and gave light huff, disliking the growing crowd.
The next out was Der at six foot ten, he’d been here many times and enjoyed it here. He cracked his neck and said, “Tihs siht kcor ot emit.”
The next in was Shoal at eight foot eleven, his entire clothed being having souls reeking from him. He took to a corner no one had taken yet to stand silently.
The next in was Blut at seven foot four, he just stood solid.
Then Ferel at five foot even, darting out and screaming at the top of his lungs, “YEEEEEEEEEEEAH!”
Then Delmir at eight foot three, flipping his blade to his shoulder.
Termak at seven foot eight came out and immediately moved to Judge and gave him a polite bow.
Gengis came out at nine foot ten and made sure to stand in the dead center of the room.
Elmyra stepped in at nine foot even, wanting to walk back out as she shook her head and tried to keep hold of herself.
Sol walked in at six foot three and just said, “You’re all going to die…” He took to a wall while on the wall.
Domme walked out with a sway of her hips at five foot nine and said, “Hello future slaves~!” She flicked her hand up and started hopping around.
Sembren leaped in through her portal and started skipping around and giggling.
The last one out was Venir, taking a deep breath as he looked at his siblings and the others present in the room and chuckled to himself. He saw his youngest sister, curled up in the corner and said, “Seems the ‘perfect one’ is already lost. If only father could see her now…” -
Chaos watched her curl up and loose her mind. He smiled. “Seems you lost it that is fine.” His mind moved to the portals that where forming. It seemed she had brought her family or maybe they were hunting her but here they had rules to fallow. “gree….”his words started to fill the room again but they all started to talk as if he wasn’t there and this angered him then he felt the flames erupt from the streams and narrowed his eyes. And an echo went throughout chaosrealm “SSSSIIIILLLEEENNNNNCCCCEEEE” Stepping off the statue He watched as the ice turned to fire and the fire to ice and walked through the air tell he was standing in front of the new group of people He enjoyed the momentary silence then turned and walked to his pillow and touched it lifting his hand as a throne appeared made of bone and flesh and stone it seemed to be bleeding and he sat stretching out his wings looking at the group. He smiled his lips stretching almost pulling the stitches almost ripping them free as blood ran along his face he then let his eyes dance back and forth under the burnt lids. Bowing her head her lips lowered and she took a deep breath. “Now madness is your gift here conquer it and win this will be the first mortal kombat of Chaos realm. Eat and prepare for tomorrow the fights begin.” She then felt the rivers and lakes light a flame and his eyes danced faster… “her voice echoed once more. Slowly she stood up and looked at them then turned and took a deep breath. “Kill him.”
-Terror wiped his hands of the crime then looked towards the hills and sighed when he heard the words of his old master and he spoke in his mind just so he could hear it”oh come on not this shit, you know this is pointless”. He looked to Aries and shook his head as the man drew four swords of the different elements. Terror did not want a massacre because then he would have to deal with the lizard early on. He let them get close as he drew a circle around himself and they all began to circle him at least a thousand of them with more on the way so he took in a deep breath and began to draw in energy it was like a black hole was forming in the palms of his hands and he closed his eyes remembering his training and taking on an ability that he now had access to from Dread which was to attack the mind. He took in a breath and used a basic ability of the mind reading the waves of the brain of five of the people in front of him and found a wave that was similar in all of them the wave that connected them to the guardian this included himself but he knew it was coming so he was ready. He took in a deep breath and threw the ball of black energy directly into the chest of the first person and he saw the black plague shoot back at himself and Aries then it spread out to the entire realm to anyone that Chaos was connected to. He closed his eyes seeing himself and his brother walking up to strike him with two simple flicks to both temples with enough force to knock out a weak minded soul. Terror in his mind simply took a step back and the image faded as he watched the black mass physically spread quickly within five seconds the entire group around him was knocked out and on the ground this would spread to each of the combatants in the realm and its inhabitants. He then looked to Aries who was on the ground but instead of being out cold he was simply shaking his head before getting back to his feet. Aries did not look happy for the sudden attack till he saw what it could have done to him with the entire field full of bodies that were seen to be sleeping comfortably with two bruises on each temple. Terror walked up to the being that was first stuck and whispered into its ear and all of them started to whisper it but after a couple moments they began speak in a mellow but easily understandable voice “Death has come to this land and those that call them self my enemy shall feel her icy grasp for this day forward I have sold my soul to the Devil so that all of you shall cease to exist”. Terror and Aries made there way back to the group to see how many more were still standing after the blast. He did see that some of those living the realm were also shaking their heads which made him curious if there were people with the ability to think different then others but there may have only been ten of these beings still standing in all of the realm. he and his ally made it to the mansion both smirking up to his enemies as he spoke as if nothing was done” leave now and your life shall be spared”.-
Tenebrae was starting to get her mind about her as she heard a request to kill him. She couldn’t get her head wrapped around it and stood up as she leaned forward a bit. Suddenly she was confronted in the room by two men and it seemed like everyone else was gone. She saw them coming at her and moved to react by stepping back. The flick missed and when her mind went back into reality, she continued to back and ran into the corner. She sighed a bit and looked around the room.
