• The forest

  • Sky the Mongoose

    October 25, 2013 at 4:55 pm

    “I know he is there, but he will not hurt us~, he is just scared.” She looks at Prilla. “Don’t worry, dear, you’re safe.” She gives a gentle, caring smile, before looking towards the man in the trees. “Hello, sir~, won’t you join us?”

  • Prilla “Mary” Ruiz

    October 25, 2013 at 11:19 pm

    Prilla turns to the man, then turns again to see the Tiger, “Come, Come closer, I will not hurt!”

  • Wolf_Lady17

    October 27, 2013 at 12:38 am

    She snorts at the female before taking a tentative step forward. She didn’t like most creatures that resembled humans. She outright hated humans as a species, though she knew that there were a good select few. She made a rumble of a growl deep in her throat that resembled uncertainty. She would soon have to reveal her human side, though that wasn’t yet as she first wanted to know for a fact that these two were no threat before she showed them her weakest form, and even then would she be hesitant. She kept an eye on both as she approached, her eyes ever darting from one to another.

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