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The role play!
Posted by Jazzy on June 8, 2015 at 7:35 pmStart the role play!
cass coltheart replied 9 years, 6 months ago 7 Members · 241 Replies -
241 Replies
Jazzy quietly sat on a rock edge and smiled, “I love being a leader.”
Jazzy hopped down from her rock and landed in the soft white snow. “Calypso?!” Jazzy yelled but whispered at the same time.
*Calypso stopped and her ears pricked and she turned her head*”Yees?” She said softly.
“Is there anything out there?” Jazzy quickly found Calypso and sat down.
“Not at the moment, I did pick up a very faint sent some where over yonder but its nothing to close or to soon to worry about I’m sure,” She said as her tail swished a little from side to side, a little nevus.
Jazzy tilted her head, “Well, keep on sniffing for the fires (forest fires) and warn me as soon as possible if you smell the burning wood. As you know the Southern pack faced the horrible fires, we, the Northern, don’t have any time for the fires. Jazzy faced the moon.
“Yes, I will keep my nose out for smoke,” her ear swiveled before she quietly picked her way through the snow her head higher than before to try and catch any smells in the air.
“okay that’s great.” Jazzy walked back to her rock and soon fell asleep.
*Calypso trecked on in the snow, she stopped stiffly when she saw a grey wolf in the distance. She staired it down, it stepdad a pace forward the scent of the southern clan came to her from the wind. She made warning howl, it stepped forward again, Calypso made another howl but this time more loud. The wolf hesitated then stepped forward again, Calypso growled and barred her teeth at it. The wolf growled back before gnashing its jaws. Calypso pinned her ears on her head before creeping forward with the grumbling of a growl in her throat*”what do you want?” She growled at it, it replied in a deep voice,”Are prey has been pushed up here do you have a problem?” He growled back also pinning his ears and beared his fangs.”Yes,” Calypso said then darted forward, the southern wolf opened his jaws and went to clam its jaws on her leg but only nipped her. She twisted and bit behind his shoulder blade tasting blood, the southerner yipped in pain, Calypso side stepped away before he could land a hit on her. He snarled before sprinting forward at her, she narrowly dodged his lunge she nipped at his tail as he passed. He whirled around and nipped at her face, she swipped at his eye. He yipped and closed it, Calypso hopped back away from him and watched him with a dead pan expression. The souther wolf snarled before rushing forward catching Calypso by surprise and slamming her into a tree that was behind her. She was dazed at first and tried to stand but the southern wolf was on top of her by then, he bit down on her neck. Calypso yelped before she was thrown a couple feet away,”Come on Northerner,” he snarled,”don’t make it to easy,” he stepped forward to rag doll her again, she rolled and got up staining the snow with blood. She looked at him as they circled, after a while Calypso darted forward and slashed the wolf’s nose before jumping back and darting forward again before biting his neck with all her mite. The southern wolf howled distortedly, he did a last stand and slashed at her with his claws making cuts. She held on to him until he went limp, she let go and he slumped to the snow where a little pool of red was forming under his neck. She whispered,”Sorry…” Before hobbling back to the pack.
Jazzy woke up in an instance but by the smell of blood, she was too late, “Calypso!” Jazzy yelled and spotted the hurt wolf.
*Calypso Stumbled to the side then continued to hobble forward*
Jazzy walked up to Calypso and looked at her, “Tell, me what happened while I take you to a den and fix up up.” Jazzy licked Calypso on the snout.
“The fire has pushed the Southern Pack’s prey up here, a wolf from their was going…to go over to are territory…so I… Stopped him,” she said weakly.
“Okay, come with me to my den.” Jazzy walkes over to her den and fluffs up her grass pile.
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