Rai remained where she was and heard the kill command as well. She ended up simply stepping back as the illusions took towards her. She sighed and decided to head after him, taking her time.
Sepht stayed put only to find everyone seem to leave around her as the two males seemed to confront her. She prepared for action as she was flicked on the head and her body fell over. She was unconscious for a moment but shook her head to get out of it. She stood up and started trying to find the bastard that did this.
Leif was ready to advance against Tenebrae and even though she heard the kill command, her mind knew to backstep then forward once the men were gone. She drew her bow and began to fire an arrow at her, releasing it as to try to not hit anyone else.
Dahk wanted to remain sturdy and the hearing of the kill command felt sudden to him. He suddenly saw two men before him coming towards him, stepping back as they flicked. He was released and saw an arrow rush by his face. He decided it was best to leave that area.
Der heard the kill command and responded firmly with a “Ecno ta!” He found his way out just as the illusion took place. He leaped back then the men disappeared as he took his running start for the one who caused this and heard his echoed words. The boy took his blade and fired bullets at him once he was in sight.
Shoal remained still and vigilant, hearing the demand was not of concern to him. He saw the others seem to vanish and two men come at him, flicking at him and managed to hit. He was down and out and didn’t seem to be waking up any time soon. His body spoke in its absence, “Death has come to this land and those that call them self my enemy shall feel her icy grasp for this day forward I have sold my soul to the Devil so that all of you shall cease to exist.”
Blut moved to go with Der as the command was given. He saw everything around him seem empty with two men before him, flicking at him. He didn’t manage to move away and was knocked down, but recovered shortly after smacking onto the ground and resumed to try to keep up with his brother.
Ferel decided to go for the hell of it, walking to where the man being demanded of getting killed was. He saw the room disappear around him and two men walk to him. He stepped back before they could flick and exited the spell, running to go on ahead.
Delmir wanted to stay put, hearing the command. Next thing he knew he saw two men in the room and nothing else. He was flicked in the temples by this images and was out cold. His body spoke, “Death has come to this land and those that call them self my enemy shall feel her icy grasp for this day forward I have sold my soul to the Devil so that all of you shall cease to exist,”
Termak was patiently awaiting Judge’s response to her when the kill thing was said. She ignored it then saw Judge disappear and two men take his place. She stepped back as they flicked then was released back to reality as she said, “So, you’re OrderRealm, right?”
Gengis remained firm in the middle, being pulled into the illusion due to that damned call to kill. He saw the two men but stood firm and was flicked on the head. He was out cold and remained such, the body speaking, “Death has come to this land and those that call them self my enemy shall feel her icy grasp for this day forward I have sold my soul to the Devil so that all of you shall cease to exist.”
Elmyra was willing to go and kill, but found the command had opened a gateway to being locked in a false reality with two men. She readied her ax and ended up flicked on the head. She ended up out cold and spoke, “Death has come to this land and those that call them self my enemy shall feel her icy grasp for this day forward I have sold my soul to the Devil so that all of you shall cease to exist.”
Sol stood at the ready and walked at the kill was given. He enjoyed destroying things and the two illusion men appeared where he had to step back. He then glanced over and ran at Chaos, swinging his blade.
Domme hopped up and down at the kill command and started running out, her mind luckily having her take one backwards hop as she skipped after her brothers and others to go fight Terror. The message creeped her out a little but soon he’d be her slave.
Sembren took to skipping at the kill command, her mind letting her take a hop back afterwards as she wanted to simply see the torture. She was giddy when the message was heard and chills ran up and down her spine.
Venir heard only part of the kill command as he stepped back from the two illusion men. He wasn’t about to take orders from anybody nor fall into some wimpy illusion. He saw the arrow fly by as it headed towards his sister. He spoke to himself, “Hmn… Interesting…” He moved to the three knocked out bodies and decided to finish the job. He pinned the knocked out bodies to the ground with souls in the form of skulls, moving to each body one right after the other as blood exploded everywhere and the three souls were torn apart. He took the time to wipe the blood from himself and even licked a little off his fingers.
She watched with a smile on her face with a smirk. Turning as he felt Terror pull in the energy and shook his head not listening to what was to come and shook his head with a smile on his face and took a seat in his throan. Her eyes feel upon the siblings that where starting a fight then the one that charged at her. She lifted her hand and Sol disappeared and reappeared right infront of the arrow as it whent right between his lungs but it only hit tissue and muscles no vital organs. Shacking his head and looked to them taking a deep breath. She stood and her wings folded back and she whent to speak but all that happened was the stitches pulled and he stopped watching them and just shook his head and walked slowly shifting as he moved tell she was walking along the walls and made it to the door and threw them open and pointed out she knitted her brow as it seemed anger had taken this beasts mind and a breif voice was heard and it shook the whole mansion the sound echoed all the way to terrors ears. Everyones body and mind felt like it was about to expload but then her lips stopped the fact she wanted them out of her home was plane to see.
-Terror hadn’t expected the other warriors to become the target of his attack but he could feel them begin to fall which would make this battle easier. Terror snapped his wrist and a black flame froze the bullets in the air while he shook his head as he growled and screamed when the sonic blast hit his ears. Judge to the woman doubting she would be able to hear him as he ran outside and headed for the forrest and away from the others not caring if she were to follow him. He brought his hands together as he saw the five running towards him and he spoke calmly”Run Aries or you will die from being so close”. Aries vanished quickly heading for the magma pits knowing he could stay warm enough there till Terror was finished. Edenia had placed there out post here hidden with magic so he went into the large tent which was empty and relaxed not wanting to waste his energy when it was not necessary. Terror began to rub his hands together “Hope you bitches like the fucking cold because you in hell now”. He slammed his fist strait down into the ground and it would feel like an earthquake went off for about a mile. It was not strong enough to even knock things off walls but enough to get your attention. He then made a motion all the people who were out cold on the ground in the area vanished into there homes still out cold. The clouds above them began to close up till they were solid black and it would seem night came early but then snow would begin to fall withing five minutes it was a full blown blizzard which lasted till the entire mile was covered in five inches of snow “you all have one hour to fight me or run for your lives because after that your core temperature will drop to a point you will no longer be able to stand.”-
Tenebrae was astonished as the oncoming arrow was blocked by the body of another sibling. She heard the warning uttered by her siblings in that one man’s voice before her eldest brother terminated them forever. She sighed and then was hurt by the sonic blast, stumbling to get out as she uttered, “Thank you” as she ran out the door. She took off in a random direction, not sure where she was going or what she was going to do but stayed away from the place that felt cold. She ran and leaped from place to place where there were breaks in the land and wound up in an area that looked like it could have been a desert. She sighed and moved forward from there, hoping none of her siblings would follow her. She took a little time to pick at some of the soul’s brains. She tried to pick into four soul’s brains; Her parents, Sub-zero’s, and Smoke’s. She managed to at least learn something from all but Smoke. Shao Khan she learned his history, but sadly nothing more about the item she needed to find. Shang Tsung showed how to use her abilities more cohesively. Then from Sub-Zero’s soul she learned something far more important than his Cryomancy, the fundamentals and better forms in Dragon Style. She thought on these and thought about what she was learning from these four souls alone, sitting to attempt to meditate on it while no one was around her.
Rai continued to walk but felt the sonic blast from behind her. This was obnoxious and hurt like hell but she wasn’t about to show her pain. She then felt the cold ahead of her and she slipped her hand on her staff to start the generator. She placed her staff close to herself but found that it wasn’t emitting enough heat to really last going in further to the storm. She stepped away from the dome and walked off towards the Outworld outpost to hang out there for a while.
Sepht heard the sonic boom and shook her head. She continued towards the bastard until it got cold. She heard what he said and said, “ONCE ITS NOT COLD ANYMORE I WILL ANALLY FUCK YOU WITH MY TIT YOU WHORE!” She then turned and ran out of the cold and in a random direction in Chaos Realm.
Leif put a hand to her mouth when her arrow hit her brother. He was evil but not as evil as the little shit that was now getting away. Then the sonic boom went off right next them screeching in their heads. She went out, moving somewhere where it wasn’t too cold and awaited her brother so that they could fight.
Dahk was wandering aimlessly through Chaos Realm, hearing the sonic boom. He rubbed his temples as he tried to make his head stop hurting then feeling it get colder. He watched the clouds and sighed. “I am not going that way,” He assured himself then resumed walking randomly.
Der heard the boom but his mind immediately jumped from it to his mission of killing the Terror person. Then it got cold. “Sllab!” He yelled out and hopped around a bit, “Siht kcuf! Mih ekat nac Nerbmes! ereh attuo kcas mraw ym gnitteg m’i!” He started running and went to get out somewhere warmer.
Blut heard the boom and turned at it. He then felt the cold and heard him speak. He sighed and shook his head, as instead of making a fuss about the cold, he just turned and started walking away. He ended up heading towards where he could find the nearest water source. The nearest river was way too close to the freezing cold. He decided to go somewhere warmer and then leaped into the water and swam away.
Ferel heard the blast and stopped short. Then the cold and talking. He made it a point to run from the cold place and head to the Outworld Outpost.
Termak’s talk with the nice Order Realm man was cut short by the boom. She ran her way out and decided to follow after him, meaning no harm to him but to anyone in their way or to who may follow.
Sol felt the arrow hit his armor and get stuck with just the tip in it from being randomly teleported into its path. As the angry guardian left a boom in his head, he pulled the arrow out and went after Leif. He would enjoy ending anyone and it made him have a small smirk. He stood in front of her where she waited away from the cold a bit as he said, “Well, sister, looks like you’ve been fucked by a god.” He brought his blade down as he charged his sister and pulled the blade up from through the ground in an attempt to slice her in half.
Domme heard the boom then the temperature dropped. She started skipping away and said, “My tits are freezing, have fun sis.” She then took off running.
Sembren ran even when the sound effected her head. She didn’t mind the quake or the cold nor his words. She smirked and said, “Wow, it just got more comfortable here.” She ran at him and did a cute little cartwheel towards Terror as she said, “If I kill you, I can take your soul and use double ice to kill my eldest brother~!” She clapped her hands as she hopped around, rainbow colored ice starting to forming a dome around her.
Venir was fine until the sonic blast went into his head. He made sure to be the last sibling out and said to Chaos, “I apologize for the blood. I could clean it up if you wish?” He made sure to inch out the door, feeling the cold outside and ready to go explore what was going on.
-Terror watched them all start to run away so he ran and did a spinning back fist in a full circle and as he came out of the motion a solid orb fired right off aiming for the right ass cheek of the Khan who dared threaten him with rape. This blast was no where near enough energy to cause true harm but this ball would cause permanent damage to the outer layer of skin that would slowly peel away. He wanted her ass to hurt for her words so that she would speak more serious next time. Terror then caught sight of the one with the whip and he smirked making sure to track her tracks quickly so he could follow her next. Terror then straitened himself as he yelled to the sibling who had shot at him” oh poor child can not deal with a little cold air for a few minutes, Its all I would need to peel your flesh from bone”. He returned to the epicenter of the storm as he calmed it, the snow on the ground would eat at any heat and begin to lower the temperature, his skin already had a black shine to it but he was immune to his own abilities this was another of his powers. He watched the last one begin to cart wheel towards and he stood shocked as she said it was more comfortable. He stood in his fighting style of tiger then her rainbow ice made his mouth fall open luckily it was hidden by his face mask. He screamed with pure hatred”how can a being such as yourself dare have that power”. He closed both hands and now on top of the frozen tundra a dark fog formed at his feet and then spread out till it was behind her then domed up so they would both be blind. Terror summoned his staff then froze the fog onto each end of the staff like blades of toxin. He stood with it behind his back knelt down like he was ready to pounce.-
Feeling the tempeture dropping Chaos narrowed her eyes and walked closer to the flames and sat down near the hottest stones where it made the icey tempertures more barable but she still wanted to go to sleep but her mansion was a safe haven through out this which is why she told everyone to get out in not so many words. Hearing the words of the youngest of the Kahns she smiled and nodded then laid there. Hearing the words of Vanir he shook his head while laying there and pointed towards the door again not even looking to see if they were leaving. Letting his mind wander over the endless possibilities and outcomes and then saw them all happening at once. He thought for a long while before slowly drifting off to sleep where his mind tormented him with memories of the past before he became a denazin of the realm. He remembered when life made sense back when his student still couldn’t punch through a tree. These kind of memories where what truely destroyed his mind as it was a constant reminder of what was gone forever. He knew he would never recover and the only way out was assured destruction. He just prayed as he slept that the elder gods would take pitty on him at some point. This was kombat and he knew what that meant Noob had warned him that one day he would fight and would end up returning home. Though was that really his home anymore a place he should of never been?
Tenebrae stood in the desert where she felt most comfortable, she would try again to pick at information in her father’s soul but he wasn’t letting up. She could even feel his soul fighting back. She took a deep breath and began to think about the more useful things she had learned. She spread her feet apart and clawed her hands like the eagle claws befitting a dragon, them circling to the outside of her body but never being at the same points in rotation. She jabbed at the air and focused on strong but fluid movements, her legs firm, her back straight, moving only when she felt the need to. Then she felt the ice coming back but her flesh began to burn. She curled over and fell to her knees. She took deep breaths as she made her hurting fingers unwrap her bandages to find her skin boiling red and moving up her arms. She tried to focus on getting it to go down and away, gritting her teeth so she wouldn’t scream.
Rai was headed to the outpost but heard her noisy brother following behind. She stopped and awaited him, her generator activating as she focused her magic on his incoming direction. She launched a bolt for his direction then formed a shield of it around herself. This entire time she stood straight and upright.
Sepht felt the icy blast on her ass and that just made her more pissed off. She ran until she could find an area to the west that seemed like an alright place to lay down on her front. “bastard…” She muttered under her breath.
Leif waited for her brother to get near with the blade as she crouched slightly. She heard the blade leave the ground and launched herself into the air into a back-flip to avoid the strike. Using her arched back, she swung her arm behind her to pull an arrow, tipping it in her magic as she landed and shot it at her brother. “Guardians are demi-gods, dumbass.”
Dahk continued to wander aimlessly, not caring where he was going or where he’d end up. He was beginning to get to a place where he decided to circle to the south, making his way unclear as he went.
Der had started heading east, that big shot’s little taunt wasn’t going to deter him. He then suddenly broke to the north out of a random compulsion. He ran in that direction as far as he felt like it before stopping.
Blut remained in the water and started to float. He hadn’t any clue what direction he had gone or was going and decided to climb up since it seemed the water he was heading towards was on fire. He grabbed a stone and climbed up the ledge and peered up to see Dahk, wandering aimlessly. He kept low and watched him.
Ferel had seen his sister ahead of him and wondered why she had stopped, then seeing her generator running he decided that this was not a good thing. He rolled to the side as electricity smacked the ground next to him and he yelled out, “The hell! I thought we’re all fighting for the same side!” He sped up as he summoned a massive club and swung at the electric shield.
Termak decided to keep following where Judge seemed to be going.
Sol caught the shaft of the arrow as it came towards him and snapped it in half, bringing his sword from its already up position to place onto a shield attached to his arm to strike down with its tip harder.
Domme ran South East East, ending up stopping somewhere out in the middle of where she could see the area just south of her. She sighed and curled to to get a little warm.
Sembren heard the words and from her dome she said, “I was born a genetic fuck-up. That’s how~!” She sounded very happy about it and she used her dome to focus herself and lowered its temperature to something more appealing. The fog around the dome began to stick to it and freeze to the dome. It was freezing faster as she dropped the temperature and proceeded to walk forward as she moved her dome with her to where she thought he was in general. She made sure that as she moved she kept it that cold, making sure she took her time getting to him. She spoke, “Okay handsome, let’s dance.”
Venir gave a bow of his head as he left, he thought of where he should go and let the thoughts swirl in his head of where to go. He closed his eyes and as he opened them, looked down to examine footprints. He easily picked out Tenebrae’s boot print and looked where it trailed off to. He smirked and took note in his head where it was going. He instead stepped outside of this cold area and watched from afar. He saw the black dome and it freezing, he smirked thinking his sister was going to bathe in blood. He really had wanted to meet this man so continued to watch without an assumed victor, more a preferred victor of this stranger.
-Terror felt her growing closer even in this darkness his senses were keen and ready along with her cold being greater then his own a fact that bothered him. He did a back flip outside of the darkness and it was with this movement that he finally lost his full grip on concentration and when his feet touched the ground the black fire that onced covered his skin was now burning white and his firce scowl was a sadistic smile as he laughed out loud and spoke “god it good to be back in the world of those who made since”. He felt a heat rising up in him and he sort of enjoyed it as he reached his hand out and a tiny white flame danced across his skin and it seemed to drip from his finger tip onto the black dome of toxic gas. The dome instantly caught turning into a fireball that ate up all the fog that had not been fully frozen and it would burn at the fog as it was unfrozen like a constant accelerate that would burn hotter the more it had to feed on till the ground was scorched in a polished white circle. It was so bright that he couldn’t look at first to see if she was still alive.
Judge got a good ways away and turned back towards”what makes you worth my time outworlder, speak no or die where you stand”.
Laying there his mind wandered and danced. Soon the images faded and returned to him was the darkness of the world around him and slowly the energy paths of the mind of this place gave him a clear view of what was around him and at a great distance able to see what was going on in the realm. Though this was not in such a way that he would be able to see great detail but enough to understand who was who what was what if you could discern that in this realm. It took some getting used to but you could tell what belonged where. Lethargy was setting in as she pulled herself up near the fire to her feet and closed his eyes as the area around her started to get hot feeling her body temperature slowly start to rise. He knew he would have to allow it to revert or he would die but for a while it would suffice and keep him comfortable for a time.
Tenebrae grasped her burning arms as she tried to get a hold of the issue. The fire began to quell, her flesh still scarring from the heat as it receded to her hands. She forced herself to stand back up and practice the knowledge she had gained. She placed her feet wide and sturdy, one foot pointing forward and the other out. She clawed her hands and they rotated in circles, making sure they were never at the same point. She struck outwards with her hands, closing her eyes as she imagined target points. She could see where she should strike, where to block as the soul guiding her showed her what she needed to think and feel. Her hands were charred but not burning very hot anymore as he ran her through the movements of the 16 Hole. She felt great after she had finished, taking a deep breath as her eyes shot open.
Rai took a few steps back as the large object swung through her static shield, unaffected due to its material. Rai then focused her magic on her brother, shooting three times to each place he’d move then regaining her shield around herself. She smirked, knowing it would taunt her brother with how little she moved.
Sepht was still laying on her front, taking deep breaths as she took her hand and gently rubbed the area where her ass had been struck. The sting oddly made her tingle as she let out quiet grunts and moans, her then rolling onto her side with the struck cheek in the air. She continued to rub it as her other hand began to rub something else.
Leif stepped back but her boot got caught by the shield and pinned her to the ground. She pulled arrows in multiple out of her quiver and placed them on the bow. She pulled back the string as far as she could and released the arrows swiftly at point blank for his head, neck, and chest. After releasing those arrows, she pulled out another arrow and fired again for his head if he’d moved. Then she carefully summoned two arrows, firing those for his head and chest.
Dahk continued to walk south, he did not know his brother was watching him and traveled forth.
Der checked out his area and knew exactly where he was. He took the time to sit himself down and rest, thinking his actions through in reverse. He found the end of where he wanted to be and worked what it would take to get there backwards in his mind.
Blut continued to follow his sibling, tracking him to the south and drawing two blades as he held them in each hand. He made sure he got close to his sibling before running up to slice viciously in two slanted slashes from shoulder to hip.
Ferel had to think fast as he unsummoned his weapon by letting go of it and leaping off to the side. The ground charred where he had been standing from the impact of the lightening. He landed only to need to leap off to the side again. He felt the heat off the electricity as his hair stood on end. He saw the third strike and tried to move but the static shot into his knee, the nerves getting a shock down through his leg as they shut off from the static. He pulled his energy into his hand as he landed as a gigantic wooden baseball bat formed in his hand and swung it at the shield first from right to left, then pulled himself forward with a tumble and then top to bottom. He then would summon a giant wooden sword to swing as he used his good leg as a pivot point as well as the bat disappearing as he released it.
Termak looked at Judge and bowed her head to him, saying, “I have for long admired the realm of Order and wish to take OutWorld in its name. I want to eliminate the chaos from the realm and need assistance from those more knowledgeable than I.” She looked back up to him and said, “I have been to Order Realm before, and I yearn for a place such as it.”
Sol smirked as his shield caught his sister but the sudden drawing of arrows lead him to drop the shield where it was and placed his arm over his face. The arrow impaled through his arm armor and jabbed him in the eye as he walked backwards, the one to his neck piercing through just barely missing hitting a vital, the one to the chest making a mark into the same where Chaos had made the previous arrow hit, missing vitals as it went through. The next arrow ended up through his hand as he backed up further and wobbled in her range. The next arrows went through his elbow while the other missed. He then placed his arm down as he stepped back forward a few steps and brought his sword down upon her head. He hoped this would be the killing blow as he put all of his strength into it.
Domme stayed curled up where she was, spreading out as she laid down and looked up at the sky. She blinked slowly and then crossed her legs, thinking about what will happen if her sister can’t kill him. She’d probably try.
Sembren cold feel the un-comforting heat outside of her dome as he became warm. She began to freeze her dome and make it thicker in towards herself as all of a sudden, there was a blaze outside of her dome and made her sweat inside the ice. She froze it colder and condensed it as the explosion of white flames consumed the original outside of her dome. She took a breath when the fire stopped and felt the cold begin to set back in, letting the dome collapse as she glared at him with a light tanning now. She cackled at him as she said, “You think you’re hot shit…” She extended her arm out as ice shot from her hand towards him. If this made contact, he’d freeze up for a foot around the striking point. She threw her other hand forward as well to try and make sure she could trap him. During this she was running forward and was going to attempt to lick him on the nose.
Venir’s sight was blinded as a large flash of white assaulted him, whipping an arm up to shield his eyes. His robe fluttered at the back lash of the blast and he couldn’t see what was going on for a moment. As the blast seemed to die, he placed his arm down to see his sister still kicking. He hadn’t imagined that even she could have survived such a thing, let alone that one who had unleashed it upon her. He became more so interested in Terror, hoping this would end soon so they would be able to converse on certain matters.
-Terror was holding out his right hand which was singed from the blast along with his arm up to the elbow but his ice quickly froze off the wound and the nerve was damaged so he felt no pain. He rubbed away the ash from the blast to reveal all but the face mask and black pants were burnt off of his flesh much like his enemy his body was fully tanned and his long platinum white hair fell over his shoulder but on the right side and not the left where the dragon crest rested on his mark which was the family crest of the house of Khan. He was standing ready with his staff in one hand and his staff now had twin white blades on each end that burnt like the white fire. He saw her send the first blast so he rolled to the side avoiding it. He then side stepped the other in time but the thing was close enough to his skin that it burnt his flesh leaving a red mark. He saw her coming closer raising her face like she was going to head but him but in his maddened state he thought she was lusting for him so he leaped forward so that she would collide with him in a lip lock unless she pulled back quickly but as he got into position he covered himself head to toe in the black ice ready for her kiss to activate his trap of his iron maiden ability.-
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